You're overthinking this. The Jews have hated Europeans since their first contact, when the Romans pushed in their shit with swords and burned their precious temple. Since then, they've had a racial hatred of whites that was sharpened by having to live with us. Beginning around 1100, and accelerating through the Renaissance, the (somewhat forgivable) Jew hatred for the Christians who kept giving them what they had coming in various pogroms was sharpened by envy at our high culture. No Jew ever pained a chapel like Michelangelo, nor have they depicted angels like Raphael, or developed a perspective technique like Brunelleschi, or music like Haydn, Bach, Mozart, and the rest. No Jew ever had a daughter as graceful as Elanor of Aquitaine, nor a son as brave as William Marshall. Even their much-bandied asset – their Ashkenazi intelligence – is laid low by the North Sea peoples, notably Wren, Newton, Huygens, and the other geniuses. They aren't even as good at organizing and getting shit done as the Duke of Marlborough or Napoleon Bonaparte.
Over the sad, unhappy centuries the Jews were at the gentiles' mercy, they must have made many individual attempts to reach out and make friends with the goyim, even if it was just to set up trade partners and live outside the ghettos. But every healthy goy they chatted up was sickened by the Jews. Every gentile, no matter how young or old, innocent or experienced, must have felt revulsion at the Jews' constant leering and innuendo, especially their anal fixation and obsession with incest. The Jews' diseased, heavily inbred nature drove the gentiles away from them and made them even more sullen and resentful, if that's possible.
Skip to the French Revolution. Foolish and ahistorical ideas about equality sweep Europe, carrying total war with them. Every prince on the continent suddenly needs a loan, and the Jews are lending. All of a sudden, the hated gentiles seem to be at the Jews' mercy, and – even better! – the collapse of unified Christendom has created national boundaries the kikes can scoot across when they need to escape the wrath of a people. Under these conditions, the Jews flourished, eventually buying their way out of the ghetto and into the parlours of the rich and noble. By the early 20th century, the Rothschild economy had wrapped around the world and built up a network of powerful Jews and shabbos goyim who knew the fast track to wealth and influence was to suck off the mega-kikes in finance.
Today, the Jews are still running on their old software. They're no better at music, art, science, or holding a normal conversation with people than they ever were, so they're all completely neurotic and insecure. Yet they have tremendous power and unrestricted wealth. Wat do?
With the infallible instinct of a born parasite, the Jews have squandered a century of human progress in filth and dirt and germs. They pay sight-unseen prices for degenerate "art" that's never more than a puerile poop joke. They turned the grunts and squawks niggers make into jazz, and then blues. When creative whites turned those poisons into rock and roll, gay Jews like Brian Epstein and David Geffen turned it into hopeless wails and sick-minded filth. Then they made rap to encourage niggers to kill like rabid dogs.
The Jews aren't following a set of protocols – not strictly – but their own selfish instinct for destruction. They hate the beautiful and the clean and the good, and the only two peoples on earth who fit that bill are (some) Europeans and Japs. So they push poison for the same reason a mosquito does: to keep the blood flowing until we can die of malaria.
You swat mosquitoes. You don't try to explain them.
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