
Who is the rogue state now, you orange pirate?

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Claim weapons of mass destruction.
Just nuke the fuckers.
Nothing of value is lost.

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The (((UN))) and these (((Watchdog))) groups just give Iran a pass now, because they hate trump, and hate that America is doing much better. Although I like Iran, because they remove kebab in Syria with Russia, and they are damn good at it.

As an American citizen, I really have no interest in doing shit to Iran.
Wake me up when Iran gives a nuke to some terrorists and they blow up an innocent city.
Then we'll glass the whole country, make them extinct, and go back to posting shit on the internet.
If they don't harm anyone that isn't invading them, then I say fine. And if they nuke a country that IS invading them, then I say more power to them.

Iran is not, in my mind, an enemy. They have not attacked Americans, at least not recently, and WE, on the other hand, ARE guilty of propping up the Shaw of Iran and overthrowing one of their legitimate elections. We can't really moralize at them, and I'd rather we just ignore each other, for a while.

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Iran exists to justify funding Israel and "protecting" interests in the Middle East. They dont care about taking it over at this time. It's a boogeyman and has been since the 80s.

So, can anyone explain for the ninth time on why the Obango Iran Nuclear Deal that gave billions to Iran was a good thing?

ZOG is a subsidiary of ROG

The main problem is that they don't allow access to certain military bases. They are still allowed use the centrifuges.
Even 24 days of notice before they inspect and they can use their own inspectors. And they got the 150 bil back.

Obama intentionally fucked up everything and even increased the possibility of Israel attacking Iran on their own. Not to mention that the rest of the ME would pursue nukes. Mainly SA.
This deal was more or less Obama's "legacuuh" and a very dangerous fuck you to Israel.

Because obviously King Nigger, the half-jew darkie raised by Chicago Communists, funded by Soros, and a gay worshipper of Moloch was helping the upright and virtuous Iranians in their war against Israel that never seems to accomplish anything other than maintaining the narrative that Israel is "surrounded by enemies"

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Zoroaster at least one age older than Moloch, kid.
You know that Saddam Hussein named himself King Nebuchadnezzar II, right?
Learn more history. Israel is the circenses to go with your panum of biblical prophecy.

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I'd say the US can do whatever the fuck it wants to Iran without any threat of reprisal. 8 years to do what we did in a month? Really?

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Why do jews always start their sentences like this?

Hey guys, American Citizen here! Listen, I was just thinking about what great ally we have in Israel (peace be upon him) and well, maybe we should send over that additional 55 billion dollars because things.

Yeah, hey Iran. You want the US to leave you alone? You want to create HUGE disruption within the US interior and get the people in an uproar?


Because it made people a lot of money.

Conquering Iran would demand 1.5 - 2 million boots on the ground and it would result in 10's of thousands of dead US soldiers. And that is just the conquest. Not mentioning the guerilla warfare.

I agree only I don't think Iran have enough nuclear capability to nuke America yet

It was Iran's money in the first place that the US illegally confiscated under their jewish masters orders.

Only jews tell you the reverse of the truth in every instance, giving the impression to retarded Amerikwan spastics that it was a gift of some sort

Iran is important for the stability of the Middle East, as the only considerable obstacle to Israel's complete dominance. It must be left alone.

Keep dreaming, Jafar.
1 Marine battalion would fuck Irans ass so hard they'd be speaking Aussie inside of a week.

I wasn't joking above, strategically Irans (well, current Iranian seat holders) best move would be to go hard at Israel right now. Americans are completely divided on Israel and most likely swayed against them by numbers. Lefties don't like them, NatSocs don't like them, Civic Natioalists don't like them, only the Israelis currently pitching their tents here actually like Israel.
Strategically, Irans best move is to stage a false-flag and go hard at Israel.

America couldn't even defeat 4 1/2 foot Gooks armed with pitchforks in the Vietnam jungles

Casualties Total dead: 1,250,000+ (South Vietnam), 58,226 (US) Wounded: 153,303 (US) Total dead

You were saying?

Why do people here seem to automatically support Trump even when it's clear he's in the wrong, or at least just sticking to the status quo because he's pursuing other priorities at the moment? We only hate Iran because the Israelis and Saudis tell us to. Their regime isn't any more anti-american, radical and islamist than any other in the middle east and in fact is only anti-american because we are the biggest supporters of Israel in the world. They have every right to call this country the great satan. They had a democracy before Jewish oil interests in the USA and UK had the CIA overthrow Iran's government and put in a ZOG slave who immediately subordinated his country's interests to Israel.

It's unfortunate that Iranian proxies have killed US soldiers but that's not their fault, it's ours for sending our boys to die in wars for Israel.

USA won every battle but the one on the homefront, fact of the matter is nothing in Vietnam was worth a single American life, and once people finally figured that out there was no way to continue the war for the US government. Funnily enough we were dragged into that war by supporters of domino theory, which were mostly Jewish. Ho Chi Minh was a pro-American "nationalist socialist" before France dragged the USA into a war against him that forced him to cozy up to the USSR and go along with their international communism program to get weapons to fight us.

Did the USA get anything of value for those 58,000 lives it spent? Did killing a million gooks actually improve our position in the world?

Same thing with North Korea. America makes agreements and never upholds their side of the bargain. Other countries understand this.

And they say video games doesn't rot your brain.

No it isn't. American mercenaries all deserve to be killed.

Most of them are just duped into it dude, there's no sense in hating them when Henry Kissinger, ArchJuden of the ZOGpire said on record that US military men are low IQ savages who's only purpose in life is to die for their masters.

Trump's close friend and advisor to his current Presidency

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That isn't a valid excuse. Even if it is for patriotic reasons, any man who supports the USA has revealed himself to be a subhuman faggot and deserves to be killed.

I don't care if Iran has nukes… why would Trump care about that either? If Iran and Israel nuke each other off the planet peace around the world would come back and there would be no more extremist crazies running around destabilizing the entire planet. Muslims are radical nutcases. Jews are subversive pricks. They are both causing havoc and war!

BTW folks: some Good! news. Syria is very close to being completely liberated:


Trump is a neocon, meaning he desires judeo-american hegemony over the entire globe.


In case of nuclear WW it's probably China+Russia+Iran vs NATO.
Russia is enemy #1 in (((western))) propaganda now. Iran and China knows quite well they are next because muh commies/muh mozlemz. Iran removal will give too much power for Israel in region and lead to defeat of Syria which will end Russian gas business there.
Obongo was just a massive lying faggot, Trump fucked up everything for sake of making Israel great again.

Because Viets didn't bomb US cities obviously.
Are you saying you're proud of US war crimes?