An ICE official called it "one of the larger work site enforcement operations conducted at one site in the past 10 years."
An ICE official called it "one of the larger work site enforcement operations conducted at one site in the past 10 years."
Trump has unleashed punished ICE and they are going straight for the employer kikes.
ice ice baby
digits confirm / baphomet in the lining of operation
"Berger" seems to be making a statement by busting beaners and tossing their ass over the wall (still to come but it will happen!).
Is DHS the modern day Gestapo we've all been so anxiously asking for?
Lovely to see.
It is to lefties
That's never the argument you disingenuous faggot. To date there still have been under 1250,000 total deportations, out of a possible 40,000,000 illegals that reside in the country. Trump has 28 months to go of this tenure as president at this pace they may as well already be making plans to hop the border again. There is no guarantee that the 62.5 miles of border fence is gonna keep them out.
and this is a problem, calling 150 large. They aren't doing their jobs if they aren't deporting thousands every day, and they aren't, they're just placating people with such nothing "big" arrest counts. They need to be deport fourteen thousand every day for eight years straight to take out the 40 milion illegals and this doesn't count the spic spawn produced in the meantime or the "legal" million+ invaders jews have streaming in every year or the 800k of the "legal" ones over staying their visa every year.
lol so they don't even enforce the fucking law on these employers unless they break it repeatedly? Maybe after the 12,000th time an illegal is spotted working for some company Texas ICE will stop being cucked and do something, but before then you're free to be caught employing illegals plenty of times.
ughh sorry didn't notice tsa on hat
You probably know where Uncertain is, then. That part of the Arklatex was my teenage stomping grounds btw.
They're really working on putting the fear into these employers. Lots of 100+ arrest raids in the last year, two around Columbus Ohio, one in Tennessee, one multi-state bust centering in Nebraska, and this one. I love it.
Yah, that and the "what he has ever done for Whites?" shills who were BTFO'd by the impact of ONE TWEET about South Africa.
Help them out then. ICE is understaffed and underfunded. Help by reporting illegals and the businesses that hire them and make it easy
The absolute state of Zig Forums.
The board was a much better place before all the Trump cocksuckers swarmed it.
What would be awesome is corralling all their illegal workers, cataloging all the services they're leaching then bill the employer, doing so repeatedly, often and making a lot of noise about it. Now this would be a helpful deterrent and PR that would have an effect on "businessmen" whose profit margin is from stealing from the surrounding communities by offloading the cost of their illegals to everyone else.
Yep, if there's any way to save the white race is by trumps tweeting.
Total amount needed to remove spics from the USA 100,000,000
Total amount needed to deport all illegals from the USA40,000,000+/-
Total amount deported to date: highball 180,000
Cool, only almost 39 million to go!
Remember goy, Trump moved the embassy to jerusalem and took the one state solution off the table. That means that these arrests are what israel wanted. Trump is always working for israel!!!
As it turns out you dumb cunt those illegal workers are criminals.
But a one state solution would have been the worse for israel and jews.
Real big news.
Is that her?
Not to mention that this story was 'big' enough to make news.
Right before midterms too. Can't be a mistake on that part.
Every 100 illegals deported = 200 less votes for the marxists
No it's not enough, and I refuse to be merely "content" with the bare minimum. I respect myself, unlike you.
I see his troll went over your head.
"Berger" is sometimes (((Jewish))) but is far more often simply German. "Katrina" is a Saint's name, Catherine of Alexandria, the original derivation of it is the Greek name Αἰκατερίνα, it's not very common for a (((Jewess))) to have that name. I haven't done Katrina Berger's personal genealogy but at the moment I would guess that she is White and from Christian stock.
More is help is better but you do know back during Eisenhower's Operation Wetback INS had far less manpower than ICE today and deported vastly more than they're doing now, right? They got up to over a million a year. If ICE did that it still take over 40 years but it would actually have an effect unlike ICE's actual rate that will take 177 years just for the current count.
No, you don't. No (((Jew))) does.
checking those trips with the original oc that took on a life of its own since
It's not bare minimum, it's pathetic, no affect noise. Compare to how they used to operate:
Hey you can get a free t-shirt!
Fuck off.
The fact that 150 illegals being arrested is considered news shows how fucked this country is. They would need to be arresting 20x that number every single day for years to even make a difference.
The rate at which ICE needs to be operating to be functional far from "literally hitler," they're nowhere how they're operating now.
So this is what they want to slide.
Scratch that. A quick estimate is 100x that number every day for 10 years, assuming no further illegal immigration.
The world will be a much better place without (jew)
stay mad spic.
Welp Robert Francis O'Rourke just lost 150 votes.
Hey niggers, you do of course realiza that before you can start mass deportations, three things need to be in place
The third one being the most critical. Its not enough to simply throw them out, you have to deny them the basic ability to even survive, something that's hindered by
>the fact that the vast majority of illegals live in a state or local jurisdiction that either tolerates them, or actively hinders their deportation
You have to start somewhere you thick headed faggots. More and more employer raids happen every month, and this just happens to be one that makes the news. Local papers have near weekly reports of raids where I live. Self deportation is the easiest and fastest type after all.
I'm gonna enjoy the immediate noticeable drop off of posts from (((anons))) like you the moment midterms are over and the money runs out.
If some user would be so nice to investigate who would have a benefit from this specific company getting shut down…cause I have a raging feeling in my stomach that somebody is making a wee bit profit from that.
It's almost like they go out of their way to ignore the fact that this is going after the employers as well. As more jews fear reprisal for bring in illegals they will shit to other means of cheap labor.
I'll take automation over wholesale import of beaners.
Good news!
Makes my Wednesday that much more tolerable.
Inb4 thousands of soyboys start protesting again
They need to look into the whole Thiessen family. I found dozens of active and inactive corporations associated with that name in Sumner and nearby. They are probably all as crooked at this one.
Every 6. person in the usa is an illegal? How does this make sense to you?
One, I address illegals working:
Two, while the cash from working under the table is good for spending money and sending back to mesihole, the bulk of their "income" is from leeching welfare.
Complete sense.
Kill yourself juden raus.
Did you read even a sentence past where you quoted me "user"? Of course they do. What would you do, besides blackpill on a mongolian basket weaving chatroom?
Well google says 12m, that is believable number at least but still a fucking infestation.
You're trolling, right?
12 million was the estimate of illegal aliens over twenty years ago.
It is still 4% of the population, if we had that number of illegals the police would shoot them on sight and death squads would be forming.
It doesn't matter if 12 million is 4%, it's not 12 million, it's 40+, and we do have that many. Must be nice to live in that majority White bubble you're in, wherever that's at, while it lasts.
That is why I don't believe it, why would the country not make desperate measures when being invaded on such scale?
That's easy to answer, jews and christcucks. If Whites had been rid of that mind poison replaced with ethnic identity, awareness, and traditions, no "everyone god's children," spread jebus, White guilt, and hand over power to jews to try to bring about armageddon business, wouldn't be in this predicament.
>Under President Donald Trump this year, ICE has stepped up its immigration enforcement efforts geared toward businesses. In the first seven months of the year, the agency served notice to more than 5,200 businesses that it was auditing their hiring records.
If each of these audits cause panic and 160 wetbacks lose their jobs apiece as a result, that's 832,000 spics down.
Also I don't live in a white bubble, you probably wouldn't even consider hungarians white, my skin is white but we have gypsies and all kinds of mix. The migrants were going for the west for the welfare, we (poor fucks) built the fence to protect the eu and instead of a thank you they shit on us for it.
We are christians too and poland is even more still doesn't let in illegals no matter what the pope says.
Nope, poles are going against christcuck teachings, they're being bad christcucks caring for and protecting themselves and their families.
I was looking at my state's official stats (Colorado) on illegals and rapefugees. They've been revising the numbers down every time since the early 2000s. Back then illegals were 5% of the population.
Currently they claim total immigrants (including whites and illegals) and anchor babies are 25% of the population, but going to a grocery store anywhere in the state its Kalergi's wet dream. ~25% uncomfortable looking whites surrounded by 75% gooks and shitskins from every shithole country on the planet.
That shattered shitter is twitching something fierce kike.
150 down…….. 20 million to go.
As I said yes the oppose the opinion of the pope but they still claim to be christians and live a christian life, just because people claim terrorist are not true muslim they are because they believe that they are. The hungarian cardinal was the one who the pope spoke up against the most in this matter as far as I know, the church can be different in every country, the pope sent letter to use to open the temples to the migrants after the cardinal said they will never do it. Cardinal said he will let them in but we finished the fence so there was no one left to let in.
Over 200k were ousted in the 2017 fiscal.
Exactly, that's nothing. Noise.
Point to the answer you pilpul spewing kike.
Fucking this. Make the us unlivable for them.
While I've made arguments and backed them up you scream catch phrases.
Its really not good man.
Plus, that'd still be netinflux with the legal immigration coming in. What you described isn't actually happening, but even if it was, we'd STILL be at net mud influx thanks to Trumps legal immigration platform.
They need to throw employers in jail. That would dry up the market for illegals and they would self-deport.
It would not be unreasonable to assume that, at some point, the population of each ethnic community would be enough to be self-sustaining and independent, economically, and, as such, able to support a large percentage of illegals within itself.
With their own network of businesses, they could easily cover for each other and thereby bypass any attempts by the government to assess their true numbers.
Deportations of illegals and imprisoning those who employ them are not enough; anything less than ending birthright citizenship, and we're just fighting a war of attrition.
Arrest plus make them pay for their illegals: The money they've stolen is what they covet the most, take it away.
Who is going to impose that sort of penalty?
No Republican, thats for sure.
You just gotta face facts brother, there is no political solution to this issue. Any bureaucratic asswipe thing you can come up with that might actually be useful will be completely refused by the Republicans (nevermind the Dems), because their big-agro financers don't want that shit, and the Republicans basically only do what their financers want them to do, and 1 in 4 of the dollars they get from their financers is from a Jew.
It's a fact
I've lived in California and I've been to several East-coast major cities.
It makes perfect sense to me as a direct consequence.
That's less than 2016 under obongo's rule. Trump has had no impact at all.
Europeans maybe don't understand that we have entire cities and regions of the country that are populated mostly by illegals.
Yeah, estimated 50 million of them here, and they deported 150. Meanwhile someone just dosed me illegallywith a controlled substance I recall saying no to, and almost certain it was a fucking illegal.
It’s actually accurate. There isn’t anywhere I have been that doesn’t have a shit load of illegals, and I just drove across the country more than once to see for myself.
They are everywhere.
They should understand since they have those areas now in European countries.
So what you’re saying is that Americans need to make it uncomfortable for them here.
I guess.
As someone who has lived in California, there were entire township-level areas wherein I could go and see NOBODY who was not a direct transplant from someplace south of the border.
And then I came back East, and went to Philly, New York, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Richmond… The list goes on. In each city, I saw mud. Great cascading populations of mud.
Americans need to make it uncomfortable to be here yes.
It needs to be so uncomfortable that its on-par with their home countries… And that's basically impossible, because 1) the people in power won't do it, and 2) to make any major American city on-par with its equivalent in, say, Guatemala or Venezuela?
Not a chance.
… But that ignores the real issue entirely.
That issue being, that the illegals aren't the problem. The legal immigrants are.
That 1,000,000+ figure? That's not illegals - that's LEGAL immigration.
35,000+ Mexicans in the first quarter of 2018 alone.
20,000 Cubans.
And you're sitting here struggling to find a way to get the elected officials to impose even enough to get rid of the illegals. Its a sad joke at this point m8.
I understand it very well.
Oh, right, and again, that ignores that many of these illegals are facing jail time back home.
Do you think its in any-way possible to turn the US into a place that is so uncomfortable that going back to the thread of a Central American prison sentence is preferable?
I don't see that happening - or, if it does, I see that being past the point of us having become Brazil 2.0.
Why not chip these people when they get caught?
This isn’t Israel, who gives a shit about over there?
Do us a favor hang yourself spic
I can think of many ways of doing this. How about having the Confidentals start hunting them for profit?
I don’t give a shit if they are wanted in their own country. If they are that bad to were they belong in prison there, they don’t need to be here. I didn’t serve my military to have my country taking from me by illegals. Whom by definition shouldn’t be here and are federal criminals just by doing so.
I voted for a wall, not Trump.
The people in power will do it, they are willing to do it for Native Americans, and European Americans. They can do it for illegals.
Nice. I grew up in a small town near Paris and Sumner. Lots of illegals hired in that area. I hope they bust them all.
And the spics all live 10-20+ people to a house.
It's really not enough, there just needs to be more deportation. And especially some kind of treason charges on 'sanctuary cities.' How does a city operate by committing such a wide-scale crime? The way those things could get shut down is cutting off federal aid, then they should change their tune. It's not like there's anything stopping the federals from doing that, it's just them cucking out right now.
How does the entire federal government operate by committing such wide-scale crime as well?
Something has to happen in the USA but I doubt there is an 'election fix' for what need to happen here.