Trudeau Government To Study Total Handgun And Assault Weapons Ban

“A ban would be wrong on so many levels, from civil liberties to property rights to policymaking. You just don’t confiscate things from honest citizens in a free society. The significance here is huge. We aren’t talking about a policy-brainstorming session, we’re talking about the elected leader of the country looking seriously at how to take away firearms from millions of men and women who are vetted by the federal police and who have done nothing wrong.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah, the real shocker is that OP was faggy enough to make this useless thread

Gas yourself, jew.

Whelp, I guess maplefags are going to have to give up their SKSes

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So he's throwing a hissy fit.

What is even left for Canadians at that point? Shotguns and black powder firearms?

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Wtf is the point of this. Canadas gun crime is like entirely illegal guns anyway

It makes it easier to kill off the population.

Not even in this case. The geography makes it impossible through violence.

This. These traitors are not trying to 'help' us– they're trying to murder us. They're just sociopaths about it.

Rakes and leafblowers next.

Yet another rung on the ladder of the ongoing genocide of White Canada.
It's so much easier to put wrongthinkers in "totes not death camps, guis" when they are all disarmed and unable to mount any resistance.
I hope White Canada finds it's balls soon. Preferably before they are disarmed like a bunch of faggots.

No they are not lol. Canada doesn't even have a functioning military. This is just blatant political posturing to dangle a steak in front of his Left Wing crazy base whose support he is losing.

Get that fudd shit the fuck out of here.

If this doesn't push Canadians to act, I don't what will. Their police and military are a complete joke, who the fuck is going to stop an insurrection?

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Probably some retarded political polling thought this would be a good issue, for the liberals to campaign on. Election season is coming up, and that has everything to do with it. It more signaling

The RCMP are all they have. So pretty much no one.

A leaf rebellion supported by burgers, could really fuck shit up. No way Canada is able to stop smuggling. All illegal guns come from the US anyway. Right now it is just cartels and mafia running them over.

Jews murdered tens of millions of White Christians in Eastern Europe and are using the exact same pogroms in the West with slightly different names.
I don't think you understand, we're not playing fucking foot ball you dumb boomer. Mass disarmament is prelude to genocide; any attempt to is an act of war.

It already takes like a year to get a handgun licence. I dont know how the fuck you would get an assault rifle. This does not surprise me, I have been saying for a long time that the UK is the archetype for our near future.

You have a license for that rake, eh?

This is probably not going to be opposed, at least in burgerland 56% of people always fight this stuff. As criticisms of America for "loose gun control" have reached a fever pitch as of yet, Anglo-Canadians have been fooled into believing the only culture they have is "not-America" and will accept it to "laugh at inferior Americans". The Quebecois that used to hold guns dear to them in stark contrast to their French origins, because they were surrounded by Anglos and had to preserve their unique customs and language… nowadays have bought into multiculturalism so hard that 400 years of Anglos surrendering them at all sides couldn't kill off their culture, but "Xing Pau and Magondo Mukkubu already struggle with English, let's not burden them more with French… we can all just speak English!"…

No I am a Leaf. And I don't think YOU understand how logistics and geography work. We are talking about the second largest nation on Earth with an armed forces majority volunteers and their only loyal ZOG bot guardians are the RCMP who have like no man power. You are suggesting about 10k Police Officers are going to be able to round up and kill all Canadian political dissidents. But that's impossible lol. They just simply don't have the ability to do so. Which is why all this represents is some cheap election ploy - that probably won't even work. And that was outlined in the article - it says this would require massive confiscations and buy backs that the Police don't have the manpower to police.

they let the darkies in to kill whites.

Okay and the Darkies exclusively stay in the cities because they are too soft for the country - and the city folk don't have guns anyway. They are too cucked for that.

Canadian refugees will be welcome in the US.

Tank you my friend!

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It would be amazing if Trump used this to allow Canadian refugees. I doubt muds accustomed to all the gibs in leafland will come here. Even a million would really fucking help.

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>"durr better remove guns for everyone because the faggots we (the government) forced on everyone act like faggots"

And country cancucks are too milquetoast to do anything until its too late

Good. Boomer FUDDs stabbed everyone on the North American continent in the back when they started arguing that we should allow things like bump stocks and automatics to be banned because it's a trade to keep "practical" firearms. Now they're coming for your varmit rifle and your home defense handguns, because that's what you get when you compromise with kikes and commies.

I already accepted long ago that this was coming, so I have nothing but delight at watching the bluepilled double-crossers get double-crossed themselves. It's pretty clear at this point that it's going to take a Fascist or National Socialist America annexing Canada to save it, so I'm all for Canada going full-bore acceleration and throwing shitty Boomers and their cuckolded 70's politics into the fire. Let them serve as an example of why civilians must have access to military grade firearms and equipment.

We just need to tell Trump that Trudeau hates Israel and we'll get a US taxpayer funded regime change overnight.

Over our cold dead hands. Love my slavshit

You should have seen the writing on the wall ages ago and went black market, turned in your legal weapons for good goy points.


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Only handguns are registered.

I kniw a guy who got a ak for 1k from an arab in brampton

I'd also recommend taking down the names of local police officers, members of the municipal government, journos, etc.

Yeah all the niggers do

Ben fucked up by making the armed robber a white guy.

And just like that, I understand what happened to Britain.

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Reality is not Trailer Park Boys.

I disagree with this.
Most of the leftists in America pushing for shit are actually Canadian. Canadians should suck it up and deal with their own problems and we should build a fucking wall to the north.
I'm tired of people spitting on us and then begging us for help.

You mean (((Canadian))).

Will never happen.

You forgot to say muh q is a larp too.

Fort Drum is less than two hours by freeway to Ottawa. It can be over in an afternoon.

They've always used heavy intelligence, psyops and infiltration as part of their policing. For example, anyone joining that faggot James Sears' party gets extra attention.

The irony is that some of the highest quality rifles, ones that cost thousands of dollars are bolt action snipers

In Alberta you used to be able to get cops' home addresses from the local courthouse for $5/page.

This came in handy after that gun grab in High River by the RCMP / HA gang.

Maybe someone else has a complete national list of all sworn officers floating around too, just in case…

←- post I am answering to
I think I greatly improved this political cartoon.
^ message of the post
← improved cartoon

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Police are irrelevant, the MPs dont even have security and do their own groceries. No one recognizes them.

Well it's a good thing I got this gun licence but never had any hope for Canadian gun laws so I never actually bought a gun but I can buy ammunition for these guns that I don't have
Better make your own now fellow leafs, see Zig Forums's home made firearms thread. A Sten gun is hilariously easy to make, no wonder Huezillians can ork one together so quickly

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A major step necessary for white genocide. Same thing happened in South Africa now unarmed whites are butchered.

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What if they had arrows pointing at them saying "Police", "MP"?

I dunno, what if?

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Look we get it. You know nothing about this country or what it's capable of.

People who point fingers at one country or another for being "more cucked" than others while ignoring their own is on the exact same course are the problem, save for Poland. The only people who can sit back and mock others are Polish people, or maybe Hungarians although they still have a zionist controlled OP leader merely dampening the problem.

Canadian imports when.

I don't know what that has to do with me. I am just saying to everyone here saying this is "disarmament so they can genocide whites in Canada" a) Know nothing about the Canadian government and b) Know nothing about the logistics. The only way that could ever happen is with the explicit aid of the US - not that I am saying that couldn't happen. Just that the gov here is more of a toothless dog than it looks - Canadians are just on the whole too pussified to say anything. And having said all that - it's highly unlikely this gun control goes anywhere unless the Conservatives also decide they want to waste our time, money and destroy our rights further. (Pretty possible.)

Doesn't matter if they're illegal, never surrender your only means of ensuring you and yours are not victim to the whims of the strongest sadist.

"But muh free weed!"

The leafs just got AR-18 rifles into production for civvies too they can't catch a break

Lulz, an oldie but a goodie.

Federal agencies should pay small business to hire immigrants, says a Privy Council think tank. Authorities yesterday would not comment on the proposal by Policy Horizons Canada to have taxpayers subsidize entry-level jobs for foreigners.

Staff in a report Feminist Government suggested cabinet fund a so-called Social Impact Bond to award cash grants to small and medium-sized sized businesses that give preferential hiring to immigrants and refugees. “The team decided on a focus that would reduce the number of immigrant and refugee women who are not making use of their qualifications and skills in their working lives in Canada,” wrote a ten-member panel that authored Feminist Government.

The study did not calculate the cost or benefits, or impact on young Canadian unemployed. Authors of the self-described “feminist government team” included employees with the departments of Foreign Affairs, Indigenous Affairs, Infrastructure and Labour, the National Research Council, Office for the Status of Women and Shared Services Canada.

“Working with our stakeholders including input from within government, the Feminist Government Team developed a primary intervention, a Feminist Newcomer Talent Hub for women, trans and non-binary people,” wrote staff.

“The Government of Canada could promote supporting newcomers with various skills and abilities by providing small and medium-sized businesses with financial incentives for hiring newcomers and supporting their professional development,” said Feminist Government. “An approach using Social Impact Bonds targeting small and medium-sized businesses could be designed to promote two outcomes. Employers would collaborate with third parties such as employment agencies to prepare and match newcomers with job opportunities to increase hiring of newcomers by small and medium-sized firms.”

“Employers would facilitate work-related learning opportunities for newcomers in their employ to be ‘laddered’ into higher-skilled jobs, turning their entry-level positions into launch pads for career paths,” said the report; “A monetary value would be assigned to each outcome, to be paid to the employer on completion, and a third-party evaluator would monitor the number of successful outcomes.”

The proposal followed consultation with “over fifty experts”, said staff. None were named. The Privy Council yesterday would not say whether any business groups or taxpayers’ advocates were asked for comment.

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A militia annexation looks to be reality now.

They will pass this kind of legislation out of the public eye and when asked why they hid it - they will say it wasn't considered within the public interest.

If people want a gun, they'll get a fucking gun legally or not. This applies to all citizens of any country. More gun-bans are proof that the governments are getting scared, scared of militias and civil unrest. In a 2005 survey it states that there is a 2:1000 ratio of active military to citizens for Canada, in the US its 5:1000. It may be dated, but you get the picture. Civil unrest soon.

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Military is almost 100% strong men, citizens is children, elderly, women, leftists, etc.

I'd say reasonable, strong, sane men outnumber army by something between 2:1 and 10:1. The problem is, we don't have a plan, a structure, a hierarchy, or even shared goals.

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There's still time to prep for when SHTF, my guess is a government won't bomb its on infrastructures so planes are out of the picture, which leave tanks and ground units. Find a way to disable ground units, sugar in gas tanks/deep trenches/pitfalls, ect ect, you get the idea. Gotta be creative if anything were to happen. There's no rules when it comes to war.

The point is to make White Canadians helpless against criminal shitskins, niggers, and natives. Look at the ethnic cleansing of Whites in South Africa, it's being done by random niggers (some of which are secretly organized by the government).

Justin Castro… never change


Canada military is obese and useless.


It's also top heavy and useless.


And its a feminist paradise.


And our allies all agree they are useless and incompetent and blame them for deaths of many of their soldiers, particularly in regards to Kandahar.

They arent strong men. They arent properly trained. They lack discipline and the skills required to do their jobs. They are trained on subpar equipment. It's top heavy and struggles to even have active members. Caribou hunters are better trained than our military. This isnt the same military from 40 years ago. It's been a slow and steady decline that has come full circle.

We might be able to improvise.

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How much longer does King Justin The Cuck have in office? He's managed to do so much irreparable damage to Canada in just one term. Is it really possible that Leafs will elect him AGAIN?

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This isn't irony at all, it's crypto language. Presently since it is lawful to use handguns and lawful to use assault weapons, any bans on them impede the lawful use of them.

Shills weasel their way with logic BS by fucking with chronological tenses. It's not impeding lawful use in respect to what is lawful next year if we have it banned by next year.

For example, if you ban the word "communist" today, then it would not be impeding the lawful use of free speech in respect to next year, because next year it would not be lawful to saw 'communist' so maintaining a ban you have already instated is not impeding the law!

This weaseling is so insidious I want to track instances of it somehow, put together a fucking database, I'm sure Justin Castro could fill pages

Time to stock up on sks's and 7.62x39 while its still legal so that I may turn them in to the government at a later date if I don't have a boating accident in the interim tbh.

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Statically speaking the RCMP with the Army put into one is outnumbered and outgunned 20:1 by folk who legally own arms there, this dosn't take into the account of people who've had guns dropped onto them by the aforementioned group or gangs and the like.


You fucking Leafs, wherever you are, need to organize local groups to break away from the commonwealth. Normalfaggots know this country went from being stable and underwhelming to completely off the rails in under 20 years. It shouldn't just be French Canada taking swipes at Ontario it should be all of you, force the government into actually doing anything to quell a rebellion. If you're police are as low number and shitty as anons in this thread have said you could make it happen. You are our North American brothers, make it happen

checked and kek'd underrated post

Perhaps. But remember… they tried this before. The libfags pissed away over a billion dollars failing to create a national "gun registry". That having been proven naive and utterly insane, they now simply want to flat-out grab 'em. (Of course, the stupid "gun registry" taught every gun owner to OpSec their firearms).
Is anybody the least bit surprised by this? Nope. Every word this faggot utters is (((ideology))). Every fucking word.


How lovely for the jews that own them.

The biggest mistake would be doing what the eternal leaf posters do on Zig Forums and attempt to downplay this in anyway.
You guys are fucked, fast tracked toward the UKs style of bullshit which is what they're pushing anywhere that's receptive to cuck legislation.

Go back to half, faggot.

If Quebec can't accomplish it, what hope do the other provinces have?

Fucking wake me up when people finally do more than write long-winded columns for thinktanks. When the state actually comes for your guns, what the fuck are you going to do about it when there's a fucking army at your doorstep demanding your guns? This isn't the America of the 1940s where everybody in town shows up with their guns to defend a neighbor. If anything, your neighbor will tell that army at your door, "Yeah, he's home, and yeah, he keeps them in his bedroom closet." assuming that your neighbor even knows what the fuck you do because society is so ridiculously atomized that even neighbors keep to themselves.
They didn't give a fucking shit about the First Amendment, what makes you think they'll give a damn about the Second?\

Sorry for the blackpill, but I'm just so tired of people talking a big game but not putting their money anywhere near it. It's exhausting reading "OH NO THEY'RE GRABBING OUR GUNS" for the 5000th time and not seeing any REAL FUCKING ACTION BEING TAKEN. I'm tired, Zig Forums, tired of people's bullshit. Tired of jews' bullshit, tired of politicians' bullshit, tired of average joes lying about how they'll stand up to a fucking army at their door. I just want to go to sleep and hibernate for at least two centuries.


It's about putting pressure on the federal body. Look at the Bleeding Kansas incidents during American history prior to the civil war. The sentiment and hard division from that disputed accelerated slavery as the wedge issue of the country. If Canada could create a wedge issue(Ontario libshits and faggots are not representative of the rest of the country and we won't give them authority here) and have conflicts over it anywhere it would force the cuckdeau government to do something, and every action they make pushes more and more people away from them


how 'molon labe' are canadacucks? will we get to watch them pry these guns from their cold dead hands or will we watch them surrender their plinkers?


how about you kill yourself, ya fuckin faggot. take your blackpills and shoot them into your cerebral cortex, bitch.

Try to act surprised when a "mass casualty" event or two occur, the veracity of which is highly questionable and which just happen to fit the narrative perfectly.

Me too I'm a leaf and if you think our geography protect us from anything you are a damn fool!

You don't need much to kill off an unarmed and pacified population. And No it is not the Canadian military that is going to do it! It's the 200 000 - 250 000 Chinese attending university each years. They are already in and our government as already sold us out!

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It is everywhere user. Everywhere.
The parasite will re-invent words such as "gender", then gaslight people that that is how things always were.
Look at cUKistan and Brexit. Their PM made a no-deal deal with the EU and the people voted in a referendum to leave. Now their next PM is AGAIN making a 'deal' with the EU and people are calling for another vote on that deal (to overturn the first result).
Homosexual marriage is illegal? Re-define marriage to two people not a man and a woman.
Free speech obstructing cultural subversion? Define "hate speech" a crime for things you don't like.
Someone disagrees with you too with well supported and valid points? Define "Islamophobia" or "Anti-semitism" to shut them up.

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A united nations force made up of Pakistanis, Nigerians and Communist Chinese Red Army that's who..

And this as been done intentionally.

We already have an army of Age fighting men from a foreign country. around 200 000 Chinese foreign student. They have business all over the country even in the most remote town. Easy to spread container all over with all that in require for a bloody take over.

(fucking checked)

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So a bunch of faggots that can't fight for shit? Not that the UN has the teeth to intervene, America's veto power in the Security Council automatically would void any military action.