Basic rundown:
As someone who studied Latin in high school, this is fascinating to me. Anyone else? Any rebuttals?
Basic rundown:
As someone who studied Latin in high school, this is fascinating to me. Anyone else? Any rebuttals?
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It would probably be more appropriate to say the Jews got "Project Mockingbird"'d by the Romans.
Wrong user.
Total load of crap.
It was Nero GERMANICUS who was on our side. He was the last emperor to fight off the international jew bankers. Only Nero burned the jew enemies of the Roman Republic alive and sent them back to hell where they belong. He was the last TRUE emperor of Rome. The Flavians were allied with the jews like Josephus FLAVIUS, who was adopted into the FLAVIAN household for his role in ending the line of Nero GERMANICUS.
I didn't say anything about sides. Yeah, it sounds like Nero was /ourguy/. It sounds like we're in agreement that Christianity (with its peaceful/submissive "turn the other cheek" Roman propaganda) is a poison pill.
That's right up there with Zeus Krishna degenerating to jesus christ.
Porphyrius tried to show the world the great lie of "jewish tradition" in so much that it doesn't exist until after the fact but his book was to be rooted out and publicly burned across the Empire by Theodosius.
No contemporary sources back up this claim OP faggot virtually all of them actually say the opposite, that the early christian 'cult' was oppressed by the Romans all the way up until Constantine. Also Historically the Romans are technically from one of the tribes of Israel. ALSO you're ignorant of the terminology, "Jews" only refers to people that are descended from the tribe of "Judah".
Have fun OP, everything you knew about history is a lie. You have an ancestor from the tribe of Israel. This is 100% certain.
Here is the pic.
It's a diagram showing you how many ancestors you have. You have a Mother and a Father, so for each person there was at least 2 people before, and each of them have a couple, etc. etc. Its an exponential growth, now of course there is no way you have 18 quintillion ancestors, so there are repeats in there. And with the historical migrations across the world, it is absolutley certain that everyone has at least one ancestor related to the tribe of Israel.
Jews (People descended from Judah) are butthurt about not being the chosen people, so they've re-written history to make themselves the chosen people, through the Talmud and parasitic Banking.
White Europeans are the chosen people of God, they are the descendants of Israel and carry the true Abrahamic Blessing.
Fuck off Morpheus.
But Morpheus lives in your dreams.
Your first three > are not accurate.
He plagiarized the origin stories of Sumer and Persia and placed his own inbred Arab tribe at the center as the eternal victim.
I have memes about this but I am not at home.
What actually happened is that his group was already passing out their plagiarized works, undermining Roman culture in the Levant, and the Romans stopped them, cornered the niggers in a cave, jewsephus outjewed his fellow proto-jews, hid his shit in the cave, and went on to meme his meme.
This is correct. The jews were the downfall of Rome, as they are all civilizations. I will add, the "666" "mark of le beast" was a meme by jews based on the jewmatria of Nero's name. Again, they made it all up.
probably why they are only good at making up stories, e.g., goosebumps, hollywood, and so on
and they are not even that good at that
You are full of shit, user.
The Romans, who have changed little genetically over the past millennia, were the Celtic tribe called 'Italic'. There were no "tribes of isnotreal" since the whole thing was an adaptation of other culture's stories. The only accurate claim from the bible is that the Arabs are inbred and descend from a few brothers, as all "semitic" people are a single subclade of the y-dna J1 Haplogroup.
Your claim is not accurate since 80% of jews are ashkeNAZIm and descend from one of six subclades of the mt-dna Haplogroup K (a European haplogroup) and the rest are Semitic, a group only represented by a single subclade of the y-dna Haplogroup J1, and a few subclades of y-dna Haplogroup G. Most Europeans are Haplogroups R and/or I with some J1 and/or J2 (Persian/Aryan) in the southeast. amd the occasional non-jew G.
The only relation is that the inbred jews are mixed-race mongrels and, thus, share dna with many people on earth.
How does the very obvious fact that Jesus was a Cynic philosopher fit in with your theory?
Seems unlikely that they would use a philosophy that calls for simplicity and self reliance to build a giant money extraction machine. Something like that is more likely to come from cooption.
>>>Zig Forums
Nero's wife, lover was a jew, a jew convert.
We have gone over and over this on Zig Forums but I am not surprised that you can't seem to get it. TITUS was the one that married Mary Magdalene (Queen Beatrice of Judea even though she was 45ish years old…he tried to produce an heir on her; couldn't; actual ROMANS got upset so Titus finally dismissed her where she fell into French hands and they bred the Merovingian dynasty off of her body; she died a slave in France; fucked by anyone who could afford to fuck her) NOT NERO who was married to Poppy a maiden of Rome. Quit trying to slander /ourguy/ and install your kike lover as hero INSTEAD. It is appalling how little people know about their own history and the history of Europe.
This does not mean …"pay your taxes and be good little boys and girls". The jews were trying to trick Jesus into saying that jews shouldn't pay taxes to the Romans, so they could get him arrested.
Some kind of coin was produced by the crowd which had an image of the Roman emperor on it. On coins of the time the emperor Tiberius would have been described as being the son of a God, the previous Emperor Augustus. So it was blasphemous to jews, as it had the graven image of a God on it, and it recognized another god apart from the jewish one.
Jesus then said a phrase that in English is usually translated as "give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar's, and give to God what belongs to God."
On the surface, what he said was "you should pay taxes to the Romans, respect the emperor, and do your religious duties".
The jews couldn't have him arrested, because he had said nothing illegal.
On the other hand, his words also had a second meaning,
which was that the emperor was not God, and the coin was blasphemous, especially if used in the Temple.
So Jesus had completely humiliated the jews and outsmarted them. He had kept his words within legal boundaries while at the same time condemning roman religion and showing up the jews as hypocrites and blasphemers.
The jews marveled at this smart answer and went away.
It would be the same as if some user was asked on television before the 2016 presidential election "Do you think Hillary Clinton should be president?" and replied by saying "Hillary Clinton should get what she deserves".
Which means on the surface "Yes she should be president",
but which actually means "Hillary Clinton should be executed without trial."
I read about a Russian general who explained that Jews themselves are an Egyptian MKULTRA weapon against the Hittites and a method to convert Egypt into monotheism.
Though these are limited views on what goes on, it's an interesting take.
What the fuck am I reading and why are these stupid kikes still shilling for Nero.
Kill yourselves, I've actually read a thing or two about Rome.
Is this Porphyrius of Tyre? Can you post some links to relevant works?
Very interesting thread by the way, OP and all those replying to him.
Thanks. Zig Forums at its best.
The Aeneid of Virgil and other evidence artistic and linguistic indicate that the Etruscans were migrants from the arabic world.
Not even giving you a (You)
It's Illyrian's new angle of religious D&C posting
Well there are a lot of Germanic Langobards there too but the original Roman population was arabic.
Post your memes when you get home please.
yea but europe was always going through stages of war, it was kind of inevitable the races would mix evantually. not because they wanted to either but cause they had no choice.
Hehe, it was always my take that the bible was the original hollywood production. take a bit of zoroastrian teachings, a bit of egyptian, akkadian, and there we have it. But who knows.
theory presented by op, owned.
Op's theory comes from Joseph Atwill, who wrote Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus.
Theory is probably true.
Get lost kike.
LOL, you have no idea about history, only Europeans lived around mediteraniean see, there were no arabs ouside the modern day saudi arabia.
Titus, Nero, Caligula… all Celtic Emperors. The Jews hate the Celts.
Exactly the opposite. Learn Roman tradition. A roman would strike a non-roman with the back of their hand. In turning the other cheek, you forced them to strike you with the forehand, which would mark you as either an equal or a threat. You're still standing, you're not moving, you're basically saying "You're not shit, cunt. Do it again and make sure I can feel it this time."
Seems unlikely. Romans were known more of their genocides than their scheming.
Basically. Kikestianity is a psyop against europe.
No, that's not what that meant. You're like the christfags who say that "Meek" means strong.
You're pathetic and will be brutally murdered for your weakness to remove you from the bloodline.
Divide & Conquer: The Crusade
I don't really care about historical Christianity. Right now lots of Aryans ascribe to present day Bible study which is cucked shit, and back then lots of Aryans did lots of stupid shit all over. I want all Aryan peoples and no bullshit skygod.
Sure thing kid. Right after you sort out that bully who keeps shutting you in your locker, right?
Wow, checking for that blatant projection.
Yeah, starting with the fact that there's no evidence and everything is just pulled out of his ass. This sounds like it came from a kike trying to kill two birds with one stone: Denigrate Romans to the level of conspiring kikes and call Christianity fake unlike Judaism. Kikes hated Romans and they hate Christianity, so it's only natural that they'll try to shit on both of them.
Say what? He peacefully succeeded his father, Vespasian, to the principate.
Fags can’t be Nazi
Read the passage in context. That was in response to kikes asking Jesus a trick question so they could get him arrested on insurrection against the Romans. They also tell Pilatus that he declared himself king, while they say in typical kikery that they have no king but the Caesar.
wow. rude and unnecessary. I wonder why there isnt more nazi scientist /s
you guys are all the same mouthbreathing cousinfucking trailer squatting racist. absolutely insufferable. the best part about it is… the guy you claim to love "hitler" would have killed your loser asses for being morons.
Wow I wonder why Nazi scientists got us to the moon? Thanks for bumping the thread nigger, even if you don't know how to type.
this coming from some soyboy citycuck who probably uses the term "flyover country" unironically.
go back to starbucks faggot
Jew babble.
With so many strains destroyed and slaves sold everywhere the most accurate thing we have came from foreigners in that zone, you are basically saying that a small group that moved there after the Kitos war are the original jews and we still have the problem of Babilonia or even Egypt and we are implying that (((archaelogists))) are honest people… most non jews archaeologists are leftist, the worst kind of them, the ones executed by Stalin and el Che.
OP's claims are already refuted, seriously, i dont know why people keep reposting that garbage, wait for isis and jews to destroy all archaelogical findings before trying that here, well, at least isnt the talmud story.
The "mediteranian see" or the Mediterranean Sea?
Egyptians, Babylonians and Assyrian/Hittites were all Arabs. Of course all that area is now overrun by Turks; in Egypt for example 85% of Egyptians today are Turk pigs and the other 15% are persecuted Coptic Christians.
All Greek philosophers got their education from Egypt and Babylonia.
Carthaginians were offshoots of what is now Lebanon; they're arabs. Jews are arabs.
Jews are Arabs.
Do you have a source for that besides just calculating the gemetria itself?
Very true. Only the white man is truly adamic, all other races being mere attempts at full humanity.
Sounds like a load of bullshit.
Well first off Gospel comes from “God spell” which meant “God speaks” in old European language. Evangelism was the word that would have been used, and that just means “good news”, nothing to do with war.
Also, about “turning the other cheek”. You don’t need to combat pettiness with pettiness. You forgive your enemies. If they slap you, who cares? It’s just a slap. People try to conflate a slap with severe crimes such as someone trying to kill you. Killers get killed, bloodshed begets bloodshed, that’s one of the oldest rules in the Book, literally.
t. low reading comprehension
Which they did when the temple fell in 70 AD
dubs of truth
t. (1)