JewTube posts topless pre-teens dead-center on their front page, marks it as "trending"
Also tried archiving it but the fucking page seems to break
Isn't that how it always is for documentaries about africans/natives/whatever?
They don't wear bras, I don't know what you'd expect.
Cool story Comrade.
so you're saying they're show-boating topless pre-teens out of an entire tribe just out of pure coincidence?
You can probably find "foreign' films that involve frontal nudity of children if you were to search in different languages.
They could've censored it out so that it wasn't showing real children that are naked. But it does seem like OP really is trying to reach on this one.
wasn't aware there were anons here that accepted paraded degeneracy out of cultural tolerance.
This is going to turn into a save our loli thread, isn't it?
the fuck is wrong with americucks? these images aren't taken in a sexual context. I bet you think that a topless 4 year old girl playing in the pool is 'sexual' too you projecting pedophile. Without context, a prepubescent girl's chest isn't a sexual display.
looks like the pedo defenders arrived, you're late.
My point is I could watch these kind of stuff on NG during afternoon prime-time years and years ago.
I think you're overreaching.
Do you know what the point of a documentary is?
just because nude kids on the front page of a website was normalized for you doesn't mean the rest of modern society has to stoop to that level.
This is one of the few times it can be chalked up to coincidence. I watched a bit of it, jumped around and came to the conclusion that they didn't care to censor it.
It's like the animal birthing videos. If it's strictly educational and in no way erotic, there's no need to censor it. Granted !!! If some pervert gets their rocks off to it though, that's a different story all together.
The True Degenerates are the ones who find a reason to complain about sexuality when there is none and The freaks who find a reason to masturbate to non-sexual things.
They're not human anyway. Do you get wood staring at the rocking chair in your living room?
didn't realize how culturally tolerant Zig Forums was when it came to nude kids, who knew.
The difference is they chose this image out of all the other possible images to show as the thumbnail. It wouldn't be weird if there was a video of a pool and a 4year old happened to be swimming there, but if the maker of the video chose and image of that 4 year old as the thumbnail out of all the other people, that is definitely weird.
You're shitposting in an effort to exploit a potential point of division here.
If only it was cute white LGs.
did someone say visual anthropology
There's nothing inherently wrong with the video. The question is why would they pick an image of three topless girls instead of adult natives or the village they live in except to attract clicks from people looking to sexualize topless girls?
Dude relax, it's censored. Google are a bunch of pedo enablers but in this instance it's just a documentary
Lol thought the first image was pregnant women at first. What's with their stomachs?
Precisely this.
Apparently, there's a wide range of thumbnails for the same Documentary.
Pick your poison.
A line of guys , ass to the camera.
A line of guys, dicks to the camera.
A line of guys wrestling, half naked.
A line of guys wrestling, fully naked.
A reporter caught in a strange position that looks like she's grabbing a native's dick.
Girls of varying ages , tits to the camera.
Women breast feeding, tits and baby to the camera.
The thumbnail is just clickbait. There's no point in getting riled up over there.
I mean, I agree with you here. It seems to be a bit of column A and a bit of column B. For all of OP's faggotry, it's fairly common knowledge that (((YouTube))) is full of unchecked pozzed degeneracy, and only the greenest of newfags don't know about the Elsa/Spiderman/Disney pedo pandering channels.
There have been numerous documentaries for decades about native tribes out of Africa that blatantly show men and women of all ages topless, sometimes even naked, and nobody ever bats an eye because it was meant for research and educational purposes. On the other hand, while mentions what SHOULD be common fucking sense, United States law is cucked to the point where if this video were kept alongside pictures or video of children of an erotic nature, whether nude or not, it could be construed by a prosecutor or judge to be child pornography; if it were in a folder of other videos, pictures, or documents of an actual academic nature, nobody would have grounds to touch it, but therein lies the nature of that magic word: CONTEXT.
I agree with you here, most of all, but as weird as it is, and as many red flags as it might set off for people like us that see the Marxist propaganda they push on the public on a daily basis, trying to make a big deal out of this is a stupid idea. Weird, sure, but who's going to give a shit outside of somebody who's already agitated enough to hate Google/YouTube or some pro-pedo faggot willing to cry about it to the point of absurdity as faggots are want to do?
If somebody wants to make it a point of division, they would have to actively astroturf their own controlled opposition and hope that it makes enough waves to get people on one side or another, really. Getting people riled up enough about it is going to be tough, though, because a smart person is going to remember all the old documentaries with native sheboons walking around wearing virtually nothing and realizing that nobody gave a shit then, so why should somebody give a flying fuck now?
I'm under the impression that it is not censored on YouTube, but this screenshot was edited.
It's probably pedobait by the channel yes, look at the amount of "family" youtube channels out there. Most of their videos are preteens in swim suits or preteens doing gymnastics/kissing challenges. The parents are basically whoring their little girls out for ad shekels
WTF you're right. I just searched "tears of" and it recommended a live stream with a picture of three topless preteens
Some pro-pedo faggot willing to cry about the 'backlash' because he sees nothing wrong with prepubescent girls being naked.
Polite sage for fixing my fuck-up.
You can drink milk and blood anywhere how is this threatening dey cultcha? they should all be exterminated
Lol this is hilarious. Some culture see great warriors, leaders, and philosophers as heroes, but nope in this tribe it's who can be the most bloated.
It's probably mostly from bloodborn parasites and lactose intolerance. I wonder if those people have evolved to be more tolerant of lactose than other blacks or if it's just six months of constant suffering for them. The look on the guy's face says it can't be pleasant.
awful thread
so muck naked nigger
gas me now
not all nudity is pedo shit OP
i've seen naked abbos of all ages in documentaries about primitive trives
is not like we can judge the nudism of trives far to primitive to invent any kind of clothing as degeneracy, they do not have our standards
besides, abbo niggers are closer to animals than humans
naked bodyes are nice clickbait so i can't blame the guy who uploaded the videos for using them as thumbnai
i just don't think this has anything to do with pedo shit
mostly due to the fact that it's practically imposible to get a boner by looking at these animals
now if you had complaining about jewtube suporting zoophilia, maive your tread wouldn't be so shit
holly fuck that's a male!?
i thought it was a pregnant female
not the most disgusting rite i've seen tbh
there was this trive where young boys had to drink the jizz from their elders as a source of strength and then once they are married they need to punch themselves in the nose every time they fail to impregnate their women and they get their period
don't suppose anyone knows which tribe it was that gorges themselves once a year on all their food, then has food shortages the rest of the year?
might've been in papua new guinea
just when ya thought you'd seen it all
beau pere, 1980s french film, man fucks his 14 year old stepdaughter. 14 year old has multiple nude scenes. shes pretty cute too
and yes the actress was actually underage at time of filming
you'll never seen it all
3D lolis are PD, especially nigger ones. How can you find a different species attractive?
Whatcha slidin' Moishe
I guess they plan to break western conditioning by exposing us to foreign cultures more extreme habits
Bitch, I 'member when you could find Masha on YouTube. Stop being such a goddamn newfag.
Looks like an interesting program. All the instances of topless girls there is breast development. Ergo they are pubescent. Since they are not PREpubescent, attraction to them is not an indicator of pedophilia. It is a COUNTERindicator. Pedophiles prefer NO BREASTS AT ALL, because breasts come from puberty, and puberty ruins what pedophiles consider the perfect stage of development (BEFORE it).
Feminist/Jew shills need to stop posting these fucking slide threads conflating normal healthy male sexual impulses with pedophilia by falsely labeling pedophilia in instances of pubescent women.