The meat of this theory is in these two:
But if you want to read the whole series:
I have attached screenshots of some of the more interesting bits of this theory.
The meat of this theory is in these two:
But if you want to read the whole series:
I have attached screenshots of some of the more interesting bits of this theory.
Other urls found in this thread:
yes kikes = phonecians
I thought Phoenicians were Aryan.
"Miles Mathis" (if that's his real name) basically says everyone is jewish so take him with a huge boulder of salt.
They were semites. They even share the same phonetic alphabet with kikes.
Yes, but are jews capable of building a productive civilization without gentile builders and thinkers? And it's possible the original "Afroasiatics" were more Europid than they are today and that jews are a special degenerate aberration.
Master Mason. Take anything he says as disinformation.
Phoenicians are kikes. Sage.
Miles Mathis is a retard
Miles Mathis also claims that pi = 4
He's also a pedophile
in base 60 or something like that which the phonecians used iirc
4 in base 60 is the same as in base 10. He's just a sophist.
Phoenicians got Hellenized try again.
They are khazars, only around a 5% of the kikes is actually of semite descent.
Always interesting to Miles Mathis' work immediately disparaged and misrepresented. His basic premise is that just a few jewish and crypto-jewish families are the Oligarchs of our world who use gay, jewish actors that fake their deaths as the mechanism to shape/create events
Do your own research, don't listen to anyone in this thread.
Do you poison every thread?
user sorry to disappoint you, pic related a (((phoenician man))) reconstructed thanks to his preserved skull.
Notice anything ?
Forgot pic
pic related is an English man, reconstructed thanks to his preserved skull. Notice anything?
pic related is a Finnish man, reconstructed thanks to his preserved skull. Notice anything?
No, it’s Aryans and Phonetians.
Not even close.
Well, no. This was the hyperborean age, an aryan empire. We know from the Incas, Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Easter Islanders, Canary Islanders, all have stories passed down, or art, of "fair haired, blue eyed giants" who brought civilization. The Incas named descendants of these aryans "children of the gods".
An english man, what a fucking load of kike bullshit.
I see your point, but I should remind you that the whites, and when I mean whites I mean celtic and germanic people are not native europeans themselves, whites migrated from the Hindu Kush thousands of years ago for reasons which we could only speculate since there's no records from that era.
That was my initial question
It looks like an effeminate nigger transsexual thing cavenigger
Phoenicians are kikes. Smh.
Here's an example of proto white, 3000 year mummy of a blond woman found in China of all places.
Found in what is now Xinjiang which now is full of turko-mongol people as well as han chinks.
They are the same, since they're all semitic, same applies for arabs which is also a semitic people.
If you werent such a cocksucking faggot maybe you would have read a couple of pages where it reads 'We won't be “navigating” away from the Jews, although
that word is an early clue to who these people are. I would not be publishing this paper if it navigated away from the Jews. Gerry will not be showing the Jews are not Jews. He will be showing they are Jews and a whole lot more.'
This theory suggests that Semites (Jews / Phoenicians) were colonizing / infiltrating the British Isles possibly as far back as 1600 BCE by setting up tin mining and tin trade (for bronze in the bronze age).
Wrong image.
Fucking kikes!
right? what's up with the illiterate faggots in thread. Half his site unintentionally is tackling the JQ
80% of jew are ashkeNAZIm
40% of all ashkeNAZIm descend from the same four European women; x-dna Haplogroup K.
The number one y-dna group of the AshkeNAZIm is Haplogroup G.
The jews are quite inbred but the Arabs are more.
And I think the Khazars thing is a myth.
Europeans are mixed pre-human hominids native to Europe.
As Africans are mixed pre-human hominids native to Africa and Asians are a mix of pre-human hominids native to Asia.
Modern Arabs and Turks are a mix of all three in varying proportions.
Interesting statistic. It checks out with results that say things like "Study Traces 3.5 Million jews To 4 Women".
The holocaust did happen. A real fucking long time ago. We missed a couple. I fucking told them.. Ya gotta get the fucking nest.
I've seen speculation about kikes being Phoenicians before:
There's no way of deducing how long someone's nose is from their skeletal remains.
This is pure jew disinfo so that they can claim the levant and greater israel, legitimately.
When you read the article that picture was attached to it states the skeletal remains in question showed they were of an ancient European hunter gatherer line.
Phoenicians are not kikes, kikes are not Phoenicians.
Phoenicians were Europeans.
OP is a giant faggot.
not to mention all those convicts we sent to the iron and tin islands
Why the fuck are all the losers of the world claiming to be Phoenicians? Even niggers are doing it.
They died out as a people before the Roman empire reached its peak. FFS that's thousands of years ago, it's like calling yourself a Spartan with a straight face.
all they did was what they do best - sell things made by others, with ships made by others (others = greeks in most cases). non different from now.
Read up to the 3rd book, this shit is extremely interesting and quite possibly true. Lot's of retarded spooks in here shitting the thread up without even reading it gets the noggin joggin also.
nice gaslighting of ancient info-european civilizations kike
I'm sure next youre going to claim alexander and philipp of macedon were jews and hellenism (the foundation of western civilization) was jewish as well
Well, he wasn't a kike I suppose, but he WAS definitely one of the if not THE first globalist in the kikeish sense, i.e. wanting to create one unified worldwide empire.
Hey retard, there's a difference between imperialism and lebensraum-acquisition versus globalism and globohomo, namely mastery or even physical removal versus egalitarianism.
Every great nation began as a small tribe in a small area, but through conquest acquired large swathes of land on which to live and grow food/population. If any given nation had simply stayed put in their tribal setting, they would have been overrun by some other group with the will and foresight to conquer.
nice reading the book kike
Neanderkike Druidpol strikes again. Jews are magic thread 230,344.
Jews are the inbred cult cousin fuckers of Christian Rome with Neanderthal, goat fucker middle eastern genes.
Another dumb cunt that doesn't even read the books
The books are good info and you faggots are just shills if you're not even going to bother trying to read it.
We know the jews are in control but this explains how they gained that control and it's been for far longer than we'd like to think. But it does make sense.
phoenicians were semitic so they are jews and jews are phoenicians the same as fuckin arabs you dumb fucking cunts
Migraine-inducing nonsense.
"In the past, the discussion wasn't whether Britain was settled by Phoenicians or not, or whether Britain was named by Phoenicians or not, but merely which Phoenician word Britain was named after!"
Another suspicious coincidence is the fact that Europe is named after a Phoenician princess ("Europa") — famous for being raped.
Is this an inside joke and a "flexing" of power from the people who have been raping and pillaging Europe — of her peoples/genetics, her land and her resources — for more than four thousand years?
The Phoenician haplogroup was European and is incredibly rare these days.
jews are middle eastern mixed mutts.
Phoenicians were not semites and no moishe, you cannot have greater israel.
Phoenicians are Semites by definition. Since the word refers to people who speak Semitic languages, which includes Phoenician.
And for the genetics:
"Levantine Semites — Lebanese, Jews, Palestinians, and Syrians — are thought to be the closest surviving relatives of the ancient Phoenicians, with as much as 90% genetic similarity between modern Lebanese and Bronze Age Sidonians"
Isn't it curious that the chosen label for enemies of Jews ("Anti-Semite") happens to cover Phoenicians as well?
Why did they choose to popularize "Anti-Semite" when they could have easily chosen something specific only to Jews like Anti-Jew, or Anti-Judean, or Anti-Hebrewite, or Anti-Israelite?
Hellenism was a great way for the jews to push their writings to all the towns, they had pharisees in every town under Hellenic rule but got found out by the Seleucids. Oh how they hated Antiochus, that's why in the Torah in 2nd Maccabees 9 the jews say, "With great arrogance he said I will turn Jerusalem into a graveyard full of Jews." but if you read on he cucks out and wants to become a jew himself, "I once looted the Temple and took its sacred utensils, but I will fill it with splendid gifts and with better utensils than before, and I will pay the cost of the sacrifices from my own resources. Besides all this, I will become a Jew myself and go wherever people live, telling them of God's power." Of course the jews have no forgiveness and Antiochus still dies a painful death, "And so, this murderer, who had cursed God, suffered the same terrible agonies he had brought on others, and then died a miserable death".
Geographically, it's no stretch at all to equate Phoenicians with Jews/Judaeans/Israelites as they are next-door neighbors.
Canaan, in the geographical sense, covers both Phoenicia and Israel.
Phoenician was the Greek name for them — from the Greek Phoinix meaning "date palm" and "Phoenician" (also origin of the word "Phoenix") — they called themselves Canaanites.
Linguistically, there's no stretch there either, because as pointed out earlier — — they both speak Semitic languages with a common origin.
Ancient Hebrew and Ancient Phoenician alphabets are nearly identical.
"In terms of archaeology, language, lifestyle, and religion there was little to set the Phoenicians apart as markedly different from other residents of the Levant, such as their close relatives and neighbors, the Israelites."
I know this guy as the dude who accurately called out Stephen Hawking for being replaced at some point in the 80s or early 90s. I'll dive into this more. This theory seems plausible, but it seems to me like there would be lots of overlap between Phoenecians and Jews and that those groups would not be mutually exclusive
Meh, i read pt 3 and 4, if we use the authors line of reasoning we could basically say everyone who used a semitic alphabet, including egpytians, babylonians and akkadians were jews, which is completely false.
Likewise, where can WE find the first non Biblical historical evidence of the Jews…I'll let you all research that for yourselves and then re-examine this work.
To add, Phoenicia and Israel co-existed at the same time under Greek rule, around the ages 200BC - 200AD. This is a problem for the author's hypothesis. Also, you can find pictures of Phoenician sarcophagi, the facial features are very Caucasian, no odd noses or floppy earlobes such as the re-construction.
Despite the lofty claims made in the bible, if you actually read the damn thing it is abundantly clear that “king” david was no more than a tribal warlord and that he didn’t actually control even a fraction of the land/cities claimed. He spends his entire life fighting civil wars for crying out loud.
While Phoenician culture and trade networks had a significant impact on Western civilizations, we know little about the Phoenicians themselves. In 1994, a Punic burial crypt was discovered on Byrsa Hill, near the entry to the National Museum of Carthage in Tunisia. Inside this crypt were the remains of a young man along with a range of burial goods, all dating to the late 6th century BCE. Here we describe the complete mitochondrial genome recovered from the Young Man of Byrsa and identify that he carried a rare European haplogroup, likely linking his maternal ancestry to Phoenician influenced locations somewhere on the North Mediterranean coast, the islands of the Mediterranean or the Iberian Peninsula. This result not only provides the first direct ancient DNA evidence of a Phoenician individual but the earliest evidence of a European mitochondrial haplogroup, U5b2c1, in North Africa."
"To date, as far as we can determine, U5b2c1 has not been identified in the Balearic Islands, Sardinia, or Sicily [62–64], though it may have been on these islands in the past and lost due to drift. While some of the reported modern individuals carrying the U5b2c1 haplogroup today are found in the Iberian peninsula, they are also found in Britain, Germany, the United States, and undefined “Europe”, so we cannot say with certainty that the haplogroup is more than European. However, the highest frequency of the haplogroup U5b today is in the Iberian peninsula and U5b2c1 was also present there in Mesolithic hunter gatherers."
jews and lebs do not carry this haplogroup anymore. in fact no one does in the middle east.
"While the U5b frequency in modern populations in Western Europe is less than 2% it is much rarer in today’s Near Eastern populations [12]. In our full mitogenome sequencing results of 47 modern Lebanese U samples, we found only two individuals who carried haplotypes belonging to U5b2 and neither of these belonged to the U5b2c1 subgroup. It has been demonstrated, however, that modern Levantine populations do not reliably represent the haplogroups present in the Neolithic period, though haplogroup U5 was only found at low frequencies in pre-pottery Neolithic (PPNB) samples from the Levant [54]. U5b is found in only 0.4% of the modern populations from the Iberian peninsula, and only 0.18% Europe-wide [42], which provides us with further confidence of the authenticity of our ancient DNA result. Only the Saami, in northern Scandinavia, retain high levels of U5, and U5b1b in particular, with frequencies over 50% in some Saami populations."
Phoenicians were ancient Europeans.
They were not rat faced heebs.
The Phoenicians (Lebanese) got converted to Christianity, and it was a Christian country not much time ago. A similar thing happened with the Palestinians before getting forcefully converted and enslaved by Muslims and "Jews" who immigrated to Palestine to explore the conquered land, just like they did to Iberian Europeans.
The current "Jews", heirs of Pharisees, are heirs of nothing other than their misdeeds, their wealthy created by greed and slavery. Don't fall for the Neo-Pharisees trap:
"elites" == pigs in a pig pen
No the lebs are not the original inhabitants of the levant either. Maybe 1% of lebs are descendants of the Phoenicians.
The Phoenician alphabet was father to all our alphabets so of course the jews appropriated language and culture but that does not mean the jews are Phoenician or that the Phoenicians were appeared like modern semites do.
This is all just another jidf psyop to claim that the jews have a right to greater israel and that the goyim should be grateful for being given an alphabet from our superior jewish masters.
This is actually fascinating. I'm very curious about the relationship between Slavs, East Asians, and Turkic peoples in Northern Asia.
So this is where the eternal Anglo came from
Just to finish your thought for you, thats where the ruling families from across the world are supposedly descended from.
If you looked at (especially northern) Germany before WW2, it was a land full of the Hyperborean ruling class.
Hiram Abiff
Basically everything but the center and south of Africa, south east asian coasts and Australia was white territory, then something happened and whites just disappeared from every place but Europe and that happened before Alexander's tour, remember that jomon people have some white blood and solutreans isnt a legend anymore.
Checked and desire of knowing more intensifies.
Not necessarily jews themselves, but it is said that Phoenicians did find their way to South America. Could explain mr. merchant god, Lord of the Nose here.
Hiram Abiff was a Phoenician from the Tribe of Naphtali.
Naphtali instructed his sons not to mix with the sons of Joseph, but to join with the sons of Levi and Judah.
The sons of Joseph were Ephraim and Manesseh, whose descendants are essentially the white Christian nations.
Abiff built Solomons temple according to (((Freemasonry))).
The Phoenician gods were the Kings of Atlantis, which were the Nephilim.
I'll give you shillbots these. You're fucking fast. Pretty much the only thing they pay you for at this point.
I thought this nutjob believed in the Carthage theory. Nobody got it bad from the Romans as them not even the judeans.
I wish schizos did useful things to fight against our enemies and save our race instead of devoting thousands of hour to retard shit
wasn't Carthage (for sure not kikes) Phoenician? Phoenicians weren't kikes. this is retarded garbage
Aryans come from the eastern European steppes, we aren't descended from levantine sand rats, kike.
wow a real life descendant of aryans from slavic steppes, amazing.
you're too stupid to be here
Mathis is a Jew.
Taleb shitposts about this quite often. From a genetic POV Carthage was a Phoenician elite ruling over a Berber population.
fair enough, but Phoenicians weren't Hebrews. Hebrews could have been related to them somehow, but saying Phoenician = Hebrew is nuts
Under pressure from the great empires of the Assyrians, the Babylonians and the Greeks, the Phoenicians migrated to North Africa. They were great trading people, sailing immense cargo galley ships from Asia to Britain. They did not stop at the pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) but sailed as far as 2,500 miles down the coast of Africa. These rich merchants provided funds for a large army and navy which transformed Carthage from a trading post into a great empire.
The last will and testament of Canaan read: "Love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth." The Babylonian Talmud says: "Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth" The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b. These five points have been the modus operadi of the Canaanites for three thousand years. "the Will of Canaan today remains the operating instructions of the Canaanite heirs, who presently control the World Order. At the same time, it remains unknown to the peoples whom the Canaanites continue to rob, enslave, and massacre." The instructions are a command to commit genocide against the people of Shem (Genesis 27:39-41).
it was an interesting read, but i find the authors conclusion as to call them jews lacking
if his proposal is to have merit this system he describes predates the emergence of the jews by centuries if not millenia, the scams as described should probably go back to the most ancient sumerian city times. And don't believe jew lies there culture/religion was only formed in 600BC there is no mention of judaism before the bronze age collapse
also the key factor of the authors proposal is that the scam spreads as a memetic virus in that the chieftains/elite of foreign societies as assimilated into the merchant scheme while the foreign plebs work for it all. it is an intriging mechanism that would be very effective and seen in more modern times when the globe was being explored/colonized
it does however mean that the true scam runs much deeper than what nowadays are called jews and these are but a subfacet of the ruling elite while the lower class jews are sacrificed on the alter of profit
hey just like happen in the recent past
'Yes, read Hebrew is Greek' (1982), or at least the chapter Hebrew and the Hebrews:
(FYI, this platform is being gamed by shills and moderators. Seek better platforms before its too late)
Scotland has always been kicked to the max. Daily reminder that if you are a Scot in America or Canada or Australia, it is likely that you left during the highland clearances, when kike landlords booted all of the highlanders out so they could build sheep farms. They burned down the homes and pushed them out into the street.
(((mods))) allowing this Jewish propaganda larping to meme them as a great people instead of degenerate little shits who fuck their cousins.
But god forbid you have a history thread about Viking political structures
good bread OP. I love reading stuff like this.
can't remember if this was on the chans or in a book, but I recall hearing that there are lots of terrible discriptions of the Phoenicians going back to homers books. supposedly they were always depicted as thieves and swindlers and merchants
all i read in the op was
"they set up the jews"
its not the jews!