On the subject of Jesus being a Jew. The word simply didn't exist before 1800. You can't be something that doesn't exist. In the first English dictionary released in 1797, the world Jew was nowhere to be found. The word "Jew" did not exist before 1800! It was a word coined and inserted into the media and forced upon us. The word Jew, did not exist before 1800! I need to make that point known. It's very important that anyone calling themself jew is known as a deceiver. That act alone is a ruse, a farce, a con that has been running nearly 200 years.
On his cross, "Jesu Nasarenus Rex Iudoreum" means, "Jesus, the Nazarene, the Leader of the Judeans."
Jedeans claimed Jesus was influencing people not to pay taxes so that gold couldn't be shipped to Caesar. This is why the trial was held in front of Pontius Pilate. The Judeans were revolting against Rome. Jesus was set up. Remember Jesus' famous words at the trial, "Render unto Caesar, that which is Caesars and render unto God, that which is God's." Jesus wasn't telling Romans not to pay taxes, he was framed by the evil tribe, thus leading to the inscription on the cross. Jews did not exist at that time. Judean was a moniker akin to a nationality. Jesus was a Nazarene, not a Judean. The inscription on the cross separates Nazarene and Judean. Unlike today, at that time you could not belong to two nations.
Christians hold no responsibility to the jews. Nobody holds any responsibility to the jews. They are a tribe of deceit, lies and subterfuge. They killed Jesus! They hate Jesus because his teachings and his followers stand against what they stand for. They know that if Christians ever become wise to the truth, they will revolt against the murderers of their Messiah.
Israel is not a promise to the tribe. It is a protagonist lair. A gang hideout. Everywhere in history this tribe has settled, stories of vampirism arise. Everywhere they settle, humans suffer horrible fate. Every society they touch becomes arranged so psychopaths take leading roles. Again and again, over and over. All throughout history, they are a plague on the land they settle.
THERE ARE NO GOOD JEWS! Absorb that as the reality of this tribe sinks into your understanding. You cannot call yourself Jew and be "good." They are counterintuitive. It is akin to saying someone is a honest actor, or a clever idiot. You cannot be both one and the other, it is either or. You cannot be a "good jew."
The Jews next to Trump are Jews. Thus they are not to be trusted. Trump married his daughter off to one of these tribesmen. If this doesn't alarm you, you are not allowing yourself to look at the situation objectively. You need to remove your bias and hope and face the reality. We are being marched to our slaughter! "Never start a war until your enemy is engaged in war with another nation." A term coined by a jew. The jew will find the wound and feast but it will wait out it's prey until it's prey or itself are dead. What it won't do is attack directly. Notice the shill posts, all indirect attacks meant to lead you into the desert to slowly die alone. This is a part of them like helping an injured animal is a part of us Aryans. Just as you can not walk past a pleading call for help, they can not pass up an opporunity to mislead, deceive and con our labor from us. They find nobility in this craft where we find disgust. THEY ARE NOT HUMAN! Not as the word is currently defined.
Please, brothers. Don't be deceived. Don't just hope against wish that Trump will deliver us from this evil. We can NOT put any hope in anyone associated with the tribesmen. Trust the blacks, trust the asians, trust the mexicans, at least you have hope they may be good, but there is no hope in the jew being good because to be jew is, in and of itself, not good.