NordVPN, Hola, PIA, Proton and muh actual Loominati

In conclusion, Luminati is suing Tesonet for doing the very thing that caused privacy-conscious users to abandon HolaVPN years ago: reselling users’ bandwidth.

Some of you might remember Hola jews were DDoSing Zig Forums a few years ago, forcing Hotwheels' hand (a site like this wouldn't need CloudFlare if it wasn't for DDoS attacks).
The URL doesn't exist anymore, was probably lost last time the servers blew up:
But I had an archive:

Daily reminder: archive everything.

Attached: currency.jpg (300x300 334.41 KB, 22.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And you fags cry whenever VPNs just "breach" privacy agreements that never were made in first place, lol

Attached: asian-woman-laughing-pointing-women-closeup-portrait-64588092.jpg (800x533, 32.76K)

Before someone complains that I didn't try: gives a network error (

These companies are trash

Jews behind DDOS for hire service. Not surprised.

Attached: Lawsuit Names NordVPN, Tesonet in Prox_ - http___web.archive.org_web_2018082.png (1680x14542, 2.83M)


Attached: DDOS 8ch by Israel Hola - http___archive.is_dH8mJ.png (1680x1331, 246.13K)

Hola gets the gold medal for kikery.

I'm using NordVPN. I hope this isn't too serious.
Something similar to this popped up a couple months ago, but most dismissed it as a rival smearing them.
I hope that's the case.

kek I remember this crap. The problem back then too was that it was fucking massive as so many normies used it ww to just be able to watch netflix on us ip

Wouldn't be the first time. Many of the goy you see in (((Zig Forums))) being paraded around as pedos downloading CP are often just retards using a VPN that then uses their public IP for their service, or are trying to be an exit node for tor rare.

That's why it's fucking paraded around SO FUCKING MUCH when a white goy is "caught" downloading CP.

Yea, as soon as I saw their ads on TYT and Pakman, I knew they had no values and were just in it for the money.


Zig Forums was right again!

Did you not learn anything from c*ndid?

What would be a good VPN for people in nordic countries? I don't have a VPN and I'm seriously thinking about buying one

Attached: 8a6a697e8d2162d12426bcdc7e57c2a72116cadfbef15338b9d357958edc9147.jpg (500x738, 165.82K)

Itz slunt-man again.
Tell me, how often does slunt-man get banned?

Attached: 7f39073442e867d451be085cf6af74c4a076b85fa45a13cbbb3859cc1eca27f1.jpg (563x390, 19.75K)

I used them for a couple of years now. I don't see YT adverts so I don't know when those started.

be angry because I speak the truth

Never rent "VPN servers". Buy a server(s) in safe countries and set up your own. Do not trust VPN companies and unless you literally steal someones identity your data is tracked and stored anyway. Use old second hand hardware that is still internet capable, but isn't (hopefully) backdoor built into the hardware. Think old, it's still there.

Did you screenshot a page which has a screenshot?

This, don't trust stuff for privacy that advertises constantly on places like Linus Tech Tips.
Also Candid was such an eye opener. Based Notch bought Harmful Opinions' avatar after that event and used it for a while.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1280x720, 1.48M)

what do those have to do with this thread?

this is so self satisfying.
i did not go with nordvpn because it was the most advertised and maybe some other reasons i dont remember.
the name is literally the most honeypotter like name there could be.


Oh, grow the cuck up, you lonely virgin. The lonely 56% virgino fears the NSA. You're never going to kill kikes and die as a hero in storms of steel as you plunge comfortably into an eternal sleep in valhalla.

Unless you're planning some seriously illegal shit, being THIS afraid of ZOG is kinda fucking pathetic to be honest.

Attached: aim properly.jpg (500x400, 29.14K)

NordVPN posted a response:

IVPN is good.

Looking into crypto storm after the fag above mentioned it tho

Good. Hopefully it's just a smear campaign and they come out more transparent than before.

Pay no attention to the innocuous name goy. It's just a cohencidence.

If you have a legit VPN service, don't hand out the name of it publicly. Spread among friends and family only.

Fug I used these fucks.
Amerikkkanon. What's a good cheapie VPN that won't sell my data to kikes?
>Need a VPN for my phone too now because Jewrizon throttles after 2gbs of data on my 5gb (((unlimited))) plan.

Attached: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Killer7.gif (499x369, 1017.35K)

Protonmail and Signal were endorsed by (((Snowden))). Both backdoored.

It might just be a (((smear))) campaign. I would wait for opinion from Zig Forums or some reputable source.
Probably a good idea to not use their application for a while and just use the servers directly, or with something like until this clears up.
The application is the real danger in my mind. Using their servers, the worst thing that can be found out is what sites you visit (assuming you always use HTTPS).

and i was about to order protonvpn.
it was my third choice but i am still going to need (((psychological therapy)))

What's a good alternative then?

I use it as well and live in East Texas. I'm just going to have to start browsing the internet with my lights off so i can see glow in the dark cianiggers from a distance.

I rarely browse youtube so i have not been exposed to very many of their advertisements.

jews trying to get money from a successful business? You don't say… Yeah I remember the 4chin dos via a proxy supplier. Wasn't Hola (at first) and Nord doesn't have the same setup so stop grasping for straws you desperate, jewish faggot.

This gives me some optimism.

this means hardwiring the code into the router as opposed to just pulling up the app and engaging it?

you niggers are all fucking retarded. never trust someone else's computer to handle your privacy unless they don't know you're using it

Fucking poorfag casuals.

Attached: 1372797562433.jpg (235x196, 37.01K)

Any insight how to do this?

I swear to fucking God this place is over run with fucking kikes.

I don't even know what that means but its far from unusual for a VPN to advertise that its Swiss or Scandinavian hosted

You realize the vast majority of anons don't use them for security purposes, people just use them to ban evade and samefag.

If you can configure a server, you can configure a VPN server.

So… An israeli company is suing a rival company and you guys are taking it at face value? Wow.

most vpn accept crypto$

Nigger I know its summer but try to have a little self respect. Get Void Linux and run the VPN through OpenVPN on the command line like an autist or lurk for 10 more years.

No. We know it might be a smear. But it's something worth considering. Is their app open source?
Perhaps it would be best to use something like and just use their servers?
Somebody made a thread on Zig Forums asking their opinions.
>>>Zig Forums961514
but no answers yet.
I've also seen this thread on HN pop up.
HN is very reddit tier, but a lot of smart people post there non-the-less. It's possible it will get downboated with no real substantial opinions/analyses made.

You might not be but I see a lot of cunts ITT who are going "nordVPN btfo". I'm leaning towards this being bullshit.

Isn't the Void foundered MIA? Killed I'm assuming. Is it even maintained anymore?

Attached: Mullvad v Cryptostorm.png (973x4139, 507.11K)

These fucking smart phones are buggy as fuck to begin with, you think im going to even attempt to load a different OS on it?
At least if i have a router that has been flashed with dd-wrt and i hard code the vpn server directly into the router, i can feel secure using my phone to browse when im not sitting at a laptop like some neckbeard with bad posture.

How does one get a VPS anonymously?
How would you know if their parent company or ISP doesn't log and track everything done on it?

Thatoneprivacysite has a vpn comparison chart unsure how updated it is

Attached: images (20).jpeg (259x194, 7.87K)

Void is actively maintained by many people. Its a ground up distro based on simplicity and security with rolling releases. Everything in the repo is open source unless you explicitly link in closed source repos. In fact you can install packages entirely from source instead of binaries for pure Stallman mode if you care to.

It's the easiest, most well supported non (((system d))) distro there is. Unlike Gentoo it doesn't require a massive time investment for setup and maintenance that require you to be full fledged devops. Downside is "Linux" these days equates to Debian based distros so sometimes you will have to build from source if xbps (Void's package manager) doesn't have it in the repo. Worst case some programs, namely Electron based apps like Slack and Discord which are closes source will not be supported. In those cases you can run a VM if you absolutely need access to them.

How is it better than Gentoo, specifically hardened Genetoo?
I used to use the latter, but now that hardened kernels are no longer released by grsec, I'm thinking of switching to OpenBSD.

Funny that it seems like when ever a service starts to be heavily advertised in the mainstream, it almost ALWAYS ends up turning out a few months or a year or two later that it was compromised. A mere coincidence I'm sure.

They are still retarded, it's involving a third party in your privacy. There are all sorts of leaks that can occur.

Its better in that normalfags won't throw into the towel and install some hand holding distro when they fuck their install up during a routine package upgrade. I have nothing against Gentoo or BSD for that matter (besides BSDs complete lack of support for packages normally associated with desktop users) but its simply not tenable to use for most people. Install Gentoo is a meme for a reason, its an ideal and a troll rolled into one statement. As long as you're not using system d and run a hardened kernel you are doing more for opsec than 99.9% of users.

eh, better than nothin i guess.

Just ignore the LARPer.

It wouldn't matter because it's stupid to tie yourself to one machine. You are better off using a high volume vpn so you can hide in a crowd. You want vpn over proxy chains if want decent protection. Just know that there is no perfect protection and so don't do illegal shit over the internet.

Visiting Zig Forums might be illegal in certain jurisdictions.

Shit, wrong article.

I'm too tired to understand this. Any lawfags know if the complaint meets the Twiqbal standard?

No, they are actually worse than nothing if they're a fucking honeypot.

If you really want privacy the only true option is to r00t something.

inb4 israeli security firm

All VPNs suck, just give up and live in the woods.
Although PIA isn't perfect hey aren't terrible. Of all the choices they're definitely one of them.

Proton VPN just updated their software a few hours ago. Trying to cover shit up potentially?

Attached: Screenshot_20180830-065042_Facebook.jpg (1080x1920, 480.5K)

Their service is not the only one using open VPN to encounter problems following new releases; either of the client or provider's own software.

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

This lawsuit has several objectives:
- Undermine confidence in NordVPN
- Undermine confidence in VPN services generally
- Dissuade companies from operating in Panama, a country that has no extradition treaties with the US and does not acknowledge take down requests from copyright holders
- Possibly a far-reaching, but not unexpected, attempt to try and create a false perception with VPN being linked to Russia (therefore security risk)

The only other place to do illegal shit is IRL and that shit is scary. I think I'll stick to internet illegal shit, thank you!

You make a good point.
Hey, doesn't Panama sound like a good place for setting up an user HQ? It's like some no-man's land.

Attached: fight the power.jpg (375x500, 23.86K)

Stay out of the 14 eyes countries when looking for a VPN provider.

Right, so, 5-10 years I don't have getting gud.

isn't that the same as flashing a router and hardocding it to connect using other servers?

Breakin the law IRL is for niggers

No, root just means you are operating in ring 0. In a POSIX environment like BSD or Linux this means you have full permissions to change anything about the filesystem or execute any code on the kernel (which also runs in ring 0). Note that the niggers at Intel and AMD have code that runs at an even lower level than that called the Intel Management Engine and TrustZone respectively.

Open WRT routers let you operate them with custom software as you see fit including maintaining strict whitelists. Having a locked down router is a good idea but only part of comprehensive OPSEC.

Check out Libre boot laptops and purism laptops.

Secure down to hardware levels.

Counting the days until the Librem 5 phone. Purism are the security autists we need in this world.

NordVPN does monitor your traffic though, they even throttle you if you pirate a lot or use up too much bandwidth.

citation plox

Pulled the trigger on a libreboot laptop, can't stomach $1500 for purism laptop when I have a leet mountain dew gamer pc. I'll get one in the future for sure.

I got the basic bitch X200, will get the dock, battery, ssd from other suppliers. They gouge for the upgrades.

Looking into open source router configs, and creating a dead box for my cell. Basically a signal proof, noise proof box. I figure with the tech shit going on its only a matter of time they start monitoring political dissidents

Citation needed. Have you actually checked or are you talking out of your ass?

I don’t know, this whole thing looks bogus to me. You would know if your bandwidth is used by really dropped speed and spiked network usage. I’ve checked with wireguard and everything looks fine to me: only connections being made are to the VPN servers. Also there aren’t any hidden or unnecessary processes or so it seems. It is good that they will be doing an independent audit though. Here’s a whole reddit thread dedicated to this thing: I think these claims are false too because they’re made by competitors. And where’s the proof? Haven’t seen anything about data leakage or anything
inb4 lol leddit

Mmmmm, grayons.

hit and run

good hint

hola VPN page archive

On torrentfreak someone made this review and is it up since january
source first review in the list
most of cryptostorms server network is within the 14 eyes as well.
does anyone know more about this mr spink, his conviction and his connection to cryptostorm?

Just leaving this here

Attached: tyt nordvpn.PNG (607x757, 464.63K)

Anyone have an opinion on CyberGhost? Was way cheaper than btguard, and btguard tended to be slow, with only 5 countries supported.

If it's only you on the vpn server, that doesn't really do a whole lot for you.

If you are really worried, use tails and boot it off a usb3 thumb drive.

Cripplekike never had any proof of that in the first place and used it as a (((convenient))) excuse to "temporarily" (permanently) force captcha on everyone.

So is PIA fucked or what?

Fucking shit. (((CyberGhost)) aquired by (((CrossRider))), a UK/Israeli malware company. WTF?
just leaving this here. it is the 3rd jewgle result for "libreboot t400"

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1887x887, 327.9K)

mullvad is great

Look for a VPS provider you can pay w/ crypto. Sign up with fake info and burner email at a public wifi spot, through a public VPN.

Set up OpenVPN or start using SSH channels to your VPS. Remember though, when you tunnel to that server, it will be logged. So it's not impermeable for all risk tolerances.

PIA is based in the US, get a vpn outside of the US and Europe. I found what looked to be a good vpn but I forgot it.

With PIA you can purchase VPN service anonymously with crypto. Rick Falkvinge is their Head of Privacy and is an outspoken Bitcoin Cash supporter. A big lolberg to be sure but they seem to take privacy seriously.