Operation Alicia MK 11 - Stop Watching Porn Edition

ITT: We fuck with porn kikes for great justice
CAUTION: A massive shill wave has been detected in response to a magnitude 6.oyvey kvetchquake generated by the content of this operation.
You have been warned.
From the first thread:
>(((Mods))) on cuckchan are deleting threads about this.
Quick rundown from cuckchan thread
Here is a video of her saying they wouldn't let her have her comfort animal with her at a shoot and she had to be hospitalized because of an anxiety attack.
Video with her being on drugs
Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread 3

Thread 4

Thread 5:

Thread 6:

Thread 7:

Thread 8:

Thread 9:

Thread 10:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Anchored in 3
kill yourself you shit eating faggots take it back to half

I don't get it :^/

Oh, hai polvol4!

Ok, so this is the 'official' MK11 thread.
I deleted the other 11. I didn't think it was by accident. There were complaints on that thread being a duplicated thread. It was already slid, so I deleted it.

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Why would a Zig Forums volunteer use Tor, before identifying himself in a thread?

German or britbong maybe

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Why are you posting over Tor?

Why am I asking a question I already know the answer to?

So, were you wondering who was mass-shilling these threads all week?
Here's your answer.

so "polvol6" doesn't pop up.
I will ID myself though.
next million dollar question…

Will you finally talk about HANNAH HAYES efforts to recruit other European young women from her own hometown AS THE AGENT OF THE FUCKING KIKES into blacked porn miscegenation and other degeneracy FOR FUCKING MONEY?

Here is an idea:

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I thought you had limitless IPs bro?
Ah, doesn't matter. You can't get banned on Tor. I'm glad you were paying attention to that talk we had previously.

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I agree, we should send her a stern email letting her know that she will no longer be ruining her own life, but the lives of others if she continues down that path.


Is there any agencies that would just give this dumb coalburning cunt an IQ test so Lansky could get thrown in jail? If they're all too kiked to do so it doesn't seem like there's much room for progress on this.


Nah, no way you're going to get a clear IQ test outta any agency in the state of California that concludes with her being labeled as unfit to be fucked by niggers for Jewish moneygrubbing operations.


Hire her for a "porn shoot". The plot is some slut needs to take an IQ tset to get the job.
Film her taking it. Actually verify that she is retarded.
Contact the authorities.

i am still trying to figure out how dead porn producers and financiers would be able to continue making the smut

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I am only here to shine a light on the absolute STATE of nu/pol/ and the 'white kike' or shall I call you 'white cucks' as defenders of filth, degeneracy and disgusting behavior. As protectors and promoters of miscegenation and defenders of your 'queens' right to destroy other women by luring them WITH MONEY into a life of debased degeneracy with no future.

She a whore who is getting paid PER PERSON she recruits; she doesn't give a fuck.

Good idea but I'm on the wrong side of the country for that and I'm not flying out to California just for this. If anyone's local they should actually do it.

Reported for ban evasion, filtered.

Retard…I haven't evaded ANYTHING. Imagine being THIS NEW.

She has a pretty face, I give her that. Her body on the other hand is pretty gross, flat ass/chested, blown out brown roastie pussy. Also, bunions. She is like the opposite of a butterface… butterbody.

remember what the say about burning the coal

she must pay the toll

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This video - hooktube.com/watch?v=oOnD0PDB9yQ is an interview with Alicia. From her own mouth -

As you can see she is not retarded, as graduating with a 4.0 confirms. She is not on drugs and loves her "job".
The shills who set this up will cry -
Except you won't convince anyone under false pretenses.

Really the pussy and coal burning are the only major issues I have with her body.
He retard level IQ makes her non-reproduction worthy regardless of her porn career however.

Mark Schecter is Hannah's agent and was the agent of Cameron Bay in 2013 when she and her bf Rod Daily came out as HIV+. New cases as a few days ago might be tied to him as well.

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report the kike for ban evasion

I bet you believe her tits are real too

note: Christina was killed 5 days ago after these threads started. Mindgeek, one of the big online porn players that own nearly all of the streaming sites on the internet today are in partnership with Playboy. More digging needed but this is a huge red flag.


Mods are no longer trying to conceal their support for the multi-IP spammer.

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no one cares


Be quiet polvol4.

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LOL, he deleted his post and my response.
What an idiot!

He's really not good at this.
I don't want to drag the thread into that shit right now, so keep it to meta, but I'll be monitoring this situation as it progresses, and forwarding my findings to /sudo/ and CM.
This is exactly the sort of behavior that - supposedly - resulted in the dismissal of polvol2.
I'll leave it at that.

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Keep in mind that offtopic discussion and thread derailing here will be deleted. This thread is about removing pornkike influence, not about complaining aboit mods. Take it to the fucking meta thread.

Then keep in mind that I WILL take it to the meta thread and I will direct a post in this thread to any posts in that thread.
You slimey fuck.

There you go, buddy.

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Best thing to do besides sagebomb this reddit train.

Refresh the thread (offtopic posts were removed) and do not reply to offtopic posts. Reminder that derail posts and their replies will be deleted.

she says the agent who contacted her on pof is called Matt, did we know that already?

New to my eyes user.

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She needs to die for her degeneracy.

Perhaps, but the Jews getting most of the money from it should be the real targets.

I'd like to know more about this.

She's had too agents. The first agent 'Matt', was from 360agents. They're obviously the feeder tier agents hunting girls on POF.

*two Alicia grammar


Prove that Matt is a jew or continue to suffer, /tinyjew/


Hahahaaa! I think /tinyjew/ might have gotten that visit from DHS and the IRS! Now they're trying to turn us on anyone but him! lol
I think it's time to really go at him. I'm going to have to get serious tomorrow when I have some time and opsec.


Ignoring your idiocy, I wasn't able to find much about Matt. There seems to be two agents there nowadays (360modelagency.com). Fred and Corey, and Corey is full or part nigger.

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Yes, mongrels do the bidding of jews worldwide. They're simple-minded nature makes them submissive to shiny objects and cars with large wheels. I'm sure Matt is a nigger, but it's jew I want!
Tomorrow, I go offline. So far I haven't even needed to venture out, tomorrrow /tinyjews/ world comes crashing down!

I'm going to keep digging. It seems Matt left, I'm establish when. There was also an Isiah there at some point, also confirmed nigger.

Wayback machine has Matt show up at the agency between May 11th 2017, and Jun 29, 2017. It's not listed here, but he used the Twitter handle: twitter.com/matt360models

[email protected]
Cell: (818)381-7963
Twitter: @Corey360Models

[email protected]
Cell: (323)503-3873
Twitter: @Isiahpromotions

[email protected]
Cell: (323)810-1379
Twitter: @Fred360Models

[email protected]
Cell: (818)200-6336

[email protected]
Cell: (818)399-7378

Jay Spade Cell: (305)910-9579

Office Line: (818) 999-3600

Can you get me the name in full?
I can tie /tinyjew/ to an open case if it's Klein or similar. I just have a meta string that I pulled, but that name is tied to Lansky and I need to close the loop. Could be BIG.

Interestingly, Alicia didn't explicitly list doing interracial at 360, that appeared when she went to (((atmla))). Other girls at 360 do list interracial, so it is something they did classify.

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Isiah Maxwell
He's a pornstar too.

What a suprise… It didn't take long to find that he's worked with /ourliztard/

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Damn, not the right one. Oh well, we'll leave that mystery for DHS to solve.
This girl really is disgust, but at least she brought the lulz.

Very disgusting, there's even a tweet of hers saying she doesn't even keep track of how many she's fucked. Also this Isiah guy seems to have fucked half the pornstars out there, can you imagine the diseases that spread around? They freak out about HIV, but each of them probably have 20 other STDs.

Literally beastiality

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What is the aim of this thread or goal?

Is it to disrupt the pornographic jew?



Yes. And we do that by digging into how they operate, sometimes chasing dead ends.


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I'm done for the night, but I'll leave the crowd with some words of wisdom. I don't even need to tell you the author.

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What about drawn porn where no living actors are involved?

That doesn't deserve to be made illegal but should definitely be shamed and made somewhat societally unacceptable

you guys are really bored, I hope you do something useful with this because 11 threads is just way too much waste of energy. This shit isnt even creating good memes

Should be banned IRL, allowed online.

When I was a kid I would draw women and toss one to my drawings. At the time I felt shame, but now that I look back on it, maybe I was lusting for my own mind? Tis a beautiful mind.

No, you were simply already redpilled on the female question and realized 2D waifus were the answer.

you're all pathetic virgins

Nice try shill. That one grew stale during gg.

This. The fact anyone can focus on this retarded shit amongst this other pandimonium is beyond me.

In the 'mk 10' thread there were some very good ideas to gather intel. I believe it is a good idea to repost them here to make more anons aware. I hope that you've seen that already but… Hannah posted a recruitment for other girls from her home town of Valdosta on her PRIVATE (sic!) Jewbook, GA to enter porn industry and recommended herself to be their guide. She urged them to text here for more details. I believe this is a great opportunity for Zig Forumsacks to create fake FB accounts of 18 years old girls from Valdosta wanting to follow Hannah footsteps and text her to gather what I believe will be ,incredible, intel. It could even allow us to get credentials of her agent which could prove to be of great use for our cause (that is fucking with the pornjew). If you are interested please keep in mind that such impersonation must be very well done or she might be warned and alerted for further attempts. I am unable to proceed with that due to jewbook algorithms preventing creating anonymous accounts with VPN/TOR. I cannot use my real IP for that due to too big number of fake accounts already created. Thanks for your involvement, anons. Now it is up to you to keep digging deeper.

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The focus isn't on her you dolt.

stop taking the bait, just filter

The POZ must flow
Hahhah said she would stop porn when God decided a different path for her. Days later, a porn production hold went into effect. Oh well God, at least you tried. We should see if we can figure out who got HIV though.

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people like hannah hays are why I only watch hentai

Really, any masturbation at all is unhealthy. As is sex that does not lead to procreation.
Every time you cum, you take a year off your life.

I could have been an immortal

Only if you are an incel beta. If you are alpha, you need to reproduce.

lol thats bullshit or i have buffer underflowed my way to immortality

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