Ohio boy, 15...

Ohio boy, 15, who fled home after his father was gunned down in front of him by his mom's new boyfriend is found living in a family's basement after more than a YEAR
Jacob Caldwell, 15, was with his younger brothers and dad Robert Caldwell in August of 2017 when a gunman opened fire, hitting and killing his father
Six days after the horrific shooting, Jacob fled
Authorities mounted a huge search effort and offered a $15,000 reward
A few days ago, ten digital billboards were set up along Interstate 75 began displaying Caldwell's missing posters to help locate the teen
Sugarcreek Township Police confirm Jacob was found safe on Monday night in south Dayton
Authorities are planning to release more information about Jacob Tuesday
Robert's shooter was later revealed to be Sterling Roberts, the new boyfriend of his ex-wife Tawnney, who is also murder charges.
Meanwhile, six people have been indicted in connection with the death of Jacob's father Robert.
He was walking out of a counselors office with his three kids on August 15, 2017, when he was shot numerous times in the parking lot. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Sterling Roberts, was arrested a few days later after police chased him to South Carolina.
Roberts and Tawnney had recently started a family after Tawnney and Robert Caldwell's divorce. Tawnney was arrested in March this year and charged with murder and aiding and abetting Roberts.
US Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio Benjamin Glassman said Roberts pulled the trigger, but Tawnney created the plot.
Several of Tawney's family members were also arrested for aiding and abetting.


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Poor kid, I hope he learns about how bad diversity is.
fuck me

How is this Zig Forums related?
I think you want >>>Zig Forums

What's your point retard?

The shooter was later revealed to be Sterling Roberts, the new boyfriend of Robert Caldwell's ex-wife Tawnney. Tawnney, who is Jacob's mother, is currently in jail facing murder charges along with Roberts

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Also, 15 is old enough to fight and kill. This isn't some 6 yo kid.

Kill yourself.

Dude's dad got blasted away in front of him. I can understand fleeing the situation, especially if he couldn't himself acquire a firearm.

Hope the kid finds some solace, and that his dad's murderer gets sodomized relentlessly in prison.

Reported for bumping an off topic slide.

Future three letter asset. Sad.

It’ll be young men like this that’ll serve as the best warriors for the future Reich. There won’t be a single fucking day of his existence that he won’t be reminded what they took from him.


It says news in the board header you faggot

Police found Jacob living in the basement, Fox 45 reported.
He did not appear to have been locked in and was free to move around the house, where there were four adults living, officers said. But Brown added that Jacob did not go outside or socialize with any other children.
Brown said the teen seemed 'traumatized' but physically healthy and is currently being held at Greene County Juvenile Detention Center.

it's comforting to know the boy is safe an being held at the Juvenile Detention Center.

Fuck, forgot my sage.

That said: fuck you too faggot

it looks like a nice safe space for a 15 year old boy to be housed after their father is murdered in front of them.

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Holy fucking Sanpaku eyes


yeah you're right, we should make thread #11 for some retarded porn star. And not see that this is the ultimate result of single-momming that, in turn, results from jews empowering women to make their own choices instead of being treated like property like they were in better times.

Should have led with that rather than spamming a fucking irrelevant news article.

Bumplocked. This topic is not politics-related and should go on Zig Forums

holy shit it's 3kliksphilip

Thanks 4, this place is becoming insane with all the invaders.

wow she looks like a whore


I wonder what jew propaganda convinced her destroy her family? Kardashians? Cosmo? The View? Huff Post?

burn the coal pay the toll