CNN Gives Most Insane Defense Of Antifa Ever
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Antifa are fags, Drumpf is a fucking retard and you can kys

You first, nigger.

Holy shit! Antifa is full of blacks with vitiligo. Poor guys!

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Wow the drool tube is feeding lobotomized boomers who still watch the news the usual

Soy boi's get the noose too faggot.

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they always hide behind niggers when they preen because obviously you can't disagree with niggers.
Anfita are soylets inc, kike.

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They're so fucking desperate.
CNN broadcast license revoke when.

And those niggers could beat the shit out of them anytime

I remember when anons didn't mindlessly worship the sitting president of burger and blindly repeat right-wing propaganda as idiotically as huffington paint regurgitates left-wing talking points. Seems like a dozen lifetimes ago now.

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I like how Trump shits on the media
Poo poo poo pee pee pee

CNN has gotten so progressively stupid that at this point it just has to be controlled opposition.

How can they become so retarded when they started out retarded?? It MUST be run by pro-trump trolls.

What if you were actually 100% right about that?

What if the whole thing really was a big Punch and Judy show for ignorant goyim?

What if Hillary was chosen because she was the only one capable of losing to drumpf?

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>When #WalkAway expands to no longer trusting the TelAvivision, anything (((government))) says

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Why are you here, lolbertarian? Run out of weed and child porn?

That one's obviously false.

Not even worth responding to, but here's your (you) anyway.

Hillary was the perfect loser. A long and supremely corrupt career in politics; previously failed presidential candidate; and widely hated by 40% of the population before she even started her campaign.

Then you should get gassed. IRONICALLY.

I'm conflicted.

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They tried and failed. The Clintonites lost due to being overconfident idiots. And they didn't have a better candidate than the clintons.

The liberal media was initially pretty good at their propaganda, but when they started losing they started to do weird desperate shit losers do when they realize they're about to lose. They were tilting. That wasnt their plan.

Jews are whoever they say they are in the eyes of the media, it's another of many reasons to not trust the jewish media.

Sweet the yids are hitting the servers.

Antifa are just hired mercenaries used to autistically screech.
Still it's the easiest $15 an hour I have ever made.

I'd do it for no less than 50 an hour.

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Because life is meaningless and polarity politics is an enduring distraction that gives emotional vent to people's existential angst.

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Life is about bringing up the next generation of life. I think you're right about party politics but it's ridiculous to think of life as meaningless, the turning of the wheel is the thing.

The press is the enemy of the people.

did you really just say that tho?

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I would honestly recommend it user. If only just to expose yourself to the enemy and see what kind of deranged lunatics that think Antifa does any good. It's an experience I will say that.

I'd do that and maybe meet some progressive white girl who needs and viscerally craves some red pills.

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Reminder that even moderate cuck Scott Adams is okay with killing fake news journalists since it's plain self defense.

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Two posts do not a flood make,nogmod.

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Nice thumbnail.

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CAT-DAMN 'murica & trunp to fucking Hades

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memes beyond our dreams

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Donald Trump is awesome

I love how he has told the truth about false flags, that really fucked them up - is something I wish I could say but I can't because Donald doesn't seem to really actually care about fake news


Oh shit .
Posted the low rez one.Sorry.

Every fucking time.

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Looks like it is full of postal box ladies to me.

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He's as white as antifa

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Damnit Zig Forums, why can't you just be wrong for once?

It'd be hilarious if it didn't get memoryholed so fucking much.

I've despised Toobin long before coming to Zig Forums. Fucking kike was insufferable with his defense of the NSA when that scandal broke.

Toobin is such an uber-jew. Everytime I see him I cringe. Someone shop his face on a merchant.

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go fuck yourself you (((slimy piece of shit)))


Antifa is about as African-American as a yacht club.


Antifa only exists in major cities like Portland, Philly, San Francisco, NYC etc. where half, if not more, of the "white" population is jewish. Antifa is funded by jews. It's run by jews. Obviously as a result it'd be protected by jews. I have reason to believe its ranks are largely filled by jews as well. After all, most "whites" on the far-left are indeed jews, not actually white.


Sounds like a good plan to me tbh.

Fund it.

Antifa didn't really exist in the US in 2014. I posted on cuck/pol/ claiming they would suddenly show up in a few years.

We all knew it was a matter of time, though. Remind people how fucking new this all is. Take back our history.

Name one reason trump is bad without resorting to retarded memes.

Pretty positive these retards are just useful tards being used by glow_in_the_darks. I've never heard of them protesting a war or real environmental stuff. 💯 if they ever did the cops would crack these retards skills and kill a few by mistake. Both right and left major news outlets promote these retards non issues that piss ppl off and make them take their minds of important stuff like exonmy or dropping million dollar freedoms on secular countryies. I think most Zig Forumsacks know this. Therefore it makes me question the validity and ahillidity of this post, bit what do I know I'm just some autist reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh

Then he's doing a pretty shit job of it.

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Trump is a gun grabber so you can take a helicopter ride along with him and your magapedes.

People don't generally have existential angst unless they are in a garbage situation. Living in vice is what causes the angst. Try living without lust, laziness, pride, despair etc. for a while and see if you are angsty.

Rats in a cage will refuse food, water, or sex for cocaine every time.

Rats with lots of space, freedom, toys, and friends will refuse the cocaine, every time.