Stratospheric Aerosol Injections

Is it true that the CIA is embedding the sky with aerosols as a form of weather control/climate modification? There's said to be aluminium in these injections, which are further related to negative changes in mood among the populace, on top of potentially causing Alzeimer's disease. John O. Brennan, the director of the CIA himself has come out and talked about these SAIs, however are there any valid concerns for them?

Other urls found in this thread: Patent 7.413.145;year=2013;volume=34;issue=1;spage=1;epage=9;aulast=Moussa

I think chemtrails are bs, I used to believe them for and I tried to avoid going outside. one time I saw a plane with a trail and I was chasing after it flipping it off, if anybody looked they must have thought I was insane kek

why do I think it's bs? it would require so many personnel to do it that we'd be hearing a lot more about it, takes a lot of manpower to get that many planes in the air even if they're drones

for years*

Ill just leave this here

Attached: totally normal skies.jpg (620x400, 41.57K)

That area doesn't look populated at all. They're going to have to repeat that in tons of other areas to get effective coverage, and even then, they themselves would be exposed to it because they're breathing the same air everyone else is. I don't know the source of this image, but it could just be a military test of some sort where they launch a ton of planes in one area.

Attached: 521f7e0b31d0def837dbaf2db4daf7c964bf21044aa35bd8fba8434d55d301bb.mp4 (400x360, 675.57K)

1. /ourweatherman/
2. /ourlocalnewschannel/

(#1 is so farahead of #2, btw)

Why would this be allowed on national television if this is something that is top secret? Was there follow-up if this guy was sacked next or what?
…Why would the military even spray anti-radar (chafe?) in apparently, just this particular region?

Attached: 1497753429876.jpg (396x303, 90.6K)

I assume you used that picture to depict yourself.


he was probably calling it chaff to hide what it really is, he's doing exactly what he's intended to do

Brennan killed Michael Hastings, I would not believe a word he says. there is like some sort of chemtrails being released but very unlikely it is what he says it is

All the anchored interesting threads that are dying, and this slide BS is considered acceptable? SRSLY? This is Zig Forums not /x/. We may like to fuck /x/ after the winter ball, but let's not dress up like her, ok?

do you have any fucking idea what chaff is? a chemical spray wouldn't have a significant effect on the visible-spectrum image of that satellite. chaff would have a massive god damn effect as making EM go crazy is its job.

-t radar operator

Embed related is an ex-military woman who was responsible for ordering the chemicals. The military fucked her over just for asking questions.

You're assuming it's intended to affect humans and not being used for climate engineering purposes. You're also assuming that putting things ten of thousands of feet up in our atmosphere only affects organisms directly below where it was released.

Climate engineering is a political issue given that the government is likely doing it without informing the public. I've seen some speculation that much of it comes down to shekels: By controlling light levels and rainfall, enormous amounts of money can be made in financial agriculture speculation.

Yes, weather modification is possible to an extent:
The big questions are then:

Attached: bdd47a8f1def7783f10d2fd5887b4dec213e06d02b63aedf91e909276b329c27.jpg (613x1024, 132.36K)

There's a difference between thinking the military is running experiments on climate manipulation using "chemtrails" and thinking literally every plane you see is in on it. Is it real in a small area of Arizona? Maybe
Now everyone quit bumping this thread.

Old geoengineering is old. Microwave cannons are the future.

Digging into geoengineering very nearly blackpilled me. Pills you can refuse, water you can filter, food you can grow, but nanized aluminum in the air? You can't escape that.

Ever since last year, the summer skies of my native area have turned from clear, deep blue to constantly hazy and overcast. I've even seen neat grids of thin white trails being laid down in the mornings, which spread out and smother the sky. It's nothing like commercial airline paths. I was an avid cloud watcher as a kid, and I've lived here all my life. It's anecdotal, I know, but there's definitely something strange going on here.

Bump, because this issue is all too real.

They use commercial jets dummy.

It’s aluminum, which is well known and documented neurotoxin.

Fuck off kike. Gore unerring is real and has been going on for decades. The days of clear blue skies are so few and far between sometimes I forget what it looks like. I will say this I have seen more clear blue skies since trump has gotten in office but it’s still occurring to this day. This past month in the northeast US, we were bombarded with rain storm after rain storm. Literally it rained something like 26 days out of 30. It was unreal. Tell me that’s natural for summer weather in the northeast.

kek Patent 7.413.145

Attached: phalanx the end.jpg (451x763, 144.81K)

Well, you could install an air filter where you live so you'd have that advantage, and maybe otherwise just go around wearing a mask like Asians do…

Fuck off you lazy nigger. Aerosols didn't make you a nigger, your whore of a mother did.

They're not really hiding it that much, there are parts of the US that is entirely reliant on chemtrails to control rain water and searching for them isn't hard and you won't get your door beaten down. The real culprit of making chemtrails seem crazy is Monsanto because their crop spraying uses chemicals that rivals Agent Orange in how bad that shit is for you and the environment.

Antiifags and blacks have ruined those

(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as–
(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information
(ii) chemtrails;
(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons
(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic
(v) laser weapons systems;
(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or
extraterrestrial weapons; and
(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate,
or tectonic weapons.
(C) The term ``exotic weapons systems'' includes weapons
designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the
ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and
tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or
destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in

H.R.2977 - Space Preservation Act of 2001

Yes but with the purpose of poisoning us and make us dumb so that they can control us better and push through their agenda, climate change is just the excuse to justify this crime (and many other).;year=2013;volume=34;issue=1;spage=1;epage=9;aulast=Moussa

The study showed that exposed workers in the aluminium industry are suffering from cognitive decline, memory affection, depression, anxiety and personality changes. Proper monitoring and improved hazard control are strongly recommended.''

Wouldn't the people spreading this be affected by the aerosols?

In case of aluminium the effect is stronger for people that also ingest fluoride, I don't think the elite drink water with fluoride and i also think that they aren't going to spray it over their own houses, another thing to consider is that the biggest effect could be through food and not necessarily through breathing and i am sure that the elite get their food from somewhere else where they can control it, it could be another country where they don't spray it. But yes in the hierarchy of evil not everyone is going to be protected.

what a load of fud

That's what the kikes want you to think, though. Likely a PSYOPS shill however

How would these chemtrails ever be removed? It's going to be difficult to remove these nano-ized pieces of aluminum, imaginably.