President Donald Trump Rally in Evansville, Indiana - August 30, 2018 - TRUMP MAGA RALLY

trump rally live

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Come on dude.

The boomers that always do the on-the-ground organizing of these events love to signal by putting the only browns at the event behind the stage to show their diversity for the cameras. It's a fucking joke, I've seen them do this shit in nearly all-white communities going back to the Bush v Gore election in '00. I fucking hate it.


Just think of it as the IRL version of the "based muslim" threads Zig Forums gets weekly.

A rally? Why is Trump not doing his job? He is president, not a twitter celeb or motivational speaker. He needs to cut the tweets and rallies and start doing something.

It's the irl version of "dems r the real racists"

Here’s your reply

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What did he mean by this?

This is a very good question that deserve an answer. Do you know what he is doing every week. Just listen he is telling exactly what he is working on during the week. If he talk about it…. well.

Pretty transparent when you think about it.

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Trump does not have fair access to mainstream media so he energizes his supporters and curious people through rallies. Truly a man of the people.

I have alot of fun watching the speeches he is great, but I want to see him crush certain elements hard.

Also someone explain this picture, there is freemason symbol that looks like letter/apron. I hope Trump isnt connected to luminate. Has Trump ever done any "covering up one eye" or horn symbols with his hands? Thats how those satanic niggers communicate

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Great speech so far.

Liberals start a Trump thread and the first thing out of their fucking mouths is "race".
Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.
Can't you go virtue signal somewhere, where people might actually fall for your shit, you fucking kike?

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I really don't get his obsession with coal.

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Trump should take control off all media outlets and show slideshow of MS-13 victims on television.

Then he should build asylums and label liberalism a mental disease, and throw all liberals in. Or maybe ship them to africa to be cannabalized.

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Obvious tokens lol

Other anons already told you that bringing race as the very first thing you post reveals you to be a lib. But that said, here some food for thought. With all the talk of how white men are to blame for everything, how white men need to pay reparations, white men should be denied jobs through quotas and how white men shouldn't be allowed to talk in their party, what would you do in their shoes, if you were a democrat who is also a white man. That's right. Switch parties. That overabundance of white men among reps is definitely there, but if they're only going to get shat on among the democrats what do you expect them to do? Just sit there and take it? Oh wait, right, that's what you did, isn't it? Yeah you're a pathetic cuck and will always be one until you develop the confidence necessary to think: - 5m17s
can i have that in webm

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Trump is deporting fewer people than than obama. Why is he not doing his job?

ebin meme my fellow pede

How did you find your way here, grandpa?

Cry about it leftygag.

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