National Socialist Movement Female General

National Socialist Movement Female General
More and more woman are supportive of right-wing populist parties
Can we lighten the fuck up for a moment? All we do is talk about niggers and jews all the time. Lets have a thread full of nice white NatSoc girls

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Other urls found in this thread:

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didn't the other thread devolve into bullying girls

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not sure about that but, I do know this.

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any more qt3.14 aryan butts?

Fuck off femoids

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Tits or gtfo
Respect our culture

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This board is falling apart.
Women are not fucking allowed here.
Tits or GTFO.

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Thats nice kikes. Maybe the two of you can hook up together later on Grindr.

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Please get that last idiot in pict 5 some tactical training. We aren't subhuman ghetto trash!

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this thread

tfw no aryandere gf

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How about the broads get pregnant with White Children first and post the ultra-sound so Zig Forums can objectively figure out if the fetus is indeed White.

that's where the other thread was.
If I remembered that when this thread started I would have deleted this one and directed them there.

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She's a Croatian tapestry, she represents an ideal not some horse-faced gook like the TRSodomites post on here.

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Women have their place, but politics isn't an arena they should be in.
As my father once said "women are to be seen and not heard for their decisions are ultimately based on fickle emotions which hold very little ground in reality, but rather that of fantasy."

I hold no ill will towards women who support the cause, but they be some volatile creatures.
Good for optics, but bad for policy making.
A genuine thank you for the pics though.

Before I leave this thread though:

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last i checked, that thread wouldn't have been saved by qtspamming
also, i don't think anons take these threads seriously, and our erikas aren't fond of it either.

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I am looking for alternatives to this travesti of Zig Forums.
The turkroach was an ass, but now this board is infected with women, kikes, commies, and normalfags. is slow but the quality looks good.
I will keep searching.

these are all russian

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Pic with baby, good
Pic with cat, opposite

Anti-woman is not trad. How do you continue the nation without male and female? MGTOW bullshit is just feminism for men, a way of denying responsibility and attacking traditional gender roles. Doing so is an attack on race, which is handed down through birth, and preserved through family. You're an anti-family degenerate who has more in common with Ernst Rohm than Adolf Hitler.

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Please stop, I didn't ask for these feels today.

This user just said it well

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This is what you get when you let women participate in politics.

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Women don't belong in politics sure, but they have an important place in political propaganda (I hate calling it that because the word has been tarnished but what can you do). We need to remind people what they are fighting for, and beauty (not whorishness but purity and aesthetics) is important for a society and raises morale. Only homosexual deviants or asexual duds with no drive would complain about a pretty white girl thread.

this board is like 98% yid, not one male says wow girl 5 is perfect or girl 3 would be a dream to have aryan children with. It's 98% tits or gtfo.

once again Zig Forums proves to be a jew owned honey hole

Nice try whore.

wait for it….

No, just the strongest males. Its that simple. Be the strongest male. Its easy for whites because were top aesthetic, and they choose by looks.

You know fine well my post denounces whorishness and then you respond like this? This kind of post is purely bad faith trolling and should be met with a ban. Reported.

women are a resource to be exploited, not sentient beings that can be "redpilled". you want women on our side? redpill the Chads, then women will put on SS hats and Roman salute their bathroom mirror

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out of 85 females I posted, not on is like-able….. or even garners a positive response. goes to show you how much jew control exists here. 100% Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti- Defamation League, FBI, NSA, CIA and who the fuck knows what else that the Jew controls mines data here.

Go back to Tinder. Leave us alone.

There is one. She is holding a white baby.

anyone that even remotely is dumb enough to take your advice is an idiot and the next suicide patsy bomber or school shooter this board is designed to find. You're a fucking idiot jew

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Of course he is correct.

Women evolved to mirror what the most powerful males around them believed.

When you were literally warprize for the last 150,000 years you learn to side with the victims.

Men have principles, we live or die with the gang. Women have to endure the dishonor of defeat.

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One thing to say is that Polish nationalists in general have way better style than whatever the hell all the other countries nationalist movements are trying. It helps that they all look healthy and not obese or basement skeletons.

Tis true, but your need to do a bit of research on how men a raked over the coals by divorce laws in any western country.
Who makes these laws? Kikes of course.
In this apparent divide that the kikes have manufactured, we have tv, radio, and music propagation pushing for a further divide.
One such instance of said divide is Tom Leykis. He is part of the gender war. He owns a radio show.

Most men of European descent I've talked to want to be a part of their children's lives, but kike laws literally forbid them from doing so.
The white men who don't are brainwashed wiggers.

The vast majority of white man know this one way or another. What they do not know is (((who))) is behind it all.

Do Fascists count, too?

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you're only limited by your imagination..
sorry you didn't get the trips you were hoping for

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Sure I know that it's difficult right now because kikes are deliberately structuring the law to break up communities, but if someone attacks women in general on grounds that don't have anything to do with putting them in their proper place, then they are feeding into the same kike agenda of gender war. We need to present a positive vision of gender relations so that we can actually build a nationalist society where families CAN stay together.

Only because some trap pretending to be a girl was LARPing about how she was redpilled but didn't want to have kids or submit to a husband.

Racist feminists should not be tolerated any more than racist liberals like Greg Johnson. Hating niggers isn't enough: either you actively participate in securing the existence of your people the best way your sex and social situation allows, or you get the fuck out.

White women should want to have white children and should look forward to a husband who is strong enough and upstanding enough that she doesn't have to be strong all the time for herself anymore. Masculine strength affords women the luxury of being womanly, just as womanly nurturing allows a man to heal from the battering of the world.

Women are a weird thing. When a society is traditional, woman are the most traditional out of everyone. But when pushed by kikes, they become the most degenerate and corrupted. They're quick to encourage men to go to war, but will then spread their legs if an invading army comes and wins.
Women are societies biggest weakness. They have to be contained and managed. They can be a great ally but only if we keep them from Jewish influence.

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i feel much better now sensai

I can't even be in this thread. This is want overkill. Where have these ladies been my whole life? You can answer, but I'm not coming back. It hurts to be here.

From what I remember; their was a campaign aiming to influence women in the direction of the 14 words. (pic related)
It was an effort to promote white women from breeding with niggers, but more importantly that "whites" should breed more often. Basically increase the white birthrate.

Perhaps this particular idea should be expanded upon. Not just with memes, but actual reform in divorce laws.
Perhaps ideas that actually promote families getting together and staying together.
Perhaps memes promoting a family rather than the bullshit that the left promotes.

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Yeah I know. I didn't make it myself.

Your devil cult is stupid.

If only white women voted Trump would still have won in a 66% landslide. Pic related you ming-tao nigger. Trump is and always has been a kosher CivNat strongman, but he's also a fantastic dip stick for showing who the real problems are. White men, college-educated whites, whites that didn't go to college, and white women are all on our side. Shitskins are the problem. Jews are the problem. White women are not the problem, and anti-white woman is anti-white.

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It's never too early, and never too late.

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These are MGTOW opinions? smdh

Just generalizing.
I actually agree with your analysis, minus the attacks.

Women are innocent angels who don't deserve our hate. /s
Kill yourself.

What the fuck is going on in Iowa? Only in the "white men" and "men" does it go red and all I ever hear about it is how down to earth and conservative these people are, wtf have I been told?

You can contribute to the nationalist socialist cause greatly if you post some tits.

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"white women are all on our side"

large percentage on white women at this rally

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And after that to GTFO.

It's stunning and brave how you're opinionated and stuff. Please begin every comment ITT with the number of white children you've had/how many you're making real plans for.

If either number is zero, pipe down and rethink your commitment to duty. If the former number is non-zero, go take care of your kids. If the latter is non-zero, get off the internet and get started.

If there's an opinion in your house we need to hear, I'm sure the husband who taught it to you has already posted in another thread. He needs to stop too, and get you pregnant.

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First in fag marriage, first in ironic hipster farming, first to vote for the annihilation of the white race. Weird, huh?

Let's be honest then, any man who has not fathered at least 2 white children doesn't get much of a say about women not having children.
Both white men and women who have not had children both need to stfu and go have children.

t. father of 3 white children

fuck off nigger. women shouldn't into politics. they should be at home making white babies

You are the dumb and naive one. Women are biologically driven to conform to the strongest male influences in their lives and by extension society. When White men stand up and get their shit together White women will have no choice but to follow suit. This is a basic fundamental truth that only a complete newfag would not have a grasp on. Now fucking lurk for 2 years before posting again.

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This is retarded cunt low IQ logic.
Men have no wombs are are not allowed to rape women.
The whole decision rest on the whores.
Fuck yourself with a chinese dildo in your rotten vagina and GTFO.

Damn, I love white women. Ignore all of these MGTOW fags, they dont matter in the long run. REAL white men respect and protect our women from the subversive kikes and niggers

They found baby krakens I am scared.

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You're mind is unsound. I am a man not a woman and your sickness has affected your judgement.
I could imagine a proud NatSoc turning his back on a whore if she was unrepentant but I could never imagine one saying "Fuck yourself with a chinese dildo in your rotten vagina".
You're ill.

You're either a kike shill trying to divide white men and women or a MGTOW fag who is blackpilled. If the latter, I know your state of mind having being one myself. You will learn soon enough that MGTOW and hating women is not the answer.

Real men don't fall the whores tricks any longer.
Women have wombs and can get pregnant with any simp, any time, and as many times they want.
The fact that you disgusting female dog are shilling here is to get more top men willing to "FINANCE" your children.
You are worthless piece of garbage, your shilling needs to be directed to your own kind.

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No, you're a kike faggot. Fuck you to hell, we will not abandon our women.

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Yes, a true right wing woman wants a good honest husband with a job and then she wants children with him. She is wise enough to run that home like a tight ship even if her husband is working up north in some frozen hell hole construction camp in the mountains or something. Sound impossible? That's what my mother and father lived like, and all their friends. The men worked putting up high voltage power transmission line towers on mountaintops in the rockies and the paychecks when straight to the wife. Their houses were impeccably kept, the food was good, and any bad behavior was kept in abeyance by the threat of what would happen when that tough hard working non nonsense father came home for holidays.

The male prerequisite for producing children may be offset if he performs his own natural function: killing. Deduct one white child from your quota for every two shitskins you've killed or caused to die.

My score so far is:
3 Arabs dead (actually 6, but I had a lot of help)
1 Jew dead (accident when I was young, but that counts too)
2 white kids born (my own)
Maybe 10 or 20 white infants/little kids helped and/or saved (I work in emergency services now)

Get on the board, everyone.

Either that or a shitskin/hapa who's mad because White women won't talk to him

I mean I hate these whales, that come into the fjord and steal our fish, because they have learned how to do that shit and we are not allowed to hunt them.

The very least they are not kraken. I thought I would never live to see the day I said it's just ok whales. However you see that with your own eyes, kraken is real and he is a lot bigger than those

they thought we were just supersticious, they didn't believe us, just fucking use your own eyes, that's a baby kraken

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Well kid, good luck with that attitude.
You will find soon enough that our women don't care about us, our race, or our country at all. Their only concern is themselves, and you place is to be their bitch, of course sanctioned under ZOG's laws.
There are hundreds of anons and many and many threads warning you about the harpies, but you still refuse to listen.
Play the White Knight game and you will get badly burnt.

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It's a giant squid and that's about as big as they get you schizo