MSM: Trump promises VIOLENCE if Republicans lose

Even Fox is pushing this narrative :

This is worded to suggest to people's imaginations that Trump is encouraging his right-wing followers to be violent towards democrats if they lose as some kind of revenge. Libtards were pushing this back in 2016 as well.

If you actually listen to what Trump says though, he is talking about violent leftist groups like ANTIFA and how they would be emboldened to commit further and more violence against the right if the Democrats managed to secure a majority, because they know they would get away with it (at most a slap on the wrist) and because anyone defending themselves against ANTIFA would be treated even more harshly than their attackers, leading to a chilling effect in self defense where victims hardly fight back, and get even more hurt.

Step 2 of their deception, for those who actually look past the misleading/ambiguous headlines and listen to Trump's words which clarify he meant left-on-right violence (not right-on-left violence) is to claim that criticism of AntFa is "racism", as seen in hooked WashPo clip.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shit is gonna get violent either way. We got two sides in this country who are diametrically opposed to each other in values, ethics, principles and goals.

One side wants to preserve national sovereignty and borders, and the other side see those merely as obstacles to overcome in their quest for evermore power and ill-gotten wealth.

Violence is a given. All that matters is the right folks win, and the wrong folks lose.

Oh, to be such a lowlife I could restore Bush era neoconservatism to prominance just blaming the transhuman-subhuman coalition’s dysgenic antics and not lose any sleep.

Typical kike word games user, even the most brain-dead cattle realizes by now that the (((media))) will twist anything and absolutely everything to further embolden themselves and enrage the other side. It's classic psyops and yes you can thank the Bolsheviks and Soviets for this brand of kikery. Do the usual and spread awareness to the less intelligent of your friends and family

>left's going to be violent either way
The right is too demoralizing because the media pushes them to have "a intellectual conversation" to the point they don't know when, or it's too late, to act.

Even with the massive polarization going on it's almost an entirely one-sided affair with only a tiny fraction radicalizing themselves by their own means and media. The majority of right wing media is just doing the typical FauxNews steam valve with their civility bullshit against radicals that for 60 years do not want a conversation.


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Trump's the faggot who lets antifa free and devotes all his resources to shutting down nationalists.

Kill yourself sperg.

What a faggot.

could it this be the highly anticipated DotR?

Trump's DOJ lets them off the hook, dumbass. Then they charge white nationalists with hate crimes.

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Let's have the wall and beaner spam next kike.

If you’re not a jew then you haven’t been lifting, pussy.

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>posting (((Sasha Baron Cohen)))

Nice addition to my vocabulary. Thanks user!

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Almost like you guys don't have an argument, since my post was fact. Antifa is only violent because Trumpstein allows them to be

>(((Adam Sandler)))



how new are you?

I would say read a book, but reading is for fags mostly.

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Right off the bat I have trouble believing this. What would this even sound like?
Yeah, that just doesn't sound in character IMO.

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Trump is the supreme leader of the DOJ, and can tell them to enforce the fucking law, shit for brains. That is literally his job as president. What do you think it is presidents are supposed to do? Send out inane tweets all day and talk to Hannity on the phone?

He doesn't control the judges cumchugger.

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There's this middleschool lesson that talks about the 3 separate branches of the government and how they can check eachothers power but not directly control eachother.
I could link it to you if you want.

>Bob Barker punching (((Adam Sandler)))
Much better.

Judges are not the issue. The DOJ refuses to file charges. Trump's men, who work directly under him and are under his full authority as the head of the executive, dropped charges on violent antifa members. It never even got before a judge because Trump is a faggot.

The judges ARE the issue.

DOJ is an executive branch department, you dumb uneducated faggot. They are under the authority of the president.
the only thing the president can do is decide who the attorney general is?

There were no judges. DOJ, part of the executive branch, refused to press charges on violent antifa members, and chose to charge white nationalists with dozens of hate crimes. This happens before anything ever goes before a judge. Do you not understand how anything works?

Wrong. That's the only thing congress has any power over, in affirming the officers of the executive. Once they are in place, they take direction from the president. And those in the dept below them do not need approval of congress and take direction from the president always.



You're not even trying, /trannypol/. Read more about the country you're trying to destroy and less commie drivel.

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Oh, really?
so why isn't sessions, the current DOJ attorney, doing exactly what trump is saying?
It's almost like they might be supposed to do this thing, but simply don't.
Also the DOJ doesn't control every court around the united states. (even in some cases when they should.)
many states simply choose to enforce whatever laws they want, such as california's position to the second amendment.
trump isn't in charge of most left leaning states judges because of that, and even if california wasn't committing high treason, he's still not directly in charge of the DOJ.

How fast do you expect someone to post a followup nigger?

Hey kike, why your pics are named with GUID?
Tracking the anons, aren't you?

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So good.
Dear shills on Zig Forums: remember this and many others like it; blacks are NOT good at fighting. They're good at "zerging".

Because if jabba is going to use it, we are too? See the jabba thread for details.


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A judge must allow charges to be dropped. A DA can't just drop charges when any court proceeding start.

DOJ is part of the executive branch, you retarded faggot.

Because Trump is too much of a pussy to fire him.
He is though. He just does not exercise his power because, as I said, he's a pussy.

Apparently I should constantly spam a thread.
Apparently that post which (((he))) replied to wasn't sarcastic enough to realize what I was saying.

Judges also discuss having charges dropped or if there is a case to be made BEFORE they are brought for prosecution quite often. It's slimy shit.

That too.
Judges are the crux of the jew control in this nation. DA/ADA are as well but they're not as powerful as judges when all is said and done.
but thats wrong though

Considering his previous post, it's clearly a newfag shill trying desperately to fit in.

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Obviously a judge would allow it on request of the DOJ

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Don't be afraid to get security jobs at CNN HQ anons. They wont pay you enough to do your job.

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It sounds like it would be obvious, but the problem is that judges around the states are in different peoples pockets, and most don't respect the DOJ.
Even if in some cases they're legally obligated to abide by the DOJs ruling, they just don't, because there's really nobody above them in the chain of command that can remove them.

No, it isn't. That answer is wrong. The president has full authority to fire the attorney general. Trump just doesn't want to face the media backlash for it. Because he's a pussy.

Go back to reddit and suck zionist cock there.

There it is.

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I could see about finding another source if you like
I'm relatively sure though that trump can't just fire sessions without the senates approval.

The president can fire anyone in the executive branch that he wants.

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I perceived it as entitled white liberals wanting to cause trouble because of "muh nazis"

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According to this, there was actually a ruling in 1986 that says the president can fire the attorney general whenever he wants, and you can say that trump is JUST BEING A PUSYY REEE ZIONIST TRUMP
but you have to realize that if he does fire sessions, he then has to get a new attorney general approved by the senate, and having a bad attorney general who STILL doesn't control most judges in the country, (which is part of my argument that you have completely ignored), is better than having no attorney general for a period of several months while the senate screams that they don't like his candidates.

What an ugly building.
It looks easy to destroy with some cowshit and a moving truck though.

Watched the video. The Jew says "This is about Black VS White, We know that Antifa is widely known as a Black organization".

No, it's a Jewish-run organization full of white shabbos-goyim. This cocksucker is deflecting away from his (((tribe))) and somehow pushing it on 'black' people in an attempt to sow racial-tensions (and violence) to obfuscate (compound the issue) (((their))) involvement in the leadership of the antifaggots.

The 2nd Jew they interview says "It's a minority issue". Doesn't name the Jew, just another obfuscation reinforcement tactic, parroting what the first Jew said.

They are actively attempting to start a race-war by inciting the blacks if Republicans win.

Always remember, the first rule of Judaism is that they will always put on you what they are doing themselves.

With Jews, you lose (your country).

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he's lucky he lived to crawl away

You’re totally wrong.

Reported for not even trying.

Oink oink, faggot.

(((They))) are trying to spark a real state of civil unrest/war. I know that to us that would be the worst thing for (((them))) and their pets, but you need to look at this from the extremely flawed POV that (((they))) possess.
A. (((They))) own the judicial system and many police forces, FBI, etc. Tendrils in every point of the law. (((They))) have been blatantly exercising this recently and will continue to feel untouchable.
B. Their shitskin pets are high in number, and to the kikes that idolize them they are formidable beasts built for battle. (((They))) put their money on brute strength and numbers instead of tactics. Tolkienesque (((Goblin))) Orc alliance in a sense.
C. There is an obvious end goal and timeframe to events. The escalation of everything in recent years shows that much. However, pushback is probably much more than (((they))) expected and the last hope that truly exists is send the pets forth, pets that they truly idolize in a strange cucked way.
The only reason to instill a false sense of physical danger in to your side is to get your side to attack first in self defense. And we have seen that (((they))) intend to protect their pets after they attack.

user, we are the only 'Right' side there is. There are the fucking jewish bolsheviks, their pets, traitors and the cucks whom enable them all; and us. You are speaking about the controlled opposition as if it controls and dictates anything, you should stop that. They only provide cover for criminals and fools and will NEVER come around to logic and enlightenment.

WE dictate the future of this nation, the world, all of humanities future. We are all that matter, not the commoner rabble or those whom would be our master. And we don't give two shits about what either the cucks or our enemy think. Look into the mirror, and become that which you desire to see in this world. They are nothing but what we decide they are, only you matter user. Only you and what YOU value.

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Honestly it looks like an bucket of water and some soap would be more than enough also. Not sure if there is an real building under there or just an pile of cow dung.

Remember if the race war happens the jews will support both sides and then unanimously move to support the winner by either claiming their support and anti-whiteness because they are jews, or pretending to be white (depending on Victor, but we know how it will play out, so expect jews to become "white" in an instant).
As we have seen for generations (((they))) will adopt white last names, aliases, etc. in an effort to hide the minute their barrier of beasts is no longer there. For relevant information please see:

I wish, tbh.

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>(((They))) are trying to spark a real state of civil unrest/war.
Economy collapses. Any sort of violence that causes the US to become ungovernable will blow up the global economy as US bonds and the USD collapses. Money power is kike power.

Oy Vey! I thought poopification would bring peace. What can be done but dumb down the population another 10 IQ points over the next 50 years? Israel will be last to experience diversity.

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Fuck it, let's go with msm's narrative and meme God Emperor purging the left and their allies.

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Nice bait.

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I almost wish this was true, just so we could finally get this party started.

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-Thank goodness Berkeley and California are so pro-preservation; amirite tho?
-It's not like AntiFa are the new useful idiot proxy warrior army for the elite puppeteers that govern them to become skinny-jeans wearing outlaws; amiwrong tho?
-It's not like the Stasi was even a force to be reckoned with against the NatSoc non-degenerate, preservationists, that believed "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" attempting to break away from a debt-based economy just like the 'Lefty' tools that played right into the hands of their overlords wishes
-AntiFaggits would never fall into a trap like they did working for the Stasi. Much less, name the Jews behind the masks painting them all as "Enemies Of The State" like during the McCarthy era; isthatrite tho?

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Stop using their terms. reinforcing their indoctrination, s/msm/jew media outlets/

jew media outlets: trump promising violence if republicans lose
Even this other jew media outlet is pushing this jew narrative.

Removing the jew obfuscation makes things clearer of what's going on.

How many tv's are in your home?

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Trump doesn't say things like this unless he first has something going on strategically. I just don't know what it could be as everyone knows (the smart people at least) that the left are 90% of the time the violent ones so why would he be saying this I wonder.

Perhaps he has caught wind of a potential false flag and is looking to cut them off before they do it?

I have second hand embarrasment. Not from how stupid that video is, but from how retarded the posters in that comment section are.
Overton window has shifted alright. Shifted straight into Stupidville.

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We only need 10K. Once the vital few start the trivial majority must choose.

There was violence during the elections alone last time, it's only bound to get worse.

Want to redpill them on fascim and natsoc and hitler never did anything wrong or let them figure that out on their own?

Some fag is trying but they absolutely shut down and go "MY GRAN PAPPY FOUGHT DA NOTSEES!" They won't learn until a rifle is either being forced into their arms or their face.

Not much by any standard and zog trying their best to start shit.

I've seen this many times, but still don't know exactly why this fight started.

Still not tired of winning, user.

Well looks like the next few years are shaping up to be a hand-rubbing good time.

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Made my day.

How are the feds supposed to press charges for crimes that are only codified at the state level?

do people think, when msm reports of violence at right-wing rallies, the violence is coming from the rightwing?

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stop fucking falling for this shit, the midterms don't fucking matter, voting doesn't change a damn thing, and violence is what (((they))) want to justify increasing state power. Riots, left vs right fighting, etc is what they want, it thins the ranks of people willing to take action while never exposing jews to any tangible threat.

They stoke this shit to justify increased surveillance and police powers. They created the problem of left vs right and the midterm elections, they want a violent reaction and are taking steps to incite it, and will use that reaction to justify ramping up the power of the state, ostensibly in the name of national security.

act like divisive figureheads to distract from the fact that regardless of who's president the people in control keep the country on the same (((trajectory)))?


this desuuu

wow I forgot how ugly michael obama is

berkeley was probs just a staged event on both sides tbqh

there are very few people on this planet I hold in lower regard than Dinesh D'Souza

the violence is coming from federal agents and actors on both sides, with media designed to keep whites in a jewish dialectic framing it in a way that is favourable and affirming towards their desired narrative, be it the left narrative of muh nadzees or the right narrative of muh antifa r du reel nadzees

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It's a combo of insecurity and primal instinct. He's literally so insecure and stupid that his natural response when finding himself in a new place or in a situation where he somehow feels inferior is to assert dominance upon his immediate surroundings. The only method of doing so that's direct enough for his tastes (Or perhaps more accurately, the only method he isn't too stupid to understand) is to assert his physical dominance through senseless and unprovoked violence.

There's a reason they say "around blacks, never relax". It doesn't matter if you're minding your own business, leaving everyone alone, being kind, courteous respectful, or even a complete cuck. Niggers start fights purely because they feel like fighting. They attack people purely because that person looks like a good target. Doesn't matter if there's nothing to be gained by it; in their mind, violence is it's own reward. It's the only way they know how to settle their insecurities.

So to answer your question, it's basically because they feel like it. It's literally that simple.