#METOO Illegal Spic Dried up Actor Venessa Marquez Points Gun at Police, Dies

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31 August, 2018
The day the race war starts.
Let it be known in the history books.

I suppose this is one way to get rid of all the illegal parasites in our nation. But really anons, one at a time?

the only reason i figured this was worth a thread is because i recognized this particular spic, there was a thread on this when she started making claims during the #metoo popularity.

she blames clooney

Low effort.

this is the real reason her career took a nosedive.

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most recent available picture

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Sage because I don't care about this
I bet they simply entered and shot her
OP is a faggot (unrelated)
Also the reporter didn't really give an explanation of why the cops were there in the first place, which is another reason I can suspect foul play.

Hispanic chicks go downhill super fast in the looks department.


ya dont say

I always thought she was cute on ER. Too bad her Latina genetics kicked in turning her into a goblin.
She turned ugly and got infected by the left's victimhood mentality.



And it's my birthday today. Kek really does care!

That's feminism, anons. It's a horrible disease.

Happy birthday, faggot!

I know it's very echo chamber-esque to laugh when people who disagree with you die, but fuck it, I hope everyone on the left gets shot. There's nothing good on the left. I've come across some attractive white women in or freshly out of college who spout some marxist shit to me. The second I hear it I hope, every single time, that they get raped and killed.

No, that's genetics, plus in the first photo, like you see with a lot of women on the net, she had loads of imperfections washed out with bright lighting, as well as makeup and photo editing. It does look like her inner monkey (Amerindian or nigger) came out as she aged though. The first picture looks like she could be a good 50% Euro, the second looks 50% nigger.

I hope they present more like that

You planning to outsource the job or something? How do you think commie tank grrrrrrls get gud?

America fails another of its citizens.

ha, little laugh

Sometimes life isn't fair user. Here, let me make it right for you. You can have a replacement.

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Good, what a fucking retard.
Point a gun at a cop and receive predictable results.
Probably suicide.

Well I'm not a rapist nor a killer, so I won't be doing it. I just hope a nigger comes along and does it to them. It'd be poetic justice. Also they're not commies, they're "progressives." Basically the modern empowered bimbo-whores who think they should be allowed to do whatever they want without judgment, as well as spouting that oppression and typical anti-white shit. The second I hear that shit they're dehumanized to me. Plus why would a white man rape one of these freaks? It's like going out of your way to force a woman to give you an STD (because they're all whores, you know they have STDs). It's a nigger job for niggers. Plus all these marxist whores live in urban areas, or on campus, around niggers. It's a flip of a coin, really. I just have to hope there's some justice in the universe and that my hope wills it along.

Can we make it a trend to have spics draw weapons on cops?

I don't see any mention of her being illegal.

I jerk off to attractive Colombian women. In Colombian, that is, via cam girl websites (mostly for free).

If only someone had intervened.

Oh, wait, they did. Pic related is the late Goblina on Intervention in 2006.

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Oh, forgive me for doubting you. I didn't realize your fapping was as noble as that. Have a Colombian beauty at no charge, wanker.

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Today was a good day.

When are the summerfags leaving? They're all illegal, newfag. It's the law that hasn't caught up yet. Lurk.

womp womp

Stopped reading right there.

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Thanks for the laugh, but that's not exactly what I'm jerking off to. I may be a White Nationalist, but that doesn't mean I can't jerk off to a brown girl in another country. It just means I want them out of my country and away from my people. Now niggers, I can't even get an erection to a nigger. I honestly tried jerking off to a nigger girl about a month ago, because I was lusting for big butts, but I've conditioned myself to think they're disgusting. Switched to a white girl and I was done in two minutes.

No, that's poetic justice when a nigger rapes and kills them. Plus, statistically, they're the ones most likely to do it.

Yes, it very fucking does. You are not to be trusted until you find foreigners fucking repulsive. Yes, even nips. If you think it's out of your control, or that you're under no obligation to control your degenerate impulses, I can recommend a great site for you, where you will be welcome to share your experiences with the community: www.reddit.com

Fucking Jew.

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All non-white people are ugly

When are the low IQ larpers going to leave?

Kill yourself, nigger.

Why would I bother trying to condition myself to find people I never come into contact with in my actual life repulsive? That's a lot of effort for nothing. It's also unnecessary. All a white guy needs to do is learn to control his empathy and to acknowledge his identity and he's good. I have no empathy for beaners, and I laugh when bad shit happens to them. I know my identity, and my "tribe," and I want what's best for it. Anything beyond that is merely mentally fatiguing. Even with niggers and kikes. I hate them momentarily, but I don't hold onto that 24/7. Why would I? It'd be mentally fatiguing. Then again, my IQ isn't 92, I'm a fairly rational person who takes the most practical approach to any given situation.

But user, they'll do it for free.

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It's true in our minds. No spic is or should be legal, asswipe. The nation is the race, and its laws are those of nature. Mestizos have Rubik's Cube genetics, and thus they violate the highest law. Ergo, there are no legal spics.

Lurk more.

Wow, you got me!

Trying to dumb the board down eh? Is this your attack mode, fat ninja?

I save a lot of effort and frustration just reading the first sentence of your posts.

Someday, God willing, you will be called on to kill a 7/10 spicy Latinx. You won't do it if you have a boner, and then I'll have to kill you first, then her, then dispose of two bodies. If your mind is weak, your spirit is dirty, and your desires adolescent, your arm will be weak when it counts.

Grow up and marry a white woman. Don't post again until you've impregnated her.

I have two approaches to this. There's historical precedent to show this nation was set up as a white ethno-state (or whatever you'd call it for a variety of similar European ethnic groups), and as such only we are true citizens. There's also the fact that we never voted for the '65 immigration subversion, and as such, no one who arrived after the fact, as a result of it, is a true citizen of this nation.

Lying and telling tales are not Aryan traits. >>>/oven/ kike.

I'm really hoping some gets the reference I'm trying to make here with pic related.

Anyway I'm with you on this user, ignore the shill.

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Okay, now you're just LARPing. Also if I didn't have any control over my "boner," I wouldn't be jerking off to cam girls, I'd be on tinder, or going to clubs, trying to put my dick in these women instead. I don't do that.
What's that, like 5% of the userbase here? You want none of us talking? I doubt you've even done both, if either, of these things.

100-percent of the posters in this Himalayan pottery barn who advocate – or even joke about – any white woman getting the black dick are the purest kikes in the world. You can't hide the nose long enough to blend in here. No matter how many times we shout it at your earlocks, you still can't control your jittery neurotic fantasies about black ravishers and pale lilys.

Niggers don't touch white women; any white women, even the communists.

The only exception is the menopausal lezzers. They can get it if they insist, but the rest are off limits.

nothing was lost unless they riot and wake up even more whites to the bean problem leading to their expulsion and ultimate extermination for being genetically obtuse where no observable value to their existing is present.

America has had non-whites since it's inception, the pilgrims had slaves. The belief that there is a racial/ethnic aspect to the United States like, say, France or Germany is cringeworthy. You're euromutts with no roots to your land.

I disagree. If a commie whore were raped and killed by a nigger, I'd laugh. How new are you? We have threads about marxist whore being raped and killed by niggers all the time and we all laugh about it.

Wrong. They were property, not citizens. This was founded, and for the bulk of its history, was established as an ethno-state.

The political entity known as the USA is a secular state. For 190 years, it was a fit vessel for the nation, the white race who built it and preserved it. Post-1965, it's a kike playground with everybody-gets-a-spic promotional days. Break your childish loyalty to it and dehumanise. Maybe we'll go back to using it for our continued life someday, but not today.

Get out.

shitskin spotted

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I don't have any loyalty to the government, but I do to the nation, which as I've said, is the European stock here, and no one else.

Of course you do. You like the image, and so do your rabbis. What's not to like about it?
That's because her blood means nothing to you, because you are, at best, really new here and have not grokked the true meaning of DotR. Our race is our race, and the niggers are not weapons to use to punish its wayward members.
Stop using "we" to describe anyone but yourself and the others in your synagogue, Avram.
White women do not deserve black dick. None of them. I don't give a fuck if she killed your family with an ice pick – shoot her like a dog if you must, but zero niggers are involved. Niggers ruin everything, and it is an insult to my own blood to contemplate this infamita. Jews think it's delightful, however, so go on and laugh in Hebrew.

Nice D&C shill meme. Filtered.

You don't recognize "OPE" in this context because you are an ignorant kid.

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You tell me I'm new, and yet your spouting nonsense that is the antithesis is typical Zig Forums behavior. No, I'm not new here, but you clearly are. WE laugh at this all the time, and WE have loads of memes about it. WE being Zig Forums users. Maybe this is your first week here. I don't know. Sit through a couple of those nigger rape threads and watch as everyone finds joy in the fact that a marxist whore met poetic justice. You're not the status quo here. You're a moral-signaling faggot that looks to have only been here for a few days, trying to tell me how I, and Zig Forums are supposed to act and think. Get fucked, nigger.

Go back to reddit with your dumb-ass acronyms and memes.

You're new enough that you don't remember a time before 2016, when yet another fucking wave of cuckchan illegals hopped our fence and shit this place up again. There used to be pretty hot arguments about this on "those threads" you're so fond of, but demographics is destiny and your kind swarmed over this space with your BBC bullshit. Now, the level of race-consciousness has slipped back down to where you can contemplate a white woman getting her ass wrecked by a nigger and laugh.

Let me ask you something, Mr. Oldfag – What does the nigger do the next day, after he gets away with raping his betters? Do you suppose he slides back into docility, waiting for his next BASED commission to rape another backsliding white woman? Or does he act up in other ways?

Fucking nigger lovers.

Wrong. I've never used 4chan, and I've been here since before 2016. I'm bored of this "you're newer!" "no, you're newer" shit. Filtered.

You and I wish, buddy.

This could be a test of a new tactic of sending police to do a "welfare" check but you draw a fake gun they give to you and get shot for having it.

well duh
like roaches
they're meant to breed a lot and fast, then wither and die

fucking newfag

i wonder why she had the bb gun in the first place. she does not look like the type that enjoys shooting bb guns. i think it's likely that she wanted to be able to defend herself but her brainwashing ensured that she would be incapable of purchasing a real weapon, so she purchased this bb gun in the hopes that should the event come she would present it and the attacker would be terrified thinking it was real and run away.

she was suffering from chronic pain and a really bad auto immune disorder, not to mention rapidly declining mental health. it also probably stung when she saw all the other actresses getting gibs and sympathy for all the #metoo shit. with no man or children to make her life meaningful she decided to end her suffering with a suicide by cop knowing full well the (((media))) would politicize it. sad.

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nah it was probabaly suicide by cop or orchestrated by a kike

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

It's called blue suicide

Suicide by cop. Dumb bitch was too much of a coward to just do it herself, so she had to drag other people into it as well.

why would you even do that? You fucking shoot a cop with a bb you are just going to get stomped the fuck out

Please stop quoting that nigger on Zig Forums.

you are all jews , now stfu and say something funny

if thats true , thats a pretty boss way to go out, but you should like rob a jack in the box get a good last meal and then take one of the shit cops down with you.

oreo cookie shake in one hand , 10 mm in the other blunt in the mouth with some gansta rap playing in the background

thats the way to go

toppest kek. saw this on news feed earlier, can't stop laughing. good riddance. don't even care what happened. i'm happy some roach level breeding do nothing hateful rascist mexican shitbag got bodybagged.

that's already a thing, you fool.

Never going to happen. America/whites are going to fizzle out like a bitch, not go out with a bang.

they don't do that anymore. they just shoot you until you die. i saw claims on twitter she was shot 20 times. it was just some random dumb twitter cunt saying fuck the police on some reply to the story tweet, but it wouldn't suprise me if all the cops dumped their magazines.

It was a BB gun.

The IDF training for American police officers is quite problematic. Less than 2% of the population and as always jews are to blame for pretty much everything wrong in the world.

Jesus, the mestizo gene is more than a meme.


Go back to Zig Forums, you dumb nigger.

Perhaps she was instructed to as part of a "program".
One less mee too, one (or more) less jews in court for sexual abuse.

>knowing full well the (((media))) would politicize it.
that's the thing though nobody really cares. nobody is talking about it on twitter. MSM doesn't care because it's a spic that pulled a gun on a cop. she'll be forgotten in less than 24 hours.

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

I was indifferent because she's a spic, inferior blood

Cops called to her house, why? Probably because she's a spic doing spic stuff.

Points a gun at a cop. L.A. cunt lives in a fantasy world where cops don't kill you if you point a gun at them.

Conclusion: I'm glad she's dead.

You could say they really toasted that tortilla.

I know, what stupid bitch, right? If you're gonna pull a gun on a cop, you're gonna die, you might as well make it count.

I don't care about her and she got what was coming if she felt it wise to point a fucking real looking weapon at cops. However, on a sidenote, I don't know how I feel about welfare checks. Gives cops the right to just enter a home? Too much room for problems.

There's the wedge.
Start pushing the idea that Clooney arraigned this execution, and it was a paid-for hit, not accidental.

Interesting, that the weapon pointed at the police can't be traced, and could easily have been planted by the cops…

Clooney did it.

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I have never found any non-white woman sexually attractive.
I've seen many that were, on an intellectual level, very attractive, and they're always the ones with the whitest features, regardless of skin color, but I never wanted sex with them.

I love white skin, and I get hot over women that have it. I've even noticed that the weeaboos panting over Asians are always posting the ones with the whitest skin.

Call me a racist (who cares), but this is simply what I'm attracted to.

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Good day


No, it's been under kike control long before that.
The very reason we were dragged into WW1 was kike media control, and the control they had over our president.
Most Americans did NOT want to go to war with Germany, they…rightfully so…saw no American interests there.
The worldwide central banking monopoly is what has been screwing over every citizen of every country for hundreds of years, and it controls who gains the finances to take over media and universities, while it bribes and manipulates governments and laws.

Take down the central banks, and you lance the core of the carbuncle. Central banks, and, as a matter of fact, ALL banks, should be owned by the citizens of each individual country.
In both WW1 and WW2, the Germans were doing just that, and THAT was the reason for both wars, and the reason Germany was so harshly punished after each.

Take down the central banks. Nationalize them all, on a world-wide scale.

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