Japan Opening Up to Immigration

Degeneration of Japan a go-go:

Attached: welcome2japan.jpg (1024x768, 141.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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Click any of those links and you'll see the only thing my post and those have in common is the degenerate image, nothing else. This article hasn't been shared yet, which is why I did.

Nah cunt


Uh, ok.

user you fucking retard

fuck off (((sjweeb)))

I know Japs are the better Asian but letting a couple hundred thousand other Asians into your capital city is a whole separate thing than opening your borders for the entire 3rd world.
What the japs are doing is comparable to letting Italians into Germany.

I emigrated to Japan because my country was overrun with mudshits. You all should do the same or stop your bitching.

Why are you in every thread?

Where do you niggers think you are?

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Not really. It's more like letting Arabs into Germany.

They have the most fucked up legal shit, yet they have the lowest crime rates for any of that shit. It boggles the mind.


Good explaination. Fucking boomer understanding of manga though.

Unless you're a jap, who cares.

If mass immigration were to happen, the brown rats of whom will be externalizing those Japanese repressions would awake the samurai in a heartbeat.

Anime, not even once

Note that they're not taking just anyone like many European countries are. They are taking workers. And there are a lot of conditions you need to meet to work in Japan. It's a limited-term permit and when it ends you have to go back. You also can't bring along family members, etc.

Still, there is always need to be cautious with these things. But I trust Japan can handle it well. Dislike for foreigners in ingrained in their culture, and the 70+ years of post-WW2 brainwashing have done little to change that.

But yes, this is something we also need to watch out for. Japan is one of the few ethno-national heavens on Earth.

An unironically based society. To think that people here love it when they think of the nukes dropping on them, nukes pushed by the Jews, ironic.

Enough with the reddit spacing and make a complete paragraph monogloid.

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I was in Japan March this year and I was surprised at the amount of middle eastern looking staff in some of the convenience stores and the amount of kebab shops as well. Stumbled into a food court in Harajuku that appeared geared for women, with every store selling some sort of sweet product, with the only savoury option being kebab. What does that mean?

I really hope Japan isn't starting to give itself up like the rest of the world. Please stay proud and pure Japan.

You should see the ugly smelly Nigerians prancing around in night clubs, they ought to fucking kill them.

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Are there really naked lolis on the welcome sign to japan?

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Remember how when crime was so low in Japan that the Japanese National Police were picking up trash on streets that had no trash to pretend like they were doing something tho?

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If it gets bad in japan, they will start removing the niggers. It will be a template for the west on how to remove their niggers.

Reading comprehension, not even once. He said he moved to Japan, not some African country.

Nope, OP is just a faggot

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It will be interesting to see how they go about it.

I've been to Japan (just Tokyo) earlier this year, and I didn't see a single non-Asian look like they actually live there. Expats don't count.

Somebody better JapSlap the fools into back into consciousness. Tokyo can become France if their women have been fully indoctrinated to go full "BBC/Refugees Welcome/How to date a future waifu/Diversity is our scrimpf"

Now post the original.

Not even comparable faggot.

Of course OP is a faggot posting unreal propaganda.

Japs and chinks are as genetically different as Whites and turks.
So are you saying that it's okay for Whites to let in turks.

Fuck off moishe.

As a french, I do not know if I should smile or cry about it.
Anyway I doubt apes can just bring their lazy ass in Japan and get everything for free like they do in France and Germany, they will have to work there to earn a living, so in the end they may integrate way better than in Europe.

I didn’t know that Ichigo Mashimaro had official porn.

dude where do you think you are? Zig Forums doesn't support assimilation. Zig Forums supports ethnostates for races and that's it.


He knows, user, he's a kike shill LARPing as a fundamentalist gnadzee who thinks Germans wanted to genocide the whole planet. Just report and hide.

shalom, brother. I also stand with liberté, egalité, and fraternité
we are all equal! one race the human race!

That isn't what it says in your Talmudic dogmatic edicts regarding everyone who is not you, Ari.

No, you did not understand what I meant.
I was only refering to the small amount of refugees in comparison to the millions ones we must unroll the red carpet to every day.
In Europe, apes do not live like europeans at all, they come and they get everything for free, they live gathered together in shitty places were whites are not welcome, and they are untouchable because whatever they do if we fight back we are punished for racism rightaway. Most of them are criminals. But in Japan they will have to work to live, nothing will be free, they will have to work and live like any japanese do, and they won't be untouchable, so they will be way less likely to become a pain in the ass like they are in Europe.
I was not talking about race mixing and shit, if I was for such things I would not call them apes.


The Jews got Japan too. So much for fearing the samurai.

To be fair I think the fact that it's Japan makes Zig Forums lose its shit. I mean if lets say India or Singapore were to start implementing immigration, you wouldn't have cared at all.

Sri Lankans are sub human curry niggers, like pajeets but worse.

Indonesians are the equivalent of the Arabs in that part of Asia, and like the Arabs, they believe in the cryptokike religion of the sandniggers

Someone has to do the heavy lifting until the mecha are built.

And of course asians have an easier time with fluency with other asian languages. Have the bugs try that shit with russian, german, and italian. You'll find whites more proficient in THOSE. That said.

Ima wa nanji desu ka? Biru no jikan.

Because india and Singapore are already multicult shitholes
Seriously, does nobody ever remember to mention the different types of Indians in India due to race mixing? With that whole caste system and shit that cemented different types of pajeets varying from disgusting subhuman to an almost Caucasian bone structure?
Japan is just a shining beacon of a country with a high 'indigenous' ethnicity, although some aspects of their culture are shit
Its not like we're asking people to move there

I mean sure it's multicultural but it is one of the cleanest countries out there. It's just that it's a police state.

Como on Japan, you know what to do.

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culturally enriched (BLACKED) asian cunts in 3….2….1….

It's such mystery, isn't it?
Truly unfathomable why.

Also what do you mean by India being multicultural? All I see over there are shitskins.

Singapore is definitely a shit hole.

They come in different flavors user.

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Actually south-east asians are on the same terms as the arabs in terms of comparable IQ and standard of living. You fucking weebs fags will defend anything oriental

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I always figured them for the beaners of the asian world.

Here's your template:

Isn't that a sign of impending death due to pancreatic cancer?

It's more beige, but not necessarily. Babies get those light shits all the time. Usually very foul and very creamy.

It doesn't but I strongly suspect that manga creator Barasui has a sketchbook full of nudes of the characters for his own personal use.

Barasui did draw some art for Weekly Dearest My Brother which was borderline porn.

I had to check my own digits. Damn you all.

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I had to filter a self-checking faggot. Damn you.

One by one, homogeneous nations fall into becoming slave states for the Jew and nobody does anything about it. Good thing Trump will tweet something retarded today for us all to jerk over today, otherwise we'd have to realize how fucked we all are.

All NATO countries seem to have tatemae and honne.

True, it's mostly rich Chinese and white foreigners, but any immigration is bad either way. Japan needs to cut this off before it becomes a problem.

Aslong as my niptunrs dont get pozzed
(They already are)

I'd love to read the whole report, if you still have the link.

Careful how you meme, user…

Pale stool can be an indication of liver disease/failure.
In this case, it means bilirubin isn't being processed out of the body (hence, the lack of color) and is instead accumulating, usually resulting in the yellowing effect seen in jaundice, if it continues unabated.

not true, sri lankans are far better than pajeets or pakis

Jews are hitting Korea and Japan hard right now. They want to wipe those countries out simultaneously along with Europe.

Imagine being in that situation. Having a genuine good time just holding the line from overly ecstatic folk.

I hate jewgle

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t. sri lankan

Are you going to cry, weeb? Are you going to cry as the nigger beats up and plunges the butthole of your Asian waifu? Let this be a lesson to not betray your race, wheeb. Kill yourself.

real tough, big guy.

Pick one.

I love it when you "lol they must be weebs!!1" faggots miss the point entirely, really makes you glow in the dark.

Chinks made a wall specifically to keep turks out though. Should give you a hint.

Except for the parts where chink skyscrapers block the view.

Why are you here?

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Google Bilibili

no actually, I just know some

I don't know what's wrong with this Zig Forums supports captialism therefore this is a good thing long ligve the free market.

Begone, retard.

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Take your own advice, goon.

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Because you're retarded, Tokyo is full of zainichi and Chinese.

Because Singapore and India are multicultural shitholes full of subhumans and aren't one of the few countries who tried to fight against jews.

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There are more foreigners in most western capital cities than there are in all of Japan.
This thread reeks of goon D&C.

Okay then do you mind telling me which race does Singapore belong to? The Chinese, Malays or Indians?

I went trough the numbers last night but was too tired to post a reply. Like, 2/3rds are Chinese or Koreans; who are ethnically similar to japs, and have historic ties, get them out, sure, but huge difference between a half korean half japanese "immigrant" and some fucking Somali or something like that. Following that a few shitty asians like thai and filipino, and a bunch of second generation nikken from Brazil and Peru coming home. Though any attack on Japan's homogeneity should be met, I largely agree with your estimation of the thread.

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I bet for all the self reflection that bitch did she went back home and completely forgot about the experience. Why are there so many pampered white women not realizing how highly valued and sought after they are and then they go around riding miles of dick but never producing children?
I'm 30 years old I have yet to meet a woman who wants to tie the knot. My dating prospects are also shit.
How the fuck do I not end up a full mgtow woman hater? It's difficult not being one.

The whole thing sounded like butthurt whining, not to mention she seems to think she's high value just because of the color of her hair and because she is -gasp- "educated".
Bitch always puts the blame on others, the locals are "scared" of her and the expats are all ugly, fat or whatever and go for "easy" prey instead of her (we should totally take her word on all these things), nowhere is it acknowledged that she might just be an unlikable cunt full of herself and not attractive at all. Let's also not overlook how she takes the opportunity to take a cheap-shot at how "patriarchal" Japanese culture is and apparently doesn't realize that prostitutes and escorts exist "hurr muh candy store".
Fuck her, she's a petty whore that's mad because life isn't being dropped on her plate; shit, look at the tile "No sex in the city…", what does that tell you about her goals and the kind of outlook on life she has?

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As long as they only let whites in they will be fine.

Yeah but it should be controlled. Heavily.

No doubt. But yeah, if they limit it to whites only they will be just fine.

Or maybe, just maybe, get this, everyone stays in their own countries?

Personally, I think any race (except nigs maybe) can fit in, but with like what I said earlier. They work and obey and not be like niggers.

Fact: Weeaboo shit gets worse and worse the more Koreans get involved. They bring their corner cutting and love of Kikes and NTR with them.