McMaken: You Can't Be Both "Pro Military" And "Pro Second Amendment"

McMaken: You Can't Be Both "Pro Military" And "Pro Second Amendment"

uthored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

The phrase "pro-gun, pro-military" is used by some conservatives to describe themselves, as if the two go together seamlessly. For example, activist and political candidate Erin Cruz states she is both "Pro Second Amendment" and "Pro Military" in her promotional materials.

Another Republican candidate, Gregory Duckworth, advertises that he advances "pro-gun and pro-military initiatives."

And last year, Donald Trump, Jr. - as part of a controversy over Keurig coffee pulling its advertising from Sean Hannity's show — denounced Keurig and endorsed Black Rifle Coffee, which is advertised as a company with a "pro-gun and pro-military stance."

And yet, there is an inherent conflict between the two positions. This becomes evident when we consider the words of US Senator Tom Coburn in 2013:

The Second Amendment wasn't written so you can go hunting, it was to create a force to balance a tyrannical force here.

Given that the US military is one of the primary means by which the US government can exert its own coercive force, it seems a bit odd to think that one can simultaneously be "pro-military" while also being for gun rights designed to "balance a tyrannical force here."

Even the left, which is prone to an especially high level of confusion when it comes to the gun issue, has identified the conflict with memes such as this:

After all, we hear constantly from "pro-military" advocates that the military suffers greatly from too little spending on its needs, that Barack Obama cut back military spending to the bone, and that, in general, the military is underfunded. Never mind, of course, that US military spending is larger than the next seven biggest spenders combined, or that

The US Navy is about ten times bigger than the next largest navy, which happen to be its close ally, the Royal Navy. The United States has four air forces, one for each service, and all very capable … the US Army has dozens of powerful brigade combat teams and dominates potential rivals in any form of conventional warfare. The US Marine Corps is much bigger than any comparable force. And US special operations forces are about the same size as all elements of the Canadian military.

If one is concerned about providing "balance" against abuse of government power, it would seem that pushing for a few more AR-15s in private hands isn't really going to make a critical difference.
The Authors of the Second Amendment Were Anti-Militarists

The fact that many Americans today think it is possible to be both pro-Second Amendment and pro-military at the same time would have struck many Americans of the Revolutionary period as exceptionally odd.

After all, at the time of the ratification of the new Constitution — and the writing of the Second Amendment — Americans were notable for their opposition to a permanent and powerful military force — especially in the form of a so-called "standing army."

Greatly distrustful of putting military power in the hands of the federal government, the authors of the Second Amendment advocated instead for a far larger decentralized and locally controlled militia. Thus, in the nineteenth century, both state and local militias greatly outweighed federal military power, and it was assumed that any large standing force would have to be composed of state units supplied by state governments. In practice — until the late twentieth century — state governments could veto these deployments. Even statemilitia power was suspect, if it was full-time and professionalized. Thus, the concept of the "unorganized" militiaretained significant support even into the early twentieth century. Today, however, these checks on federal power have been abolished, thus that which is "pro-military" is now necessary pro federal military.

Nor was this opposition to a national army unique to the Americans. The concept had already been well-established in English politics going back at least to the English civil war. At the time, opponents of unchecked monarchical power supported and obtained a decentralized non-professional militia system designed to partially supplant a standing army under the control of the king.

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Mental gymnastics to get retards to trend on calling gun-owners terrorists.

A bullshit article, with a bullshit foundation.
Military isn't allowed to operate within the states except in times national emergency.
Militia is guaranteed the right to operate within the states whenever the fuck it wants.
Militia is guaranteed the right to own whatever arms it desires.

You can be pro-military in that military can fight whatever foreign power it pleases, while at the same time being pro-militia and say "fuck you" to domestic tyranny.
Glass Mexico? HELL YES

Smells like a way to get two traditionally aligned political issues to come into conflict with one another, i.e. d&c.

Is the jist of the logical relationship between the two, but beyond that its also about the overlap between people who are inclined to join the military and people who are a part of gun culture/owning guns. Now the left wants to say that isn't logical and lmao look at those dumb republicans and their contradictory beliefs what a bunch of idiots why are you voting red.

why is the wall not secure? Why did trump have to force troops on the wall?

You are pro military until the need for you to become the military. Then, you are still pro military. Do NOT betray your country there won't be no problems. That's what the 2nd is for.

This, and the US military has the duty to train civilians without conscription, "A well regulated militia".

You got it. And even if the pres puts the militia on title 10, they can't operate on US soil during that time. And even that state of emergency you mentioned is very limited. Most federal military power stateside is on it's own bases.

This is the same retardation as those who say that you can't be against baby murder and also against expanding welfare for nigs.

The reeeing at this article already from the mil-shills infesting this place is fascinating. The article is, of course, entirely accurate in its premise.

even though Texas has massive bases, it doesn't stop them from training attack heliocopters above the cities.

Remember the footage of helicopters shooting above cities at night?

There's an article?

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Nah, not in the least. If you're White and there's anything in the last 80 years convincing you the military is "on your side", you might want to get checked out for brain tumors. Of course, if you're a red state Randy masturbating furiously at the thought of tens of millions of White pensioners being wiped out and their kids flooded with heroin [hey, kinda like what's happening to the USA right now] in Russia, you might think the article was trying to drive a wedge.

In the context of this board, the article's foundations are rock solid. You don't like it, go back to the daily caller, faggot.

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Speaking for me,baby-burner?
What country would I be betraying,le 56%er?

A standing military was always thought to be dangerous, and now half of our states has the strength of a country. The national guard (a third of a million armed federal troops) can be quickly sent anywhere in the country to subdue or abuse any group they want. We don't want our own government to have the power or opportunity to subjugate the people. The natural conclusion: Ensure the citizenry has access to the same firearms as the military, and ensure the armed forces don't exceed 1% of the law abiding adult males. Any more than that and an armed resistance is almost futile. Of the ~119 male adults in the US, that leaves an active military force of about 1.2 million. Given those generous numbers, the US is about 100,000 over the max strength I'd give them.

TLDR: Expand gun rights, make sure our military forces don't outgrow our population, and there's no conflict

Correct. Pro-military faggots will be killed on the day of the rope.

Same one that provides you with the second. Best stay in pissrael next time you visit.

I forgot to add a colorful image to attract the hyperactive sperglords.

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Fuck, I hate lefty memes.

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I remember that thread .
Muh 98.6 wyte mill -turry

This board has been infested with neocons and military intelligence since the election. They will, of course, be killed on the day of the rope.

anhero hedge needs to be physically removed.

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You wont do shit you fucking loser, you're probably not even American or white.

"pro-gun, pro-military"
Military = 1.3m
Gun owners = 100m (at least)
Yes the military is superior in talent and hardware but it wouldn't be a cakewalk for the same reasons it isn't in syria. Narrative and guerrilla tactics. You also cant count on the mil going full out against us citizens. Some would because the chosen tell them to but a lot of them wouldn't and might even sabotage (((their))) efforts.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

If he's not American, his odds of being White increase exponentially.

Harsh bro, right in the feels.

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It's an attempted wedge.

In the context of the 2nd Amendment the term "regulated" refers to quality not "control."
It is something along the lines of "a (militia with quality approaching that of regulars) being necessary to the security of a free state….
Keep in mind that at the time of the revolution professional soldiers were referred to as REGULARS.
"well regulated" = "like regulars"
Of course, (((certain groups))) just LOVE screwing with the meaning of words in order to hurt White people and further their agendas.


Gas yourself.

You never did anything for me rice/sand dick.Take on a country with a navy and an air force & get back to me,joo supremacist coward.

I'll get b& if I post my relevant mill-mutt memes.

I'm well aware of that, but it's important for everyone to reiterate this.
Part of being well regulated is being well trained and supplied.

Instead of using surplus to aid foreigners, all surplus should given away to American citizens.
Taxes paid for that shit, give it back to tax payers.

That is the 20th time I've read that & it still makes me kek.
Did you do the chine one too?
Made me blow monster all over my keyboard.
Do you have a screencap of that?

the reason we have a professional military is because citizens hated fighting vietnam. being drafted for useless wars made the population angry. too angry. angry enough to stop those useless wars.
make it voluntary and use our taxes to pay for it.
that way the deep state globalists can continue warring around the globe. and the citizens are never forced to fight. everyone's happy.

the 2nd amendment doesnt relate to either of these issues. the 2nd amendment protects the homeland. our military attacks foreigners on foreign soil for the kikes so they dont have to draft us into it.

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The military didn't mind pointing bayonets at the back of school children.

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good premise but >>/reddit/

They wanted niggers in society. I'd bayonet them properly, too, faggot.

Actually, yes you can.
Second ammendment isn't to fight the military.
And if the military did fight civilians, at least half would mutiny due to not wanting to shoot friends and family. A kind of split where the military fights itself.
Second ammendment is a little to keep police from getting the idea they can just send in 2-3 cops into any house and round up an entire family with little resistance.
Second ammendment is mostly to keep the power of self defense in the hands of the self, not others.

Pro what military? Not the military in my country. I'm rooting against every last faggot in there. Bunch of retarded zogbots.

What a fucking idiot, the militia is a part of the military.

What a fucking simpleton. What friends and family is a uncultured soldier who joined for the gibs gonna have to shoot in another state he's never been to? There's no cohesive culture anymore. Some nigger who joins because it's his best opportunity will do exactly as he's told. The 2nd is ABSOLUTELY for fighting the military, you retarded cuck.

That guy is the most dangerous brand of retard. He thinks we're perfectly safe because the military would split in half and become a non-issue. That's why there's no recorded cases of government ever causing any harm to their citizens.

Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.

Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.

The militia acts as a vanguard to the military.

In the Revolutionary War, there was the continental army as well as the militia fighting the British.

The two are not mutually exclusive. He creates a strawman that the military is in conflict with the militia when in actuality the militia acts as a deterrent for any attempt of occupation by peer adversaries.

I.E., the military gets defeated in a no 2nd Amendment scenario, the occupation force steamrolls the territory. The military gets defeated but the civilians are armed, it's a no-win situation for the occupier.

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What's D&C about being anti-zogbot? If you're in the military while it's voluntary you're fucking traitor.

This is a good post.

Way to imply I said something I didn't, then switch IPs to try to make it appear like theres a group consensus (an appeal to the crowd as if to legitimize your statement).

these liberal faggots forget the military IS the people, not many Marines or soldiers would cut down Americans, but the blue helmets would for sure

You're a fucking retard. This is what you said.
There would be some amount of mutiny. Expecting the military to split in half (the most ideal and unlikely scenario out of literally billions of options) is dangerously retarded at best.

What, exactly, do you think they're doing when they run opium and violently defend the immigrant-usury interests of the jewish occupation government?

Hurrdurr, because everyone gets redpilled before the age of 18. Stop being black & white faggot. I only discovered chanlife after I enlisted. It was hard keeping the redpills down, not to mention secret while I was in. Realizing you're a rainbow coalition of zog interests in the middle of a multiyear contract is a helluva drug, my dude. Just settle the fuck down and realize at least some people will make the right choice when push comes to shove.

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Brace yourself for anecdotes.

Faggots want us to distrust military & police when every successful revolution relies on them.

Weird, lefties told me that they were doing this to protect them from the "racist rioters" against miscegenation. Is there any point in arguing with them?

I'm just one dude who was in the machinery for a while and I'm not vouching for everyone, but it wouldn't be 100% one direction or another for any armed government force. Every year the number of 3%'ers and Oath Keepers gets larger. These are the true believers. The guys who didn't just join to take orders for some subbie fap fantasies or college tuition benefits. These are the guys who are willing to kick the proverbial tea off every dock and ship.

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You're right to be this insecure in your position, because it's completely daft.

My post exists in the context of this board where if you're pro-military after coming here you are a traitor. You're otherwise right of course.

You need an example of the US military running opium from previously the Golden Triangle and now the Golden Crescent to pollute the American nation, using the proceeds and an endless stream of shitskins to keep their banks solvent?

A bunch of nigger lovers. Just like you.

Examples of US military straight out killing americans?

We are pro-military because it is the military you need to sway for a revolution, not faggot nerd asses like you.

Oh. You're obtuse. That clarifies things.

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The pigs?

How is that obstuse? It is a straight request, and pigs are police, not military.

Cadets, keyword there.

I would like to see how tough you are.

My post exists because you're a fucking retard if you think everyone knows about this shit before enlisting/taking commission. How about a little slack, Murdoch-chan? You need to tell people about shit before you can reasonably call them out on it.

Who said I was a nigger lover? I knew something was up once I got a booklet about "dangerous ideologies" at my first duty station and there was a whole section on White identitarianism, but nothing about nigger gangs.

Yes, he's a faggot nerd who couldn't swing at a moth without flinching, but he's on our side. Probably.

Kent state, but those hippie retards had it coming. Pro-tip: You don't provoke someone leveling a weapon at you.

The same cuckoldry happening throughout education. Why would ROTC be immune to leftist influence?

Ok, /trannypol/.

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You really can't tell?

You're right. We should use examples from the field.

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Not according to the guys who actually worry about it.

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I need examples of US military straight out killing americans, we all know the military run shady drug business, but that is no fault of common soldiers, but high command.

Go fuck yourself, kike.

Look you illiterate cunt, I agreed with you, but I'm beginning to regret it.

To hell with reality. Internet magic and online larping is all that we need. DOTR is going to happen like tomorrow an sheeiit, cuz you know … magic.

Your point?

No, gas yourself, kike.

You do not speak for us.

No shit, I speak for myself, you fucking drone.

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What I said was that the military flooding the country with shitskins and opium isn't functionally different than straight out killing Americans. The end result is the same. That's why you're obtuse. Do you understand? You know what? Filtered.

The pigs are federalized mill-turry.Mill-turry trained,mill-turry weapons,Mill-turry tacticsmany ex mill-turry. Kill your ass dead just 4 shits& giggles. ,

Gee, where have I heard this one before…

I speak for the pro-military elements on this board, kike. Who do you speak for?

Not going to play the semantics game with mil-shills. And I'm not taking the bait from his back up, either. Filtered.

The large majority of the military isn't what the public fear coming after them. It is the state - the "national guard", the alphabet soup agencies, oppressive police systems, and judicial systems which seek to further their own tyrannical rule.

The slaughter of the Davidians in Waco was not carried out by the military.

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That is US military killing each other.

So no examples? Might as well shut it.

They kill ,torture & maim many thousands of 'muricans every year.

See? They can't argue, just filter themselves.

And no, I will not kill myself, be a man and do that yourself.


This. When shit hits the fan, the military is going to be your biggest ally, even if they don't agree with your racism. Fuck, the Corps alone treats everybody like a nigger.

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Military is overwhelming white. And racist.

Pink Beret 'murican mill-turry gal calling me a tranny.

You can't be this stupid. Read my post again (the previous one, not this, retard)

That's two different militaries made of people of the same land killing each other. You might want to check your ears to see if your brains are pouring out.

It's all projection.

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Kike special pleading. That's what you asked for. Here's the Whiskey Rebellion and Kent State. Now tell me it doesn't count because Kent State was the National Guard and the Whiskey Rebellion was in Pennsylvania or something.

Attached: Kent_State_LOL.jpeg (450x321 393.06 KB, 46.2K)

Write for help.

That is US military killing each other.


I said proof, where is proof?

Incorrect. We hate towelheads because we have freinds who got killed by towelheads. Same for nips, gooks, whatever. Some of the best bantz I had during my time in was slinging insults back-and-forth with a grimy hoodrat nigger from D.C.

I'm not racist. Everybody should be judged according to their actions, not their heritage. I just have a fucking sense of humor.

Kek, show us how tough you are.

Oh wait, you are just shitposting on the net.

The military is racist, and that is a good thing.
Racist is literally an opinion.