What this development does not suggest is that AWD has splintered as a result of infighting. In fact, AWD and SC-supporters on Gab have added “Sonnenkrieg Division” to their profile bios, such as Commando and Groz. Note that both users include a link to the Siege Culture website.
Interesting development, imo.
I know a lot of alt kike faggots like to screech about the gaytanism and call them LARPers, but I can't see these guys giving a shit about any hate speech laws, nor getting proscribed as a terroras organization in Europoor countries.
It's going to be interesting to sit on the sidelines of this one and watch asses get inflamed on all sides.
Back to >>>/trs/ faggot Almost every recent noteworthy national socialist youth group came outof Iron March So your racist libertarianist modernism can reign supreme?
Benjamin Gray
That art style makes me think you want to cut yourself.
Cooper Cook
It's an expression of secret homosexuality and/or menstruation envy
Lucas Flores
i have nothing to do with AWD and this artstyle but thanks for the boomer-tier take, plebbit
its always about the bodily fluids with you kikes, isnt it?
Joshua Young
You're welcome. Propaganda should be nice to look at. The aesthetics are off. Take a look at color theory as well as historic propaganda.
William Jones
Yeah, it's funny how the aesthetic screams "edgy leftist".
Adam Powell
Burger neo nazis need to stay fucked off in the US. They are always feds retards or both
Luis Hernandez
Anthony Peterson
kike calls me kike
You should read up on their butt-buddy James Mason. He's a convicted pedo
this. We don't want burgers here. We didnt want you 6 June 1944 and we dont want you know
Jace Perez
< literally no evidence for this < hurr any teenager is pedo
Juan Hall
Do you not understand the point of propoganda?
Isaac Hall
answer the question
Noah Bailey
The point of propaganda is to to persuade, no?
James Cook
the fundamental purpose of propaganda is to change the political landscape and shift the overton window. do you think that this can only be achieved via the usage of fluffy and nice, aEsThEtiC images, designed to appeal to the sensibilities of brainwashed plebs?
Jaxson Baker
fuck siege, fuck duganism fuck satanism fuck luciferianism and fuck this group… looks like another O9A outfit.
if these guys are so hard then they will start blowing down police hq's and offing the zop cops , but yeah duganism equates to luciferianism in my eyes since the same powers that be are behind it and the o9a crowd are simply low tech mk-ultra fags tbh
Joseph Foster
are you retarded? dugnism is the alt kike retards, there's no connection between those idiots and AWD or O9A sataniggers.
Daniel Young
The fundamental purpose of propaganda is to influence and further an agenda. Apparently it comes in a variety of styles, depending on what that agenda is; demoralization, advertising, incitement and so on.
If you're trying to woo people to your cause, then your imagery should reflect that. if you're trying to demoralize your opposition, your imagery should reflect that. Currently your propaganda looks like something /trannypol/ imagines 'nazis' would create. It doesn't inspire, create fear or even bestow the reader with information. It just looks like some washed out edgy shit that would be at home on some self-released metal album cover, back in the days boomers bought music on CDs.
Connor Long
what part of "I have nothing to do with AWD or SKD" do you not understand?
Brayden Parker
breivik is a kike lover puppet and gets the rope siegeculture - litteral irl brainlets that say assad is white gas for thee
David Lewis
its okay this is a safe space, just admit that you are a terrorist.
Christopher Clark
Yeah, I imagine they think people will find this shit scary or intimidating but they won't. It's like some death metal album cover as you say, and if you ever ask what non-metal fans think of edgelord bands like Cannibal Corpse, they find it laughable, not scary. Commies love similar edgelord imagery and talk about how they're going to send us all to gulags etc. and they're just as laughable.
You can't project an image of fear or power when you are in no such position of power. It just comes off as impotent rage. This sort of thing only attracts mentally unstable Whites who tend to get arrested for chimping out or trying to build bombs in their bedroom.
Adrian Wright
These satanfags are among the first to get the rope. Right after the kikes and fags.
Jayden Lopez
nice try CIAnigger kike
Jackson Morales
Huh would ya look at that, Liber 333 advises tells it's readers to infiltrate far right/NS groups and manipulate them towards serving Satanic goals and larping as some sort of negative energy vampire.
Aren't AWD the fags who carve shit onto their gf's asses and other degenerate shit? A true pro-white movement should be wholesome and promote the creation of families, morality, and self discipline. These idiots do nothing but promote the idea that pro-white groups are edgy satanic terrorists bent on murder and heavy metal style posters. I refuse to believe any honest pro-white person would join such a group, and that they must therefore all be mentally ill faggots duped by glow-in-the-darks.
Julian Rogers
I just remembered this story. Jesus Christ how embarrassing. archive.fo/2f02s
Gay. Just totally over the top immature teenage edginess. And I don't even have anything against the basic original idea of Atomwaffen. If young (underage) guys want to get together, organize and work on becoming as dangerous as possible, good. But their propaganda is just try hard and cringy. I still wish them well though.
Eli Myers
How can you do a night of the long knives if violence is wrong?
Samuel Gomez
James Perez
And commies and kikes. This thread is infected with them.
Indeed. If a bunch of kids dressing militia style and publishing some creepy posters trigger such a hysterical response from shills and ZOG, imagine if they actually engage in real revolutionary activity. At this time, to call them terrorists is inaccurate at best and a slanderous lie at worst. The only violence showed is when there were some disagreements among them. Nothing different to a street gang solving disputes.
NS is an ideology based on biology and harmony with nature. This looks like more Nihilist controlled opposition bullshit. If they start making vivid and sun based posters not this death cultist shit then they have a chance. Fucking hollywood nadsee horseshit.
David Parker
I RED SEEJ and there was nothing really substantial in it. It was largely just bitching and moaning and passing blame.
They seem to be going for edgy radicals not getting civnats like TRS
Luke Flores
Can Europeans gain access to high-powered rifles and optics?
Jackson Morgan
Can these Satanist fucks stop ruining good symbols? Their Death Cult is the polar opposite of the Black Sun and everything it stands for, just like how they defile the Swastika with their "SEEGE" shit. They will get the long knife treatment for being as fucking stupid as they have been. Getting 4 white people thrown in prison and killing 4 white people is not just embarrassing, its a sign of a psychotic group that should receive the support of no one No amount of re-branding will change that
Henry Taylor
Luke Jackson
There's no need to lie, user, you're anonymous. I can tell you haven't actually read the book.
Missed opportunity with file name, could be:
Good luck long knifing the covert militia that releases no public information, buddy.
Face it user. If you are redpilled enough about women, you should already understand that she wanted it. Women are wicked creatures looking for strong emotions and the bluepilled approach is homo and they resent it.
fuck these edgy photoshop larping faggots, it goes in the same oven as operation werewolf. don't forget to sage.
Aaron Collins
A man can be incel and weak; and a man can have nigger-tier degenerate impulses; and then there's sad enough to pluck pictures of an abused white woman off of skidbin and cut us all with your fake edge.
I also notice this pic has turned up on cuckchan, so you're clearly a traveler. Why don't you hitch your wagon back up and lead the rest of the Gypsies back over there? There's a good fellow.
I don't care for satanism, not the kind of magick I would be engaging in. Tell me how you plan to "long knife" AWD and SIEGECulture. Citation needed, TRSodomite.
Brandon Adams
Seems like this is another honey pot designed to catch all extreme wrong thinkers out there…
Robert Turner
After closer inspection I may be wrong and right. Certainly it is not a group working in our interest but it looks like a jewish meme of 'Evil Nazi' taken to the extreme - hating everyone and everything and wanting to kiil everyone who even slightly disagrees with them… Seems like another jewish psyop aiming at alientating our cause from normies as much as possible. These slogans of embracing hate are certainly NOT going to benefit our cause…
Brayden Gomez
Normies should be killed
Carter Sullivan
Dubs checked, shill busted!
< North-west-front. < Doesn't realize most drug deaths are dindus, spics and other cums. < Believes (((System))) propaganda about Better Korea. Your beer belly is showing, boomercuck!
That weirdo and his GF really needs to be re-educated, tho.
You kikes always expose yourselves with this trash rhetoric. Love doesn't exist without hate. If you do not embrace hate, you do not embrace love, you are a soulless void of a man.
Landon Robinson
Sounds like something out of a video game, or some hardcore LARP. I can't even take this shit seriously.
Samuel Powell
That's because the thinktank or glow-in-the-dark agency that came up with the whole psyop probably hired (((writers))) who have worked on games.
Julian Walker
Psy Op Part 2 – Euro Faggotry It is on the front page of a faggy MSM news site (((Welt))), so important!
So it is some gay Limey secret squirrels.
If it is some unimaginative, stale, warmed up black propaganda.
Eli Roberts
The guy who made atomwaffen was extremely autistic.
Luis Perez
take your meds (((james mason)))
Charles Davis
Any proof of honeypot?
Luis Lewis
Breivik was our goy, chaim.
Caleb Richardson
American feds need to fuck off
Adam Anderson
AtomwaffenDivision was created by a teenager who was groomed in a CIA run chatroom.
Lucas Mitchell
Brandon Russell. Yes. He was groomed in an internet chatroom (Tinychat Third Position) which was closely affiliated with a CIA front organization (American Freedom Party) which is controlled by a CIA agent (William Johnson).
Luis Wood
Iron March was run by a GRU asset.
Austin Butler
Devon Arthurs was groomed in the same CIA run chatroom (Tinychat Third Position) that Brandon Russell was. They first met in that chatroom.
Anthony Robinson
Also note that Devon Arthurs and Brandon Russell lived together in Tampa, Florida, the location of MacDill Air Force Base, which is the headquarters of US Special Operations Command.
Connor Johnson
slavros wasn't GRU you utter retard your posting style is so obviously JIDF it's painful