Midterm Preparedness Guide

The purpose of this thread is to provide Zig Forums a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms, spread awareness of how important it is to take part in the midterms, and provide a platform to take action to achieve specific objectives that will prevent any semblance of a “Blue Wave.”





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Other urls found in this thread:


Low quality thread.

yawn, this is barely politics related. These generals are needed right before then, not now

sage and report these off topic threads

Also don't forget the three "B's" for when the election is openly stolen: Bullets, Beans, Bibles

This was not a kike free first post.

>The purpose of this thread is to provide Q-LARPERS a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms

The process for midterms starts this month and September, so yeah right now. November is mayor elections and some other important elections.
So yeah right now, unlike when I made the first thread with the creepy singing fish.

If you're American and care to vote then this information is relevant to you, so fuck off.

When OP, without even trying, creates 'The Proud Goys' next shield-design and a guy who isn't even a member of 'The Proud Goys' yet steals the idea and takes it on his first prayer vigil

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go back to your containment board. Which one? qresearch?

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The fact that your first response is merely to pull bullshit out of your ass to try and slander me and not talk about the midterms speaks volumes of your loyalty. Midterms is political and I am doing nothing wrong in making a general midterm elections thread.
Your gorn pics are pretty stale too, it's like you just skimmed off the only thing being posted instead of having your own collection handy.

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An election general is a hell of a lot better than a shitty one sentence slide for every fucking state.

Arizona primaries Aug. 28
Florida primaries Aug. 28
Oklahoma primary run-offs* Aug. 28
Massachusetts primaries Sept. 4
Delaware primaries Sept. 6
New Hampshire primaries Sept. 11
Rhode Island primaries Sept. 12

You do not have time to sit and wait to register to vote anymore.

Fuck off back to your containment.

Nobody is stopping you from not voting for the midterms, tonight all primaries for August are over so now it's time for September.
You IP hopping faggot.

No faggot different guy, noo go back.

If you even bothered to look eac.gov is an official website for elections and thegreenpapers is literally just midterms information cataloged into one place like pic related senate candidates. You're the only one in this thread who is retarded enough to associate that Q stuff with the midterms.

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Alright any guys I should vote for?

like I'm not saying not to vote, 'cause I sure will, but just don't think it does anything or make it top priority because it really doesn't and it shouldn't be. priority should be to redpill as many white people as possible and encourage the redpilled white people to procreate extensively, do martial arts and firearms training, arm themselves and supply themselves with food/medical supples/prepper shit/etc.

elections aren't going to change anything, we need to forment racial conflict and ensure that whites are equipped to win said racial conflict and then for the predominate opinion among whites to be that we need a whites-only society afterwards

Depends on the state you live in, the state in that pic is Massachusetts so John is obviously a soy eating cuck or a Jew look at this fucking faggot. If I wasn't tired right now I'd give him a blushing ahego face with a black dude right behind him.
Independents obviously never stood a chance so it's just a matter of how much you'd care about guns and free speech.

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We need some new memes for the midterms

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Now that I think of it yes we should need new memes, but from Doom.


do you remember how much effort it took to get people here excited for the elections last time?
I m gonna have to see some quality memes before i start caring about strangers
i dont even know who is running
the kosher sandwhich circus is looking really boring right now
might actually have to go outside and look for my own fun

Vote for whomever Trump is endorsing in your state

It's an election you retard.

I'm not sure blindly following whoever Trump wants is a smart move. Shouldn't we check them to make sure they won't be traitors who cuck for immigration?

Kikes are in overdrive trying to downplay importance of midterms.

One of the reason Trump gives for his endorsement is candidates strong position on borders

Thanks for posting this OP. I don't know if it'll be any good though. The mods ousted the last shitty board owner and replaced it with people who refuse to do anything about shills or spam, so all you're going to get is people saying not to vote. If you ever waste a (You) on them, just say "If voting is so useless, why are you going through this much effort to convince everyone not to vote?" Any actual Zig Forumsack knows that voting while prepping for the DOTR is the proper solution, since the two aren't even mutually exclusive.

Codemonkey is the site admin, and it's not mods it's globals. Zig Forums is basically ran like a milder /b/ so get used to it.

Friendly reminder that literally everyone telling you not to vote is 100% guaranteed a kike.

Bump because important

Voting down ticket democrat just to spite you anti-white shill faggits.

I don't know how it looks for anyone right now. Is it going to break even with minimal leads for the GOP? I absolutely fucking hate that I have to support these left of center kike politicians Or will the left gain control in one of the houses or both? Or will the GOP further establish control of both houses? What about gubernatorial races?



They will do the same thing Republicans have been doing.

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I'm not staying home. I'm voting down ticket democrat to spite you kushner shills who have ruined this board.

Filtered and reported

Remember the Luther Strange endorsement? Lots of people were wondering why he would endorse Strange and not Moore, given that Moore seemed a lot more anti-establishment? It's because the media/spooks had an operation ready to go against Moore, and nothing against Strange. What happened? Alabama went blue for the first time in decades.

Trump is always right.

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The data shows that republicans are slightly worse than democrats when it comes to allowing in illegals. Republicans also have a worse track record with amnesty.

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Let me know when you people start banning anons who criticize trump and start losing users like last time, okay?
I will compile the screenshots for a /cow/ thread.

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Republicans are also generally worse on deficits and debt (Obama being a notable exception) despite considering themselves "deficit hawks". The reason is that they cut taxes without cutting spending, and often increase spending, so instead of the public paying for it now, we'll pay for it later. However, you should still vote Republican. Why? Because even though the Democrats aren't necessarily always worse on these issues, they are an incubator for something worse. As the Dem party radicalizes more and more, genuine socialists will finally be able to take it over, and then the disparity between the Democrats and Republicans on immigration and spending will be far worse. This is why Jews fund the Dems more than the Republicans. Add to that, current Dems are definitively way worse on every other issue, including speech, gun rights, and crime. Don't be fooled by today's Republicans being cucks, and the establishment Dems being cowards. They are trying again and again to get an anti-white socialist in the driving seat (Bernie, Cortez), and when the demographics get bad enough, they will get one. Don't be fooled by how much of their plan they've enacted right now, Democrats are way worse than Republicans. Always vote Republican. It's a binary choice. That's how the US system works.

In 2017, Trump, with Republican majority in Congress, deported fewer illegals than Obongo did in 2015 or 2016. It's all theater.

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And Bernie genuinely would have been better than Trump. Not even joking. He would have cut military spending, taxed the fucj out of rich faggots (who are almost all anti-white and/or jewish), and he even called out open borders being a capitalist plot.

No, it's just that either Trump or everyone surrounding him is a cuck. Even so, you are still going to get further with a party that lies to you than one that openly says it's going to oppose what you want. At least there's a possibility that /ourguy/ could get into the Republican party and make it honest for once. There's zero possibility of that in the Democratic party.

He flip flopped on immigration as soon as he was challenged. He was fundamentally a coward who let black lives matter bully him. He would have enacted anti-white policy domestically.

Empirical evidence shows otherwise.
Just as much possibility as with the Republican party. I would actually guess that republicans internally police harder for /ourguys/ than Democrats do, to be honest. You could run with crypto-natsoc policies in the Democrat party, tax the anti-white and Jewish elements to death, but would get nowhere with that in the GOP.

My midterm choices are, both congressionally and for governor, a cuckolded zionist or a cuckolded white Marxist.



He would not have given tax cuts to anti-white companies that are censoring us, barring us from finance, and so on.

The problem with being crypto-natsoc is that demographics will eventually lead to you having to be more and more crypto until no nat is left, just soc, and soc without nat spirals into their agenda. The other thing is that if you raise taxes enough to destroy the rich, you'll destroy your economy. Taxes should be high enough to fund government programs and avoid debt, not high enough to destroy the rich, many of whom aren't anti-white. Natsoc is about class collaboration, give a little get a little, not class war.

The other thing is that I don't buy that the Repubs internally police harder. They're just more cowardly. There's been a spate of white nationalist Republicans running at lower levels lately, and sure they are countersignaled and so on, but at least they can exist. You can actually talk about nationalism in the Republican party. We've moved the Overton window a little, so that people like Tucker Carlson have started talking about our issues. The potential is much higher even with setbacks than trying to go crypto and trying to enact nationalist policy without naming it or talking about it in a party that's inherently more and more for brown people. Even if the Dems were marginally better on immigration, they are for domestic blacks, and cover for racist criminals. Trying to infiltrate that massive machine without being caught and turn it around is way harder than just convincing conservatives to stop being cowards and enforce what they already believe.

Anyone got a damage report on the Florida results?

Trump has his eye on Google now, so there's that.

It would be more easier to replace them tbh.

That's a good thing.
People like Pat Buchanan have been talking about (what you call) "our issues" for decades, even on cable news. Rush Limbaugh has been talking about similar things to Tucker Carlson for decades too. The window has not moved at all.
They don't already believe it. You believe Republicans are cowards. The reality is that they are malicious.

It's a bit early for total collapse accelerationism. We still have a lot of chances.
If so we can hoist them on their own petard. They belong to a party that uses nationalistic rhetoric at least since Trump. The base can turn the party more nationalist, just like how the tea party was able to change the structure of the party. Even if they are malicious, they made the mistake of having a party that pretends to be right wing, so all we have to do is call their bluff, and only elect pro-white candidates at a local level, and in primaries.

No, Trump only tweeted about google. There is no indication he has any intention of acting on it in any way. In fact, tweeting about it shows that he probably won't act on it, because if he actually planned on attacking google he would keep those cards close to his chest. It is just an empty threat that serves two purposes: 1. Try to get google to concede some ground willingly. 2. make Trump look "tough" so people will get excited for midterms and turn out. It is very unlikely that Trump will do anything against google.

Oh, another thing. The window has moved. Rush Limbaugh was a talk radio extremist in the background fringe. Tucker Carlson has a show on Fox News the mainstream conservative channel. That's a big difference.

There is no time too early. Wait too long and we will not be able to capitalize on an economic depression anyway because of low population percentage.

Rush Limbaugh is very mainstream and has been the number one radio talk show for decades.
It is a big difference, in that Limbaugh's audience dwarfs Tucker's by a huge margin.

Okay look, I agree with you the Republicans are shit. I just don't understand how you think you can crypto-natsoc the Dems. You seem to be saying we just let them get what they want and it will collapse faster, but we don't know that. It's a big risk.

I don't think we could do that. I was just making a point that republicans are no more pro-white than democrats are, so focusing on winning elections for republican politicians is fucking stupid. If there were actually some strategy behind it, then maybe it would make sense, but GOP shills on this board just tell people to vote for any republican because "at least they aren't Dems." That is not a winning strategy, short or long term. It's just dumb. We have enough white race aware people that we could actually make up a power block that could apply pressure at the ballot. But we can't exercise that power if people are just voting for any republican regardless.

Take a look at how Jews exercise their power as a minority block. Do they just throw support behind any faggot because of party affiliation? No, because it's an ineffective strategy for morons. Look at Corbyn in the UK for a perfect example. He is a socialist, multiculturalist, etc. He is exactly what Jews would want, except that he is opposed to Israel. So the Jews attack him and call him antisemitic and Jews are pulling out of the labour party for it.

Of course the problem then is that third parties can't win, so it seems like there's no alternative to the GOP/Dem dichotomy, unless you change the party system. We could try pushing for that, but I'm not sure what the alternative system should be, or how we're going to get it changed. You'd need to get into power in order to change the party system, which means you'd need to vote one of the two parties at least at first, until you've done that. Do you have a concrete plan that sidesteps the parties and still allows us to do that?

There's absolutely no point in voting anymore. It only do us harm as in the eyes of the lemmings it legitimizes this malicious system of Jewish domination. The GOP won the elections fair and square. In fact Republicans couldn't win any more if they tried to. Trump is the president of the United States, Republicans control the Senate and the House of Representatives plus the Supreme Court, but ask yourself one question; are our interests secured? Have we stopped the browning of America? Has the help to Israel been cut off? Have we ceased playing the role of world police on behalf of the Jews? Have we reversed the demographic's shift? We're in fact still in deep shit. Nothing has really changed after Republicans came into power. There's no point in trying to abide to Jewish rules. Kikes designed this system. They profit from it. It makes them wealthy and powerful. You just can't outsneak the sneaks in their own game as the late commander Rockwell put it. The last chance of ever changing the system by the ballot was lost with him being murdered by kikes in 1967. They feared him so much they had to kill him. They aren't scared of any Democrat and Republican politician, Trump included.


the soap box has been used, the ballot box has been used, the jury box is jewed to shit, that leaves the ammo box anons….

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I don't believe in democracy but it is the system we live under so we have to use it for our advantage.


Jews are everywhere

Rick Scott won the republican primary. Bill Nelson, Rick Scott, Michael Levinson, David Weeks are the general election candidates for Florida. Yes Rick Scott is a creepy pedophile and possibly a Jew he's got that look in all the pictures I've seen of him.

Neither of those people had a highly rated primetime television show. Sure Rush had a radio audience, but he never cracked into TV. The overton window has certainly moved

Has never worked, ever. Not once. Do you wanna know what happens if taxes for rich people get too high for them? They leave and simply stop paying any taxes outright, not even undercutting the taxes they owe through loopholes just straight up packing their bags and leaving with all their gains.

That is the desired effect, so that would be perfect.

Millions more people listen to radio. Limbaugh gets 14 million per week and Carlson can't even crack 3 million.

Absolutely 100% false. He would have taxed the fuck out of the upper class and middle class. Both of which are majority white. The upper class, while in the upper class, are not rich enough to have teams of accountants and economists working on their money to make it untaxable. Those are aristocrats and plutocrats. They wouldn't see a fucking thing changed.


And are also majority anti-white. They can burn in hell.
That would be made impossible. Their only choice would be to fuck off somewhere else, which is the second best option behind extermination.

Don't forget disposable lighters. Holy shit those things will be worth their weight in platinum if things get a little fuckey and savage.

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Bernie had no intention of winning. One night he's in Washington Square in NYC in spring 2016 holding a massive nighttime rally that had Hillary supporters on Twitter comparing it to Nuremberg, but two days later he runs off to the fucking Vatican to sit at some conference and do nothing. Guy's supposedly running for president and right before the New York primary he just leaves for the weekend for a conference at the Vatican that had even the fucking pope saying, hey, we don't know why this dude invited himself here, this conference isn't even that important. Ask people from Vermont who remember him as mayor and congressman; he's really not all that bright beyond a few stock phrases he can spit out when pressed. His brand is rumpled-intellectual-on-the-run-can't-talk-now-whoever-you-are. He would not have made a good president any more than any of the others, because like most of the others, he's just putting on a show, too.

Every time this has happened the country or kingdom they leave became flat broke overnight because all the infrastructure they privately maintained and funded. Now I know you'll say that's a good thing in regards to surveillance or other dystopian shit but those things are paid by intelligence agencies and will not only be maintained but will be doubled down to maintain order over people who are now in a situation where they have to fight and survive while trying not to attract Feds who'll come in and kill them for their meager resources, so everything positive will simply be destroyed because they stopped funneling money while everything else will still be alright thanks to good old fashion fraud.
The worst part about this is China and Russia, they will come in with an invasion force immediately under the pretense of a "relief" effort. So not only will you have to evade Feds but slavs and chinks will also break your door down and force you to comply at gun point with a 50/50 chance they'll kill you anyways.

Funny how Trump is importing a million nonwhites per year and not deporting anyone, then, isn’t it?

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dont get into prepping. its a waste of money. your silver, freeze dried food, cans, toilet paper, and lighters will collect dust. you will have wasted money that you could have spent improving your life or on your family instead of preparing for a mythical TOTAL collapse where we will somehow be worse off than a third world shithole. Buy guns and ammo to protect yourself and enough supplies to last a few days (hurricane or a chimpout). anything more than that is a waste of money. take it from someone that spent thousands of dollars in 2011 on shit I still have to store, its a pain in my ass and I wholeheartedly regret it.

Like I said, exactly what we want.
This is also desirable.

I have trouble believing that considering all the damage he and his supporters had done to the cunton campaign. Pissed off berniesoys were expected to vote for killary over blumpf which many simply did not do.
I honestly think the old kike saw the glint of power in his eye and actually tried to win, until hillary was forced to break out the Ironspiked strapon.
Then again massive fuckups are what define the DNC.

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Sounds advice, for sure.

Any advice for georgia? I'm outside of apelanta and the cucks seem arrogant, but the niggers don't know what a midterm is.

This, the only good thing to come from the Alabaman rigging was yet more evidence of rigging.

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Take my high weeb energy Trump.

Thanks OP.
I remember the last thread being overrun with blackpilled faggotry, so bumping.
Should be a fun read in a few days.

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I’m in MA also. There’s ballots for the parties posted at the library. Need to take a pic and google the republican candidates. Whoever supports Trump gets my votes.

thegreenpapers.com already has the information on some candidates for the general election plus some mayor elections and other things. The green looks really ugly though.


It's definitely a winning strategy in the short term because you're preventing the opposition from getting more power. We have more time to build strength because of it. Also, it can be a winning strategy in the long term if you infiltrate the GOP party ranks and continue spreading your ideology.

Do you know a way to get whites to vote 90% the same party like blacks do? No? Then fuck off. You're investing way too much energy into arguing that we shouldn't vote. Hmmmmm…..

A total lie. Things have improved. White birth rate is going up. Illegal immigration is down. Overton window is being shifted.

Wrong, they hold the House at a moderate margin and the Senate at a very weak margin. McCain and Flake types have undermined key goals.

We've started to reverse the browning of America and the demographic shift. The overton window hasn't shifted enough yet to cut off aid to Israel. We haven't invaded Syria.

Fuck you. You're not giving us any ideas. All you're doing is to try to get us to give up. It won't work.

The midterms are barely 60 days away. What are YOU doing to help secure Republican victory?

(Bonus points if you attend multiple groups)



Do this now. Only with your help can we save our future!

False. Look at the data.

False. Republicans are also the opposition. In fact, cuck Republicans are even worse opposition than democrats are.
This is impossible for numerous reasons.

Any Texans reporting in? I seriously wonder if Cruz can beat this O'shit guy.

There is nothing wrong with voting. Voting alone will not save us, but voting is a hell of a lot better than not voting.
Voting, and getting other people to vote, raises awareness about the issues and gets white people together. This kind of organization, if used correctly, could help us win the way the left has won.

It's not false. The data is on my side, not yours.

'Republicans are also the opposition' is an overly simplistic way of viewing it. Just because they aren't aiming for anuddah shoah doesn't mean that their policies aren't more beneficial.

Wrong. Stop trying shill.

Anyone reading this, go to:
