Bipartisan Lawmakers: Chinese Torturing Muslims

Es no bueno, mang. We must go to war with these animals.

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Sorry, no fucks to give.

We have to unite for a better China.

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While that may be true, they're clearly following tried and tested solutions and should be allowed to continue. Islam is a cancer and should be treated as such at all times.

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No one gave a shit when it was falon gong or any of the christ cucks, why would anyone give a shit when it's the pedo worshiping mohamedans?

Also, now their MO is claiming that Christians are getting slaughtered in Burma, along with the muslims.

Highly skeptical, but it is Burma, and I remember what those gooks did to Darla in Rambo 4.

So it's certainly possible.

I used to have my doubts, but, it's undeniable now that they really are going to use Islam as the preferred tool for world subjugation.
I wonder if the Queen will live long enough to be forced to wear a burka in public in her formerly own country…

Violence is the only true language they understand.

This may actually be very bad because rumor amongst the chinese/hongkong community is that they are harvesting their organs and selling them to the black market. You might get a mudslime kidney or liver transplant.

Absolutely Horrifying

There is nothing wrong with this

They should start eating them and let the doggos go.


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She is already claiming mudblood I can see it happening.

They shouldn't torture muslims. They should kill them.

Thats leftism for you, just a state with a official religion called socialism-communism, its a totalitarian state that needs to bend other religions to the glorious true communism god with the use of force.

Though musulins are like roaches, the socialist state needs to bend everyone to the will of his mighty god communism utopia dream, that means, everybody that is not a commie needs to be reeducated, not musulins.

All praise the mighty communist utopia dream god, the enemy religion of my enemy religion is my allies because i´m braindead.

i mean to say.

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Because, you fucking redditor, the act of torture breeds psychological damage in the torturer. We don’t want people like that in our future society. Bullet to the brain, no time wasted.


These same people are trying to cover up white genocide in South Africa yet immediately start crying and demanding intervention when a bunch of terrorists get their comeuppance.

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Please, start spamming the immigration crap ASSHOLES AND ELBOWS.

Lol nice. Sounds like China has something figured out after all.

Yeah, chinks never figured out that torturing livestock before slaughter ruins the meat (see ) ;^)

You replied to the wrong person.

Actually from what I can gather about kosher and halal slaughter asiatics like the taste of adrenaline in the meat. Whites don't, it means the animal suffered and that leaves a bad taste in our mouths.

They really are using the Jewish playbook

Because, redditor, torture causes psychological damage in the torturer. We don’t want that in a healthy society. A bullet to the brain is faster.

That folks is why Europe has islamoterrorism and China doesn't.

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Not sorry , zero fucks to give and don't give a fuck

The Saudis have enough corrupt cunts bribed in the West with oil money that they're now feigning concern for the safety of the same kid- and goat-fucking sandniggers that they happily voted to bomb the shit out of in 2003.

Just waiting for their dealings in Africa exploiting the kangz to reach normalfags now

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Based Chinks.

You know, if anybody on Earth has the history and the hardware to go "head-chop for head-chop" with the Muslims in a real blood-letting campaign of gore, it's East Asians.

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You're linking to a communist rag, of course they will come to the defense of the poor muslims who are actually the ones doing all the violence, and a few retards here will agree with them.

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I'm reminded of that meme of the sniper. People ask me what it's like to have killed so many people. I tell them I wouldn't know, I have only killed muslims.


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Thought it was communists.

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I don't think jews are communists or capitalists. They are satanists. They go into communist countries as capitalists and vice versa to gather up the unfortunate and convert them to useful idiots.

let's make it happen

who cares

Jewnited Nations user here. Can confirm that the Burmese ARE NOT slaughtering Christians. Anyone that says so is grossly misrepresenting the goals (and incompetence) of the Burmese military, the character of the Burmese people, and the criminal activities of certain Christian and Muslim minorities.

Source: been to Myanmar so many fucking times.
Protip: see a "fashion show" in Yangon.

Those stabby uighurs dindu nuffin!

They aren't ideological per se. They use Capitalism and Communism (hell, some forms of Fascism as well, see Mussolini's early philosemitism) as tools to be used against goyim. They honestly don't give a fuck if a state is Capitalist or communist, as long as thy are in control.

Its an autocracy that uses the lofty ideals of communism to disguise its hideous agenda of oppression and control. In Burgerland the big lie is the "American Dream" where if you're a good enough goy all your dreams will come true. In Europe, its the myth about "being better" ironically enough so that means invite a bunch of hostile foreign cultures to shit up your neighborhoods and convert them into slums in order to virtue signal your magnanimity and how civilized and superior you are.1984 touched up on this when it discussed the differing ideologies between the three superpowers but they all had the same goal of power for power's sake.

Based gooks as usual

Hopefully they go to war with india soon. Then they will earn the BASED moniker.

Oy vey muslims

Obvious, UN is pushing islamification, if needed with atrocity propaganda in favour of mohammedanian invader, like in case of Burma.
Other example last week in Germany, muslim massacres three Germans, one dead. Who is at fault? NAZIS protesting murder.

>go to war against the only other species on this planet capable of civilization for the shake of savages that want us all dead and raped
Thanks but we'll pass.

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Psyche is Greek for soul. Muds don't have one.

Its an Sino-Jewish-Hindu-Christian conspiracy.

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Except that this isn't China, it's not a majority Han area, nor are they (and reasonably so) allowed into other parts of China. Technically this is occupied soil like Tibet and Palestine, thus I am actually rooting for the Moslems because I want China to balkanize. I'd like to visit Tibet one day without fear of persecution by Chink bugmen. War with India would only be good if the Chinks got BTFO and their power/stability decayed even more. India and Pakistan will eventually nuke each other anyway.

Didn't Hongkong user say that mainlanders should be gassed? Any Anons here from Taiwan? I have a theory that Island North East Asians are superior to any and all mainlanders. Might have something to do with what the Japs call "Galapagos syndrome."

Communism is Judaism according to jews.

Thanks for asserting something no one questioned.

We’re not talking about chinks, illiterate.

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I can explain this behavior of not helping those whom have been hurt. See in China if you take someone to the hospital and they cannot pay, you, the good samaritan, have to pay for there treatment.
And guess how often the antpeople would try and take advantage of their fellow ant's natural desire to help their fellow in pain. Go on guess.

I hear what you're saying but something about
Just doesn't quite make sense.

So much better to create a world of diversity where nobody cares about anybody.

Do you really want to go down this route?

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typical roach.

you mean asians, right?

Bashing chinks? Why yes I do want to drive down this street.
You next.

The real question is, why care about shitskin on shitskin violence? Even the left ignores it all day long such as spics ethnically cleansing niggers, the muslims enslaving niggers, and jews genociding niggers in israel.

send all the jew brought niggers and the jew open border blurring the line for the jew meme minority affirmative action shitskins to china for education


Are you talking about Stalin and operation "Lentil"? Because if you're talking about modern Russia, they are certainly not beaten into submission, they cause all kinds of trouble while Putin gives them taxpayer money to keep them from chimping out and use them to solve demographic crisis.

Remember that time they finally won a war……against Russian serfs? Pepperidge farms remembers.

You did, and yes we are you illiterate.

Never saw a dime, never was a she.

One of the few positive actions by the Chinese.

Chinese have the right idea about most things. Ethnic monostate with single party government and absolutely crush muslims. Buy up all the resources and play the long game. If only they had an ounce of originality they'd be unstoppable.

I'm not a fan of China or Muslims, but Muslims pose a more direct threat at the moment, so this is ok.

To be honest, I would be far more sympathetic towards them if they still adopted their native Tengrism as religion instead of Pisslam.