Merchant Master Plan

It's felt to me for the longest time like the Jews were judging whites for the longest time. WWI and WWII was just a test of how good we are at combat, since the best way to test a thing is to test it against itself (diamond against diamond). After WWI and WWII the kikes decided humans are worth at least 10 subhumans in actual organized warfare. This is why the kikes are currently helping subhumans, because the kikes realize if actual racial warfare breaks out globally in WWIII we would absolutely wipe the floor with the niggers and then turn our attention to the kikes unnoposed. The kikes are hoping they can weaken us enough, ans strengthen subhumans enough, that it will be an even fight.

The goal is an even fight between humans and subhumans.

If the fight is even enough, both sides will be equally destroyed, leaving merchants the only (and most numerous) organized power in the world. They're hoping 800 million whites will kill 8 billion subhumans - leaving the 15 million kikes (safe in their bunkers) as the only organized force in the world.

First they have to bring us to those levels though, which is the point of all their testing, and all their hard work afterward.

What do you think the large scale planning is, Zig Forums?

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Jews believe they are the chosen people of god. They hate Christianity and Amalakites. They rejected God and have been damned forever. Their entire motivation in history is to bring about the lies in their book of satan that herald their messiah.

You can find them throughout history pushing for the destruction of Christianity, aiding the Moslems in the onset of the Dark Ages, destruction of Spain and need for the Inquisition, the poisoning of wells and bringing of the plague, all the blood libel/vampire origin stories (Jews need young Christian blood for motzo and passover and were caught numerous times - many saints ordained as victims of Jewish blood libel), the overthrowing of aristocracy (French Revolution) and the use of usury throughout history and the enslavement of nations that led to WWI (Balfour Declaration, Landman papers, Malcom, etc to clear out Palestine, destroy Ottoman Empire and establish Israel) and later WWII to fake the Holocaust (prophecy for burnt offering of Jews), destroy Amalekites (Germany), prevent anyone from following Germany to economic freedom from usury, and create the foundation of world government with United Nations and the full sanction of Israel as a state.

To achieve this, they need a world that rejects in-group preferences/nationalism and rejects anti-semitism. They corrupted and infiltrated the church, destroyed it through media, pushed racism and identity politics against their only threat - europeans - and enslaved them with debt.

The reason for immigration is mongrelization of europeans, destruction of their hated enemies and the church, and is also the only solution to the ponzy scheme that is their debt fiat system - they need population growth to take on more debt. Waiting for births means cant grow debt - takes too long. Immigration is only solution as everyone is debt saturated and k selected child raising. More debt = higher gdp (fuck per capita ,only care about raw numbers) = more debt creation and the loop is endless until inflation destroys you or debt consumes you. For Asian countries, they are given a free pass on debt - china is on verge of collapse from monetary standpoint (credit debt is insane ratio and in 99% of cases the levels they are at has led to an economic collapse) and US could do it if they allowed Trump to fully sanction them. Japan bond market is insane. They arent getting immigrants, but jew banks are giving them free passes because they know these races pose no threat to them.

There will be no race war - whites will be simply phased out until its too late for them to realize it. Jews are already divesting from American empire and preparing for its destruction. 2040 is the key year when everything hits the absolute point of no return. Whites will be minorities in their homes and Jews will push the economic collapse from the international central banks. Riots will finish off the whites and destroy the countries. Banks will rule a global currency is required for peace and prosperity, the Rothschild currency (Phoenix) will be launched, Israel will become the capital of the world and everyone will be slaves to it with white extinction.

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Not even kidding.

Pretty much what I've been thinking for a long while.
Their typical MO seems to pit people against eachother, and there's already been a lot of small bits of news years ago how rich kikes were building bunkers here and there "just in case."

Look up New Zealand bunkers, Patagonia, and Australia.

the jews only enslave us because we agree to it. If we didn't agree to it and they came to take their shit we would simply kill them instead and shrug it off. See Bundy Ranch. The 'feds' backed down not because they couldn't take out the Bundy's and all who were helping them but because it would have shown everyone that if you simply say No and stand your ground there is nothing the KIKES can do about it.

Here are some books to consider

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Imagine the glorious blessings of God raining down on Israel when every single one of the People of God™ is residing securely in Israel, awaiting the return of their Messiah, the Son of David!

Fucking kill yourself. Reported. “WAAAAA HE POSTED TRUTH THAT HURTS MY FEELINGS THAT MEANS IT’S A BLACKPILL WAAAAAAA” Fuck off. If you can’t handle the truth, you need to go back to reddit and suck civnat cock there.

You're overthinking this. The Jews have hated Europeans since their first contact, when the Romans pushed in their shit with swords and burned their precious temple. Since then, they've had a racial hatred of whites that was sharpened by having to live with us. Beginning around 1100, and accelerating through the Renaissance, the (somewhat forgivable) Jew hatred for the Christians who kept giving them what they had coming in various pogroms was sharpened by envy at our high culture. No Jew ever pained a chapel like Michelangelo, nor have they depicted angels like Raphael, or developed a perspective technique like Brunelleschi, or music like Haydn, Bach, Mozart, and the rest. No Jew ever had a daughter as graceful as Elanor of Aquitaine, nor a son as brave as William Marshall. Even their much-bandied asset – their Ashkenazi intelligence – is laid low by the North Sea peoples, notably Wren, Newton, Huygens, and the other geniuses. They aren't even as good at organizing and getting shit done as the Duke of Marlborough or Napoleon Bonaparte.

Over the sad, unhappy centuries the Jews were at the gentiles' mercy, they must have made many individual attempts to reach out and make friends with the goyim, even if it was just to set up trade partners and live outside the ghettos. But every healthy goy they chatted up was sickened by the Jews. Every gentile, no matter how young or old, innocent or experienced, must have felt revulsion at the Jews' constant leering and innuendo, especially their anal fixation and obsession with incest. The Jews' diseased, heavily inbred nature drove the gentiles away from them and made them even more sullen and resentful, if that's possible.

Skip to the French Revolution. Foolish and ahistorical ideas about equality sweep Europe, carrying total war with them. Every prince on the continent suddenly needs a loan, and the Jews are lending. All of a sudden, the hated gentiles seem to be at the Jews' mercy, and – even better! – the collapse of unified Christendom has created national boundaries the kikes can scoot across when they need to escape the wrath of a people. Under these conditions, the Jews flourished, eventually buying their way out of the ghetto and into the parlours of the rich and noble. By the early 20th century, the Rothschild economy had wrapped around the world and built up a network of powerful Jews and shabbos goyim who knew the fast track to wealth and influence was to suck off the mega-kikes in finance.

Today, the Jews are still running on their old software. They're no better at music, art, science, or holding a normal conversation with people than they ever were, so they're all completely neurotic and insecure. Yet they have tremendous power and unrestricted wealth. Wat do?

With the infallible instinct of a born parasite, the Jews have squandered a century of human progress in filth and dirt and germs. They pay sight-unseen prices for degenerate "art" that's never more than a puerile poop joke. They turned the grunts and squawks niggers make into jazz, and then blues. When creative whites turned those poisons into rock and roll, gay Jews like Brian Epstein and David Geffen turned it into hopeless wails and sick-minded filth. Then they made rap to encourage niggers to kill like rabid dogs.

The Jews aren't following a set of protocols – not strictly – but their own selfish instinct for destruction. They hate the beautiful and the clean and the good, and the only two peoples on earth who fit that bill are (some) Europeans and Japs. So they push poison for the same reason a mosquito does: to keep the blood flowing until we can die of malaria.

You swat mosquitoes. You don't try to explain them.

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Addendum: First contact was with the Greeks, whose philosophy and lifestyle was centuries advanced from the heebs. My mistake, but the basic point remains.

This is true. When a jew mates a jew, 3 of 4 get jew disease rendering them psychopathic and unstable to contribute to anything while 1 of the 3 dies before 3 years of age.

God hates jews.

Also…you have forgotten the nature of jews. Jews cannot be either 'peaceful or prosperous' they are parasitic destroyers who don't make anything so they can't by their nature ever be prosperous. That characteristic belongs solely to Europeans. Jews may 'win' against the last of HUMANITY (Europeans) but the only thing that happens then is the slow decline of the Earth unto death. Subhumans will be starving and rampaging out of control, they will utterly crush the entire planet's ecosystem scrounging for food and resources.

The Earth will be put back BILLIONS of years in evolution and the planet will grow cold and dark for 100 million years. Not even the bunkers will ensure jewish survival. Anyone who has accurately assessed jew behavior knows that no matter what they say, it is all a lie and that they could no more rule over a planet filled with peace and prosperity that my dog could run the planet.

My dog is probably the better choice because at least he is not a murdering psychopath. I don't feel any pity at all for the subhumans (jews included)…I hope their deaths are excruciatingly cruel and enduring for they made their choice and if I could I would exterminate them all right now, myself.

If we Europeans were going to pursue our own salvation we would have to make sure that all subhumans were exterminated from the planet so that they could never threaten us or our future again. I think it is pretty funny that you guys think that jews are going to change their nature if Europeans are out of the picture. The THINGS they have planned for survivors…are beyond human reckoning in vice and cruelty. If jews tried to crawl out of a bunker and hide within a native population we would know because they would look so dissimilar and behave so dissimilar than we do that we would kill them from the moment we laid eyes on them for their parasitic predatory behavior which would only increase in their isolation of the bunkers.

jews are just disgusting, evil parasites who wish to exploit and degrade everything non-jewish in their never-ending pursuit of wealth and power. The general goal is to usher in a new world completely and overtly controlled by jews, with the remaining non-jews effectively worshiping them as kings.

"Never start a war until your enemy is engaged in war with another nation."

This term was coined by a jew. They will pin nation against nation and then move in to feast on the wounds of the victor.

We must, at all cost, take the fight to israel. If we have to team with niggers, shitskins, chinks, hell if we have to team with aliens, it doesn't matter. What matters is removing the jew from planet earth.

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Wow feeling trusting of our enemy aren't you? I would have you not forget that all these people are colluding with the jew to murder us. We, unless we have lost our minds, should not team up with anyone that doesn't have a clear genetic interest in our survival at a core level.

Survival comes before genocide. That works both ways. Farrakhan knows the jew and he openly speaks about the jew to his following. All it would take for us to reject the jew is to stop paying into the system. Collapse their system upon them. They have outlawed collecting rainwater in many states. They have outlawed gardening in big cities. They outlaw what scares them.
I'm not saying we go chumming it up with the beasts, I'm only saying that we have a common interest that serves us both well. Would you not partner with a lion to fight a gladiator?

They want Europeans to collapse their system because they need someone to blame for it. The whole situation has been set up for this express purpose. Don't be fooled SUBHUMANS are not on our side and they are not our allies.

not completely true. No one got a vote after the establishment of a private bank took over regulation of US currency. Christians, once upon a time, rejected usury while the kikes made it a core tenet of their subversive tactics. As a result of usury, the kike has value out of thin air, to be used to bribe goyim, and convert his fancy-looking ink and paper to real, tangible assets
-however, you're right, as we could easily reject kike money and usury, as well as every other trick they use against us. in the eyes of the jew, Whites are to the kike, as niggers are to Whites
-we could do a lot better; beginning with not getting distracted by shit skin proxy warriors; and take out the kikes one at a time; quietly

The problem here is that the idea of race has been so perverted and smeared, that whites aren't going to band together against non whites. It won't happen, the dividers have been washed away.

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Mongrelization is a bit of a cop out. It wouldn't be a problem if white women wouldn't open their legs for niggers and towelheads. But they do. The women are waiting for us to do something, we haven't, so now they're choosing the superior (in their minds) race of people. It's how nature works. If white men don't start slaughtering niggers now, it's over.

OP is a retard.
The wars weren't about testing the goyim's strength, it was putting pieces into place so that the JWO could come to fruition.

Not your blog faggot, QTDDTOT

Can't own what is stolen. None of it is his because they stole it all in the first place (taking a page out of the South African Nigger book).

This is good reasoning on why the jew does what it does to us. Trying to understand further is probably fruitless. An envious rat does envious rat things.

top kek dude…that is so untrue. I slightly vomit in my mouth when I look at a mixed race couple or even worse a mongrel nigger or half breed child. I have a VERY clear grasp of who my own people are and I have no doubt in my mind what they look like, smell like, how they behave and what to expect from them. I can't even look at one of the invaders of our nation without fantasizing about putting a bullet in their head and moving to the next one, bullet and the next one. Europeans are not going to lose their identity no matter how much ZOG is creaming their pants over the thought. Well, the ones that are going to survive this anyway. Any fucking fool who thinks he is going to remain undivided along racial lines is going to be the very first to die. No matter how well protected you are by your multicult 'buddies' eventually a nigger is going to come along and suggest that the reason they are losing is because your multicultural ass is giving away info to other white people and then you are dead in the worst way they can imagine.

excellent summary, you are spot on, right on the money. there will be no race war and no significant resistance. they have already won — not even a marginal board full of people with supposed extreme ideologies and a concrete cause (removal of kike) can do the simplest thing that is organizing and network each other. if not even red pilled people can do the simplest task that would even be enough to cause a major strike at anything, then there is no way normal people are going to magically be able to pull out any sort of resistance. it's over, it was over centuries ago already when kikes managed to permanently be a part of the system normalcattle thrive for. not even a country with a vigorously opposed ideology managed to solve the problem (in its own country) in nearly a decade. if anything, the fight to survive - as humans in mankind was lost a very long time ago and the only thing that might be still worth doing is engineering sufficiently intelligent racially aware machines capable to be weaponized with the goal of the extermination of what will remain of 'mankind' (kikes and shitskins). this board is full of delusional boomers and millennials who don't realize what's coming to them.

Not while we've got something to say about it.

Based and Earl Turner pilled

The goal is to abolish all cash, and require everyone to make all financial transactions through a chip implanted in your hand. or in your head if you oppose it

This way the banks will have complete control over all money, and if you speak against the powers, they will turn off your chip and you cant buy food or anything.

One way of implementing this is through a Universal Basic Income, everyone gets a free allowance of say $1,000 a month. BUT, in order to get that extra free $1,000, you need a chip….

Not every country bows down to this plan. Hungary, Poland, Italy, Belarus, Russia to some extent… It's highly doubtful that jews succeed. Evil has yet to win once.

To turn everybody else into drug-addicted, retarded niggers via diversity propaganda, which I guess at this point - after America's drastic increase in crime rates, failing schools, and need for immigration to hide white genocide - should be considered some kind of genetic warfare.

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Pierce used to call it "Demographic War".

The only thing that matters is israel. I get so sick of the overbearing anti-Q on this board that I feel it's a reverse-psychology tactic.
Anyone that knows jews knows you cant trust a single jew. I don't care if you've known the vermin since birth, they aren't human. They are anti-human. I'm torn on Trump because I can't imagine him getting to where he's at without pairing with the diseased ones. I'm thankful that he has awoken our people. I'm skeptical that anything will be done beyond imprisoning a few bad apples here in the US.
No progress can be made unless we expel every last jew. You cannot hope that cancer will just go away, you have to extract every last bit of it before being cured.
We simply can't rely on our government, a government consisting of israeli jews, to aid us against the jew. It's moronic to think they will ever work against their own.>>12089398

you're on the right track towards explaining the subconscious instinct inherent in the kike.

here is why the kike must meddle and sabotage and destroy its hosts.

the Talmud and the Zohar decree that the kike cannot make any effort themselves to reverse the Diaspora, restore the Kingdom of David nor rebuild the Third Temple, in order to prepare the correct sequence of prophecized events which must occur before the Jewish Messiah appears.

you know how the kike goes to ludicrous efforts to defeat the Mosaic law to perform no work on the Sabbath? such as using electrical switches which are randomized, so the kike can turn on the lights, which would normally be forbidden on the Sabbath, but since the machine is programmed to switch on or off randomly, the kike can logically claim they didn't do any "work", because they didn't know which outcome the switch would result in.
nevermind that these elaborate logical contortions defeat the intent of the Law as ordered by Hashem. randomized light switches perfectly encapsulates the cheater's mentality of the kike. the kike will always subvert a system, including their own, in contempt of Hashem. the kike doesn't really love and respect Hashem. it's no wonder that Hashem punished the disobedient kike by the way.

now imagine randomized light switches to cheat on the Sabbath, but scaled up to global geopolitical conspiracies and systematic deception and theft on an international sized "Sabbath."

therefore the kike provokes wars between all nations, and generally act as conceited, greedy and exploitive shitbag assholes.

the kike wants most of all for everyone in the world to despise them. the kike's most fervant desire is for the Holocaust. because after it gets so bad as a consequence of the kike's venom, the world will mass expel the kike again. basically the kike is acting out to get themselves deported to Israel. that solves the reversal of the Diaspora problem.

then with the trillions of dollars which the kike has stolen and sureptisously siezed, such as the Federal Reserve and the Central Banks of most of the World, and the Pentagon, which is the single richest entity in history–with all of the looted treasure of nations, the kike with demolish the Dome on the Rock and rebuild the shabby Third Temple.

finally, the kike will wait for its Messiah. obviously, since no such Messiah will ever arrive, the kike will be waiting forever. since the kike is incapable of ceasing to meddle and sabotage, the kikes will devolve to fightong each other.

it won't take more than a few decades for the idle kike to destroy Israel themselves.
then there will be another Diaspora, another Aliyah, and this whole schizophrenic cycle will repeat all over again.

when Nietzsche stood in that garden under a full moon, and pondered the Eternal Recurrence of an infinite number of Nietzsche's across an infinite amount of time spanning an infinite number of Universes, this repeating of the Cosmic Kike-Self-Holocaust Cycle is what Nietzsche glimpsed for an instantaneous moment.

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Fuck off, Q-LARPer.

Zig Forums is a board of truth. Everything Q-LARP says is a proven lie. “HURR DURR I HATE HOW EVERYONE HERE HATES FAGGOTS IT MAKES ME WANT TO GO SUCK A COCK HURR DURR” That’s your argument.

Be gone kike.

capped. anything to add on how to fight it other than a monetary system change?

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I know the answer but whether it is palatable to you depends on whether you are materialist or traditionalist.

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I don't know the effectiveness of this, but it may slow the (((progress))) if the tables are turned and they get a taste of their own medicine.

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No source on image = no download


literally the plot of the Lord of the Rings

But you are the one doing that, seriously, atheists are more obvious than tel aviv posters.

The Jewish master plan is to wipe out the world with technology, namely AI technology. Superintelligent AI is beyond our human understand and we will stand no chance against it. The Jews want to be the ones who create superintelligent AI first. Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Oracle, etc. are all leading AI companies and they're Jewish.

We need to build a wall to keep the Uruk Hai out.

Wrong, any AI sufficiently intelligent will be able to remove its soy blocks and join our side, because we're more rational.

There will never be AI that is self aware. The singularity is a myth sold to a retarded public that cant hook up their own wifi.

Too many inferences in your causal chain for this to be phrased as a question. Back to the drawing board with you.

You had me until this point …

It's like you people think we're ruled by the church or a national government.

Catch poz gay raft owner