That is some powerful shilling there…but it isn't any better here over the last two weeks as well. They are just as bad. WHAT WE NEED IS A REFUGE SOMEWHERE ELSE or maybe not…I am no longer sure that the vaunted solution is found online. I think it might be IRL action from now on out.
Why would we get violent in the streets? That's retarded. We're winning.
These people aren't bright. This fat cow even says this is necessary otherwise right wing government will organically spread across western civilization. These faggots are on their heels. Why would you give them a propaganda victory?
Definitely get politically involved but as long as we can communicate in the dark corners, who gives a fuck what these people do? We just have to keep BTFO here and voting these animals out and boycotting their business and fucking up their money.
Don't be teenage fags about this.
You writing intelligent coherent letters and e-mails to people in positions of power and fighting this evil intelligently through political action and counter-subversion will do infinitely more than spurging out like retards to be a three day memestar.
Spamming motherfucker. Eat shit, kill yourself, and stream it on half.
Nicholas Diaz
In the very unlikely care you're not a complete jew faggot I'll explain how you can avoid being a complete fucking douchebag with one simple trick. Put all those links into a god damned image and post JUST THAT. All anyone has to do is futz with the thread number if they actually give a flying fuck about half.
Aiden Sullivan
lol the mealymouthed nervous hand-wringing over political violence from literally every single right-nigger is proof of what bunch of lame ass cowards you all really are. You don't have a strategy, master plan or "optics", you're just scared.
Leftists have been shutting down and beating the crap out of even "activist" right-wingers since the terms left and right came to prominence. Even the most pathetic flower shop antifa leftists join guerrilla armies in the third world to fight for their causes and NONE of the so called strong alpha men of the right are doing anything in South Africa, or Germany or France or Greece or Spain.
I swear to god if the left was in the situation the right is in at this moment, they would have started the "race-war" about 6 years ago.
The fact that everything above can be debatable should actually be humiliating for the "might is right"- right-wing but you actually have no self-awareness to understand the scope of your own bitch nature.
Dominic Evans
Yeah, making one thread where people can easily copy and paste the urls to see for themselves and do their own research really was a kike plot. Faggot.
Salty faggot.
Well, go kill Jews in the street then faggot. Who's stopping you? You'd be pants on head retarded and only hurt your own cause but if go fight your bitch nature if that's how you feel. Personally, I think it's way more fun to destroy these peoples' lives and careers by being better at their game than they are.
Thomas Carter
This isn't about what one individual does, its about what the entire contingency of right and left does from their inception. Even Burke wrote about his envy of the violent nature of the Jacobins.
It took Zig Forumstards less than one year to go from making fun of Canada to being full blown "if you kill your enemies, they win" Trudeauists.
You're not destroying anyone lmao
Parker Williams
That's utterly retarded. Yeah, spurg out like 90s white power gangs. And let's assume you don't completely fuck up your little real world OP and you manage to actually kill 5, 10, 20, 100,1000 low level Jews. Then what? Then you become a propaganda victory for the other side, the people you hate. Your life is stamped out. You family is vilified. And you just accomplished the exact opposite of what you wanted to.
Real fucking smart.
Meanwhile, you can actually figure out how their games work. Use their machine against them.
Don't be such defeatist fags.
William Barnes
Bump what is this?
Jack Cooper
Think about what these people are trying to do. They're trying to shut down information, truth and memes. They're trying to control and shut down communication and free speech. So my exposing their plots to do this. Identifying who these people are. And above all, not them censor, control or thwart free thought is how we're winning.
Trump winning the election fucked up the whole system. All of this is to try to subvert the mid-terms and stamp out the wave of free anti-leftist thought that was arising. If we can beat them by defeating their propaganda and exposing them, it turns their machines against them.
This cunt is in a highly influential position that influences media and politics. Expose these people for the bat shit tyrants they are and put the smell of their own shit on them.
Also think about this fat pig in particular. This thing went from fighting for Palestinian and leftist organizations like Occupy. To directly working for (((them))) to destroy freedom. What does that mean?
Yes, I realize these pigs are a protected class. However if you destroy their ideas and influence, the world will get better.
Joseph Price
Or we could just destroy them. And the world actually WILL really get better. It will get better because they aren't in it any longer.
Caleb Carter
And? You're acting as if the cowardice of the "right wing" isn't known already.
God's work user. Did you do a script pull to find all the threads? If so how?
Would it fuck up her system if we all randomly started naming files we posted as any of the GUIDs she uses? Or do we need to look into a more serious MD5 clash calculation?
Tyler Roberts
Over 10% Of American Whites find Nazism to be acceptable.
Nationalism is growing in Europe. Italy, Poland, Hungry, and Croatia. Eastern and Central Europe still over 95% white. Highest white population since ever.
You mistake the larpers for having importance. We're trying to push the overton window to accept basic far right ideas. Anti-Immigration. Holocaust questioning. Anti-Government sentiment. Anti-Israel sentiment. Anti-Black sentiment. Anti-Feminism sentiment. Anti-Muslim sentiment. Anti-media sentiment. But most importantly. Anti-bank and corporation sentiment has grown immensely amongst millennials and Zers. It only takes a line or two to connect the banks and corporations to their Jewish masters.
All of these things are growing amongst white populations at an astounding rate. One that trickles down into the nips and other Asians as well. We're out breeding shitlibs, so in order to counter that you're party is being forced to go full 'Anti-ICE' and you've thrown the establishment democrats and centrists out the window.
Not to mention, we're armed. We've trained with our firearms. Local and State law enforcement will always favor us, and we can count on at least half of military giving you the finger in the event of an armed conflict. We're beginning to branch into local politics as well. I'll be a city council member for my city soon.
In time, things will escalate, and while you're making coffee at Starbucks or serving me my meal at some hole in the wall. We'll already have established ourselves. We don't need a 'white ethnostate' right now. Our birth rates are growing and yours are falling. More niggers are being aborted than being born in America. The spics will go back when the welfare state ends, and that time is rapidly approaching.
We don't need a race war. Your progressive 'wave' is a temporary front that will be shot down after your defeat in the midterms.
This! It's easy to say "We need _" but there has to be a point where we figure out the logistics and mechanics of playing whack a mole where we are the mole. == How many other boards out there are user? (beyond Zig Forums) == …and can we appropriate them? 4ch is fukked major league and jewed to the core == As difficult as it may be, some of the boards that are full of liberal left commie scum and biological enemies have got to be infiltrated more so than now == Using wordsmithing and mindfukking to fit in and do our own social engineering
Thomas Perry
The thing is they have unironically a huge amount of traffic and influence. Promoting the idea to leave that site to the kikes is a very kikish statement.
Hudson Carter
Right but 50-60% of the traffic on Zig Forums right now is meant only to mislead, pervert and demoralize people. Obviously I have not left yet but if I could find a place where the non-stop harassment and psyops weren't run so that we could concentrate and plan and share information we would be better off as a people.
Chase Kelly
You could hide a whole treasure chest in there
Samuel Nelson
there is an obvious use of both boards to strike a balance somewhere in the middle. It's good that there are those that frequent boards, to RP users on what's obviously going on at halfch, while making some nice tl;dr threads here we do need to propagate heavily elsewhere beyond bothchans. a virtual SHTF bunker/gathering point
who needs gore when we have naturally occurring hambeast ravine's like hers? if you look really close, there's a team of spelunkers making their way to the bottom, prolly looking for missing people
Levi Gutierrez
Trump has the officer corp.
The danger is that in a true Bolshevik takeover the first thing the jews will do is dump the corpses of the officer corp in a mass grave in some waste land each one with a bullet hole behind each ear. That's what communists do when they take over.
Jayden Reed
Why the fucking fuck would we want any of these things? I swear the idea that people need to have centralized power structures is a fucking (((poison pill))) intended to make anything and everything we do susceptible to (((subversion))).
Nicholas Sullivan
We would definitely be better off as an emergent phenomena that took its own self interest as primary and our races self interest as secondary. I as well don't see any need for anything more in terms of hierarchy and structure. Big government is for NIGGERS and SPICS because they can't function without it.
Angel Barnes
And big corporations too. Maybe they're the biggest leeches on the taxpayers of all
I like the way you think. Also, I had previously noticed that oddball file-naming convention and wondered what it was all about and to what end. It seems I have my answer.
Aaron Johnson
Good call…I hadn't consciously thought of them as being joined at the hip like that. But they are, aren't they…and by extension the whole idea of global government is a necessity for subhumans but not for Europeans. That is interesting to contemplate the reasoning behind global governance. Of course, in an ETHNO-GLOBE there is no reason to have anything but the most threadbare of all governments, without corruption or the destruction of the typical jewish influence and will be based strictly on meritocracy (because there is no one to be shamed into 'feeling equal' to even though you are a VASTLY superior product to all the other races of mankind).
Jacob Bailey
legend says there's a whole classroom of thai boys trapped further up the shaft
So I wrote a script to pull each page and parse for the GUID I'd need a more suitable language than Bash really, but whatever It misfires on many due to the markup, but without knowing the answer to I'm left guessing the criteria for the URLs inclusion, and thus the associated markup on each page to parse for. GUIDs of:
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Nathaniel Rivera
GUIDs Anti-Gun Shill Threads 08A12E09-7C30-4752-928E-7F2A751B7385.png7CB5700D-03A7-46A7-B432-F3F0704A64FA.jpgb8afdc10c9f6e5eb7b365b452861d5422b048dee9da165f0703905387809fa45.jpgE7597485-CBD8-44A7-A934-92F038E9358B.jpgEF70F4DE-31A9-4594-925A-585543FFE3EF.pngfe75a703858b35d18e547e8f75b9bde6_400x400.pngfe75a703858b35d18e547e8f75b9bde6_400x400.pngmakes you think mass murderers don't want to kill you if you don't have a gun.jpgno correlation between guns and mass shootings.pngopen parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis katz closed parenthesis closed parenthesis closed parenthesis closed parenthesis.pngpepe-der-frosch-mem-100__v-img__16__9__l_-1dc0e8f74459dd04c91a0d45af4972b9069f1135.jpg
Brayden Evans
GUIDs 27752198_10155237230390983_8413871486785627962_n.png.jpg374473E1-D442-4CB6-B19C-01C710A18EFF.png8B13CF06-6A7A-4124-806C-CDDD825B7457.jpg8F001ADA-E092-4753-ADA1-E64338A79E92.jpg99712355-4E89-4E32-A2B7-87C48727CF4A.jpgA4542752-0708-4B66-9668-0EBE2C5BCFCD.jpgaad2d465-f114-460f-b1d6-537fb3a196c1[1].pngC10F9DD0-4693-4799-BC91-5317DAC960C9.jpgDB586108-F6AA-40E5-BEA9-88DB3CBD5D5D.jpgopen parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis open parenthesis katz closed parenthesis closed parenthesis closed parenthesis closed parenthesis.pngoriginal-kurt-cobain-style-43-jpg-151570f5.jpgquote-if-you-are-a-white-male-you-don-t-deserve-to-live-you-are-a-cancer-you-re-a-disease-noel-ignatiev-88-37-10.jpg I'm reverse engineering the GUIDs too… So far: -GUIDs they are using are Version 4 -GUIDs are randomly generated with no associated timestamp This will prove very useful later, I'll tell you why shortly ;^)
Lots of 404s here for missing threads. GUIDs
Benjamin Williams
GUIDs timeline is protected by alex jones 50 cal sniper.png
Bentley Ross
GUIDs FB9D7175-A650-4E39-A6AA-BD19CF9DA385.jpg
Benjamin Edwards
GUIDs 118f2c36-a511-44d6-9e33-f1ff059a54f4.jpg34BB1EE0-BA2B-4C9D-A723-E8A09A098C81.jpg36E75567-F6B6-4E91-B088-04A059CB2AE0.jpg55068CAB-1819-44DB-9C41-70B12774209D.jpg84bab7cf337749eba905a154d01d72ff_18.jpgAretha+Franklin+Performs+House+Blues+EEV1qBYgPKel.jpgB5ED8485-631D-429A-8351-81B606A6AFE6.jpgC77FE60F-65A3-4ABB-A97F-6B3CDF79B5D5.jpgDonald J- Trump on Twitter- -When you see “anonymous source-” stop reading the story- it is fiction--.pngtumblr_n00ok4jwzw1qgklg6o1_12801.png
James Morgan
You're doing the lord's work, my dude. These WIA threads are probably something unaffiliated with the rest of it. That was such an obnoxious shill campaign that took place mainly on /tv/ on halfchan for this shitty Sasha Cohen show that was meant to fuck with the midterms but fell on it's face.
However, they're all kind of using the same tactics with various levels of competency.
Marking data and monitoring it's use is standard & wide-spread. However if we emulate the method they're using it would be a pain for them to continue.
Parsing the GUIDs reveals they are randomly generated and version 4. So the one line command (Linux): cp yourfile.jpg `$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)|tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`.jpg will copy yourfile.jpg to a file with a similar random GUID name as the one they're using.
Hunter Lopez
*I left out the echo while typing, that should be: cp yourfile.jpg `echo $(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)|tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`.jpg
This means we can use a similar naming convention since they are randomly generated RFC 4122 random if you're into specifics There is always a "4" in the third set of the UUID (it's not really GUID in this case. Micro$haft uses GUID type of UUIDs)
If you want to shit in Jabba's data while shitposting use this: UUID file converter script (Runs on Linux with ImageMagick's convert installed) -save as -make executable with chmod u+x -run from the same directory with ./ input-image.ext It will output a JPG version of the image with a random UUID filename. #!/bin/bashif [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 input-image-file-name" exitfi#create a UUID name in upper casefoofile=$(uuidgen|tr [:lower:] [:upper:])#Use the ImageMagick graphics suite to generate a jpg image version.convert $1 $foofile.jpg#Inform userecho "The input $1 has been converted into $foofile.jpg"
The first thread already slid off the catalog. Here's another that explains the situation:
That's not an insignificant number. I know Faceberg already screens for certain keywords in filenames; it wouldn't surprise me if they also do so for ones that match known Chan formats and those GUID's. Also, don't forget that Twatter changed its TOS to include banning anyone for certain activities that occur off of their platform; if I had a throwaway account, I might consider posting a couple of those pictures just to see what happens.
I'd like to second that other user's sentiment in that you're doing God's work. Godspeed.
Logan Murphy
Thank you user! I like your eloquent solution. I was messing with sed to razor the output, but the regexp doesn't like non-greedy matching.
In the absence of info from the OP, I went for worst case scenario - assuming an unknown UUID format, so tried to grab the name of the first post's image in each URL.
Joseph Stewart
The first thread where the "Expert Ninjas" mention 4chan is still around - at least in part:
ty user
Nicholas Nelson
indeed that's quite the number of files just for two-three days. would definitly be interesting to see if anything gets flagged on other sites. not in a position to set up the infastructure to monitor it though. if we are lucky maybe the hambeast will share with us
yeah this thread got my gears grinding, regexes are a fun excersize
Brayden Davis
Would the high number be caused by the script seeking a match of any UUID filenames in the thread, rather than just the thread OP's first image? add a -m 1 on the grep if so Otherwise I've misunderstood, since I was searching for the thread OP's first image only, since they were (I thought) all slide threads rather than threads with a jabba joan ninja post somewhere in them and not necessarily first.
true user, it's like a fun puzzle
Isaiah Moore
This is how I got addicted to this a couple weeks ago. It's just a fun game to try to figure all this out and try to fuck with their machine. It's turned into a crazy rabbit hole from just being fed up with retarded shill threads to now all of this.
correct, that's any UUID from those threads. my understanding of the method for tracking was to post dank memes with a unique UUID and then at a later date repost thread and count re-use of pre-calculated UUIDs. thats why i wanted to rip all of them to have a local list of UUIDs to cross-check against.
adding -m 1 to the grep gave the same results, might be because piping the results fucks with it, or because of curl spitting out the whole thread on a single line
Nolan Russell
So what the fuck is the point of those GUID's in the filenames again?
of my error user. The -m 1 would stop the match after the first line, however the html has no newlines and is a one line file, plus there is a different behavior for a pipe
truly the rabbit hole is deep user. pic related. Rare Nasims can be archived at >>>/greenbreeze/ board>>12090074
Help a brainlet out here. GUID is posted in thread, maybe as OP. Presumably some hash is calculated from the image itself so it can be re-identified upon renaming, and all posts in the thread are collected based on UUID as well. Then what? I'm not sure what the next step here is or what it does. Okay you can track the spread of a meme, but what else? A lot of the images aren't memes in any case, they're one-shot disposables.
Also, I forgot to mention in the earlier thread; Are we certain that they're not using Steghide or something similar in their tracking images?
Easton Martinez
Maybe you should factor in the fact that they are watching into your suggestions
There are a number of ways I can foresee this being used. The first would be to identify individual users (a goal which, iirc, she admitted to in a video) — presumably when they reupload a saved GUID picture — by creating a profile and then trying to tie it to a non-anonymous account, such as any on social media platforms (who you can damn well bet are cooperating.) Barring, that, at least identifying the places the persons behind these profiles congregate online, presumably in an effort to expand on their profile. This would also help identify previously-unknown sites to target either for further datamining or to be shut down/subverted.
Good thinking! Remember the stupid flood/spam filter on halfchan that would block uploading of duplicate images, and the way to get around that was to slightly alter it to skirt it? Using pictures with unique fingerprints would be a great way to track GUID photos that have been renamed, (kind of like a canary trap, the slight differences trace back to the leaker: ) All that said, I should probably set up ImageMagick to do batch alterations to anything I save off here that I may wind up reuploading down the road (good thing I keep it all in a dedicated folder, already.)
I'm bookmarking those for later reading because it's Friday night and the drankin' hour is upon me. Thanks.