/SIG/ Self-Improvement General

Before we can defeat the jews in the World Bank and the jews in Hollywood, we must first defeat the jews within ourselves.

Hygiene is important. BRUSH YOUR TEETH TWICE A DAY FOR 2 MINUTES, don’t forget to floss. Get a tongue scraper too. Your tongue should be a nice pink, not white or yellow. Its not an ancient forgotten secret, but its amazing how many people neglect oral health, it’s just as important as lifting.

Take a cold shower. Stop consuming excessive amounts of carbs and fast food. Have a glass of good wine, no cheap shit. Eat fruit. Eat fish. Eat lots of meat and animal fat. Don't eat feminized products. Don't breed with roasties or THOTs, have some respect for yourself. Find a wholesome waifu. Plan a family. Raise strong men and respectable women who will lead in the race war.

Meditate. It calms the mind, builds discipline and is an ancient tried and tested method of building mental clarity, control and spirituality.

Stockpile food to survive the coming ice age. Don't do ignorant nigger things like stealing.
Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degenerate feminism.
Stop consuming pornography and try the NoFap challenge.
Get off the internet, go outside and get some sun. Stop smoking cigs. Don't do drugs. Don't watch degenerate (((media))) and read some good books.
Save 10% of your income for a rainy day. Invest money. Even a little will go a long way.

This is your life now.

Welcome to /SIG/ 2018.

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Other urls found in this thread:


thanks reddit

Just gonna drop some files

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Hey thanks for the second part of the books, couldn't find it for awhile.

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What's the best line of work to get into if I want to make a legitimate difference in the world? I was thinking either federal politics or intelligence since I come from the right sort of background for it, but I'm 21 with no proper work experience so I feel like that works against me.
Where should I start? I'm in Australia if that changes anything

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Been eating oatmeal for breakfast recently, it's a game-changer. Keeps you full, is lower calorie, and gives you energy. I eat it for snacks throughout the day, too.

I'm on the daily sauna, nofap, nofastfood, one meal a day, standing work desk, and weightlifting lifestyle. Never been happier

That was made up by the grain-jews to sell cereal.
t.paleo OMAD construction worker

(((Who))) built the food pyramid?

Semen retention is god-tier, but what methods do you guys use to maintain focus, without being distracted by primal thoughts of lust?

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/trannypol/ BO pls

Dropping the usual guides

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First, maintain a strong aversion to all porn. Imagine Jews and their porn whores laughing at you for falling for their succubi psyop, because they are. Let the ensuing anger and disgust push you into doing something productive. In general you should be setting weekly goals that contribute to long term goals and create a list of to do items each week. Have this list with you at all times and immediately do something on the list when the urge to watch porn or wank arises.

I always wondered what kind of state of mind someone has to have in order to produce such nonsense.
Did this moron not understand that the reason why most children don't listen to their parents is because they are ordering them or forcing them instead of convincing?
Is it really that hard to understand that you can‘t treat a teenager like a child?
What most parents do is, they get stuck in the early childhood phase when it comes to parenting.
They don‘t understand that they have to move along with the development of a child.

You can order a 6 year old to do what you want, but you can‘t do that with a 14 year old, that will only lead to conflict and the child will use this conflict do build his own identity.
As a child grows up there needs to be a natural process of separation and building of a individual identity, and that is often times done in contrast to your parents.

When these parents try to order their teenage children around they are giving them the perfect projection screen for that process.
Now this is not done in regards to general rules of the household, which can be given and have to be uphold because (hopefully) the father is the man of the house.
This is done in regards to the personal space of the child, his or her room, and therefore invades the space of private decision.
Actually you can argue that because of this ordering around many children will grow up to be messy adults.

The reason why Peterson’s advice works, is because he gives reasons to do the right thing, he doesn‘t force anybody to do what he wants, and in that way it becomes the decision of the listener to follow or not.

They key point here is that, when you explain and argue in order to make your point, you are way more likely to convince someone to do what you think is right. If you force people then they will only do what you want as long as you can force them to, the moment you loose your power it‘s over.

In short, when you explain and argue, you are acting and treating others like an adult,
which is exactly the kind of behavior you want your child to show.

And yes, i also now about there are many fishy points about Peterson, but the point here is that he knows how to convince people and gives the, seemingly, good advice that many would love to have gotten from their parents when they were younger.
Thats where his attraction came from!

Then why do parents and the expecting call it the terrible twos, threes, fours ect?

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If your workstation doesn't have a standing desk, you're a cuck

shit people have shit kids
its basic genetics

Because they are shit parents. We can't leave the house without hearing about how well-behaved our children are about a dozen times an hour. Waitresses are our biggest fans.

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blablablabla ITT: fat, ugly, underachieving, disgusting, stupid, uneducated and impotent non whites looking for internet-validation for things they wish to do and wish to be, to have an ego boost. intelligent, in good shape and white people do not need advices (especially not from the likes of you) to improve themselves, because every non retarded person can infer all of this on their own. this thread is a social parade and if you idiots don't even realize it or actually need advices on how to not be an useless piece of shit (provided you are white to begin with) then you're full of useless and weak genes. the only good thing you can do is not breed.

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>strong hierarchy (aristocratic roots, social status, clans with clearly defined leaders)

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And for the faggots who say whites should be werewolves and vampires are jews:
Vampires are immortal, 400 is a pathetic limit in terms of a fantasy life span.

Drinking blood is considered more pleasurable than sex x5
Vampires own the night, and sleep is deep and more comfy than anything in life. Who wouldn't want to sleep.

Depending on who you subscribe to in terms if vampire lord, some say vampires only need to feed once every 3 nights, some say every night. Either way, you aren't going to appear in security tapes because of magic, so it's not like you aren't already off the grid by default.

Werewolf's smell like ass and can't control their transformation. What's helpful with that?

pic related a niggerjew in wolf form lynched and flayed by /ourvampire/

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oh god it's retarded
and it has double dubs



It's degenerate as fuck. Vampires, in Europe, is the mythical representation of a jew.

That is a kike influence to tie Christianity to evil
That is also kike influence
That is a relatively new concept and also kiked
Sure, they are all dead, they don't have to do shit they have super powers blablabla. Kikery.
Yeah it's perverse as fuck
Hollywood concept - tying these things to evil.
That's a stretch
And with all of this you ought to know that vampires are degenerate, bad, and the epitome of what a jew is.
Anything Hollywood does appeals to the youth, and it does so because it sexualizes everything.
Degenerates and absolute spergs
It is humoured and tolerated due to the culture of "tolerance of everything stupid and different" but not accepted or respected.
That can be put on anything
This is a recipe for making angsty teenage loners, fedora 2.0 trve kvlt

It was sarcastic and only because he got dubs twice in a row and I'd poke fun at Kuckites. Of course Kuck bullshit is retarded.

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Um, who was VLAD THE FUCKING IMPALER, KIKE? You know, the guy who mutilated thousands of Ottomans and is the inspiration for modern vampire imagery?

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The kike imagery, the mockery of Vlad.

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We are the GOOD, not the BAD or the EVIL. So let's not pick something that historically, in our own heritage is EVIL and ABOMINABLE, as our inspiration.
Yes a lot of our good thngs have been tied to these vile, evil and degenerate things, but let's reclaim those, without embodying evil. We are righteous and good.

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Do you think, instead of spamming useless images that have little to do with self improvement, you could actually post stuff that is about self improvement, like exercise routines, or GMO awareness, or mental clarity, etc?

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Get your own life and future figured out before trying to change everyone else's. If you can't make a difference in yourself first, you won't for anyone else.

okay, reported

Nazgoth and Vampright are the future of white nationalism and there is nothing you can do about it!!!!!

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Maybe that's how you define self-improvement, maybe those are areas that you need help with.

Others could use motivation or a mindset shift

How about you actually read some of these?

relates to no-fap

relates to science, spirituality, and government

basic guides

& the rest are just supposed to motivate people. How about you shift your attitude and try to uplift people instead just reeeing to the mods?

I have adhd so I can't read or exercise unless i'm outdoors but today is going to rain outside. wat do?

I don't want to procrastinate or stagnate

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If there is an archetype to pic, white nationalists should choose to become werewolves over bloodsucking vampires instead. The wolf is the Aryan of the animal kingdom and has behaviors very similar to humans, such as monogamous mating for life and child raising, teamwork, and intelligence.

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lel, his faggot shit was deleted

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Go outside and do it anyway. You're trying to make yourself strong right? Why should a strong person be afraid of water? If you get soaking wet, so what? That's just a free shower.

Quit making excuses and just do it.

I'm saying that vampires are inherently an evil, a bad; negative, in our peoples consciousness. And to deliberately putting yourself in the shoes of the "evil" the "bad guy" or "enemy" you're not really helping yourself.
The imagery you keep posting is spergy as fuck.
If you like the churches and the pale skin, the elegance and what not. Then remember that churches are christian, the pale skin is in our genetics and elegance is something that doesn't require "vampires."
Just be as you should be; as your people ought to be. Your people aren't vampires kek.

Werewolves hunt for their food and they at least don't sneak up on you. They're also strong and muscular and don't get killed by sunlight.
Werewolves are far more Aryan or "white" than faggot vamp shit though. Vikings, pagan Anglo-Saxons, pagan Slavs, etc. would agree. "Werewolf" was even a given name in pagan and early Christian Germanic lands, in their local dialects.

Don't forget the various wolf-related given names in Aryan cultures (Rudolf, Wolfgang, Lykos, Vuk, etc.).

Any vampire-related given names in Aryan cultures? I didn't think so.

Also your image looks like something a kike would make just to shit on people awake to the JQ.

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What the fuck is this borderline furry sperg fedora mlp tier shitshow. Just be human for fucks sake.

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Just highlighting the werewolf archetype against the vampire shilling, user.

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Some of the posts in this thread. You'd think (((someone))) doesn't want people to improve, but instead waste time reading about what (((fantasy))) creature relates closer to whites. FUCK OFF.
SIG has easily been one of my favorite threads, but the last couple weeks have been shit.
I'll share a personal update to keep my fellow anons motivated;
haven't had an orgasm in over a month
quit smoking weed entirely
getting absolutely shredded by working out multiple times a week
learning full stack development in free time
did 0 carb for a week, felt amazing, however, the keto flu fatigue got to me and had to eat carbs do to active lifestyle. Will try again when I have some downtime.

That’s great.
Trying to kick my internet addiction by only browsing Zig Forums (and a few other select websites) for an hour a day.

Cheers brother! You are gonna make it. Web addiction is next for me. Too much time reading, not enough time acting.
If I can offer any advice to those looking to quit a substance, do it and try 0 carb at the same time. You won't even think of the substance after a few days because your mind will be so fucking desperate to get sugar and carbs inside of your body that it will be all you think about. I have 0 urge to smoke weed now after and I would smoke upwards of $80 of that garbage a day.

Couple of book infographs I've saved over the years

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Join the military stupid. Get a education dumb ass. Dont do anything stupid dumb dumb.

Good luck

Die for Yidsrael, goy. Take out a 7% mortgage on a scarlet letter.

That's what I'm trying to plan out now. I graduate university with a bachelor of IR majoring in international security in 3 months, so the logical options are federal jobs but I have no idea where to start

This is a self improvement thread. We discourage masturbatory pursuits here.

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Also check out Peterson's daughter on Rogan recently. Beautiful girl, spent most of her life suffering with intense pain from health complications, yet is still very well-adjusted. Speaks volumes.

I have a few questions for my user brothers on the journey to being a better man. Recently I've been really curious about intermittent fasting. There seem to be a lot of good benefits to it. That being said, I am sure some anons here practice intermittent fasting.

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Fucking stop shitting the threads up cunt.

Exactly. True kids are born with different personalities, but a parents behavior ultimately dictates the behavior of the child. People need to form strong bonds with their kids, but most treat them like inconvenience instead of the centerpiece of their life.

>>>/pdfs/, and also inclib.i2p or inclibuql666c5c4.onion and share it with the library site owner

5 things you can do to start Improving yourself
1. Read a book. You can go to >>>/pdfs/ for some suggestions
If you want to get knee deep, inclib.i2p or inclibuql666c5c4.onion
2. Work out. Go to >>>/fit/ for some suggestions.
Those 7-minute workouts are the bare minimum
3. Learn to cook and clean. Shower, shave, brush teeth.
Clean up your bed, desk/battle-station, toilet and closet
4. Learn 2 program. Read SICP and go to codecademy for training.
>>>Zig Forums and >>>/cyber/ has tips on Opsec.

5. Learn a trade (needs to be edited)

Been lifting for about a month now and I just have one question, you lads are the only ones I trust with it. This protein sheit be saying drank tf out of it! I've only been drinking it before and after workouts and in the morning on rest days. Should I follow the directions or are they just jewry to get me to burn through my supply and buy more product? Please advise

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4chan/fit is pretty good. that said:

when you drink protein doesn't matter much at all. the primary thing is to make sure you're hitting your macros. hit the proper amount of (in decreasing importance) calories protein carbs and fat every day. find a nutrition plan that suits you.

Not a shill, but try this:

1 serving is 25g of protein. There's 138 servings.

Vanilla and Chocolate are good choices, I haven;t tried any others.

Don't know why'd you'd drink it before your workout unless you aren't eating actual food.

Just make sure you down that shit right after your workout for maxgains. No more than 30min whenever possible. Like you chased down the animal, killed it, and ate it on the spot.

I also don't know why you'd drink it on rest days.

Here's a pretty interesting read. Common knowledge just says "just lift" but the philosophy behind this text makes sense if you think about what the human body was designed for. Calisthenics worked pretty good for me. I'm not a bodybuilder but I don't intend to be. I'm very well-defined, fast, and strong. I would add that I do High Intensity Interval Training for running by doing sprints. (if you have a park or preferably a soccer/football field nearby this is perfect) I can sprint 100-200 m then jog or walk back and do it again.

Agility and Strength > Size and "how much can you bench bro"

Also note that whenever you run you never run on your heels. always on the toes and ball of your foot. It's hard at first but is the proper way to run. Also Intermittent fasting.

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I cannot hear Emi Evans' voice without the immediate urge to fuck or lift. As I do not have a wife yet, and I disregard thots, please excuse me while I go absolutely fucking nutso at the gym.

You're clearly delusional, alcohol is bad for you, no matter the quantity, meditation is demonic, go to an orthodox christian church instead you ignorant heathen

I don't think you know what meditation is. And I don't think you'd know God if he cast a bolt of fucking lighting onto your head. Get behind me, Satan.

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when every man is chad hypergamy cannot compete

Pain is power.
If you have not felt pain you have not faced the eternal struggle.
Power is pain.

Hey SIG, I'm a fractionchan refugee. The mods there like to shoa SIG a lot but today I have a 3 day week end and wanted to go so far as to even come see if you guys where welcoming here like the threads I'm used to, since I want to use this time productively. Do you guys welcome dykes or will I be met with walls of pls go? Sorry if this is autistic, but I was genuinely blindsided by how welcoming my SIG is and I didn't really want to make any assumptions.

Shit has been happening to set me back, but if I am an awful sack of dyke shit I have at least mastered the art of the recovery. Had to replace a phone, but I managed to return some shit I don't need for a refund as well, the extra work I did was about 800 more lucrative. not bad for an awful minimum wage drone.

I figure I'll put some applications out this week end, I think I need to get serious about excercize though. This week end I'm also taking driving lessons for the first time. not blowing money on it thankfully, and of course I would be too ashamed to report back if I had not scoured my room clean of all the filth last night. Room mate still filthy, and I haven't found the right fit for a new option sadly, but with one meal a day I can piggy back off a friends kitchen after work, and they don't mind so much.

Thinking a lot about my complexes as well, they honestly terrify me to some extent, but I recently had some small improvement. It's strange because I don't really see why it would make me feel more at ease other than it eliminating some manufactured confusion from all the competing opinions on pol. Zig Forums in general has people who swear by the idea that women where not property and any insinuations of inequality and direct criticism of women counts as feminist delusions. I'm not going to argue the point to convince anyone here who thinks like this, but it always personally bothered me. Being a woman I absorb pretty much whatever I'm told though, and I think there in lies the problem. Gratefully, I came up with my own firm evidence to contradict that narrative. Pretty much every positive affectionate thing women do when mate hunting is abjectly submissive. not just like, passive, but outright "here are my vitals please don't murder me" Given the way other animals pair, I don't think its unreasonable to consider that evolutionary evidence of our servitude. Call it a VtM touchstone but it's cathartic to have external proof that I can sort of rely on. I was raised in a very science respecting manner.

anyway the takeaway is that I feel like I can devote less time and resources to thinking about this shit and focus on stuff that truly matters. Given the submission to ideas we have to contend with I don't know how much of this shit is relate-able to the guys ITT but It's been something of a roadblock for me on my way to recovery. A lot of the effects of redpilling are about twice as blackpilling for my case. The relief is basically unquantifiable.

Anyway, With excersize, work, and driving lessons on my mind, I don't have too much left to overfill my plate on. I have to ask here for advice though;

Kratom. My friend uses it pretty frequently because they are in a lot of pain, and we are both SIGing. They recommended it to me and I wanted to know other peoples experiences with it. Given how it helped them I would never think that it doesn't have it's uses and considering the application of drugs in survival shtf scenarios it might be indispensable for survival, but everyone reacts to things differently as well. What worked for them doesn't mean its going to work for me. What are Zig Forumss experiences with moderate usage of substances to accomplish and focus on goals? Despite being a dumb thot I've been very fortunate to avoid almost every (((drug))) people experiment with, only exception being that one time when the (((medical industry))) started giving meth to kids

Any general advice on how to be more efficient in defending my mind from groundless cancer would also be welcome.

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Nofap is the mating cry of fat losers, tho.

Porn is not why they have bad genetics (no, it is not low T levels, it is 56% levels) and no self-control. Pigeonshitspeak and Robert Peterstein tier.


See? Deranged.

On this at least, peterstein is not wrong.

No night vision. That's how that US soldier killed those Afghans civilians a few years ago, he had night vision camera and shot them during the night. -D

Which is why abortion and the pile are good things. Otherwise they would just keep on shitting and shitting their awfull spawns.

- Lots of texts.
- All of it unbacked.

Some user claims are not enough. OP must have back up for his/her claims if possible.

Look newfags, typical shill post.

Backing up medical/biological claims is pretty useless nowadays. You can find hundreds of studies and sources claiming something works and just as many claiming the opposite. A study could be anything from some mom-trepeneur health site article to an Ivy League Ph. D's thesis on each side and they're always conflicting.

First principles and common sense you can always trust. You don't need sources to prove an apple falls if you drop it. But hundreds of studies will be made regardless, and conflicting because of technicalities researchers are trying to exploit to compete to be the one with "New found evidence"

SIG is a lot more quiet here

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Stockpiling food will not be enough for the coming ice age, every user should be working their way to building a homestead with the use of permaculture.


checked and saved

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Ignore this faggot. Abstaining from orgasms isn't some new wave trend and last I checked almost everyone and their dog beats off, not just fat losers.
I've stayed away from busting my nut via masturbation and sex for the last month. The learnt discipline and added focus it brings is real. Forget these semen demons, forget the porn, I'm in control. Dissuading people from trying nofap is nigger-tier shilling.KILL YOURSELF.

Your wall of text reads like you're bipolar and ends with you asking if taking drugs to focus is a good idea. Where the fuck do you think you are? If you smoke, drink, chase orgasms (like most whores), eat like shit and/or sleep like shit then focus on changing those habits first. These miracle drugs are a band-aid for your own lack of self discipline.
Given that you're a woman, the likelihood of you doing anything but responding to your emotions in the moment and then backwards rationalizing them later is truly one in a million.
Tits or gtfo.
Sorry for the double post.

why bother responding if that's what you really think
where do you think we are?

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For any anons who read that dribble and thinks trying Kratom will benefit them as opposed to getting their lives together.
We? This is /SIG/ and I'll gladly call out backwards rationalizing whores who offer zero benefit to society. Go white knight somewhere else.

It's a question asking if it's a good idea, not a recommendation of it.
yes, and yet you want me to fill it with disgusting photos of my body.
Are you retarded? if you have nothing constructive to say, then find something constructive to say. You have basically no self awareness, this is a thread for improvement. Attacking people who are asking questions goes a against that purpose, if you think someone doesn't belong here, feeding them yous only keeps them around longer.

Your behavior doesn't match your goals.

Someone commented on the porn/dopamine chart being incorrect, the amounts being retarded, asking for source. I tried to find it back and got to some stupid blog that is already archived. Not sure if its a good chart.

we really ought to standardize these charts, 3-4 archived sources to direct sources.

Yea, the direct research sources, not the fucking blog would be nice. The dopamine chart especially I feel like it could be very helpful

it goes very well with


and the above related link helped ME to quit porn, and go outside a bit…could be very potent stuff to help make reason to others who are on porn, as to the how and the why.