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Time to kick them out of NATO.
Good choice some Russian women are gorgeous.
How about not giving weapons to inferior races to begin with?
Hope they do, should make it easy to capture one.
They're not doing it by choice, they literally can't afford an F-35
They can storm Incrilik base, take your nukes hostage and demand ransom payment.
feel free to tell people who really did 9/11 Erdogan
Yes, but the United States has a very effective countermeasure for just such an occasion
I would give them one biplane, their entire air force will have to share.
To be fair, they have already been a part of the F-35 program for some time, and it's only as a result of recent events that the US has threatened to withhold the planes on concerns that the roaches are drifting out of the American sphere. By 'give', they're basically requesting that the US government not breach contract; but the US govt routinely uses military procurement as a foreign policy tool, so it's hardly unexpected in light of recent tensions
How ya been Imkampfy?
I cannot think of a single fucking reason how kicking turkroaches out of anything would benefit jews.
Turkey is a shitstain.
It's time to liberate Constantinople.
I'm sure the Greeks, another member of NATO, would love to help us reclaim our nukes and take back their rightful clay in the process gyro>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>kebab
Throwing the out of NATO should have been day 1 after the Cold War. They is no reason to keep them in anymore.
I think that this was part of the lira gamble by Trump and refusing them F-35. Besides forcing them out of Syria.
Reforming NATO by throwing or forcing the Turks out. the danger is not from Soviet Union anymore.
It's from the 3rd world that has become uppity due to shit leaders in the West.
Trump's wall wasn't meant to be build along Mexico. It was against the hordes are are about to invade as we go into another Little Ice Age and crop yields fall.
user, lurk 2 more years before posting.
You are reciting the judenpresse narrative, very unreal and false.
A tip. It is not actually about military alliances and who is the top dog, but money.
Trump is doing what bankers want.
Another tip. It is about natural gas and hegemony.
Projecting much?
The end game is the destruction of the West. And Turkey is a key gatekeeper for the hordes with Erdogan painting himself as the leader of an islamic caliphate. Being in the NATO makes him an actor against which no members can act without repercussions.
If they get thrown out, NATO/EU borders go on Greece and Bulgaria and distinct lines are drawn. Both geopolitically and culturally. Their EU membership is already dead.
Trump is basically forcing everyone in NATO and the general West to pick sides. Turkey has made theirs. Unsurprisingly.
Russia on the other side might surprise us.
Alex Jones IS part of the (((fake news)))… just because he's controlled opposition, doesn't mean he will speak a bit of truth.
You missed a thread lad.
With what money?
That's as good as suicide for the roaches. Forget about nukes, the moment they make US soldiers casualties it's on.
Just to put some facts on the ground.
Trump is not defending the West at all. He is representing a faction of bankers which are disputing the main piece of action after the incoming global economy reset.
Syria is a battleground because Assad denied transit of a gas pipeline from Qatar to Europe. And this is one of the reasons why Russia is there, to make sure that that pipeline will never be built. The second one is to make impossible a land assault to Iran (the planed ISIS caliphate was meant to fulfill this task).
Trump didn't defeat ISIS, but the Russian Air Force, the Syrian Army, and Iran's Hezbollah.
Forget blaming Turkey for the sandnigger invasion. Reality is that the EU is fomenting this, officially and unofficially (NGOs and smugglers are coordinated by a network and huge amounts of money are made).
About NATO-Turkey-Russia is about Turkey getting the best deal, not about weapons and alliance membership as the judenpresse lies, but as a gateway and hub of gas from Russia to Europe. Trump is putting a loaded gun on the head of the EU to make it buy by force very expensive liquefied gas from USA.
And the list goes on and on….
user get your facts straight.
If the Russians gain Turkey, it's over for US geopolitics permanently. I, for one, welcome our new vodka gulping overlords
Duh, F35 is a shit. US air superiority fighters can't even compete with similar Russian and Chinese craft.
Thanks jews!
what a faggot. y do people suck that guy's cock here.
F35 is a joke.
Are you autistic? He's taking the piss m8.
Poo in the loo, Ali.
Most likely they have already paid them a lot for this. I do not know the details here though, but that was what they did here. The planes were paid for ages before we even got the first one
If Erdoroach wanted his money back then right now the US could just hand him a dolllar.
With the proliferation of thermal imaging systems the F35 is about as 'stealth' as a glowing fucking fireworks display.
Let alone LW radar and passive thermal terminal guidance.
vladimir, why are you cucking out to cockroaches ?
Wow real shocker. We should invade them for not buy our over designed trash.
Good to see even losers like Erdogay bullying Afrimerica.
Not my five dollars! I could have gotten 4 coffees for that!
In other words, the entire fake narrative of the coup attempt being an Erdogan false flag that was shilled relentlessly by trumpniggers is bullshit. They tried to coup him and they failed and they don't have any other solutions.
Best post in the thread.
I have to wonder if he knows the jews will just print millions more?
Didn't that shit happened during obama tough?
He is not, turkey was US protected until Trump entered the game, now turkey cucked to Russia, also, buying one countries technologies means the country selling now has more control of the buyer, something like that, turkey is absolutely fucked right now.
Ah yes just like the USS Liberty, right?
Why would that matter from the perspective of the US's geopolitical interests? There isn't a whole lot different, just a bit of shuffling over where adversarial geopolitical blocs get sorted on the totem pole.
It's already on. There are Zig Forumsacks working to form an NGO to push the downfall of turkey, as well as a means for sustained funding for the NGO.
Did someone let Russia know? I'm not sure if they're interested in trading jets failed currency.
Hi Sam. Kill any journalist yet?
That's like 5 years pay in roach money. They must really be mad. Not like we can't print more though.
Noone should sell turkroaches anything, they may use it against the greeks and the balkans.
Who cares?
Even if they are stupid enough to piss off both NATO and Russia this much, they will be just wiped out in retaliation. Less roaches in the world, I say.
Fuck off kike. Both halves of the Roman Empire will rise again, both in Italia and in CONSTANTINOPLE!
Yep, leave it to two laziest countries of EU to restore Roman Empire.
dudes left thumb tells me this isnt the first time he has operated that knife while looking somewhere else.
Time to leave NATO. How can any civilized nation be in this ZOG bandit band.
it's time for nato and germany to pay the fuck up. last time i checked it was somewhere in the realm of about 1 trillion dollarydoos
They sure will…
Even turks are realizing how shitty American technology is
Wew! Not even kampfyroach allowed such blatant kebabery.
Sure love nu-pol.
Protip: the reason for Russia's median IQ of
Why is turkey hated on Zig Forums? Are turks jews?
If that was the case they would not have bought all these F-104s.
Yes but more violent and much more stupid.