Zig Forums blocked in Italy

Italian police ordered providers to block 8ch due to pedo trafficking, specifically the CNCPO task force with links to Europol.

Italians visiting here are now committing a crime, or so it says. I suspect the EU might be on the move for an international ban. From your friendly pasta neighbours >>>/ita/

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Other urls found in this thread:


It really jogs the noggin.

And pirating is a crime since you dont give shekels to anyone and yet that doesnt stop


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seems like they respect us

Animu and lolicon probably is considered cp by the e.u.


They fear us

Sounds like someone should contact the pastaniggers and explain we're doing their fucking jobs for them.

the lolicon shit could probably be used against this site tbh, 8ch should honestly just ban the boards dedicated to them.

jim banned all the child modeling or cunnyboards so this is probably some kike lying to get us shoah'd

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No in Italy lolicon does not fall under child pornography.

Too much salt ruins pasta.

I told everybody I know a few years ago how great Zig Forums was.
I hate when shit like this happens. They all probably think I'm a weirdo.

And Whannah the Whore the pedosexual miscengination normalizing CIA asset

i seriously don't know what you mean with "jobs"

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Oh ITALY…DON'T PRETEND GRUMPY ABOUT CHILD PORN, you released all their child slaughtering jews back into the wild (italian 'catch and release' program for jewish kidnapping pedo rapists; like the 'semitic laws' they have for all shit tier peoples in the EU AND the USA now) and now the European people know about it on Zig Forums and they don't want anyone to see and notice what is going on here, I guess.

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It's because of loli isn't it?

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For the benefit of the people, Pastanon, you're going to want to send your women over to the US as a holdout nation against the horde of mongrels descending upon you. It's for the greater good!

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And that's the problem. 8ch was great a few years ago. Shit died 2016.

This, ban all the pedo/loli trash here and force them off to 12chan/meguca/wherever.

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Pedosharing accusations against 8ch have been commonplace since Hotwheel's interview about Gamergate. No evidence or actual activity is necessary.

…or, is it just an excuse to prevent the average Italian from sides = orbit
-Meanwhile, in Vatican City, ….

Remember when that canadian tried to start shit with non-CP and ended up in trouble for CP? Good times.

Dibs on Monica Bellucci. Ung.

Attached: MUH DIK.jpg (640x387, 51.35K)

hello reddit

Download Tor Browser now @ sela.io/mirrors/torproject.org/dist/

Do these dumb bastards really want us to be shitposting in meatspace and not on a containment board?
Flushing Internet Ebola into the water system of normfags?

Attached: ebolaCDCDirectorwhycontainit.jpg.jpg (1024x768 303.49 KB, 94.3K)

What? I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't had a single problem so far. It must be an ISP thing.

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Says the horney wetback who wants to fuck white bitches.

It's a dilemma. As long as we give people the ability to create whatever boards they want and self moderate them then someone is going to host a child porn board. On the other hand if we take that feature away we get 4chan tier moderation.

If article 13 and 11 in the EU passed then Zig Forums would have to either legally end user generated comments and image uploading, end anonimity and require accounts to enforce EU content ID filters, or firewall all EU IP addresses from accessing the site.

Spaghetts are just going to have to use TOR or a reliable VPN in the mean time.

You got it man, I'll take the ugly one!

It takes no time at all to make your own board, post cp on it, then report the board to an alphabet. Creating your own board is a neat feature, but so easily exploitable by kikes and degenerates.

Banning loli shit is not an option, it's exactly what the communists want.
First they came for the drawings, then they come for the (((racists))), then they come for (((wrongthinking))).
Don't believe it, just look at 4niggers. Censorship in any sort of way just for not getting banned is no different than giving up your guns in case they get rid of the 2nd ammentment and don't want to end in jail for being a rational human being.
Will you cuck out?

Attached: nine inch nails - reptile.png (498x479, 333.75K)

Certified Ubermensch here, user. Team Spartan has been awakened.
Just do your part and we'll do ours.

Typical boomers with outdated information, those weird non nude and loli boards were deleted about a year ago.

Wish I could but I have too many genetic health problems in my bloodline to breed. I'm a dead end. The best I can do is use my one life to secure the future of those that need it with my autism wizard powers.

The irony

Attached: Ex-Metropolitan Police OfficerJohnWedger Exposes Paedophile Ring-ueXWZVweaH4.mp4 (791x992 14.44 MB, 408.36K)

that isn't an unworthy cause. There is good European non-Jewish stock still out there to be preserved

Did you learn Italian playing Mario games in Japanese?

Attached: WHY CONTAIN IT S'COOL-VvtUCUM9yCU.webm (480x244, 109.04K)

Someone tell Salvini. He's not a chesscuck.

No one wants to see that shit

What the fuck did Zig Forums find that would be so incendiary?

Friendly reminder: he knows.

Sorry for ultra shit quality.

Attached: Salvini EU parliament PT2.webm (640x360 1.47 MB, 1.04M)

Test, cloudflare was fucking up for me & endchan isn't up at all for me.
Saw this thread and was about to check onion links.

Attached: Punished King.webm (640x360, 11.75M)


I need the source!
This has to be properly done.

If he gets such applause how do kikes get everything they want?

That isn't irony at all. That is exactly what you would expect.

Welp, there goes my Italian proxies

found and encoding hopefully

Removing cheese pizza

720p with English subtitles written in.

Attached: MatteoSalviniEUparliament2017-Apr-05.mp4 (1280x720, 11.79M)

I do, in fact, I had to change it to play on some private vidya server. I guess that's kept me safe.

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Right now they're not getting everything they want. They were already pissing their pants over Hungary and Poland electing right-wing governments, then Austria followed suit, and now Italy. I don't have much hope for the UK and France right now, but the rest of the continent is moving in the right direction.

Attached: zydzi_morawiecki_premier_nczas-696x477.jpg (696x477, 27.8K)

Because the world isn't a video game, where national leaders have absolute arbitrary power. Because they've been at this a long time, and they're very good at it.

Where can I watch the anime Lain is from online for free?

Sage for off topic.

No, the loli is an excuse. The price of free shitposting is that pedos can abuse it. Therefore it's up to the community (including mods) to self-police it….which it already does.

Italians arent Aryans. They have those big noses for a reason to help identify them.

It is Italian law not EU law as far as I am aware. This would effect all the EU not just Italy if it was the case.


Doesn't 8ch use cloudfare? If they blocked those IP's they would end up blocking out 1000's of other unrelated websites. (((they))) must be really in a panic over something on here if they are willing to go to that extreme.

I am not sexually attracted to lolis, I am an appreciater of developed bodies, but lolis get banned over my dead body! I have thousands of images these suckers and I will use them dammit

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Oh yeah? well we just blocked italy from accessing Zig Forums, they have to deal with that!!

checking those adolf dubs
I'd better check out if qlarp has unearthed a dead body from someones closet

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I don't speak spaghetti but >>>/ita/ seems full of Italian flags.

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Don't get that (((user))) started with using *niggers. Got raged at in a thread the other day because I said "spaghettiniggers and taconiggers".

Honest question, not trying to push pedo shit at all but the reason for banning pedo shit is it's illegal. But then they allow beastiality.

didn't 12chan get v&?

shit is going down. qlarp happening might explain the 502s

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Nice job, user. I can't understand pasta but it's much better to hear the audio regardless.

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He went in hard.

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It will be blocked in the US as well by the midterms.
t. someone in the know

tore them a new hole without mercy

t. user. yw

fug the bolice

oofah - my fauchin baulls

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Getting real sick of these kikes hogging all the cunny for themselves.

They saw what happened in 2016 and they are afraid.

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bump for baste pastaniggers

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Seems legit.

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Is that Donald or is it that UK lookalike?

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Low-energy, kike.

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Understandable. The eurokikes were terrified at the memetic power being put out by the Salvini thread.

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>(((they))) must be really in a panic over something on here if they are willing to go to that extreme.

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It takes no time at all to make your own tweet, post cp on it, then report the tweet to an alphabet.
Creating your own content is a neat feature, but so easily exploitable by kikes and degenerates.

So what does that guy do? And what are the odds we'll turn him into a self-hating kike in two years?

Let me work on unfucking Burgerland first as a rural poor Burgerland cutizen. If Italians come over only to find nothing but Islamists and Hollyjews ready to rape them then they're no better off than Sweden. And Sweden is the rape capital of the world.

Go back to halfchan, you fucking faggot nigger.

The Jew Fears the Dago.

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Italian here. (((They))) just blocked 8ch on DNS level.

oy veey checking (((them)))

I reported a rather large CP thread on /b/ a couple weeks ago. They disguise the threads something legal now, so they stay on longer. We do have a problem that needs our attention.

Surely they've banned reddit, too, due to the same open-board nature

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Yet the pope still roams Rome free.