How will nationalism come about?

I need a clear description of what we are advocating and fighting for: what are we trying to achieve?
-a separation of whites and non-whites within a country?
-a succeeded portion of a country that becomes a white ethnostate?
-a takeover of a nation and it's transformation into a white ethnostate?
-the founding of a brand new nation that will serve as the ethnostate?
-a white imperium that spans all currently and formerly white countries?
-the extinction of all non-whites from the earth to create an ethno-planet for white people?
What measures will be allowed in this quest?
-changing the laws of the land (ending diversity initiatives, affirmative actions, and anti-discrimination laws, introducing white only immigration laws, introducing segregation laws, etc.)?
-redrawing the borders of your country in order to separate it into smaller countries (how to redraw the borders for your secession)? -paying or financially incentivizing the non-whites to leave (with what money and how much of it? with which positive or negative incentives?)?
-forcefully expelling non-whites from their countries of birth (with what tactics and to where)?
-reducing their rights and legal protections? sterilizing them or killing them (and how)? buying another land (which land? for how much? and with what money?)?
-conquering another land (whether militarily or via "peaceful" means like mass immigration or diplomatic acquisition)?
-creating another land to build out ethnostate on (which land? by what methods? building the ethnostate in the frozen wastes? underground? under the sea? in the air? in space? on another celestial object?)?

it would help a lot if we stopped being so fucking vague about the core issue of this board, white nationalism, and if our general movement would stop being so fucking obtuse and dispatch with all the nazi obfuscation, even if we sell the masses on the need for a white ethnostate, we don't give them any idea about how we plan to get it, and what "it" even is exactly, this looks like we have no plan, no concrete goal, and in general makes us look stupid, confused, and mindless from the outside, at the very least, it gets us on the same page, and helps us create a consistent selling pitch for the ideology.
To the idiots among you who will suspect that I am some intelligence officer looking for some info that will help us to bring you guys down, ask yourselves if this information is: A) actually something that can possibly be useful to an intelligence agency, B) isn't something that is already intimately familiar among the members of every intelligence agency watching this board already, and C) isn't something that basically every thread talks about already, mostly without fear of the glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers. Basically, there is a difference between being cautious, paranoid, and retarded.

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Other urls found in this thread:!hDgFHL5Q!b6Gks4sLu_5tZt-ZQVNRdwPKtg9mmFdqBvlxPXKsMqs

The problem is we've for to long tolerated alt-right, alt-lite, lobertarian, and people that tolerate democracy for to long.

What we want is to continue to change the mainstream idea of what the right is. As we slowly and surely push people towards anti-immigrant, anti-islam, anti-corporation, anti-government, anti-media and anti-feminism.

Our views on immigration, media, and government were fringe ideas within the republican party. Nationalist sentiment is growing up in Europe, and that's what we're trying to push. Italy, Poland, Hungry, Croatia, and the Czech Republic are leading the push for nationalism right now.

If you're asking for a clearly defined movement. That's not going to happen. It's going to happen in the United States organically. The Left is currently blowing their load because we're shifting the overton window far faster than they can keep up, so they've put up everything they can.

An absolute anti-white progressive wave that aims to completely open up boarders and tax the middle class into oblivion with more statist bureaucracy. They are going to go after our firearms first opportunity they get. While Republicans are currently cucked, we need them in office to as means to further demoralize the very vocal minority progressive push.

In the end, we would have a white ethnostate. But we're doing okay, right now. We are out breeding liberals, so the democrats are attempting to flood the country with 3rd worlders. More niggers are being aborted than born in the US. The spics cannot function without welfare. So we need to batten down the hatches. Deport them and continue on the path we are on.

When we win in the midterms it will completely demoralize the left. Which will allow us to start attacking soft institutions such as Affirmative Action, Gun Control, Welfare, and further deportations.

Keep your head up. Nationalism will happen organically. But we have to fucking work at it, user. Keep working on yourself. Get /fit/ and get /lit/. You're going to do great things, we need you!

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Just one thing.


Whites' right to self-determination is nonnegotiable.

Unfortunately, it is exactly this kind of jewish thinking that causes us to turn against ourselves and squander our memetic energy. Regardless of whether Hitler wanted this or believed that, I can assure you that what he wants now more than anything is for us to be pragmatic.

This, lets concentrate on moving the Overton Window more and more and more. Even GLR said of American NatSoc that it would be radically different from Germany but the solutions would be organic to White America.

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I'm pretty sure very few people on Zig Forums has that kind of idea. And I mean VERY few.

And to add, Zig Forums for the most part just want white countries to be white.

Attached: curious.gif (240x133, 102.16K)

Nationalism is dead. The future is ethno-globalism.


Reported. Kill yourself. We do not support jewish controlled opposition. We do not support faggots. We do not support nonwhites. We do not support jews.

"very few"?

if you take National Socialism to its logical conclusion, what else could it be other than the extermination of all non-Aryans and total World Domination?

if you don't see that as the long-term goal, then you need to study more history and meditate upon it.

Hitler's European Building Program

Aspect of the Third Reich…. see page 251 "Hitler's Ultimate Aims - A Programme of World Domination?"

that chapter expresses that there was zero evidence found proving that Hitler's ambitions extended to
conquer the whole world, and that this was proven especially at Nuremberg, due to the issue not coming up
whatsoever and nobody being charged with trying to conquer the world, since there was no premeditated evidence
the argument could not have been made in "court."

then there's Hitler's secret speech in 1939 where he reveals he had planned the rearmament and expansion of the Reich many years prior, and that he used diplomacy and calls for peace to buy himself time:

Hitler's Plans for Global Domination: Nazi Architecture and Ultimate War Aims

Attached: hitler_building_world_domination_2.png (500x281 255.49 KB, 20.87K)

one more thing…

tfw when you read that paper describing Hitler's Building Program, and see the Fuhrer's enormous and historical blueprints to rebuild the 50 biggest German cities and completely re-architect them to remove all sterile and inhumane and ugly Capitalist design of cities and buildings, skyscrapers and steel and glass are banned, only stone and wood and living monuments which will stand for thousands of years are allowed to be built, and to restore the ideal Teutonic rural village as the standard for all livable cities, and tfw when you realize the Fuhrer is gone and his plan as a Master Artist to re-introduce beauty into everyday life will never happen….

Attached: crying_wojak_hitler.jpg (680x680, 34.17K)

It won't, because Zig Forums (both of them) keep pushing the jew's meme about "nationalism". They've successfully painted National Socialism as evil.

Nah. Most "Nazis" are taking that Jew meme of "kill 'em all". You even have one of them replying to you. This is the Jewish "Poisoned well" tactic. They put out this genocide meme, and these degenerates latch on to it. They're the Jew's useful idiots.
You don't see true national socialist going out and saying "you negroes need your own ethnostate" at all. Just these "kill everyone who isn't white" and when you get right down to it, if you're not a "nord" they want to kill you. It will never sell. Jews have cut the balls off National Socialism.

then I would like to introduce you to this user's claims about Hitler (>>12090899)
I'm confused.

The freedom of all races to live in their own nations. National Socialism is an ideology of peace. You could only think otherwise if your sources are jews.

>data mining

if genuine op & really want to know then

The filename is natural mate.

I wish I was like hitler, but due to being forced to live with niggers and other degenerate races instead of my own, I will despise them all of my being and wouldn't mind to see them exterminated, after what they've done to my city, I can't help but hate these sub humans.>>12090899

Don't get deterred. Many of us lurk and know which of us is human and which is hebrew. I'm only posting to let you know that true Aryans are of one mind. It's built into us.

Neck yourself.

All other sapient species represent an existential threat to our existence. If you don’t comprehend this, you deserve death at their hands.

I think in the US the only logical way to do it is to give niggers their own ethno-state within the current USA. And deport everyone else, kikes, chinks, beaners, whatever (I guess the red injuns could stay if they behave)… I'd like to deport the niggers too but the black nationalist type prove to be a real ally.

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Are you saying Hitler was wrong?

Not what I said, Kike. I said you're meme about National socialism being "gencoide" is your Jew meme.

you get blacks out of communism and free them from the jew and they do make great allies.

That's nice. no link.

Oh my. You guys are sure going to piss juden off. it doesn't like when whites find allies against it.

Become literate and you won’t ask stupid questions.

Exactly what you said.


Go back to cuckchan.

Wouldn't it be easier if we gave you the phone numbers and addresses of all sympathizers Jacob?

Okay so what do you want to do with that problem? I mean you don't seem to support the idea of racial ethnostates.

Just helping the anons out and offering the above as the filter list.

Attached: filterlist.PNG (1188x538, 44.42K)

In one of your links you say he didn't want to conquer the world but in another it's only about that, I don't get what you're shooting for here. And is that speech real or recorded where I can listen to it?

If you guys want the book I tried uploading on here but it's too big.!hDgFHL5Q!b6Gks4sLu_5tZt-ZQVNRdwPKtg9mmFdqBvlxPXKsMqs
All your questions can be answered with a couple hours of reading.

The entire US hasn't been owned by the Whites since at least WW2. Besides, we'll end up annexing Canada and forming an anchluss with Australia and New Zealand… we'll be fine.

No, the times have changed and they need to go back to Africa. And giving away land to anybody but whites in the US, are you crazy?

I'll take a look at it.

I don't much care for what you're doing, though I do support it 100%, but this is what I'm going to work for.

Read Marx as well, if you haven't.
We need to be the educated ones. Our intelligence is what separates us from the others. Our ability to adapt known occurrences to unknown concepts comes from nature. We are reflections of God. If you feel no tie to spirituality, detox. Stay away from all internet social platforms for a month, don't drink any alcohol, don't masturbate and get plenty of exercise. If you still don't feel spiritual, then perhaps consider joining the other team. Our collective soul is unique. You'll find you already know the answer to the OP. You'll find you weren't the only one feeling drawn to off-grid living and minimalism lately. We're being called upon.
I'll stop here.
Read up then join us as we rise up.

na it's their agree and amplify tactic. it's too easy to play whiggers in an internet based environment where being 'edgy' is something to strive for.

Now imagine a real world scenario, like a NSDAP
meeting, and having someone act in that manner. They'd cop a beating and get thrown through a window for their troubles.

I'll focus on America here because its where I am and what I'm actually invested in understanding.

It's going to come to a total civil war if we do any of these things so we might as well intend to start a civil war and seize control of the entire USA. If you tried to create a seperatist white enclave not only would it be nigh impossible since the whites are the ones tied to the land as they do all the agricultural activity, industrial activity, resource extraction, and own all the land but if you tired to split off they would either tie to stop you or the white nation would inevitably prosper so much more than its mudland neighbors that it would either invade them with the intent of reconquest or be invaded by them as they are currently invading Europe. Balkanization is very unlikely because the rural whites are in fact very closely related being mostly drawn from the same Cavaliers and Germans while the urban and suburban whites are either the Roundhead scum of New England or the various groups that came in after 1890 like the scandies in the upper Midwest who act like the cucks in Scandinavia do right now.

The goals is ultimately total expropriation of all non-whites in the US. If the opportunity arises we should begin slaughtering them which will also drive some of them to left. Basically if we did seize power or start a civil war it is open season on everybody who isn't white and every one of us should go shitskin hunting so as to frighten the muds and alienate them from any support by traitorous whites. Shoot them, offer them poisoned food, whatever you can do.

As for interim tactics in the USA in the current situation. Try to get affirmative action repealed, that is something Trump has mentioned and which has legal precedent and data to back it up. Invalidating birthright citizenship which was merely applied common law rather than a piece of legislation would allow you to deport tens of millions of muds and the mere attempt to do so could instigate civil war as the left knows that will be the end of them politically. Closing the borders is of course possible and can also be done right now. These things merely agitate the left and muds, and extend the amount of time we have to instigate a civil war as well as creating a situation on the ground which is more conducive to our aims.

Ultimately the goal is an Empire as envisaged by Franklin and Washington, that is to say the the entire western hemisphere is under our control and ll non-whites re driven out or exterminated. If we take the USA nobody can offer meaningful opposition anyway. Russian can be bought off and China can be threatened. As it stands nobody has and real way to project power besides the US and none of them have any prospect for gaining the capacity to do in the next ten years.

American nationalism should always be pushed using appeals to colonial America, we are the only America and the shitskins were never American. All symbology should be colonial regardless of the actual struct of the government created.

Go back to leddit.


Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

while i agree with you, i think one of the biggest problems will be that America is an enormous land mass that will be too big to entirely purge.

pockets of resistance will persist for decades and even if there is a will, there isn't enough man power for RWDS to go house to house, acre by acre.

post-purge, it will also be difficult to keep them from hiding in already cleansed territory.

and much like in the Reich between 1933-1937, harassment and creating an aura of fear in an uncertain environment for the kikes which provoked millions of them to self-deport.

causing the kikes and niggers and spics and gooks to leave by their own choice will be infinitely cheaper, less risky, and will save valuable White lives than a drawn out head on confrontation or war of attrition.

the whole problem causing the Final Solution was that other countries refused to take in the kike refugees, leaving Hitler with no other option than Wannsee. in this way, America, Britain, Canada, Russia and the Allies share the guilt for the several hundred thousand kikes who died from typhus in the work camps, because the Allies knee but did nothing to help, because they wanted to use the kikes like chits for trade.

so there will need to be somewhere for the mongrel subhumans born and raised in America to go. the spics can go back to their ancestral favelas in Narxico and Brazilistan, the gooks will go back to their rice paddies, the pajeets to their street toilets and dunecoons to ISISLand, but who will take in the niggers? we already know that no countries want more free niggers, so i suspect we'll be stuck with gassing all the Sheboon niglet front hole factories and the Physicist-Astronaut-Brain-Surgeon DeshonWakandas. perhaps load them onto cargo ships and dump them in Liberia or Somalia?

Hatred and anger.

Truth be told it doesn't really matter. The right system will be whatever system arises after the (((parasites))) are gone.

agreed, only then can we rediscover the voices of our genes, and the guidance of the european spirit, and even then, it will take generations for us to find ourselves as a race.

but when we do, our collective will shall shake the heavens and the earth.

A lot of Anons believe we will vote our way out, close the borders and deport our enemies. But in my opinion this is only a half measure. America has been rotten to the core ever after Andrew Jackson. The whole system needs to be scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up.

A weakening of the USA, starting with its financial system, is the way to achieve this. Countires are dumping the US dollar as we speak, the petrodollar died 10 years ago and once the USD is no longer the world reserve currency it's game over. The US will be forced to defend its (((global hegemony))) with increasing force, which will weaken it. Eventually the military will be so tapped and diversified that it will be possible to mount an armed resistance. But not a huge conquering, merely balkanization. The model for this is a colonial war. In a colonial war it's not the generals that surrender, but the accountants. The goal is to break off a chunk of land that has enough resources and whites to form a functioning self-sustaining nation someday, then make that territory unenforceable by the US. The goal is to soak up so much USA resources that eventually they let a small portion of territory go because they can't afford to keep it. Then we get to work building our NatSoc utopia with a nationalized bank and banned usury and watch as the dramatic human advancement of the Third Reich plays out all over again, while the USA crumbles. When the USA becomes Africa 2.0 then we can reconquer it if that's what our great grandchildren decide.

The goal is balkanization. We won't outright defeat the US, but we will secure homelands in which we can be free of usury and secure the existence of our people. Once separate, we can outcompete the dying US with superior finances, which leads to superior technology and superior fighters. But to do this the US has to be crumbling, decrepit, weak and most of all: broke! Which is why a wall, deportations and banning libshits are only temporary measures that still leave us slaves to paper notes and the (((international cabal that issues them))).

Also, for newfags read Gottfried Feder's Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery (Hitler's mentor) and then move on to The Brigade and Freedom's Sons by HAC to see how a colonial guerrilla war could lead to balkanization and a NatSoc state.

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How 'bout pro-something?

Okay, but you just said driving them out of America. I mean what you're saying means controlling Mexico and other non-white countries in that hemisphere, which I don't think would be of best interest.

Hi, tumblr. Reported.

Reported for reddit spam.

We’re not giving up more white land, moishe.

In response to your earlier post, you believed in genocide of non-whites in their own homelands, which is basically the Jewish rendition of "Nazi."

Sounds like the anti-federalists will get their way after all.

should they live to flood over our borders another day?
how many of them will even be left once we stop feeding them?
why should they live on our planet?
why should they control resources we need?
why do you want to cede anything to them? what is your goal?

If you enforce your fucking strong border laws, it's impossible for foreigners to get in.
have you not heard of farming?
What's your deal with them living in their own spaces?
don't you have your own?
nobody's asking you to give up land/power. the goal is the removal of non-whites from White lands and THAT'S IT.

Okay. You have been explained why.
No one cares. Are you seriously this mentally disabled?

They don’t farm. Period. Kill them all and you won’t have to worry about TRAITOROUS FACTIONS WITHIN YOUR NATION PLAYING TO YOUR EMOTIONS AND TELLING YOU TO HELP THEM.
What’s your deal with denying whites the expansion that we deserve?
What’s your deal with denying whites the resources that we desire?
No, it’s not. Kill yourself.

You have the spirit of a Jew.

Why do you sound like everything in the damn world is reserved for whites only? Sure I get that you deserve the countries that you have. But why the fucking world?

Because the only way to permanently secure the 14 words is to kill all non-whites and create ethno-globalism. We need to cull the detritus that is only holding us back. No reason to allow brown animals to continue ruining the Earth and taking up space that could be used to house real people.

They do not believe that Blood is bound to Soil. They have the delusion that the races are egalitarian in that one group can survive just fine in any environmental circumstance - and more than that, they are convinced that evolution will not have an effect on those that dwell in environments that are foreign to their blood to the point where that can not be considered "White" any longer. A complete denial of evolutionary reality.

I mean, many of those "brown animals" have lived for far longer than White animals have even been around. The fact is that they haven't ruined their ecosystems yet, even though there have been a quarter million years for some of them to do so.

Sure thing, kid.

That you don’t understand this proves you’re not white. Kill yourself before we do.

Thanks for admitting you’re not white.

I hope you live in the North West Front area, user.

I'm pro-White
Pro-ending wars for IsraHell.
Pro-incentivizing small businesses within the nation and opposed to corporate globalism
Pro-planned city building (we need beautiful cities, not ugly, grey urban jungles)
Pro-private property for private citizens
Pro-environmental regulations for corporations and industry with the stated goal of improving the quality of life for all (air quality, river quality, etc)
Pro-mountains (strip mining is wrong. We need mountains)
Pro-tax benefits for married couples and couples with children (though I believe that abortion should still be legal)
And I am pro-Second Amendment

You can’t do that until you have an ethnostate.

From the very beginning of the creation of Earth, it never belonged to you entirely.

These are simply ideals by which I'd like to see implemented in an ethno-state.
You can't plan cities or ban destroying mountains either without power. But since user asked someone to be pro-something, this is what I support.

Attached: sage.JPG (412x297, 53.21K)

Never said that. I only said that divergent evolution would see to it that eventually you would get new races from that same European stock, and many of whom (((YOU))) would not consider White.

First, so I'm not just attacking, I like your pros. But why in the fuck should women be spared the consequences of their actions, and be awarded the right to kill babies?

Abortion is a tool, although it would be more honorable to wait till they are born, inspect them, then toss them off a cliff if they are defective. Spartan-style.

For what and to be wielded by who?

The course of action for Europeans is simple. Propagandist and unite your nation remove globalist elements and make diplomatic connections with other European nations of similar disposition to yourselves. However with North America the path will be more complex and there would be two strategies the ideal and the practical.

The ideal course of action would be to not give a single acre of American land up and unite the European peoples in support of the movement. Only native americans and those few nonjewish noneuropeans who were economically beneficial would be allowed to stay. All of the others would be either repatriated into friendly countries or in maybe a few cases reservations would be created to contain them until they could be deported somewhere. The problem with this strategy is the likelihood of mustering enough support from whites to take over the country completely despite all the Jewish control would be low considering by the time such a thing would happen the white percentage of population would be even lower. In all likelihood control would have to be acquired militarily as opposed to democratically which would be more difficult to acquire support for among European people. Alliances with nonwhites of any kind would be unlikely because they would see it as their people being ripped from their homes.

The practical course of action would be for nationalist Europeans in North American to move to the northwest in states like Montana Wisconsin and Idaho. These places are the least noneuropean areas in the country and if nationalist Europeans from around the country concentrated themselves those states there could be a strong enough majority to acquire power democratically. If several state governments were controlled and strong enough militias were formed to dissuade military intervention then autonomy and eventually independence could be demanded by the state governments. If such an independent nation acquired a coastline and gained enough European population it would surely dominate economically. Other whites would see this and either immigrate or push similar racial doctrines in their home countries. At this point the only thing which could stop progress would be military invasion so the country would have to be prepared to fight a defensive war. Eventually if the united states of america collapsed the northwest state could conquer more territory and remove nonwhites but such a thing would not be necessary for success.

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Explicitly said it.

How can one be a white nationalist if we don't even have a nation?

A nation is a people, not a country.

Eugenics, obviously. What do you say should be done with downy babies?

Ye no. You're a disingenuous cocksucker and will not discuss something honestly. Go fuck yourself faggot.

I agree with you, but the exception is the jew. For White countries to stay White, and really for all gentile nations to stay whatever races they are, jews can't exist.

Fuck you

It's impractical to take them and kill them. You don't honestly think people will find that acceptable, do you? There was outrage in Hitler's Germany when it was found that the mentally ill population was being euthanized. Parents still love their offspring even if they're dumb. You want to get people on our side, compassion is necessary. The kind of society that people will want to join is one in which its people are encouraged to be their best, and the weak are are cared for.

Eugenics can be practiced by other means than elimination. Prevention is always better than a cure. Discourage idiots and unhealthy people from procreating through various economic and social incentives. No need to take away dumb babies and kill them.

It's impractical to take them and raise them. This is not a matter of just dumb "humans" (Don't even know if they can be classified as such), but a matter of useless eaters that can not meaningfully contribute to greater society without being a net negative. Emotions are great and all, but not when they'd have us deplete our resources to support something we don't need.

The mentally ill were never euthanized in Germany. Stop spreading Jewish lies.

You don't need to convince me. You need to convince all the parents whose babies you'd have killed. You haven't thought this through. There aren't even currently enough downies to matter. We're not being invaded by ugly, harmless low IQ oddities. In the future state we're discussing the number would be even more insignificant due to the aforementioned preventative measures.

I trust David Irving over some anonymous fanboy.

Firstly, because eugenics is good. Why should we bring a bunch of down syndrome kids into the world? We should seek to gradually improve the genetic makeup of our race. Low IQ and mentally/physically retarded infants should be gradually weeded out of the population through abortion.
Secondly, because I am not 100% certain that poverty can be eliminated. Destroying jewish exploitation and usury along with eliminating globalism as a means of syphoning off the wealth of a nation will do wonders for rejuvenating a nation. I believe that through smart economic decisions and the elimination of non-Whites from White nations, we can raise the living standards for all White peoples enough to eliminate chronic poverty… however, I do not know this for certain.
So as a backup plan, I suggest that low income Whites, particularly those who lack stable families should be able to plan their families.
Remember, unwanted children do not lead happy lives and I don't want loads and loads of unhappy White children growing up to be resentful, low IQ vagabonds. Furthermore, family planning is as good for families as city planning is good for cities. Why should we leave child rearing to chance?
We don't need 4 kids per family in order to survive as a race. We aren't Africans. What we need is to expel the invaders.

Lastly, overpopulation is bad for the environment and we NEED the environment for our spiritual wellbeing. I envision a White ethno-state with an unbroken nature preserve stretching from coast to coast interspersed with small farmstead villages in the Tudor style.

Why the fuck would they kill a bunch of retards? Seriously what would that gain them? Just sterilize them and be done with it. Anyone with a brain knows that the political effects of such an action would outdo the economic benefits to society of losing such people. If a story about the germans required you to believe they were morons chances are it is a Jewish lie and you should feel stupid if you believe it.

step 1.) Kill all datamining jews.
step 2.) Kill all remaining jews.

Luca Triani. That's how.

Attached: thelion.webm (640x360, 7.68M)

I just had this conversation with the other user, and addressed most of your points. As for the others:
If there was family planning you wouldn't need to kill babies.
There's is zero threat of downs babies overpopulating the Earth. Gimme a fuckin break.

I'd have to be stupid to take your spiel over a well sourced historical work by David Irving. Your silly framing tactics are not a convincing argument.

Hitler isn't gone, read Serrano and you'll understand. Never despair user.

Nationalists are gormless gurus of gallant glitchery, gleefully grieving of the glories gone because gulls gained greatly in grousing.

Which is why it's better to abort them before they become like retarded pets.
I find it pretty funny that some anons want to exterminate all non-White children on earth but get upset over killing some retarded fetuses.
I'm a pretty empathetic guy. But I see nothing wrong with sterilizing defectives and aborting down syndrome fetuses.

Sure, but we should always seek to improve our genes by eliminating defectives.

I agree. But sometimes mistakes are made and it's great to have a backup plan.

No need to do that. Just abort retarded fetuses. Fetuses are not babies in the same way that jews are not humans.

I never said that there was. What I said was that overpopulation is bad. And it is. America for instance would be perfectly healthy with a population of only 200 million adults and children. As I said, we don't all need to have 4 kids per household. We're not Muslims. Simply plan your families and if mistakes are made or random chance causes a fetus to develop poorly, abort it. I don't see why that is such a problem.

In what publication does David Irving make such a claim? What sources does he site? Is it one of his earlier publications. For a long time that guy believed the holohoax happened.