This thread is dedicated to posting dox information about cuckchan's management (janitors, mods, admins)
Reminder that we need to get ALL of cuckchans management because there is no one member that is dedicated to just one board. Damning information about say pedo rings has been scrubbed, deleted and covered up by cuckchan management and threads about controversial subjects suffer the same fate.
If you have dox info on cuckchan's management, post em here
Official Cuckchan Mod Dox Thread
aww, did someone get banned?
There was a vol that had a weird Tumblr dedicated to Pokémon porn.
Cry more, kike.
You know, lately 4cuck hasn't been as shitty as it usually is. It's like 70% of the bots and shills left. Really weird. Anyone else notice this?
Making a thread to dox and not beginning the process in the OP is disrespectful. Fuck you.
How do we know you aren't Jared Holdt and this is just part of your master plan to take down 4chan?
Drop 'em or leave, fag
Silly user, cuckchan closed when moot left to join google.
Cuckchan went full botnet almost a little more than a year ago. Only a fucking idiot would still use that place.
didn't they make a board here when they were purging old mods with that new id system for new hotpockets?
You're thinking of the 4chan mod leaks board.
If infinite mods see this post, register another domain now under a family members name because when they come to you with a cash offer, you will most likely take it and they will have you sign a non-compete. If the domain is registered before the agreement is signed and not under your name, you will be able to launch the day this place shuts down.
They will tire of spending money eventually. maybe by the time we reach 256chan
This doesn't belong on Zig Forums. >>>/b/
Leave, kikechan.
They will come to shut this place down next.
only a retard (like OP) thinks 4chan ever existed after moot sold his ass out to the kikes. if you're browsing cuckchan in the first place there's something seriously wrong with you and you should go to reddit, tumblr, kikebook, anywhere but not here. fuck you brainlet cattle
Moot was a kike. And 4chan was always a shit.
/new/ was shit. I remember people bending over backwards to praise zog champion Romney. Zig Forums was shit. /int/ was shit. Everything but /fit/ was shit. And even /fit/ was shit most of the time.
A place where criticizing jews gets you banned, is shit.
not OP, but because the mods give 2 week bans to anybody who even asks about the ruling on jared holt threads because he's attacking the site.
any attempt to address anything relating to politics and art gets scrubbed as irrelevant
politics is downstream from culture
tons of non political spam gets posted all the time there, but if you ask real questions and post a real thread about art and politics….wham gone
I've been thinking about this for a while. Does anyone have any information on where the mods communicate with one another online? Do they use a discord or IRC server or anything like that? Does anyone have any emails or usernames?
Kike mods… Thinking that will stop us.
I know there was a mod named Guttord? Gats? He hung around on rizon irc for a time but this was about six years ago.
I know they use rizon irc
No. It's rife with SJWs.
Zig Forums and /new/ were great, Zig Forums can't even compare back to the old days.
You're also lying because Shit ZOGney was his name on both boards.
maybe you're just a faggot who should go back to 4shills nigger chan, juden
It's still terrible, there are tons of black dick posters on pol, r9k, tv, v, ect at all times. There are still discordfags constantly brigading pol, r9k and v. Mods are cuckolds who will defend blatant discordfag threads designed to disrupt the community while giving you random 3 day no appeal bans for 'low quality content' or inciting flamewars when you tell them to fuck off with their shitty threads.
The number of filters you need to use to make most of the boards on that site even marginally usable is insane, it's hardly even worth it.
The last time I tried to post there I filled out like 5 google captchas before I realized I was an idiot for even doing that
I still use it for some of the smaller boards that attract less shitposters and don't have an equivalent that gets actual traffic here like lit but actually posting your political opinions and calling people niggers on that site is retarded
they kill cops over at chiru dot no slash pol
bordpolkanon is the handler over there
The mods use IRC. To spy on 4chan mods /server -m -j #4chan
Happy hunting user. :^)
Didn't all of the mods get shitcanned a couple months before Gamergate and their replacements had to provide their IDs to someone to be considered for mod jobs, so they all had to be dumb enough to dox themselves? I wonder who has all of their IDs.
the shit they toss around is the same
Fucking finally, after all the shit that is going on 4chan (neofag, the nsa spying and ekansovi) i wonder why there weren't many user wanting their fuckign heads already
4chan was taken down long time ago with the corrupt mods
it's true. they are banning people right now for posting pedo truth threads. I got banned for posting this thread
picture related is the ban picture.
the usual shills showed up, ,but also if you look on that thread, you'll see some very creepy shills / bots or something that showed up toward the end and kept posting irrelevant images to try to bump the thread to its limit. there's a serious legitimate astroturfing effort happening over there.
I dunno about the doxxing, but there is definitely a serious problem there. one guy made like literally almost 100 replies to bump the thread out.
and I posted another thread earlier in the night about NAMBLA too and it immediately got deleted.
They need to go back because they're shitting this place up instead
After GamerGate they made sure to hire ac SJW crew. I'm guessing these mods informed their SJW butt buddies or something because ever since then 4cuck has a large SJW presence.
that's what happens when normies make youtube videos, and TV people advertise. i believe the term is "hugged to death"
The mods don't like it when you call them trannies.
I got perma-banned from all boards for asking /a/ if they would a 3DPD.
Btw does anyone know of a way to bypass bans on 4cuck? Proxy and VPN don't seem to work anymore.
the game has changed.
4chan mods are pedos
but the trannies from reddit stay the same
Fuck you kike. You have no power here. Go back to spamming cuckchan with random nigger dicks and trap porn slide threads you utter fucking faggot.
That's not good.
It was proven 10 years ago that that's not RapeApe.
The 4chan mods moved over to Discord. At least TRY to keep up.
where is the high-res of that pic related?
Daily reminder to filter shills on sight.
That's fucking retarded. (((Discord))) is obviously a push by the kikes to get everyone off of IRC.
I honestly wouldn't know where to start. Is there an IRC or something?
Chan mods are pozzed up the pozhole and I do know that /v/ is completely pozzed by the fem freq types.
There's #4chan on Rizon, I haven't been on there in years, though.
/r9k/'s shilling is completely out of control. Constant threads shilling the virtues of black women, and on the other hand used up white sluts constantly shilling against Asian women (why are they this fucking concerned about piss bottle-hoarding NEETs?). Constant threads urging mentally unstable men to start taking hormones. There also used to be a guy who would constantly make thread after thread attacking "wagecucks." Just 24/7 shilling and spam and the same threads every day. The staff is 100% complicit.
Have you noticed how they specifically target the following:
/sig/ threads
Book threads
Art and architecture threads
Whereas at the same time there is a gender dividing and "x isn't white" thread up constantly?
4cuck mods usually ban the threads as "not politics". Here the negative threads were deleted but when kampfy was in command he banned the positive threads too under the pretense that they are distracting us.
What they fear most is us being united, self-improving, in touch with our culture and having fun
Glad I saved these. Apparently this faggot is a mod on 4/pol/. This idiot thought it was a good idea to fill out one of these data mining sheets.
Hopefully this can be of use to nailing down his real identity.
Not sure if he's even still a mod at this point, but here it is anyways.
4chan sucks dick but it's important not to lose any ground in the information war.
The get on Matrix, fag
The absolute state of 4chan HAHAAHAHAHAH
You are the best useful idiots ever, they want this, do you remember that some years ago some user fucked moot's mom and how he posted pics of him being a faggot? Ask Oscar Wilde, they want attention and the proper thing with media is cutting them from the net, not pushing their own degeneracy even more, bad goys are baned from the internet, you cant hear them, you have to get a way of stopping media, removing them, not giving them more attention.
Mods came around once advertising a discord channel for gays. I went in. Turned out they were recruiting mods. One was called gayjew. Can't contact him anymore, since I left the channel.
On /b/ (this site) happened the same shits, mods were forced to do a bulletin saying that thwy arent related to discord because it was used to lure kids.
Do you remember how an entire countrie's thought processes relied on a basket weeving forum?
Heard some of them were actually cp.
can we get a pastebin?
That post is from 2006, it might not even be him anymore.
They've had ads like that for years. Though, before that, I think I remember them having ads for some weeaboo store.
Uh huh. It's better than using the proprietary Jewshit known as (((Discord))).
On a tenuously related note, how does one go about doxxing people in the first place? With the left being genuine brainlets I've never understood how sjws actually find a person's name, address, and employer unless there is some mystical deepweb site that connects user names to birth certificates. I realize several of the victims are social media users who post too many compromising photos of themselves, but what about the ones who do not use those platforms and are just names on a screen?
Polite sage for off-topic, and pic unrelated.
Instead you get blacked porn and traps
Not just those
/sig/ threads
Book and archive threads
Kike/Enemy digging threads
Art and architecture threads
Poster and Redstick threads
OpSec and prepping threads
Media/"originals" threads
Other Operations threads
National Generals threads
And these are the threads that they will bump
China/Japan/Korea threads
Antifa and leftists sympathy threads
DIscord recruitment threads
"Alien/Occult conspiracy" threads
Low-effort one-liners/link threads
Eventually you will find an account that will lead to his name an address.
Since most sjws are not good enough to do this they will send a tranny/thot to befriend the target and gather all the info they need.
You missed some. I can give quick rundown on what gets bump nowadays and some (((memes))) there and might an ama if you want. A little teaser
This shit is getting bumped for 12 fucking hours … The shilling there is beyond, just beyond everything and the excuses or blandishing is disgusting. Don't get me started on race-mixing or a write a book here.
The captchas are becoming more frequent here as well, but IDK maybe that has something to do with the prevalence of bots on Zig Forums now…
(((Their))) agenda can be seen more clearly by analyzing MSM articles, but what's getting banned/bumped shows us what they are afraid of and how they plan to combat it.
Please do
The most notable the last days were race-mix threads. The worst one started at 5 pm to 6 am. 8 fucking hours. 2 threads were deleted due to me (and hopefully others) reporting the cherrypicked sheboon soft porn. And since yesterday the Treason? tweet got spammed alongside with Trump saying he would have destroyed or bombed Assad over the chemical attack? The JFK airport threads are getting slided I guess, there was only one good, the other were … (((not avialable anymore))). Some shitpost transgender threads alongside with (((anons))) making pro-comments about it resulting in dozens of replies that they want to fuck the underaged boy (who is a trans, a girl).
The christian threads are getting flooded with (((bullshit))) and can't even provide a source or evidences. (((They))) are most afraif of christian threads, they are unironically rare at this point and I witnessed some getting deleted while I was writing replies.
Whatever is getting on in or on Kavanaugh is a almost agenral and the swedish election threads are getting slide along side trashtaking about the AfS
which fucking mod banned me over there? i want his name and address nao
I've been checking it out a few days now too several times a day. It's only cancer there, obvious shills. And I saw the pence shit yesterday, flooded all over the place. And not to mention posts and """memes"""…. Not organic.
Cuckchan is always cancer, but this was blatant shilling
This guys name was something mcintosh or macintosh or whatever, he was supposed to be one of the lead admins Im pretty sure - during the cuckening. Dont know if it changed up much, only have the blurred out copy from cuckchan because they were banning anyone who posted it at the time.
I like where this is going Op
Maybe you can have federal charges brought against them for illegally covering up the R9K blackmail/suicide cult stuff, and not reporting it to authorities (because they're directly involved in it)
Do not post here ever again. You deserve this.
Looks like Hiro.
but user i'm just a homeless refguee now. pliz gibs asylum
What the fuck you would let mongrels live? Kill the beasts, the traitors that bred with the beasts and send the mongrels back to africa/asia/arabia or well, america.
Is it virtually possible, if one had the money, to buy 4Chan? Or Zig Forums, just askin' tho.
i wish someone could buy 4ch. for a lot of normies on their first redpill journey 4chan is usually their first stop but if they're banning us all now and just letting kike shills take over.. that's a valuable resource lost
Its this exact reason why /mlpol/ was demanded to have its own board then. Because bullshit like this is allowed.
But of course, their kikehandlers couldn't have discussion.
If that being the case, its best to ensure that this line doesn't fall. Because those seeking true political discussion will eventually stumble onto this place.
Fuck you, faggot.
Harassing the shit out of the Nu-4chan mods is a good thing.
I'd like for people to dox Reddit's administration, too.