Women Drawn to Far-Right in Record Numbers To Fight For Their Volk

Women increasingly drawn to right-wing populist parties, study shows
>Right-wing populists are often depicted as angry white men. A new study, however, has found that women are increasingly supporting right-wing populist parties, and they are often more radical than their male peers.


How can men even compete? Say hi to the ladies, boys. They're here to stay and they will have a say.

Of course they have a say. I don't expect chicken salad every day. Egg and ham sandwiches spice up the menu.

They obviously think it’s a popularity contest or beauty pageant. That is good mass politics but very bad nationalism.

Hi boys.
We don't need nationalism if we have an ETHNO-GLOBE.

Silly girl, we need a nation not politics.

If this is true it's a good indicator of success. Women are drawn to power, not to ideology.

We need a GLOBE, not a nation. OUR spaceship Earth…no one else!

World versus 80 Million, part 2.

I always struggle to remind myself that you are talking about 'average' women. It is so difficult not to launch into you when you say things like this because it is so condescending. I have to remind myself that it is better to be underestimated, rather than overestimated…there is more freedom of movement.

You guys are such fucking pussies. I swear to god. We can EASILY accomplish this. WE LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. They are going to genocide us ANYWAY…god I wish I could find a man with balls the same size as mine.

lel tits or gtfo

All this thread is going to do is cause reeeing from faggots who literally fucking hate women and want everyone to be fucking pillows.
This board has become something to be ashamed of.

I'll admit, it would do a lot for the movement if more women would stand alongside the men that are actively trying to restore decency on the planet and give women back their dignity.
The fact that any woman could back the party of feminism, porn, premarital sex, devaluing female worth… it's beyond me how any woman could be dumb enough to back this. It strips them of their identity and serves nothing but to devalue their vagina to the point they are giving it out to niggers for shekels on camera.

There is an even mix of balls and brains needed to effectively take the movement forward. Shunning any ally, in the beginning, is a bad idea. It makes sense that American NatSoc's would team with American Muslims/blacks to purge the country of jews, then move toward ethno-nationalism. There is literally nothing to fear in a world of mongrels when whites are living communally for a common goal.

Its the same board it always have for me. I use the filter option often.

>and they are often more radical than their male peers
What's more "radical" in clown world than wanting a full purge of all non-whites and degenerates? Do the ladies want to torture them all first?

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*raises hand*
Lefty artist here, just started unironically using 'nigger' in verbal conversations with husband

This is simply a matter of them hedging their bets. They know that if they put up enough of a tradwife facade, the white knight faggots of the populist right (they exist everywhere) will ignore/not even notice the fact that they are tradthots, and will refuse to do the necessary act of removing womens' rights - which will of course lead us back to where we currently are when given enough time.


The National Socialist parties core tenants are tied to nature. The ideal is that the individual may not be individually great, but as a link in the chain of National Socialism, their existence takes on unfathomable importance.

The only reason we're drawing women in is because this movement is comprised of primarily men, and men who don't give a shit what anyone says, especially women. The moment we start caring what baby factories have to say about anything is the moment we lose everything we've gained, including the women.

Threadly reminder: There are no girls on the internet.
Tits or gtfo


Niggers ARE disgusting to be around.

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It's because women have no filter and drop their emotional spaghetti way more easily when they are into something.

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varying eye, skin, hair color doesnt make diversity. not REAL diversity. you need a bunch of niggers for true diversity.

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Probably because some of our male peers are beta soyfaggots. Though believe it or not, anons, there are more women who actually have Zig Forums's values, than the screeching whores you see being featured as 'lefty voices'. So don't be disheartened. I'm actually happy to see more women getting their heads out of their asses though. As much as I hate saying it, some of them needed the wake-up call. It isn't entirely their fault since they've been bombarded with propaganda from childhood. But seeing so many shaking off the delusion and finally opening their eyes to the world is a lovely thing indeed. They just needed time.

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You mean men honestly. Most women won't do anything but bitch; like what your doing.

post bobs

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Water is wet.

Not sure what you're implying but are you implying that whites would lose if they were outnumbered 100:1?
Because if that's what you're implying then you're wrong.

Also the thing that changes a woman's mind. The thing that a woman follows is strength and controlled intensity.
0% of the "men" on the left has that. Are there even men on the left? So the women aren't going back.

Forget about your balls. I want to know how many white children you've borne. That is your contribution, not your opinion.

Nothing personnel, but if we start appreciating all the baste-women's opinions, when the going gets rough and you all bail on us it will be a more psychologically crippling blow. By ignoring your thoughts from day one, we immunize ourselves against such treachery.

I know you think you're "not like other women," but that's what every woman thinks, and you're all really easy to manipulate into the preferred mindset based on whether or not you think the other women will shun you or call you a whore behind your back.

If you insist on sharing your thoughts, share them with girls and young women who might bear white children of their own. Just get some friends and surround the other, less-WN females, and talk matter-of-factly about the urgent need to liquidate the Jews. Simple peer pressure works 90% of the time on you, we might as well weaponize it.

In the meantime, you know the rules.


Hopefully Women wake up to this - we have Men to speak for the movement, we have Women to ensure it's continuity. Only Women can birth the next generation - only they can perform that role.

Pic related.

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Jesus those quads

You're free to go, lady for now

You're aware the most common sex fantasies among women are pretty much all rape related right?

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"Tenets," not "tenants," you fucking nigger. How's it going to look when you're on another platform trying to argue for the existence of our people and a future for white children, and some Rachel Maddow-type puts you in your place and derails the whole argument because you're stupid?

You are an ambassador of the white race and of our community. Take it seriously or learn to bear children like the women.

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I don't know what that is so I can't understand the stupidity.

Yes. I paused for a moment before posting just due to that one.
I'm not sure I believe it isn't a pre-selected sample group to achieve that specific outcome.

>So, what is it that makes these parties so appealing to women? Elisa Gutsche, who edited the FES study, argued that many right-wing populist parties examined in the report seek to garner female votes by promising to strengthen the welfare system. "Parties say they will raise child benefit payments and make related allowances to promote families," she said.
Read more: Germany's far-right AfD increasingly radicalized by its grassroots, experts warn
>Germany's AfD, in turn, champions a "welcome culture for children" — in contrast to the country's much lauded "welcome culture" towards foreign refugees. Indeed, a sizable number of female voters have opted to support the party due to anxiety over what the future might hold and fears Germany's pension system may collapse. Social issues, therefore, often motivate many women to back right-wing populists.
tl;dr, babies > refugees, your family > refugee family

>In Germany, for example, the AfD's 92-seat-strong parliamentary group includes just 10 women. Many right-wing populist parties do, however, have prominent female figures among their leadership,
>.These women are there to give these parties a more open, modern guise and to appeal to female voters," explained Gutsche. "These are not progressive parties; there is no real gender equality."

women > immigrants + muslims

Anybody want to guess why? First, it's because nobody who matters listens to women, so they can say what they want.

Second, women in white countries are used to the princess treatment. If I start making full-throated Nazi noises, somebody calls the cops. When Evalion did it, it was adorable. Until she fucked that nigger communist, that is. Based extremist.

It's a mask the Jews sold women to vibrate their faces to fight wrinkles. It cost a lot, it numbed their faces, it actually accelerated the formation of wrinkles, they looked like special-needs serial killers, and it sold like crazy. Women will do whatever the TV says to do if they think the other women are doing it too.

Reported for being a nigger.

Must be melanin blocking their IQ

For women to love rape is the same as for a man to love being raped. Its against dignity, if lesbianism is gay but has no penetration without shitty dildo that doesn't even produce sperm, then being raped by strong man that cums into you forcefully counts for a woman as being half-gay.

This is all it takes. Imagine if there were lots of Jews with access to large sums of money to pay white women for every mulatto child they give birth to. I guess it's good Jewish women are all insufferable ball-breakers, or the Jews would have thought of doing this a long time ago. Turns out even "nationalist" women are doing it for gibs.

I am mighty fucking sick of minorities (women included) picking pockets and asking what's in it for them. How about you just read a fucking book and become persuaded of your duty, instead of asking if Hitler had a decent daycare subsidy?

Checks out

It's an evolutionary thing. Rape creates children, so genes for raping and accepting rape (instead of fighting to the point of injury) are selected for.

Where are they getting this shit? Do they hire fiction novelists as journalists nowadays?

Marry me.

Good post actually. I'm gonna start spreading this to the (very few) women I speak to.

somewhere, an otherwise bored XYZ employee just got a boner

Melanin is directly related to the levels of adrenaline in the body, so you're correct. Niggers are wild and violent because of this biological fact. Look up the russian foxes for more detailed information.

Zig Forums delusion: strongy empowyrd white wymyn fighting for le race xD

Reality: skanks realise that muslims wont let them indulge in their hedonistic pleasure

All women are are whores and traitors
women can all go to Hell!

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Oh (((you))).

I'm a racist woman but I don't really think I align with Zig Forums tbh. I'm a graduate student in computer science and I can't imagine being happy if I were forced to be a housewife for some idiot and pop out his children. I guess I am dysgenics in action tbh, I scored close to a perfect score on the SATs and have a high IQ but wont have many children


Drop dead, cunt.

Unless they're not because children are inferior or abandoned to die. Semites carry more rape loving women than whites.

There's absolutely nothing you can do more important than raising a ton of brilliant white kids.

Being a computer scientist is of use to the west though? I agree that it is bad that smarts have less kids, but the problem applies to men too.

What are you doing that's so useful? Explain.

How many will take this bait?

Womyn are the hand of the merchant. Womyn are almost solely responsible for the meteoric rise of progressivism. Jews would have no real impact without womyn and white knight cucks falling for their agenda.

Technology is key to economics, military stuff, and so on. Computer science, especially the quantitative stuff, is extremely important. There is a big arms race for autonomous weapons right now, and that ignores all of the Silicon Valley consumer stuff. I'll probably work in the valley after I finish school

>I'll probably work in vague area of technological relevance after I'm done with (((school)))
Wonderful contribution, I don't know what we'd do without you.

White women are the best women.

This could only get hotter if you insert "white" in there.

Well obviously I can't tell you where I will work when I graduate now, but your point is stupid. Silicon Valley is one of the most economically productive places on Earth and the importance of technology will only rise as time goes on. If you want to know what areas I focus on they are newer forms of AI research like machine learning.

Actually that only applies to a certain extent, low IQ has a high birth rate and generally speaking higher IQ leads to a lower birth rate but an extremely high IQ leads back to a high birth rate. Basically if you’re smart enough to realize and acknowledge the need to continue your successful bloodline you will do so. This is regardless of the amount of time necessary to make scientific breakthroughs because you know your numerous children will have more than enough time to continue research whether on your behalf or someone else’s. Why do you think IQ rates increase over time?

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They do not. IQ is normed to have an average of 100, but the West has been losing g factor intelligence for generation. The Flynn Effect (the rise in IQ scores) is largely due to cultural factors like testing throughout life rather than general intelligence. Flynn himself has said this

Then it's sure a good thing a woman who doesn't want a family and is going to displace a probably better qualified man (because all hiring has a female bias now) is gonna work there. You're such a wonderful help.

I’m not talking about the Flynn effect but you’re just going to believe the chart you saw on kikepedia regardless of what I say so have fun with that

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It's not that I don't want a family at all I just don't want to be a housewife. I'll probably have one kid at some point

You're such a good goyl.

She wants that big white alpha cock.

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No shit. Overuse of collagen wear it's elasticity out. I dunno, like overuse of rubber-bands makes them into rubber strings.

Women shouldnt bother with politics, but with these current events it only works in our favor unless its only about them getting attention


You probably have some kind of medical condition that would prevent you from having children or something you're afraid to pass on to a child.
This is an anonymous board, you're only lying to yourself if that's the case. To us, it's just a story among so many others.
I think the merits of traditionalism are better revealed in a world that isn't upside down and inside out. I find myself wondering if honesty accommodates that world?

The woman's element is water: never predictable, but always influential.

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Glad to know Ann Coulter finally started posting here.

You are either a waste of a woman or a like shill. Fuck off and die

I am continually discouraged from venturing to seek a husband because it seems that men who are worth a damn and also on the same page politically will inevitably believe I'm more akin to livestock than a human partner. I just want a family to pour all my life and love into. I don't want to be in charge or take over; that's your sphere. But I don't want to be looked upon like an animal, either. The jews already do that.

Is my mind really completely worthless to you in every capacity, so I might as well be non-sentient? Even if my IQ is aberrantly high, and I'm already mentally unshackled enough to find myself here, thinking thoughts that defy everything I was pressured into believing? Can wisdom never be found in mothers and wives? Are they really nothing more than faceless wombs to you?

Is there really no middle ground between worshiping women and treating them like beasts?

Let's lynch a nigger tonight, white men!

I’d wrestle Xena.

Fuck off shill.

Literally no one thinks this except the edgiest retards.

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The trick is to get em' while they are young and shape them along with yourself. Provided you are a smart woman and not one of those that instinctively destroys a man if he doesn't treat her just as all those series and sitcoms told her a man should treat her. Shape your own reality.
You've got some self inflicted gaslighting going there luv. Stop watching television. It's a trap that many women I know have fallen into and don't have mental strength to pull out.
Judging by your black and white outlook you don't seem to have respect for men either. If you have a broken heart just remember to endure and it will pass. Remember happiness that was before and try to approach that feeling.
Men are equally repulsed by your contempt and you will only push them away.

Brighten up, stop worrying, go out and do what you love most and you'll catch one that will share a common interest. Just don't expect an easy road and a prince charming. Both have to work tremendously.
And I recommend a conservative one. Maybe bible study.

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Tits or GTFO.
No exceptions whore.

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You shouldn't be getting your view of men from here. The reason the philosophy on women around here is so harsh is because it needs to be in order to break through a natural urge to coddle, and adore women. Most men just want to worship women, but the fact is we can't. It doesn't pay off. As a matter of impenetrable fact, giving women too much emotional content turns them off.

Of course women will only ever complain about "emotional unavailability" with the men they actually date, but the emotionally available men repulse them entirely (and other men, because nobody likes a fag except other fags). You need not worry about a man valuing you, but we have to be the leaders, because that's what nature demands. Women are designed to want leaders, so men have to suck it up or be betrayed.

It can. Unlikely in young women though. And rarely is a woman's wisdom competitive with a man's because men start out worthless and work for their success. Women start out priceless and gradually lose their value to anyone but family. Of course if they have no family…

So what you are saying. We need to put mirrors in the streets and nigs will bash their heads in thinking it's another ape ?

GTFO whore.

Still, I agree there should be a "middle ground". Even Martin Luther, who was not exactly a bleeding heart liberal, complained about the Muslim treatment of women. Western patriarchy treated women well, unlike in the orient where women were little more than chattel.

There is nothing you could do as a computer scientist that a man couldn't do more efficiently.f you have a high IQ, you have a duty to reproduce and to do it a lot. If you genuinely choose this path, you are no more valuable than a borderline retarded crack whore and thinking you have any more value than that, is delusion. Actually stick with this one. Pull up images or footage (there might be something on live leak) of a crack whore, and give whatever you find a good look while reminding yourself of one thing, repeat it like a mantra: This is how valuable I am right now.
All you're really doing is hogging a job that someone as bright as you but with a more hard-working ethos could be having and using to provide for a woman more willing to reproduce than you. That said I take a previous statement back, you're not as valuable as an unemployed crack whore. An unemployed crack whore is worthless, but at least she's unemployed. She's not hogging a job that someone else could be holding. You're making yourself a lump of dead weight that is blocking the career path of a more ambitious man. You're worse than a crack whore, you're not worthless, you're a net negative. As long as you keep this as your planned course for your life, your fellow western citizen is actually worse off, just because you exist. Your outlook is selfish and short-sighted and you should feel bad for having it. Being a woman and not being worthless is so fucking easy, it's as easy as picking any fucking man with a job, putting a ring on him, sleeping with him regularly and raising the resulting offspring. Men have to do so much more on top of all that, and here you are, making excuses for not even being able to do that. Shame yourself and spend 24 hours off the internet to re-evaluate your fucking life.

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Zig Forums is now a MGTOW dominated board
roasties not welcome

Well said

Continue to fap alone Mr. Incelstein.

Don't forget that if at any point she changes her mind after having taken the path she's on, then she's going to have wasted her entire life up to that point. If she's lucky (and if we're lucky) she'll have changed her mind soon enough to still be attractive to a man, but probably not to a very good man. I know if a girl told me she spent ungodly amounts of money on a computer science degree from some jewish institution, and then decided not to follow through I'd think very little of decision-making abilities, and I'd probably pass her on for a better woman.

Fuck off.

Even if you don't agree with MGTOW philosophy, its teachings will save your life.
Women are wicked and segregation is wise.