This thread is for the discussion of Brianna Wu's 2018 congressional campaign.
Now let her fight for you.
Are you ready for a Bolder Democratic Party?
This thread is for the discussion of Brianna Wu's 2018 congressional campaign.
Now let her fight for you.
Are you ready for a Bolder Democratic Party?
Other urls found in this thread:
Answering some questions:
Do you want a smart Democrat? Maybe a Jew with a law degree?
The chans' before Reddit's. We used to make fun of their wallsoftext.
Understand fragility. Trump brought white Conservatives, some white Democrats, and white Independents and fence-sitters together from across the electoral college. The democrats are fractured across many lines, and Wu can be the wedge
Make new progressive memes. Get on Twitter and Facebook. Post them.
Dig up dirt on her opponents. Disseminate it.
Is that the best pic they could find of it?
if he wins, one of two things happens: people see in a very public arena how insane trannies are, and the insane reaches that progressivism has arrived at; or, the destabilization of the state is pushed forwards another inch, and an insane tranny starts writing laws. Either way, it would be funny to see him get a seat. US govt is going to fail anyway, why not make it fail as hard and as fast as possible?
There. Slogan fixed, campaign successfully mocked into brutal failure.
4kkksh034llee … this is a great messaging opportunity!
Let's slam them on this! Accelerate!
We want Wu to win.
I'm genuinely curious as to whether he can act sane long enough to get elected.
Get out, you leninist scum.
That's where we come in. Let's find out dirt on her opponents, or create some (e.g., they're 'transphobic'.
Some types of acceleration fails (e.g. importing more shitskins than can be outbred or eliminated peacefully). Other types of acceleration is good (e.g. a shitty Democrat will already win the seat- why not make a shittier democrat win it, and lead to WWC leaving the party so the insane progs will fight against the establishment Brahmans?) In this case, if people hate the blue house so much, they'll paint it red themselves and keep it that way.
Remember this video pre-gg from 4 years ago?
It's clearly too unlikable for normies to ever vote for it.
Has there ever been a moment where he seemed sane?
In what warped reality does that mean anything? Does she actually believe that the show is real or something?
how can she run for congress if she was to get shot dead before the vote?
Back on track, gents. They put so much lipstick on a pig that one almost won the presidency in 2016.
I said get out.
Hi, Brian.
Yeah, probably.
This is bait thread by Brian.
Ignore it. I will not be posting here again even if it gets weird.
30 minutes in is gold btw.
you kikes really dont want your golems to bite the dust do you?
How's the weather in Quantico? I hope your AC is working; it's hella hot and humid.
Yes, if we are to be credible "supporters" it's 'she' and 'her' until election day.
Do you really not want Wu to get in?
Checked for calamity mini satan
Agreed. Sage for SpaceKat posting. Surprised the confused motherfucker found this place.
By the way, Brian, you happen to be a friend of a friend of mine. She's known Frank since College. Everybody worries about him because we all know you're a fucking kook.
No, he fucking gook.
We are a board of peace, user.
Umadd because we won't let you fish for juicy screenshots "threatening" you, Mr. Flynt? I feel for you. It must be frustrating :^)
Brian you should unironically kill yourself with kindness, since nobody else will. You deserve to be shot a smile
Still can't pass. You should kill yourself.
If John Flynn is elected I will become a Senator and dedicate my tenure to referring to him by his proper name and sex until I am thrown out.
I'd vote for ya.
John Flynt was dilating his gash wound before it was cool.
I interpret these dubs as a call to duty.
My screenshot of you unsuccessfully trolling Steam's pathetic forum is on my other laptop, so I don't have it here. What was it you asked the 11-year-olds of that august gaming community? "Is Brianna Wu a problem?" But you forgot to log out before starting the thread, didn't you?
And you want to be our ambassador to France, or whatever.
Here, have a natural woman to see what you can never be, and probably shouldn't have started on in the first place.
Sage again.
Found a third-party replacement for my own screenshot. Kek. Sage again
And this. I don't suppose it could hurt a fella's career in politics, could it?
By the way, does everyone remember all the glow-in-the-dark niggers running for Congress this year as an op? Is it possible the CIA has relaxed its standards and recruited Flynt?
Continue to sage.
We need to get Wu to discuss gender transitioning, from a liberal perspective. Wu is against talking about this issue.
It's called John Flynt you dumb nigger
unironically yes
what triggers it?
do it, subtly, a lot.
keep doing it, real subtly. In passing. by inference.
Press those buttons until it pops.
obligatory webm
just imagine the confusion from the left if they hear:
The alt-right is trying to get a transperson elected, more at 11
nothing will say
*Rigged election*
more than "Brianna Wu" being elected to congress
she's going down for tax evasion, bank on it
Meme his/her/its Pelvic bone…
kiwi farms
This is like the US hauling ass out of Vietnam, but still claiming victory.
Not only does he think it was real, he thinks it was about him.
Just checking in to see if she made her death threat quota yet.
he :^)
Stop giving this fucking freakshow attention.
In death you have a name.
His name was John Flynt.
His name was John Flynt.
His name was John Flynt.
Isn't this what you want John? Aren't we being accommodating enough? Go piss up a rope.
since the media paints Gab to be a white-supremacist site, be sure to mention that she has an account there:
maximum lulz will ensue
The point is to get Wu into office.
We want to be 'supporters' of 'her'. Ergo, until election day, we will do all we can to get 'Brianna Wu' elected.
Cool, but until Election Day it's Brianna Wu.
Do you seriously not see the benefits of Wu in office?
Become a senator anyways. I dream of a gov thats all Zig Forums where when its revealed everyone is Zig Forums everyone laughs, then exterminates the jew.
Were you #withher too? I can see you glowing from here
Look at what insane cunts Waters, Warren, and Pelosi already are.
The DNC does not give one shit about appearing sane or rational.
Don't you fucks pull any pilpul shit in my homestate and get an insane tranny in office.
Yeah there was all that shit it did with its fucked up game and all that money laundering during GamerGate.
Plus didn't it forget to pay for something so its Congressional run had to be postponed?
Either way this is a shill thread. A demented tranny actually in office writing laws will ONLY be a bad thing, and will damage much more than any "lol dems look craaaaazy!" bullshit will gain for whites.
#withher was a campaign for Hillary Clinton to become president. Hillary Clinton was a moderate, corporatist Democrat who attracted almost all POC and Jews and a good portion of Whites, to get into the most powerful single position in the country, where she could fuck us over with raised taxes, anti-discrimination laws, and mass immigration. In contrast, /wu/ is a campaign to get Brianna Wu, a crazy trannie, into one seat in the House of Reps., where it will have no political power but absolutely drive the Democratic Party through a chaos spiral.
One is the bad type of acceleration; the other is the good type of acceleration.
Warren and Pelosi are white-presenting relative moderates. Waters is someone we need more of.
This isn't about the DNC. This is about shearing White working class Democrats from the party, leaving crazy trannies and shitskins to fight with the establishment Jews and WASP traitors.
Your state already elects tranny-supporting Democrats. At least elect one that would throw a wrench into the system.
For the Democrats.
What's your reasoning?
Wait but I actually want these
Reminder that this site is basically trying to recruit young future GOPers to keep the system going by pushing the meme that voting somehow changes things. Zig Forums isn't reddit yet, but Project Alamo is certainly trying to make it that way. Just vote, goy! Do the same thing you've always done, but you'll get a different result next time! You can stop white genocide with voting!
TBHfam the first one is a red herring.
It's called a two-pronged inside-outside strategy you double-nigger.
The inside strategy is:
The outside strategy is you
This is literally what our Uncle did.
Lord have mercy
unsurprisingly, Wu lost.
the surprising thing: Wu got 23.3% of the votes. it's likely that Wil Wheaton's soy followers tried to hack the polls