The best evolutionnary psychologist, and other good references

Satoshi Kanazawa is one of the best authors I've had the privilege of reading. This thread is meant for newfags and oldfags who are thirsty for explanations behinds empirical experiences we struggle to explain.
Why do men gamble? Why do women buy shoes? Trivial questions who's answers will surprise you.
Book thread! Theory thread! DISCUSS

Attached: Satoshi Kanazawa 2010.jpg (1474x2220, 886.29K)

He looks like my Mexican immigration lawyer
t. Russian


His work is really interesting though. In case you didn't know, he explained why niggers are less intelligent than other ethnicities, why women act like women, why Japans enjoy conformity and why gays have higher iqs.

What does this have to do with Zig Forums… at all… in any way?

This is related to the question of women's right to vote and to multiethnicism in countries.

post pdfs and titles of recommended books please

Low effort post. At least provide a summary of his ideas.

suck more japanese dick, i swear to god if fucking hillary clinton was a japanese cute chick in her 30s you'd all be fucking leftists and voting for her and having wet dreams about that daily. you fucking pieces of shit idiots


Weak ass lame ass evolutionary psychology crap doesn't have shit to do with Zig Forums

This is the same guy that also said negro men are the most attractive. OP needs to go back to

you understand that the same thing that makes Aryan women so beautiful (hair/eye colors) happened in Africa but in the other direction, right?

yeah, no. quit projecting your own weak will on to others.

this is still a shit thread though


now I know you're full of shit

That's cool you can take a virtual trip back to Africa with, only 15.99 a month subscription.

back to cuckchan faggot


I don't need jewish evolution gobbledygook delivered by a bugman to know niggers are stupid and women are materialistic.

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Are we still talking about the fact this dude said black guys are the hottest men? And you are replying to me with this? Excuse me if I am wrong to go this far but aren't you basically saying that you like his claim and whatever validity it may have that black men are so attractive?

So this is the most we have gotten out of this thread. He (like every other "evolutionary psychologist") thinks asians and jews are the smartest people and black men are the most attractive men but thats all cool because he said black women look like monkeys, women are dumb and white girls are really hot.

Why even discuss crap like this. The only mileage you can get out of this shit is if you analyzed the stupid data they gather and become a gay ass dark enlightenment data blogging nerd FAGGOT otherwise the topic is a dead end that answers questions nobody was asking.

kill yourself

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