((( O P T I C S )))

Whether we like it or not, there's still a ton of work to be done in selling the WN movement to normies.

Hideous inbreds associating themselves with the movement are only undermining it. The movement needs a makeover.

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Fuck off, reddit.

found one of the untermensch

get out dead weight

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If you want good optics, then use humor.

Funny how everyone associates NatSoc Germany with clean cut, handsome men but for some reason NatSoc2k is seen as a party of degenerate losers.
You're right. A facelift is needed. I think many of us will be coming out of the shadows soon. It will take 5 or 6 to stand up and step forward, but then it will snowball once the heathen attacks.

This. Through the scope of humor you can fly an elephant through a porthole.

beat it DS TRS fuckboi

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Both of these strategies sound good

ya honestly seem assblasted

now I'm just posting to piss off the shillbots

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lol nice

You can't fight a revolutionary cause if you can't even fight your laziness, avoid the struggle like the plague until you're fit, clean, and well read. Also at the very least read Faith and Action, its not that long.

To hell with the average troglodyte. They are nothing but a zombified plague the jew masters use to swarm the strongholds we attempt to establish. We shouldn't have to sell anything to anyone. If a white man or woman doesn't want to get on board with this ideal for their people, then they need to be killed because they will ultimately be against the idea in the long run.

This isn't a movement. This is survival. This is a race to escape the world around us which is caving in under its own decadence and decay. If we must kill whites to save what's left, which we will have to do, then so be it. Kill them. If you betray your race and fight for anything other than white national socialism then you are a traitor and should be tried for said crimes and executed. This is not up for debate.


This shitty and low effort thread deserves ponies.
OP sodomize yourself and get aids.

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Kill yourself, optics cuck. I don't want potential traitors and opportunistic fence sitters, but real men willing to put it all on the line for something greater than themselves.

Optics is fucking massive, though, user. Think about what it would do for the movement if a group of high, tight and white natsoc representatives appeared in a march with a few flat 10 Aryan princess's by their side?
Every NEET in the US would snap into shape and pick up a copy of Mein Kampf.
Optics plays a major role.
They have fat roasties, we have blonde tasties! They skinny frail faggots and we crush them like maggots!
The ideological fight is way too big an undertaking at this point. Too many millennials have been brainwashed since birth to think being treated like 2nd class citizens in their own country is normal. They really think ape-creatures are equal to them.
That's way too big a hurdle to overcome, but shifting the view away from (((msm))) and onto self-improvement NatSoc way of life isn't out of reach. It's well within it.

that might be the most important difference between us and boomer (((W)))N.


If you're not trying to achieve the best version of yourself (physic, face, apparel), then you clearly lack the Idealist spirit of the Aryan man. Self improvement IS the quintessence of NatSoc, for only through the improved individual can the improvement of the race and nation begin. If you're a fat miserable skinhead weeb, then you're nothing but a hindrance to the cause. I'm seriously baffled about the amount of people shilling against self improvement/optics, have you not read MK? Even the filthiest of negroes is better than you if you're not taking care of yourself. The term "untermensch" is not based on race but the individual (if you don't believe me, read the original book "Der Untermenschen"). Watch Olympia. Read Der Mensch und die Sonne. Watch Arno Breker sculptures.

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well said

Kill all whites who put ology above Blood& Soil.


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