I am a proud communist and id you've got a problem with that go fuck yourself. This is our board now

The west is a fucking blight and a cancer.

Your entire history is built on the blood, sweat, and tears of POCs of the third world.
Your entire lives have been sculpted out of the hard work of POCs of the third world.
Your entire personality is based upon denying the hardships of POCs of the third world.
Your countries will collapse due to POCs of the third world and their desperate hunger for agency you have thus far starved them of.
And you deserve every bit of suffering
Every bit of pain
Every bit of sorrow
Every loss you will endure as your nations crumble

If you are reading this right now i want you to glance down at your hands.

Just for a moment

There we go, now look back up at me.

If those hands were white:

Fuck You

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Totally gonna believe the side which tried to frame the soviets for their massacres and have been caught doing it in the past


Nice try dumbfuck. Alt hype has dropped you retards, have fun galivanting with skinheads for the rest of your pives as the rest of your intellectual base does too.

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Careful now, don't make the white kids angry. If we're so evil when trying to be nice, just imagine our savagery when we drop the pretense.

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Lol, whatre you going to shoot up this time? Another school? Another madden tournament? Yourself with heroin? Whites are so fucking pathetic.

If the chinks has colonized africa and south america first, theyd likely have genocided all nigs out of existence. Think about that as you watch jerome fuck your gf.

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le epic troll

What does communism have to do with loving BBC?
I mean it's literally european.


Jews aren't white. When a white guy gets angry you get killdozer, at minimum, not some kike mongrel upset at losing console football.

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Jews have done more for humanity than you ever will. Suck my circumsized cock you worthless piece of shit

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the sad thing is that "shooting up another school" is really nothing to this guy.

If you are a black person your life is already fucked. There basically nothing worse we can do to these people that what is already being done.

Killing them would be a gift of mercy.

what exactly are you talking about? You are egging on a bigger tragedy than a school shooting and calling someone else pathetic. This is a highlight of your life. This is what you have to offer. Let me guess, youre not white. Theres really no hope for you people.

Wow dude. Jews fight collectivism and white identity in a way other whites arent willing to do to their unique history. Total indictment. I hate israel now.

Lol alt hype has given up on white nationalism. Even for the far right POCs have a place. At some poijt you have to accept you just hate people for being different and you need a boogeyman to blame for your shit life.

I thought you were larping as a communist though. How is Israel helping the bourgeois or the plebs, or whatever?

youre right, and the west is still the best

so suck on that

What does Zig Forums have to do with the alt right?

I am a communist. Just poking a bit of fun at the inane rhetoric regularly deployed by the alt rightards

yea, important differences, differences I think one should hate people for differences like

-being degenerates
-being dishonest thieves
-being dumb

no hope. Just cry baby "im just different give me free food and housing , you are so pathetic ….waaaaaaaaaaaaa. You cant even do more than a school shooting , that weak my cousin rara robbed a bank before he was 10. I never follow the police. Im so cool."

Your people provide the perfect boogeyman, very scary people you and your family is.

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So now you're larping as a communist again? You seem pretty disingenuous. What's the communist position on israel?