Alex cornered live on air about tranny porn

I dunno goyim does his defense hold any water? Is it air tight?
I think this nigga gay

Other urls found in this thread:

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What did you expect him to say? "Don't marry jewish women, kids. They'll fuck you up."

lmao that's like something a 14 year old would tell their mom when they get caught

Great leadership Alex.

Attached: Kid caught watching porn.mp4 (360x360, 1.3M)

We have reached some sort of critical mass where memes have now started pouring into reality at such an exaggerated rate, I'm willing to bet we'll end up electing Ron Paul's corpse into office by 2030.

Everyone here knows this but the funniest part is that it was a tranny fucking a man in the ass. He can't even try the "traps aren't gay" excuse, he literally wants to get fucked in the ass.

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You can beat off to stuff without wanting to engage in it. You're a freudian-tier moron and your image is highly degenerate filth.

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If any of you were smart about any kind of attack on jones or trying to see him defend it, you should tweet it to Trump. Trump gave infowars a word of endorsement during the campaign. How would he react to suspicions of Jones being a dicklicker?



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Dude, all porn has some self insertion value in it. When you masturbate, you basically trick your brain into thinking "I am releasing my biology, I am passing on my genes to what I think is a woman, despite any of the content I am watching. This gives me satisfaction".

Thats why there's a case to be made against watching any kind of porn that involves a man having sex with a woman, and your perspective is from the third person. I think the argument is that you are rewiring your brain to associate the satisfaction of orgasm, and the fake "passing on your biology" feeling to seeing another man have an orgasm with an unrelated woman. And then theres this whole thing of "pornstar obsession", wherein if you have a favourite pornstar or whatever you're essentially a cuckold because you see her getting fucked by a bunch of different dudes, and you associate your own pleasure with the pleasure of other men.

Its why I say if you're going to masturbate to porn, listen to audio/text erotica that puts the focus on YOU or just use your imagination. Otherwise don't do it, since masturbation is actually unhealthy. Seminal fluids that you end up wasting from masturbation end up being recycled by the body if not used and go toward providing proper joint and muscle function.

tl;dr Alex Jones is gay

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I just finished jerking it to a bunch of east indian women thumbnail gallery pics.

I've had E Indian women ask me out and nothing doing. Can't stand them in person,but it's the internets, time for some weird creepy fucked up shit to wrap my jaded brains around.

I don't care what shit Alex does with his jimmies.

He woke a shit load of people up to 911, USS Liberty and the Federal Reserve. Do I always agree with him? No. But he did do a lot of good.

Sucks to see him under attack like this.

It's bullshit

that's a dog ate my homework tier excuse, I'd love to see body language ghost analyse that video

Ay yo hol up… so you mean to tell me the water filter merchant doesnt know how to disable popups?

There was more damage control on the other side of the break.

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I'd say it's about as tight as a tranny's fronthole.

Also this from earlier in the broadcast

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fucking moron


The commies are always trying to take this shit to a stupid freudian bullshit level.
Thanks, Alex, we really need more of this bullshit propaganda from the left.
Fuck, man.

I honestly hope he hangs himself.

Doesnt matter that the entire psychology communities recognizes the kike motherfucker as a fraud, the kikes love him and use his tactics to undermine traditional white society anyway, it's fucked up. He's god damn right about the left trying to normalize pedophilia though. Surprised (((they))) arent trying to shut him down over that.

your jewish gatekeeper is no more goldberg

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Which he blames on the Saudis

Which he says was LBJ's fault

Which he says isn't controlled by jews.

Only if you're a kike.

Better go after Ben Garrison and other libertarians next. Better hit all the pro-whites who somehow happen to not be natsocs too. Only 8/pol/ can be for pro-whites. Fighting white genocide must be done in a small anonymous community and never outside of it, goy. Never trust anyone you can actually fucking see or hear.

Bullshit. You're totally a faggot now. You fucking homo. Bog yourself.

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You're totally a fucking retard. I dont even look at porn. Way to prove this shit is some kind of inorganic raid bullshit by insulting people who aren't even defending jones let alone saying anything about themselves whacking it to dickporn or porn at all. You're a (((freudian))) communist kike and your day of physical removal is approaching.

people beat off to vore (being eaten if you didn't know). i'm sure most of them don't really want to be eaten alive


Guilty as fuck. He'd be better off just going with it.

Alex Jones abused steroids at some point. It's why he's a gorilla faced prematurely aged fatty. It also probably altered his brain chemistry in some way to make him have weird porn interests. It's not uncommon for roid abusers to become fags, trannies, or be attracted to them. I guess it could also be a weird publicity stunt, but most likely the dude really does watch gay tranny porn.

If that's your jewtube, upload the whole thing which makes it much more damning. Including

Looks like he has botox implanted.

This isn't cuckchan faggot.

First of all, gas yourself.
Second of all, who cares?
This whole "scandal" is retarded.
The cold genocide of White South Africans is in the process of going hot. What e-celebs wank to is NOT IMPORTANT.
This is middle-school-gossip-tier stupid.

there's already a thread on this bullshit check the catalog
also he guilty af looking like a kid that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar

your either a jew, or an enabler, either way gas yourself

kill yourself now user, before its too late ,you wanna be eaten?

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You would be correct if Alex Jones wasn't a tranny porn watching peddler of bad optics, shit tier beliefs, pro-kike interests and only existed to discredit anything right from the porn he watches.
His contributions to our race are a net loss.

He's such a shit liar, both body language, speech, eyes everything let alone he can't keep it straight to save himself while trying to distract from the topic, typical kikeishness.
>it didn't torture me too much

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Showing how willing Jonestein is to lie is an important step in waking up his followers and making them realize who the traditional enemy really is.

>they have these traps

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Misdirecting people about those incidents blaming anything and anyone except the real perpetrators (jews) is waking people up…..ok reddit

I'm with this user I fap to some fucked up shit but I'm a virgin
I haven't fapped to a guy getting fucked up the ass by another guy tho even pegging turns me off Alex jones is gaye as fuq

Are you contributing to the South African genocide thread? Are you of nigger intelligence and unable to pay attention to multiple topics with varying degrees? I ask these questions to get a better idea of how big of an Alex Jones fan you are, not to refute your stupidity.
Polite sage for off-topic.

As far as Jones goes, I dont want this to turn into an opportunity for the commies to be emboldened with their old "if you hate gays you must be gay" memes. I haven't seen that approach tried for a long time, and it would be bad. Jones getting caught kinda fucked the right in general, and he isnt playing it off in a cool way at all. Can't believe he was this stupid, but then again, it is Alex Jones.

No honest man would ever make such a lie…

He exists to fuck the right. He is far from a noble figure and serves as a quick joke to discredit most right wing beliefs in normal conversation. As soon as a person brings up Alex Jones in a conversation designed to spread information that person is treated as mentally slow, solely because Alex Jones is an obvious joke. Everything he does is designed to merchant harder than a pureblood kike.
Also, I like that both AJ threads about this are now anchored but the defense thread is not.

Fine mods, anchor this shit. But anchor all of it, not just the ones that don't fit your e-celeb preference.

I honestly lost some respect for him with this.
If he had just owned it and moved on it wouldn't have mattered as much, but now he gave leverage to the left AND elements on the right to bring him down.
I don't know that I would handle any better if my browser history went public though.
I wouldn't

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they anchored it?

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They really thought we would just forget and let go about the 2008/2012 elections.

If anybody has a jewtube channel, here's his full defense in the same quality as the stream. It's guaranteed views.

Everything I upload, even without naming the jew, gets quarantined, and I can't find an SMS activator that works for jewgle anymore. If anybody knows one…

Attached: alex-jones-protocols-prediction.jpg (620x413, 194.43K)

maximum shoah damage control
should have at least scripted your response Jonsie, you done goofed

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I live in South Africa.
its not a scandal brainlet, it is memes coming to life and causing destruction.

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turn it into a redemption thing, christians eat that shit up

I've been sent dozens of fucked up videos just for shits and giggles, I've misclicked on plenty of bullshit and clicked on a load of misleading filenames.

And there's the probem. There's a picture of a link and nothing more.

What's visible on his phone is the related video under the player on xvideos. So not only was he watching a gay porno of a man fellating another man, but he was digging around for another of his videos to follow up with.

Hi jew. I'm sure you watch lots of degenerate porn, but that isn't necessarily the case here. It was you lying hook noses who in your desperation brought this up and because it's really nothing, you tried to sell it with, 'caught jerking to'. His dick wasn't out and his hand was on his crotch. He could have visited the tube site earlier for other videos, you know how you fuckers are pushing for us to upload everything that Youtube is now banning. So there's an explanation for the screen. I would have to go and see and use his type of browser to confirm but why would I? He doesn't name the jew. Never has and still isn't doing so.

You leftist assholes are 100x sicker so it's ironic that you think THIS would invalidate him and not his own past exploits like Arabs and now the Chinese controlling Hollywood.

we still wouldnt deserve the great Dr. desu.

Because, Alex Jones IS a jew.

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You're getting better Rob, I'll give you that.

Underrated post of the current year

Considering making that my desktop tbh.

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Lol, I meant femdom, but that works too.

This is why your a virgin, user

According to infowars, Alex's "employee" and apparent handler Roger Stone was involved in child trafficking for blackmail on behalf of Israel

made this up yesterday… for anyone wants the proof of the xvideo page… was cringy as fuck blurring it out.

Attached: jones tbabe proof.jpg (1545x1517, 434.19K)