Vlad Tepesblog
[Kill box text is me being sarcastic…BTW]

In this video a migrant calls for all migrants all over Germany to converge on Chemnitz because 'the government' will not 'protect migrants' any longer.


Other urls found in this thread:

Did Jews ever round themselves up like this?

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Germany is on the march again.



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Remember "Racist" means "White." Anti-Racist means Anti-White.
This is white genocide! Do not back down!

My dick is pure diamond. Stand firm, German men, and take advantage of the enemy's kind offer to save you the gas kek.

Explain to the simple minded heathen

"If blacks can't be racist and minorities can't be racist, then by default, racist means white! so anti-racist means anti-white!"



LMAO That is exactly what I thought…

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Didn't north Brazilians just expel thousands of Venezuelans from a city because a crime committed against a shop owner?


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These Muslims fucks have gotten too big for their britches.

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Yeah, target the jew orchestrators first, the muds unleashed by the jews are the fog of war to go after all those jews.

Is this how it begins?
The rapey arabs stoke a fire, kill a couple of germans, rape some women and when people get mad enough to respond, understandably in kind with violence of their own, they claim persecution and out comes the guns and suicide bombers?

I actually feel bad shitlib retards and kikes played this so damn hard a lot of non-whites actually are starting to believe this shit. You aren't a part of the culture if you aren't created from the culture. If your ancestors didn't found and build the country well guess what, you're not apart of it, and NEVER WILL BE!

A mud calls for this, he dies first.


Attached: GesaffelsteinOPR_GermanSquadAttack.webm (310x760 69.15 KB, 24.4K)

The more confrontation between parasitic immigrants and German (or any) Nationalists, the better. "There's no such thing as bad publicity."

When seen in broad daylight in person, and not through the rosy lenses of jewish apologists writing virtue tales in the mass media, most of these brown migrants are very hard to like. They are hostile and exploitive, and it shows on camera.

However, I think many of the Arabs and Turks are too busy with the day to day business of drugs and other crime to actually travel to Saxony for some political cause… ESPECIALLY a cause that would have them on the same team as members of rival ethnic groups.

Turks and Arabs (or Albanians, African Blacks, etc.) aren't going to make nice with one another even for a span of 24 hours in some tent camp. They all know that, even if the Western media doesn't.

Point being: the migrants won't actually respond to this guy's clarion call, they won't go to Chemnitz in any substantial numbers, though the jews will crow about the possibility on air and in print..

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Good. Accelerate the race war.

This 'plague' – the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.

Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets.

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It would be a battle in and of itself. Truly something to be televised.

The lion is about to tear the shit out of everybody.

There is no possible way that bringing simmering racial hostility to the boil could not be a good thing for Germany. Bring it, you shitskin cunts.

Only Muslims will turn up.
Poles and Italians will stay out of it 100%.

Germany NO

God if only Sweden now would rise.

mfw predicting a happening is imminent and get Adolf dubs

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who else /comfy/

jews, we've got you dead rights as having caused this, you guys die first.

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reporting in

Sweden is not ready to rise. Its shitskin contingent is too comfortable and has no cause to do anything drastic, because it generally gets what it wants when it wants, and never receives any serious push back. Thus there's no reason for it to stage a national-scale chimp out like we see here. The Sweden Democrats look to be gaining support ahead of the coming election, though, which means that shitskins in Sweden are about to meet some mainstream resistance for the first time ever. Sweden's own chimpening event will soon follow.

comfy af

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This is the right sequence. Jews first, whatever else comes after that.

german anons… steal guns and kill the police and politicians.. and the fbi can't touch you there kek

how will the normals see this jews first strategy. the bluepilled masses will see it as "muh ebul natzhee is holocausting ppl agen".

Who fucking cares.

yeah i knew you would say something like that. we live in 2016+2, we cant just start murdering the jews in the streets yet. we must adopt some of their tricks first

Yeah, I knew you would say something like that.

no u

You're replying to a different user though.

In the end it doesn't matter, if anything it would be a chance to tear the Lolohoax out under their feet if they decide to push it more.

yeah my bad. still getting used to 8pol. 4pol is starting to get too cancer for me

The Nazi slur is losing its power over Germans. At this point, getting called a Nazi is far better than the importing of more murderers and rapists.

The masses will believe what the ruler wants them to believe.

You could walk on water and show your bread and wine teleportation skills, they would still use it to bash you.

Self ovening?

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That's why you should lurk for 2 years, faggot. Go back.

do we have 2 more years though?

Well, the yid doesn't. kek

If we go after Rensburg’s predictions, it should happen in the next 5 years.

I miss goebbals and hitler, despite never meeting them in person.

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do not despair my friend. we can still appreciate the good times even though we never witnessed them first-hand.

this song in particular instills a certain feeling of adventure, hope, and determination that we all need in our hearts to be true men.

im guessing daddy soros will rent some buses for this. ourguys in Chemnitz better prepare to block the roads and break down the horde into smaller and more manageable groups. this is it don't get scared now

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You can thank me later user.

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Is time to finally put these treacherous jews in their place!

god i love that song so much i had to pause my Funkerlied to listen to it again
We will win lads, do not give up, but I have to be honest here if it weren't for trump (despite my mixed views of him) non of this would be possible and no one would be talking about the south african white genocide if it weren't for him.

Take the white pill lads, we will not let these vile jewish scum turn our civilization into weimar germany 2.0.

All there jewish crimes will end during our lifetime.

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One more vid.

plz let it be so

You can do it Germany. Just remember, there's a big problem if you manage to piss off Buddhists of all people!

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Hello newfriend.
Action is always better than inaction. Go check the redpill thread if you are unsure about something.

That last one made me smile. Thanks user.

All those crying out against Trump here for not doing enough are jews pretending to be anti semetic racists to sow seeds of dissention and despair.

Drive them out.

will do. im not a complete newfag in the sense that i will post a retarded question that will end up derailing a thread. im just new in the sense that im already used to 4pol's colored IDs and things like that. i will get the hang of 8pol's system in a week or two

But by every metric trump isnt doing enough. Even if we go just by campaign rhetoric. What has he done to earn your complete praise and trust?
Why should I?

Yep. Oh look, here's the sperg now.

I forgot I was not allowed to criticize trump. My bad

Please find out what a Paleoconservative is.

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We have color IDs if you turn them on, newfag.

thanks and done.



Let us pray for it.

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IT's coming and hopefully israel will collapse.

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Does anyone have the source for this version of Unser Rommel? Sage for off topic

Attached: Roma - Unser Rommel.webm (1280x720, 15.39M)

So doomed.

whats he thinks gonna happen?

what kind of escalation tactics did you guys pull off, good job. Enjoy your day in the sun

Not sure if I should stay home and just stock up on supplies in case a nationwide happening begins, or go all the way to chemnitz and infiltrate the migrants' rallying point to find out what exactly they're planning on doing. Then again, they're probably just supposed to intimidate the chemnitzers into obedience.

Get some supplies as you go/before?

I think the germans literally just put a pile of money in an empty city and the jews swarmed to it like rats. Hence the term "Judenrat"



So why do you post Roy Cohn inspired cartoon frogs while cheering on jewish neocons then?

I don't know how likely it is you actually think you'll be able to pull off the latter…
Do the former, like everyone should. Make sure you have a weapon in your car.

Even peaceful Buddhists don't tolerate Muslims. Neither should we.

It's almost as if the jews create and foment the entire situation, only to offer us lowly goys a decidedly jewish solution to the problems they specifically created for us

Some user in the last thread asked about the German police. I think they are very frustrated, seeing the rise in crime and the policitians and leftists protecting their pets. They're still largely German. There is really a lot of frustration around.
What they will do is unknown though and depends on the situation and who and when and what exactly. And how risky it would be for them at each step.

Openly disobey and attack their (((masters)))? No maybe not. Ignoring orders when possible and reporting "our truck broke down, we can't get there" or such things. Yes I can imagine that. The arrest warrant was leaked very fast for example, even if it is just a small deed.

And yes, we do have too many people blindly believing in the system still. Or just leftists larping.

Rise up European man, rise up and light a fire that eternally burns!

Despite all the shittalking, I think Germany still got it.

We gonna see Merkel go down m8.

inb4 we shouldn't fight the muslim, that is what the jews want

t. mud

Also, there is nothing wrong with counter-jihad, mud.