<Mod Edit: Updated because OP was a misleading fag

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Hail Mrs. Merkel!

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sage for low quality thread

jesus fucking christ. is she TRYING to start a race war? wait a minute. maybe she is /ourgal/ and is actively trying to awaken the german war machine once again by accelerationism.

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Someone married that hog?

▶ ︎ In Senegal, companies signed a contract to electrify 300 villages.

▶ ︎ In Ghana, Bosch, VW and Voith AG want to cooperate, invest, create jobs.

>The reason: The remittances of migrants from Germany (2016: 17.7 billion euros) exceed development aid (2016: 6.5 billion euros) by far.

And they are going to attempt to train monkeys to do precision assembly work? Or just handle materials?

Translation: Merkel is on the verge of being hung from a lamppost but she knows there's no way she can stop taking the migrants and there's no way she can get the mudfolk to stop the muds from leaving mudlands (because the money that comes back allows them to live in a manner they could not otherwise) so she's trying to find a way to bribe the mudleaders so their mudpeople won't want to come to Germany and muddy it up too much further (thereby increasing the likelihood of Merkel hanging from a lamppost).

This a huge horde of niggers want to completely invade and settle in Europe.

Sorry, America's full.

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Sounds good.

That DOES sound good…
Too good…
What’s going on here?

Weasel words. (((Wants)))

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Wew lad
Did she age 10 years in 1?

America always has room for more niggers.

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