Alright, who did this? Come forward

Alright, who did this? Come forward.

Attached: jewtropolis.PNG (1283x780, 1.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:,'_guide


The label "hate speech" is fucking stupid

hate speech is a marxist invented term like racism

Kek, nicely done, leetanon.

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Expected to read "Jew York" but "Jewtropolis" got me hard, 10/10.

Attached: gnocchi_laugh.webm (640x480, 3.27M)

It didn't say anything bad about the Jews. Why would they be offended?

Being named a Jew is an insult to them. To them, you are calling them out, removing their mask, and making it harder for them to be parasitic happy merchants


Attached: josephGoebbelsJewQuoteMeme.jpg (737x554, 418.68K)

Came here to post this. GG user, run in the shadows and dont namefag.

Perhaps change Jerusalem to 6 gorillion.


lol thank you arstechnica now we can report about this in jewish countries

nothing was illegal here, they submitted a change and the openstreetmap idiots were dumb enough to blindly accept it.
they do it for free

this success should repeated at large scale

mein sides have left this plane of reality

The implication, at least to me, is that jew-hate is so widespread that it is spilling out of the chans and into everyday normie life.
I feel happy for the first time in years.

Should have been changed to jew your city.

Funny considering smoloko is a jew from ohio.

wtf is wrong with that goy, goy?

Cant tell if hey rabbi or le techfag doing his thang

anyone can do this and you don't need special tools
In a hurry?
If you just want to edit as soon as possible, visit, zoom to an area, and click "edit". (You'll need an account first). The editor has a built-in guide that will explain the basics. You can also click the built-in "help" button at any time.

Once you're comfortable with the map, it's recommended you come back here and learn more details.

there's no phone verification on openstreetmap they don't have the resources for it and you can use non-kosher email addresses / vpn / proxies / tor.


Pretty sure this is just viral marketing from whichever obscure program/company this is. If it was one of us, it would be at minimum 'Jew York' since its both simple, catches the eye and hard to ever forget after you realize its true. And its been around forever here and other places.

Jewtropolis is a faggot word, hard to pronounce so hard to remember and repeat, which makes it possible to ignore in your mind and sounds like an tryhard tard came up with it. So this seems like it would work only for getting 'oy vey' click bait out about the company so THAT gets better play. Now people looking for an alternative to google maps know another map service right at the right time so sheckles are bound to come in as it gets more popular. The metropolis shit sounds like how they reference their home in the jew york slums anyway, so placing a bet this was thought up by an kike.

It did give me a giggle tho, and helps point out the yids control that foul place. so props on that.

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The jews know what they are. They know they are parasites and nationwreckers and are proud of it. They also know that all human beings would hate them, if only people knew what they really are. It's why being called a jew is the scariest thing to them: it's a sign that people are becoming aware of what they've been up to.

The talmud teaches that any non jew who reads it has to be killed. The jews know they need to do what they do in secret.

It could be any new yorker, even a jew. Everybody in NYC may not say it but they sure have been thinking it for a century now.

Would bet money it was someone on the left. How many times have we seen this things happen only to later find out it was some liberal asshole? Dozens of times.

dubs of truth confirm

Culprit confirmed.

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Based 1337 h4x0r bro

you did well

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He didn’t do it. You know it, I know it.

What I do know is that Bohemians are about to get a wake up call.

That's why there is a typo in it. To make us look bad

Using vim, how are those Ugandan children faggot?

it means "someone I hate is speaking"

I don't recall anything going down in czech republic

1337 af br0

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honestly this headline was the only good thing about my day. God bless you user.

Great name for a band

Fucking top kek user, thanks for sharing.

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I bet it was an Aussie shitposter behind this.

Attached: KFC Australia shitposting.jpg (574x611, 46.19K)

Can always count on the Aussies for that


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You can tell it wasn't a liberal because it's funny.