Justice Dept. backs Asians in admissions discrimination lawsuit against Harvard

"High achieving Asian American applicants benefit from Harvard’s individualized whole person review because it treats each applicant as an individual and inhibits the influence of racial biases and assumptions," the brief says.

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>Also today, 531 (((scholars)))…
blah blah nothing but jew babble.
also 2/3 of graduate students at harvard are jews.

Attached: harvard_jews.png (929x893, 261.38K)

duke has a whole essay written on it

Attached: harvard-comparisons-race-jewssmall-for-internesmt1.jpg (580x810, 114.41K)

The jews in a nutshell.

Based and yellowpilled

Any Empirically Proven Fact Regarding Differences in Ability Between Races = "Stereotype"
As usual, jews are destroying language by redefining meanings and continue mischaracterizing anything objective as subjective. No wonder jews keep facing expulsion throughout history as it is literally impossible to coexist with them. Wherever they exist they are a societal cancer. Certainly won't be teaching that in any university, it'll always be a victim narrative in which jews dindu nuffin.

in case someone doesn't know what happened in the previous episode

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Great, like I need more insular Asian cliques at work who only hire more Asians, speak gook languages to each other and only need whitey to tell them how he figured something out.

Sad, isn't it, that white non-Jews can't win this sort of lawsuit, mainly because whites themselves are duped cucks.

The best thing about this lawsuit is that we can use it to finally bring to the forefront how Harvard has become a pro-Jew-biased school run by anti-goy bigots.

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Better that than nigger.

Typical gook.

WTF?, Jews are Asians now?

Exactly. Chinks destroy every narrative these faggots put out there. Time to ride these chinks to the finish line.

Jews aren't white you humongous faggot.

I came here to post this. Dr. Duke is always on point about the anti-White discrimination in college admissions and employment.

The jew won't be named in the lawsuit because the Asians will be operating within the Bagelian dialectic. Harvard will be using the "White Like Me" defense, thereby showing that the admissions are in fact racially-balanced, and no one will question it.

Fun fact: When it was still a White-run institution, Harvard used to officially cap jew admissions at 15%, which was more than generous for their proportion of the general population.

Jews are "white" when it suits them, but a downtrodden minority when THAT suits them.
In the case of Harvard, they'll claim they are "white," thus "proving" they don't discriminate against whites.

You know how this works.

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Great to know someone so unbiased is sitting on the Supreme Court.

High IQ non-whites are just as dangerous as the Low IQ ones.

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What the hell are you talking about?

Oh, never mind, I just looked her up.

No they are not JUST AS dangerous - they are exponentially MORE dangerous because they can organize more coherently.

Fuck you Jeff and your slope in-laws.

Chinese don't have high IQs, that's a stupid myth invented by jews and chinks to make whites feel inferior.

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I just came for the hilarious based OP picture. Carry on autistic bro's.

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White passing hispanig here, came in to confirm this. Every time I come cross a checkmark for my ethnicity I slap on hispanic. It's fkn based.

It's not fair to say chinks using their hivemind is cheating

That's some low quality derailment Chaim.

Niggers sure have the deck stacked against them.

a STATE job? Nigger, these subhumans are becoming doctors, lawyers, nurses and all that shit while they're incompetent!

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Harvard should give reparations to all the Asians it rejected to deter further anti-chinkitic rejections.

But the USSC already said that race can be used in college applications at public or private institutions, hell even more so at private ones. It would be great if race was no longer used, but the Jews will still use their “religious” aspect to get in. Which should only be considered at religious universities and colleges, but beings Jews they’ll figure a way to slip themselves in regardless. Disgusting.

I hope they win their case and AA comes crashing down. It’ll weed out all the non-whites (for the most part) and hopefullys some of (((them))) while we’re at it.

Nice to see the Asians win this case. On step closer to destroying the race quota these colleges employ.

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buy the white student who gave the nigger in #3 the 'hot tip' a beer

Why don't Jews set up their University instead of stealing someone else's.

all universities are jew universities … and jews stealing is what jews do. If they didnt steal they wouldnt be jews

Regents of the Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke (1978)
Hopwood v. Texas (1996)
Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)
Gratz v. Bollinger (2003)
Fisher v. University of Texas (2013)
Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action (2014)
Fisher v. University of Texas (2016)

Here's some US case law for lawfags. Is anyone surprised to hear that kikes are behind it?
dubs and Ginsburg goes before the years end

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The only ones really be discriminated against in school and work are White people since these are their schools and their country. Along with White having the largest amount of honest applicants. Chinks and gooks are known are known for cheating. Niggers only go to school because they are useless subhumans who want to be closer to parks so they can rape and molest the wildlife, dogs and children.