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nice kike free first post
SA probably realized that this would be the final straw in making the whites leave the country.
It's too late now, I say. I wouldn't be surprised if 1/3rd of them migrate elsewhere within the next 7 years.
You give those niggers too much credit. They're just shelving their plans for another time. Be vigilant.
Don't celebrate just yet. Niggers were expecting these gibs and this will probably enrage them at this point. They aren't a species able to be easily controlled or convinced when it comes to their wants and expectations, regardless of how asinine they may be.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is the catalyst for niggers to increase farm attacks by several degrees.
Now open up asylum channels for them.
Absolutely, but jews are the ones in charge.
She should be executed.
I don't think you can get a license for that.
The Anglos would do well to ditch the stiff upper lip routine for once and get mad about shit like this.
It is irrelevant, the idea has been punched into the SA coons heads over time and they will take the shit anyway. They have been programmed to believe they have been shorted gibs, they will take them back.
They will release their nukes! African samson looms!
Not surprising considering the oppressive hellscape her constituents inhabit.
Is that you Asses? Cheer up! Before succumbing to the brown horde South Africa destroyed it's nuclear stockpile. So you don't have to worry about that at least.
kek. they're just pussies.
Both of you assume niggers are capable of forward thinking. It was just a typical case of gibs me dat.
We need a word filter for "sampson looms" to shut this faggot up.
the memes have become sentient
chimping out isnt our thing, you wouldnt understand
this angers me beyond acceptable levels
I think I understand.
They are letting the heat disperse and will enact it later kike
you think you understand but you are an outsider.
Do you truly understand, can you explain it?
All you can do is make a caricature of it but you dont really understand the underpinnings of our culture.
I dont expect you to, I dont think you are smart enough for that. We tried and we got burned. Life goes on.
You think this is going to last forever? We can always make a new "authority"
That would require money changing hands. It's not a purchase if you get chased off your land under threat of death.
He prpbably only did it to test out how far the chinks backing and supporting all this mal*ma shit are gonna go.
The chinks in the background know what trump says when he claims "to look into it".
If chinks were found to fund the EFF and assorted niggery, USA would quickly have an excuse to "liberate".
It's geopolitics, morals don't matter, they stopped mattering long ago.
SAVED THE FOR WHAT? DO YOU THINK THAT CHINA'S PLANS FOR AFRICA HAVE CHANGED BECAUSE TRUMP 'LOOKS AT SOUTH AFRICA'…and what about the fact that they are the only European faces in a virtual SEA of angry niggers who want to kill them? This is a shit OP…you are simply trying to make Trump look 'effective' when nothing was gained.
tbh thats a pretty impressive look.
The darkies won't give up just because the govt backed off, if anything it'll rile them up more. Malema in particular is a rabid dog and has smelt blood for a long time.
I think he achieved this by threatening them with tarrifs on minerals.Trump knows that the current ANC commie regime of Cyril Ramaphosa was placed in power by the cabal of jew-owned mining companies and their political apparatchiks in Britain. Why do you think the land confiscations are all in mineral rich areas? The mining companies told the blacks that they can offer them financial salvation if they just play ball and swipe them some land they can mine. Doesn’t matter if the agricultural industry gets a hit when farmers leave and blacks can’t replace them, because SA will have more mines and can afford to import more food!
Remember that dumb SA agriculture minister who earlier this year was quoted as saying something like ‘we don’t need white farmers for our food, we can go to the superarket and buy it’? This is probably what he meant.
Trump has quite likely out-negotiated them by just threatening tarrifs on their mineral exports if they pursue land appropriation without compensation. Two birds - anti-white mining comanies, anti-white niggers. One stone.
Ouch. I better turn in my banter license.
Oh wait, I don't need one!
Malema was and always will be the ANC’s attack dog.
He was only booted out for show, and the EFF really just functions as the extremist thug arm of the ANC.
By criticizing the ANC vocally and being extreme, he offers the leadership of the ANC a chance to blame a shift in the Overton Window on forcing their own policies to be more extreme (e.g. land apprpriation without compensation) while maintaining a reasonable face.
Trump timed this perfectly, and has also got the boot into that old boot Theresa May who was virtue-signalling for the land-grab policies. Its masterful, really.
When was the last time you effected the legislative process of a nation by simply looking at it?
That's hilarious and terrifying. Terrilarious
i think that nigger is simpy that retarded to think food comes from stores and not from farms
War never changes. A trebuchet loaded with urine soaked rotten meat was always a useful addition to the arsenal.
Siener prophesied that Britain would be punished for their role in South Africa, I guess they're just adding to the tally of sins. Every day more shit comes out that confirms the old seer.
Only a couple hours until Hasbarafag wakes up. Get your popcorn ready. In the meantime does anyone want to guess how he's going to try and spin this? I'm predicting he says the land grabs are really the best possible outcome. This might even get a thread two if he applies himself.
Are you guys seriously that stupid to think that the situation has changed for the Boer? That they are full surrounded by niggers and chinky bugs who want them dead and will do just that overtly or covertly, en masse or one at a time?
hey britbongs… steal guns make explosives and kill your police and politicians
if you're blowing trump to a delusional degree on forum where hardcore conspiracy theory and other generally taboo discussion is supposed to be taking place you have to be a shill or a troll or a bot
its so bad here that you even have these kinds of arguments over fucking Alex Jones. Just saying, if I was a mod this trash would be getting mopped up, it's utter garbage.
Why stay since that's the case? Find asylum & let the niggers starve it's a win - win… Sometimes you have to shift strategy & live to fight another day. Inb4 that's their home why should they leave. We should settle them all in Tennessee or Georgia -
They will just do it when Trumps terms are up. Nothing changes, they are probably aware our countries are being browned too. 10 years from now we wont be able to do jack shit, the niggers will be calling the shots.
Niggers don't call shit.
based rump!!!!
And how can this be? For he is the Kwisatz Haderach
You won't be making shit.
Ahmed will be making his own ethnostate in your home town. Enjoy!
still not tired of winning.
She is near certainly going to be removed by the end of September. It's not even just me saying, members of the Conservative party (which is her party) have said it.
Why has it taken so long? Because politicians are like children and so have exceptionally long summer holidays. They haven't done anything in 3 months. As said though it is expected that when parliament forms again she will be removed very quickly.
This is literally just the ANC realizing there's too much focus on SA atm and holding off for now. They fucked up the country beyond recognition and deseperately need a ploy or scapegoat to continue to receive support from the public. They are either going to try and find something else or just try again when there's fewer people paying attention to SA.
the Afrikaaners should continue to coordinate, communicate and arm themselves. This isn't over.
I have a feeling that this is bad news because no one will help them when the democrats are in power. a war needs to break out.
I guess these shills claiming Trump has never done anything for whites can fuck them selves now.
But I'm sure they'll quickly find another shillingpoint to spam everywhere.
If they had continued the democrats would have not budged which would push the overton window in our favor.
We's gud boys bass!! pleez bass, don' wipp me bass!
That is the thing! The kikes know that the Boer are jew woke. They brought the niggers and chicky bugs (jews have controlled all of chinky bug land since the 'communist/aka jewish' revolution) in to kill them. So,being jew woke was a death sentence for the Boer…do you really think that ANYONE in the world or the global world governance wants the Boer to SURVIVE? I mean, I am kind of laughing while I type at the naivety on this board. The kikes imported all those niggers with the sole purpose of murdering the Boer so that the land could be given to the chinky bugs African expansion plan.
"There shall be no remnants and SURVIVORS from the impurity of Christianity. "-Rabbi Efrati.
"The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that in the Russian revolution*, the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism." - ' A Program For The Jews And Humanity ' by Rabbi Harry.Waton. (*Not a Revolution but a kike led Coup the same thing holds true for the chinky bug communist revolution, they are now an occupied country).
First North Korea now South Africa holy shit. Syria in a much better position than any time during Obongo even
This is true, now there will be even more lawlessness as the niggers go straight to chimpcon 1
They arent taking ZULU land, the white land grab is stillna go.
Will the Anglo stop at nothing?
You've noticed the fucking CHAIN around her neck, right?
Holy fucking shit.
We need a new thread. Don't want anons thinking this is over.
This is a mistranslation. If you want the real story, I suggest following real boers on twitter or any other social media.
Jews don’t into farming, and the ANC wants whitey’s land but desn’t want to tank its economy and have famine like Zimbabwe did. I initially believed that the nigger (Senzeni Zokwana) was just stupid, but having read more about him I have to conclude he’s not so dumb, and given the context of what is happening I think he knew exactly what he is saying.
Take this speech he gave in 2017:
Now compare to this report of his supposed ‘gaffe’:
He is saying that the major jsupermarket franchises will have nog farmers and fisheries supplying them.
It’s not a gaffe, its a dgaf.
South African store oligarchs such as Christo Wiese will cozy up to the ANC regime in order to maintain profitability, and the ANC wants to see whites unprofitable so long as they can line their pockets from it, so this is why the let the wealthy self-interested whites and kikes steer them on the way.
Starve Africa and they all flood europe. There is a jpg of predicting this on here about 2 years ago.
You can do that yourself, newfag
Report the OP for a Mod Edit with this new info.
Then don't feed them, and publicly persecute anyone that suggests doing so as a cultural suicidal maniac.
W-why are they confirming Siener van Rensburg's prophecies about the anglos being cunts to the Boers?
You've noticed the fucking CHAIN around her neck, right?
That's actually the easiest thing to predict, as the eternal Anglo is one of the biggest cunt anti white races to have ever roamed the Earth.
I'm not sure why though, what caused the eternal Anglo to want to destroy his brethren? Even before Jewish rule, they were already petty cunts.
She is a well kept slave.
You are the sheep from Animal Farm, bleating 'FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD' endlessly every time you hear something you don't like.
Enjoy your twenty yeas in prison for accidentally screaming 'Fucking Muslims!' while your family is in pieces around you after the next terror attack in Britainistan.
More esoteric signalling, something to the effect of whites being the new slaves?
god bless Donald Trump, a real human bean
At what fucking point did we become free? We have never been anything other than slaves working to secure our enemies existence on this planet.
Grade A cuckposting.
When are you going to "make a new authority." How many times does it take "getting burned" before it becomes too many? How many lives must be prematurely snuffed before it can no longer go on? I sincerely hope this isn't the "underpinnings" of your culture. All I see is a sniveling wretch, a coward who would sacrifice everything for the sake of obeying whatever authority lied before him. Reality doesn't give a rats ass about your culture. Do or die. The meek are trampled underfoot by those who stand tall
theresa may.. just as ugly as the rest of the inbred that are bongs. such uglyness is of the devil
'Meek' means controlled strength. Meek is not weak. The faggot you're replying to is just weak.
checked, keked, and saved
She is not a bong you mong. She is the same bloodline as all the other International banking/ZOG who are destroying Europe.
british - the biggest cowards of mankind. what else could you expect than spineless abominations from all these centuries of inbreeding and nigger cuckingn
bong detected
stay mad inbred brainlet and sip that nigger cum right there
This shit right here is why you got your tea thrown in the ocean in the first place.
Hopefully by six gorillon days.
Not buying that hand symbol shit, I too find my self resting my hands like that.
shut the fuck up retard
he didnt do shit you idiot the genocide will continue with or without legalization
Next election to be precise. The EFF is a threat to ANC's power, and the ANC jumped on land seizures only to stay voted in. The niggers think they almost tasted tasted blood (even though they won't a single square meter, everyone knows they did it to spite Whites). The EFF will now be in charge, and will bring total Zimbabwe with it. The EFF does not a shit about image, and will move as lightening so the Jews can't hide it.
Trump effectively bought more valuable time.
The eternal Anglo