Jared Holt Thread 2: Nucular Power Edition

archive of last thread, it has dox

Jared Holt, a kike loving faggot, was responsible for the shut down of Alex Jones, he was admittedly jealous he couldn't get his podcast on spotfiy but an Israel loving water merchant could. He works for (((Media Matters))) and (((Right Wing Watch))).
He has connections to American Way's, a (((Norman Lear))) company, here's the board members.

His father is an architect that helps build nuclear power plants, has links to the Department of Energy and all employees of his business, Foreign Ownership Control or Interests (FOCI) certified, have Q and L level clearance.
Soldier Creek Engineering & Technical Services, LLC
459 Soldier Creek Road Kirksey KY 42054 US
His business DUNS number is 079793202, it can be used to find their federal contracts with links to foreign countries like Canada and Russia(possibly UraniumOne).

Attached: NucularPower.png (937x571 175 KB, 123.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Kike free!

Here's what I found about the dad's business and their contracts, not sure what they mean because autism.

Thanks user

Can someone with a vpn or neighbornet register [email protected]? It's available. Pic related.

Attached: invisble.png (745x849, 319.4K)

Got it registered

Publicly naming your intent to antagonize an imageboard, even if it is cuckchan, is always an invitation to abject ruin. That's not even being edgy, it's historic precedent. Bold move Jared. GLHF.

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Some interesting info dated July 17th, 2018

He been commenting lately since this all began? Did he reply to the texts?

Attached: Wanted.jpg (467x700, 47.71K)

nice doubey dubz user

We had an user previously that lived near him. Can we maybe have an user take a lunch break near his home and use his computer to see what IP's are available?

The info looks legit. Pic related.

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He has not replied to any of my texts, I tried my best to bait him with no success

Attached: SoonFaggot.PNG (741x828, 377.28K)

He probably has Media Matters' cyberpolice on it for the big exposé.

thanks for the tl;dr

I don't know if that face is supposed to be for sarcasm, but I did my best and in hindsight I could have done a little better like mention he's eyeing cuckchan. I was tired, the last thread slowed down a lot, and I guess I was the only one interested and capable of making a new thread so I did.

You did fine user. Don't let them rub you the wrong way.

No, I just posted that because I asked for a tl;dr in the last thread and I pissed off a handful of NEETs because I said that I didn't have the time to sift through the whole thread to get the big picture. Ya did good, OP.

No you pissed them off because you're a shit-stirring nigger and that nose shows :^)


I agree with this user
But more importantly, is this company seriously getting paid millions to sell Russian porn? I don't know how to read kike laws so I might just be connecting 2 unrelated things.

Attached: RussianPorn.PNG (630x443 29.7 KB, 30.69K)

high level and serious money laundering

Here's the pdf where I found the money and Russian porn if a law user wants to take a look, I'm of no use with this info

He's controlled opposition.
I can't say where I work, but there's a project I have known about for a while. I do not directly work on this project, but I know of it. There are alerts and statuses for whenever an account's content should not surface or the account is disabled. Publicly, we vehemently deny it.
Here's the thing. Some of the alerts do not come from us. They come from our parent company, which is somewhat normal.
Others come from companies we work with on issues like cyber bullying. These companies have no reason or legal standing to be sharing user data with us. I believe this to be a serious violation of the GDPR and all of the parties' TOS.
I'm not certain when the program began. We have ramped up how much data is shared over the past year. The past month I've heard murmurings. Not everyone is happy about this internally.
You have noticed. An e-celeb account is banned, then reinstated. A glitch. They are testing user response on the platform. They want to know how much pushback there will be and avoid another gamergate.
They are planning to shadow ban a blue wave. Get ready.

Why is this time-line a irl sitcom lads?
Either way, is very entertaining

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big if true.
mfw they think there is no pushback, but it turns up at their door not online.

Attached: roperope.gif (354x639, 9.12K)

No fucking duh. What do you know that would not be obvious, and that we can surprise the kikes with? If nothing, then there's nothing to do with this.

He probably either gets no notifications or he's muted you or something thinking you're just trying to scare him. But I don't know how Yidder works.

Okay, that was epic!

How do we know you're not larping? He's controlled opposition? Since he blends in perfectly with the majority of them, I can't see what makes him different from the rest.

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I think he should be swatted

You dont even know what controlled opposition means. He's a fucking leftist. Who is he pretending to be opposition to? The communists who pay him? think for once.

>Jared (((Kushner)))
what kind of a name is Jared
doesn't sound white at all

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Oh hey he's active on twitter. Someone should fire up that pizza machine and make sure he has a good lunch.

what are you waiting for, jack it then


You can just mute people now then it won't come off as if you blocked them, I assume this accouts for dms too.

Attached: Keking like there's no tomorrow.gif (384x216, 2.36M)

This is why you don't want to be a success in America or have kids there. No matter how hard you work, the best you can do is create a Jared.

Jared is the reason why you SHOULD be successful. The right can do a lot if they have power and wealth.

don't be so black pilled user ffs!

As if there was ever any chance of Jared being a Nazi. There is no success the jew can't take away. The more luxury you obtain, the more things the jew can threaten to take away from you. Look at Trump.

That email doesn't work, it's misspelled invisible. However, if I can find out Jared's cat's name I might be able to get access to the email account.

pic related

Attached: CatStar.PNG (461x508, 17.62K)

hmm damnit… kitty? garfield? I don't even know american cat names

as suspected the only clearnet records for that are this thread, the archive you made, and a site that rips all comments for ad click spam and reverse phone number lookups. tread with caution.
seen this before with someone at Raytheon, they'll only show up in a few spots. favorite tricks are to use unsearchable .pdfs that are imported or scanned images.


Attached: Orion_the_cat.jpg (288x268, 11.94K)

It was Katya, not sure if I just needed to add -Star at the end or something. Now my problem is I need to find another email.

Attached: anothergmail.PNG (505x635 21.65 KB, 564.08K)

Just saw that too. Nice. Here we go again.

Does everyone here have down's syndrome?

If that phrase works for niggers, we may have a chance x fucking D
Plus, nobody did nothing and never will. We are cool cats, we indulge into science fiction, history, and debate.
Zig Forums is a board of peace

what's felonious about using public information, user?

Intentionally logging into someone else's email account is a federal felony within the US. (see: the Sarah Palin email leak; which an user went to prison for)

Saying [x] would be fucking hilarious isn't suggesting that someone go out and commit a felony retard.

This thread was free of the down's until you came in, TORpedo
Satan in right, I was just posting pics of cats with viking islands in the background

If I ever log in, it'll be from complete luck like a bumbling idiot falling into a pit of jew ashes and finding a copy of Mein Kampf autographed by Hitler himself. I'd never intentionally commit a crime, like my Queen Hillary never intentionally gave anyone illegal access to her emails, and she's still not in prison for anything.

what about mailing someone a box of hornets disguised as a dragon dildo?

Attached: retard.png (847x289, 116.91K)

1. That means Jared Holt's father is a CIA operative, which means that Jared Holt is also a CIA operative.

2. Media Matters and Right Wing Watch are CIA psychological operations.

3. Infowars is also a CIA psychological operation, and Alex Jones is a CIA operative.

4. All these facts taken together probably confuse you. That's because you're an ignorant civilian who doesn't know anything about US Military psychological warfare techniques and strategies.

That's because 90% of the people in this thread are US Military Special Ops contractors trying to provoke / incite the morons reading this thread into committing Federal felonies.


Wew lad.

I use astral projection to possess the bodies of hobos and then shitpost from their phones.

Andre 3000 gets it. Talking about illegal activities at all anywhere is nigger tier.

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