Patrick Little exposes the Jews from the sky. He flew a zeppelin (filled with Zyklon B, of course) reading "JEWS RAPE KIDS - yidsrapekids.com"
Little 2020 - Vote Little, Win Big!
Patrick Little exposes the Jews from the sky. He flew a zeppelin (filled with Zyklon B, of course) reading "JEWS RAPE KIDS - yidsrapekids.com"
Little 2020 - Vote Little, Win Big!
Other urls found in this thread:
You’re either with Little or you’re with the Jews.
He's going to get himself killed before the year ends, isn't he?
that's a catchy url
you mean suicided
Webm related.
Ok, how do I join the campaign?
He has more balls than any of you unless one of you want to prove him wrong.
that is brilliant! Never mind social media
#YidsRapeKids is a mimetic that can not only be borne here but become mainstream topic. We need a good ole fashioned brawl between the Catholics and the Kikes to see who molests the most, which one is the greatest kiddie-diddler. The Catholic church may not use the term "Goy", butt they put as little value in youth life as the kike for sure
They look like they are having a lot of fun. I'm kind of jealous.
Ayyyyyyy l'mayo!
such a lovely couple.
what will emily name their child?
on it. thanks user
I'd get over him if I was you.
Fuck off shitskin
Oh no! people dropping background checks.
Thx sweetie just donated another BTC to Patrick!
#YidsRapeKids is a hashtag too risque for even the most outlaw twigger user out there. Blacks are far too cowardly to ever retweet a hashtag like #YidsRapeKids, even though they are the original Hebro Izzrelites suffering from yet another appropriation by the Synagogue of Satan. Never mind that GMSniggers know that Catholic priests are doing some serious ass-raping themselves. Too bad niggers are cowards afraid of ever pissing ff their owners. Sad!
moarpheus do you really think hes still a controlled op/ plant at this point?
If it isn't a chop, who the fuck printed the blimp?
Fuck if I care. The internet is full of suckers willing to fall for a scam.
I'm not moarpheus
With Jews, you lose.
Donated another BTC sweetie love watching you squirm
Also, more pictures should be flowing in. Anyone seen them yet?
You know we can check if patrick received 2 BTC right?
You could be buying funs or doing something more productive for your community than giving that to an asset.
It doesn't look like he's posted anything new yet.
I wouldn't be surprised if he painted it on there himself.
I don't think there are any good rhymes for "little." Just "yids rape kids" and "with jews, you lose."
Belittle, acquittal, spittle, diddle, Kimmel
seriously little and belittle … are you a retard
Can't shittle my tittles.
Yes, a retard helping a dullard. Can you count, no brain niggermonkey?
absolutely epic
patrick little 2020
the (((big))) fear the little
yids rape kids
Salty and not even saging. I'm guessing you don't use Zig Forums very often?
yiddle diddle kiddle
Rabbi Spittle or Patrick Little, 2020. Patrick may set us back, but he will never cut us off.
fiddle, whittle, brittle
Reminds me of a younger Jon Hamm.
In before he shoots himself twice in the back of the head.
bUt PaTrIcK LiTtLe iS a FeD sHiLl
Great video clip, user. This man is a hero.
Vote Little, Win Big
That has a nice ring to it.
Vote with me!
why are your posts ITT so shit tier
holy shit
Why do you do nothing but emote which cock you like sucking best?
Morpheus makes chess cucks look reasonable with his twisted logic.
Jesus Blesses his avenger, St. Patrick Little.
That's not a zeppelin, it's a blimp. That aside, lol.
need moar sauce
But he's not wrong. In europe we have seen similar results to the jews schemes. jews pushed niggers and arabs into europe, a few of them kill olf jew ladies and assault a few of the men, oy vey its getting hot I better go to israel, and there you have it jew migration to israel.
In the united states it's anti-semitism from the part of whites against jews that will opush them to migrate to israel. But in the united states the planes need to be grounded and the boats mothballed so as to not allow the jews to flee.
its a bretty gud read
archive.fo is gammy
May be you have a very good point.
The message is directed to normies who are unable to digest it. They do not have the data to counter the kike's propaganda, which by the way, the believe 100%.
Furthermore they feel disgusted for it, and it triggers a natural response for to do what they feel is right, then they move deeper to support the jews against the "monster nazi bigots".
While kiddie diddling is a thing that is done there, it's a faggotry problem.
faggots are pedos, nearly by default.
sauce for what?
Don't tell me you don't know who Emily Youcis is
it's no wonder the Aryan and the White Caucasian of Euro descent is their greatest biological enemy. No one can compete with "Whitey". We created everything around them except the elements
>History has spoken. Their fate is sealed. Whether anyone does anything of significance or not, nothing he does outweighs what is coming in the final judgment. The battle between good and (((bad))) has already been won
wow this is so epic xD
he just seems like a more elaborate versions of this washingtonexaminer.com
Not anymore user.
People have this natural weird feeling to this propaganda. You could tell from the normie outcry of the cheerios commerical promoting miscegenation.
Normies are far less cucked than we give them credit for and what the (((MSM))) would have us believe.
The issue is we only ever see that which the (((MSM))) tells us.
wtf, are they trying to inspire terrorists? I could see some muslim reading that on the subway, thinking for a few minutes, pulling out a knife and stabbing every jew he sees.
What Patrick Little is doing, is to feed the eternal victim hood of the kikes.
It is a version of the known method "Watcha doing rabbi".
That will push normies to zionism though.
Despite what I said outright suggestions of killing jews isn't normie safe yet.
The hard fight will be teaching normies to understand that judaism and islam are one in the same and are and have been working together for centuries.
Eh. I kinda disagree. I think he's just really fucking shitty and fully thinking it through.
His talks on college campuses/in public which name the jew are good. They don't just straight go to "THE JEWS, THE JEWS, THE JEWS!" which is not normie safe yet.
The thing is, though, that the more common our propaganda is, the more open the mind of the normalfag becomes. It is easy to dismiss beliefs held by only a few, but hard to dismiss beliefs held by many.
Wrong. Vandelizing Jewish property, painting swastikas poorly drawn ones randomly in places, or on jewish property, calling in bomb threats etc… is hey Rabbi, watcha doin'? tier.
Calling Jews our for their crimes and informing the public about them in entertaining ways is completely different and only a shill or idiot would claim otherwise.
Nobody gives a shit about normies, faggot. They will be killed off for eugenics purposes after we take control. Nothing is ever "safe" for normies because they are eternal cowards and worthless sacks of shit. You can see the fate of the eternal normie in South Africa today. Too chickenshit to ever save themselves, always waiting for the "right time." They get what they deserve.
i'll vote for little, but not for president (yet) and not on 2020, fuck you for trying to split votes you faggot.
He's running as a democrat. Do you really think it will get to the point of Trump vs Little?
The Patrick Little method might be called "Shock and Awe", it is similar to the James Mason and Atomwaffen approach.
It is useful to recruit radicals, but not at all for to get the normie's electoral vote.
I believe he already knows this and this fact matches the evidence that he is controlled opposition.
- realmoarpheus.wordpress.com
- realmoarpheus.wordpress.com
- realmoarpheus.wordpress.com
Reminds me of this image.
You've already posted this under a different IP
and he's nothing like those glow-in-the-dark honey pots.
Not me faggot.
Just read the evidence and get your own conclusions.
No, he didn't paste it under a different IP you faggot.
Kill yourself faggot
That link is shown to be pants-on-head retarded already by
Reported for spam.
In fact, now that I think about it, it's strange that you post the link and not an archive, or just post the info here for all to read.
My guess is that Morpheus is harvesting IPs and handing them to some org, like whatever org Joan "the Hut" Donovan is working for.
Use Tor.
Also, I just remembered someone posted this in the other PL thread
It's all starting to come together…