Congressfag thread #2

Strike of the increasingly nervous congressfaggots

Thread was killed within minutes. Uploading it and its thread history because it's apparent it ruffled some little faggots feathers.
Those feathers are going to be blowing in wind while you swing on a noose, congressfaggots.

Attached: Thread shoa'd by panicking congress faggots..png (4020x4760 3.69 MB, 2.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:

and reported

What's to report about this?
There were no problems in the thread, for ""US.""

Attached: Thread shoa'd by panicking congress faggots better.png (1875x11963, 3.69M)

Fake and Gay


Keep panicking, congressfaggots.
We know you idiots lurk here in-between Thailadyboy faps and e-hentai browsing.

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I'm just sitting here waiting for the call to deliver justice.

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we'll see…
we'll fucking see………
my money is on "This will be ignored"

Fuck off, Q-LARPer.

fuck you Boomer MAGAtards who are retarded enough to believe that's real.

go fist your own asshole with a buttplug in the shape of a q until blood pours out of your boipucci.

it is blindingly obvious that your transcript is fake. that's not how Congressmen talk at all. and we already know the Insurance Policy coup ringleaders like Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Powers, Crooked Hillary and Barry Soetoro will double down and pile lie upon lie and escalate to even provoke nuclear WW3 with Russia to avoid confessing the Truth of the crimes of sedition and treason which they have committed.

therefore it is incredulous to believe Bruce Ohr is confessing to his treason to a closed door Congress committee.

you're fake forged transcript isn't even interesting nor clever. you probably jack off each night to a portrait of Sleepy Keebler Sessions while imagining the non-existent 400,000 Sealed Indictments.

fuck you and your boring LARP.

PS: kys

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We see you, kikes.

Remember when cuckchan wasn't a civcuck role-playing board?

What is going on that mods are locking this? It isn't even proven to be a larp or legit. What the fuck happened to all that "free speech" on Zig Forums? We are going to believe a few assmad shills off the bat influence mods and have a bumplock on this shit?

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Where is the proof of any of your claims?

You shilling this hard and trying to slide is a good indicator.

Interesting that you guys picked up long drawn out messages as of late.

Did not read, lol

Why was it deleted? is this just more "dont vote, goyim" bullshit?

Could be a few things. Shills tricked a mod who is new, a mod is compromised, or something else. Doesn't make any sense that the other thread was deleted and this one was bumplocked. Time would easily prove it to be to be legit or a larp, we don't need "concerned troll" shills to pretend to act like this is something that shouldn't be on Zig Forums.

This is very much Zig Forums related. Not just because of the ramifications if true, but the meeting in general is political news. We can't have mods attacking and deleting every thread on possible leaks.

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Archive thread for anons to review and analyse:

First thread:

Second thread:

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Where is the proof of any of your claims?

go back to your containment board, then stream your suicide on tracy beanz's feed.

It's Beanz' fucker
Beanz' shows possession
Beanz's would denote more than one Beanz

NOPE. Proper nouns use 's, faggot. Chicago Manual of Style, 7.16.

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They're all gonna hang. Their last weapon is the fake news which won't save them in real legal courts, only the court of public opinion. They think they can mobilize the CNN viewers who were too lazy to get off the couch in 2016 and steal the country back and impeach Trump on frivolous accusations. But it's too late for them. Their rule will be seen as totally illegitimate and the real actual physical civil war might start in response. Everything we have must be thrown into supporting President Trump against these international cartels. This is our only chance.

I said in the previous thread that this rang true. Then I realized the McCain suicide wasn’t talking about hospice induced suicide. I wouldn’t doubt that one of the R’s on the committee has bought into the q shit and eluded to it in questioning and dems shutting him down. The rest of it is plausible. Sage because I see no reason for 2nd thread.

the opposite actually

The day of the rope will spare none of them.

t. scared shitless colluding kike congressman

Attached: wepresidentnow.jpeg (439x516, 155.44K)

how about a tldr

Q-tards will be killed on the day of the rope

palindubs. checked.

trips. checked.

dubby dubs. keked.

dubs. checked.

dubs. checked.

dubs. checked.

DOJ employee Ohr is saying the Trump Russia stuff is total fake bullshit, that his wife was paid to do opposition research while he was at DOJ, that the FBI and DOJ knew that the Dossier was fake and gay but they lied to the FISA court in order to spy on Trump.

I can't tell if its reaction trolling or legitimate freak out by the pedo kikes

Apparently also one of the FISA judges were in on it. Everyone got paid including Ohr's wife.

These shills itt are fucking retarded. Nothing about this cap has any relation to Q yet they come out of the woodwork anyways because large caps seem "Q-ish" to their stunted retard brains. Fucking hell, can't wait till we start murdering these fucks.

Can anyone explain why this thread is locked?

It's an obvious LARP in the same vein as Q.

hotpockets are faggots, what more reason do you need? They've been on a roll lately locking and anchoring threads needlessly.

It's an interesting cap of posts about a relevant topic on an ANONYMOUS imageboard. The very nature of the posts are ambiguous toward any validity, as is the nature of the medium. Belief or disbelief is irrelevant to the topic. Hurrdurr larp is a piss poor excuse to anchor this thread. Pathetic.


shit like this is the life-blood of these boards, is this cap also a larp? Maybe, but that's up to each user to determine on their own, not faggot mods and shills to swoop in and determine consensus.

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I'm telling you it's not obvious at all. I don't see any correlation to the OP and Q-LARP (which would really be Trump Larp, no?)
This topic seems very relevant to current events and since mainstream sources won't allow relevant topics to be discussed, it would seem the reason I come here, to discuss shit that can't be discussed elsewhere, is subverted by locking this thread.

All I'm asking for is an explanation as to why this thread is silenced. Not your bias against a mystery character, but a reason as to why this thread is not allowed to be discussed on this board that allows discussion of things that otherwise aren't allowed to be discussed?

As we saw before with polvol2 some of the mods are actively trying to bury stories that damage the shills' ability to correct-the-record.
Stupid fucking New Yorker Editor wannabe faggots get a job at MSNBC if you want to bury shit that you don't think helps elect Madame President.
The Ohr play-by-play is interesting, and shouldn't be buried because you're the Great Kike Defender against LARP.

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the Queue reference is to immediately discredit it as a LARP; which is good. It means someone is over the radar; unless
>His name shall not be mentioned' timely demise just after saying he won't participate in chemo-games anymore is too (((Cohencidental)))

what you're saying doesn't translate to English well. I know it's not your first language, but work on it a bit before hitting the new reply button


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You haven't explained how it is shit.
I asked a simple question above about how this is somehow a QLarp thread and all you do is ad-hominen attacks on the OP

I think it's fucking bullshit that you fucking israeli cunts can show your ugly little rat faces here and pitch in your .02, and yet, here you are!
You offer nothing to the world. You do nothing but take. You are the anti-human and you will get my fucking size 16 boot to the back of your nasty little head because I dont' want to touch your smelly disgusting vile ass.

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Is there no end to the mod faggotry????

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For anyone who hasn't read it yet, the Bruce Ohr testimony play-by-pay is interesting and worth a look. There's an active attempt to bury it because it's so damaging to the Russia Hoax narrative that our paid volunteers have to screech LARP about it.

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first polvol2, and now this clown. it's OBVIOUS. They're only trying to bury this and stifle discussion of a legit happening.

This particular faggot hasn't currated his own collection of smugs, just posting along guidelines with bulk images from (((work))).

Bumping for swamp drainage. Does the records being sealed mean we won't get the juicy tidbits pre-election?

There's no reason we should ever be behind (as in timeframe) MSM on any news.
I remember when chan news was an hour + pre-news without exception. Remember when that guy posted about killing his GF, then a couple hours later we saw it on the news?
This shit is pissing me off that MSM is competing with us on delivery. It simply shouldn't happen!
These (((mods))) that stifle this shit are creating the destruction of their own infrastructure. If we can't talk about that which is otherwise unable to be spoken of, and we can't deliver news before the (((news))) delivers it, chans will not have a reason to exist.
If I was the BO, this would be my highest priority. The mother fucker could be selling this board for millions in the next few weeks or months and could have another board on standby to do it again, but for some fucking reason an israeli mod gets to fuck the board owner out of this option.

I personally would track down the mod that locked this thread and suicide his ass. But hey, I'm sure the BO doesn't like money.

It's a closed-door hearing, but some of the congressmen who attended have given summaries that seem to consistent with the congressfag larp/leaker. I believe the guy is a legit user who phoneposted updates for Zig Forums from inside the room and haven't seen anything yet that makes this a LARP not a leak.

That treasonous piece of shit mod and the retarded shills itt deserve the rope. Seeing this day in day out just cements the fact that people need to hang. All the shills in the world won't be enough to stop all this from coming to light, shills need to take note.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

Thread slid
thread un-slid last night by polvol6
thread slid again today by polvol5

He didn't escape, he alluded user. That's the 2nd time I've seen that error in as many days. Just thought you should know.

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You okay, user?
You called him a jew here

but praise him here

tsundere much?

Can we doxx polvol5?

Maybe the people making the comments need to be a bit more specific about to wtf they're referring
>better than sliding a thread by (((those interested in controlling the narrative))), is simply to muck it up so bad that no one knows wtf is going on; i.e. "it's a Queue-LARP", or "pay no attention to the men behind the curtain" or any form of misdirection

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Try applying as a mod next time faggot. And sure, go doxx someone when the only information you have is when he/she/it bothers to log in. I wanna see that.


Not sure I would make the cut. I'd allow everything but CP. I always thought there should be a 1 click "mute" button in place of the filter option. Make it so easy to mute the shills that removing posts isn't even necessary.

- - - - - - -

How does this line up with the cuckchan entries?

Ohr Testimony Suggests a Key Witness Lied to Congress, Lawmakers Say


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There's a period of about seven minutes between
Is there any outside source (an article published just before the post, for example) that a sufficiently prepared person could have obtained that information from before Gaetz confirmed it?

All I see is OP bitching about his thread being deleted and seeing that his thread was "look at these cuckchan posts!"
If he likes cuckchan he can fucking stay there.

This. These leaks were real and it's obvious to anybody with a brain, which is why the compromised mods here shut it down.

have you appealed to the mods yet?

what kind of talmudic logic is this?