New Hillary Emails Released

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kike free baby

Reminder that no one is ever going to be punished for this.

Sadly, you're right. The ZOG Emperor will do nothing about this.

Bunping for autism

These are the same emails from 2016. Slide tread

If you weren't wasting your time trying to samefag you might have gotten the first post, moshe.

Put a bullet in your brain. What came of the Nunes memo? Absolutely fucking nothing. What came of the testimonies that put, on record, refutation of the legality of the Mueller shit? Absolutely fucking nothing.

You tell us when anyone is going to be arrested. You tell us when Hillary will face justice. No, hell, tell us when the Awan brothers will face justice. THEY WERE LITERALLY LET OFF WITH NOTHING.

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Dear Mr President,

Will you PLEASE go directly to the people and tell us just how bad the swamp is? You do not have to fight this battle alone, we will gladly march on Washington demanding the peaceful resignation of ZOG if you only be honest and level with the American people.



Lock her up !

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Woutan be with you!

Trust the plan, goy. Everybody's going to be arrested any time now.

Yes, all the goys that did judas bidding. Everyone but juda


I hope there is something useful in them.

Did anyone of Zig Forums ever look into Roberta's Pizza in Brooklyn?

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It's a citizen's duty to cleanse the treasonous

Post counts by user ID:

4 anons made 2 posts
11 anons made 1 posts

OP is (1) and done!

hell: 1

Thou shalt be checkin' these dubs!

> 00's (1 total; 50.00%)
> 55's (1 total; 50.00%)

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Checked the archive and it seems that Zig Forums did, there seems to be an underground lair at the pizza parlor were parties are held called the "Tiki Bar".

Attached: Feb 3rd 2017, tiki bar 2.jpg (1000x1294 417.84 KB, 579.67K)

I caught a thread about this on halfchan via phone on my commute home from work.

Look for the one about America reconsidering Monarchy.

This is where you go wrong friend.

All 7 WILL die.

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Intense shilling, this must be some good shit. Reminder assholes and elbows always says the same things. Reminder he's been more and more wrong as time goes on. And he only shows up when shits getting good.

Every fucking time.

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well, I have to admit that does look like damned good pizza!

Attached: robertas_pizza.jpg (1000x562, 110.79K)

They also got an underground Tiki Bar on location I hear. I think you have to extra for cheese though.

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Go to page 666, anons!
A bunch of emails about electronic devices and hillary wanting to put them in her office and her home and all kinds of shit.

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Attached: Hillary_Criminal.PNG (901x703 20.47 KB, 71.77K)

< the system isn't working in our favor

The goal isn't to fix the system. It's to discredit it, replace it, to render it meaningless.

LOOK! I can't be the only one going through these! Seriously, get in there and look at page 666!

Attached: Hillary_Criminal_lies.PNG (889x784, 65.07K)

he will mention it at his rally to get cheers

Memo on "Guide to handling email" sent to "Heads of executive departments"

Oh this is getting good!

Attached: Hillary_Criminal_Email_Regulations.PNG (1325x4695 38.7 KB, 630.08K)

Why would he? He’s employed by it.
He’s not fighting it at all.
This is proven false.

Not true. Try taking our guns and holy hell will break loose.

Ok so here's a doozy.
Our government paying for non-us citizens college, including 19 russians! yay!

Rule of law is selectively applied. Trump – gets maximal rule of law, maybe even over maximal. Clinton – rule of law suspended because the fbi figured out she didn't intend for bad things to happen.

I dont really think there would be much of a response. People would cry on the internet and threaten action they're incapable of delivering. Once the confiscations began people would probably bury their guns, incorrectly, and they'd be worthless and nonfunctional within a year. Americans are pathetic and retarded.

Proven true. The last time that ANYONE fought back against this was the Battle of Athens in 1946. The last time that Americans fought back en masse was before 1913. You will NEVER rise up.
The National Firearms Act of 1934. The Gun Control Act of 1968. The Clinton Executive Orders. The Lautenberg Act. The HUD/Smith & Wesson Agreement. The Brady Law. The School Safety & Law Enforcement Improvement Act.

You can hope all you want, but you are so wrong on that. American are the sons of psychopaths. We just want to be left the fuck alone, once that line is cross, it gets ugly. Did you see hundreds of people come together for a single farmer in the boonies? You're completely wrong thinking we won't do anything. That's the line. I guarantee, that's the final draw. Once that line is crossed, it doesn't end easy for anyone.


Stay on the emails, anons! Emails are only thing that matters. Filter these 3.


I still haven’t figured out why Hillary lost. Was it the Russian uranium deal? Was it Wikileaks? Was it Podesta? Was it her sexual predator husband? Was it her staff’s husband’s immoral pictures? Was it her subpoena violation? Was it the corrupt foundation? Was it the congressional lies? Was it the Benghazi scandal? Was it the pay for play? Was it the Travel Gate scandal? Was it the Haiti scandal? Was it the Whitewater scandal? Was it the Cattle Gate scandal? Was it the $15 million for Chelsea’s apartment bought with foundation money? Was it Comey’s investigation? Was it her husband’s interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation? Was it stealing debate questions? Was it forensically deleting 33,000 emails? Was it the secret server in her house? Was it the Seth Rich murder? Was it calling half of the USA population deplorable? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders? Was it the Vince Foster murder? Was it the Jennifer Flowers assault? Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement? Was it the lie about taking on sniper fire in Bosnia? Was it her husband’s impeachment for lying under oath? Was it the 6 billion $ she “lost” when in charge of the state department? Was it the 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich? Or was it because she was the worst presidential candidate our country has ever had to choose from?

Gee, I just can’t quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me.

Images didn't attach. Trying again.

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This. Bump

Attached: 76D95FD5-8F7E-46B7-984C-A5FE50DC3834.gif (500x281, 897.6K)

First email:

Second email:

Third Email:

Attached: 3209DE79-4B1D-45EC-8347-FF7537F2C1FD.gif (300x300, 2M)


Oh lowl, you now have trump. A kike alike. Someone that will divide the country even morr without touching the chosen mongrels. I explained to you faggits years ago how this all works but you were only muh trump but once again Ill tell. THE KIKES DONT CARE WHO IS IN CHARGE IF IT IS A NAZI A NIGGER A TRANSGENDER BUT ONLY AS LONG THEY ARE NOT THREATENED. HUMILIATING SOME KIKES FOR PEDOPHILIA, WHY NOT? KIKE FAMILY FIGHTS, LET THEM BE. YOU GUYS ALSO NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE AVERAGE KIKE IS JUST A TOOL AS ALL OF YOU ARE.


You have no argument, nothing to add, and admit that everything I said is fact.

Attached: Running From the Faggot Police.jpg (730x464, 116.87K)

Cheryl Mills is Cheryl Mills an aide to Killery, faggot.

I've done LOTS of these email digs over the years, including proving she was using personal email for classified matters - something she should be imprisoned for, and the bitch still isn't at the end of a rope. In the witch's own words "What difference does it make?". None, absolutely fucking none.

What does this mean?

I'm not interested in wasting more time on this, but to any anons that want to continue sperging down this dead end here's an old guide I wrote:
This is a method I used to dig Hillary's emails you may find useful.
-Requires Linux type Operating System
-Ensure you have pdftotext installed
-Put list of pdf URLs into a file, one URL on each line.
-Save as allpdfs.txt
-Run following command from terminal:
for i in `grep -E '^htt.*\.pdf$' allpdfs.txt`;do foo=$(basename $i);wget $i; pdftotext $foo; rm $foo; done
It will get each pdf by its URL in the allpdfs.txt file, change it into a text file, save it with the name of the pdf, but with extension txt.
For example, if a line in the file "allpdfs.txt" contains:
the output would be
which is a text conversion of the pdf document.
The original pdf is deleted to save space (remove the "rm $foo;" part if you want to keep the original pdf too).
CAVEATS: Obviously pictures are ignored. Transformations may include spelling mistakes, especially for scanned pdfs, and depends on document clarity.

Now you have a text version of your pdfs you can simply search them all with grep
#basic search:grep keyword *txt #search for a phrase:grep 'some phrase' *txt#case insensitive search (will find keyword, Keyword, kEYWORD, etc):grep -i keyword *txt #consult grep manual for other options:man grep

Reversing to find the URL:
for i in `grep -l B1 *.txt`;do j=$(basename $i .txt); grep $j allpdfs.txt >>B1sources.txt;done
(This would return all the URLs of PDF emails with classified material the "B1" designation).

From helpful user, getting the PDF files from a pastebin:
wget -q https:// -O - | strings | grep https | grep searchapp | sed "s/\(https:.*[.]pdf\).*/\1/" | xargs -L 1 wget
Grab all URLs from paste filter out extra, and grab files.

Convert pdf to png at 300dpi.(Requires ImageMagick to be installed)
convert -density 300 C06160711.pdf C06160711.png

Kek, Drumpf is of ashkenazi descent.

It means that a secure .gov email server was set up to integrate seamlessly with an unsecure private email server and the FBI had these emails when they gave testimony otherwise.
It means the FBI knowingly misled congress and what everyone has suspected thus far, Hillary knowingly had ALL EMAILS including TOP SECRET EMAILS sent through her private server.

It confirms what we've all known with physical evidence.

Kill yourself D&C kike

also, you could use option
-r 300
on the pdftotext command to change the 'scan' DPI to a higher resolution and increase the accuracy of the conversion to text.

An alternate method is to download all the pdfs and sequentially concatenate them
for i in `grep -E '^htt.*\.pdf$' allpdfs.txt`;do wget $i; cat $i >>combined_emails.pdf ; rm $i;done

Can you just search Sandy Hook or Newtown or Capstone Connecticut

Maybe even "Operation" and see what emails come up?

I don't need you to post them, just relay the numbers so I don't have to go through 200,000+ emails looking for her involvement in that fuckery

He just spoonfed you and now you want him to do the work for you too

Attached: israel.PNG (905x258 56.39 KB, 52.2K)

I don't run Linux you fucking cunt

That is what spoonfeeding entails, yes. kek

Attached: Da Family.png (480x341, 144.87K)

Why can’t you prove him wrong? Is it because the last century of American history is nothing but people allowing gun confiscations and not fighting back?


Yes, they will be eliminated without punishment beforehand.


They've already taken a lot of your guns and there's more and more gun control laws passed every week. Yet none of you dodos is marching on washington. You pride yourselves with how uncucked you are, but you're not much better than the fucking boers. And I haven't heard anything from them recently, for all I know, every last one could be a pile of severed bodyparts and have been one for several days now.

That's about it.
