There is a JEWISH conspiracy to make you masturbate and ejaculate (very often to porn) so that you become weak and leathargic, so (((they))) can rule over you without any fear and import subhumans in mass and finally genocide the white race off the surface of the earth.
The "(((Masturbation is good for you,pornography is good too goyim !))) meme is something extremely recent. Literally all cultures, religions and continents have known about the virtues of semen retention and have known about the corrupting influences of sexual excess…It's only since (((Sigmund Freud))) that it's extremely encouraged to masturbate daily, watch porn daily and engage in as many casual sex as you can.
Its the contraceptives that are bad, without them every slut would have 20 babies.
Aiden Foster
Just as I can't have a drop of alcohol, I accept that some people can lead productive lives and benefit from it's consumption at their will. I wish I was one of those people. I have no problem with masturbation. I don't find myself embroiled in pornography seeking my next fix. If I need visual stimulation, which isn't often, I seek out clean healthy girls that have their clothes on, possibly lingerie, but can carry themselves with class. I refuse to masturbate to the misery and degeneracy juden bestows upon us. If it's not your thing, if you can't keep it contained to this, I suggest you go nofap.
Wyatt Smith
You usually don't understand how extremely harmful masturbation and pornography are unless you actually cut them all together from your life.
It's really true. This is like the most important thing but people don't want to look at it, and there are like insane multilayered schsims that have been socially engineered to make people not want to confront sexuality in any way but it is the most important thing. Think about how fundamental sexuality is to humanity.
Dominic Jenkins
This thread will be a semen retention/Sexual continence general. Should be only for legit reproduction.
Easton Howard
Any tips on how to stop masturbating? Hell, any tips on how to curb or eliminate impulse in general would be good. I keep finding articles on why people quit porn and what they experienced after they quit but nothing about the steps they took. The most I've gotten was "Just stop watching porn lol". I lack the self control and I would not be hesitant to turn off any site-block software to get at it. I've completely fell victim to porn but I'm trying to look for a way out.
I honestly wish that I didn't have sex ed in school. I remember not even knowing what masturbation was but numerous health educators told me it was normal and healthy and good for you, IT EVEN PREVENTS PROSTATE CANCER.
So I jerked it to porn all the time in high school. Like all the time, I tried to pick up guitar and didn't even do that because I could spend hours practicing or I could jerk off and play video games. Guess which one of those won out? Luckily my grades came first but aside from that I just jacked off, and having overprotective parents didn't help. Really the perfect swirl of events. It's disgusting to look back on.
I started doing nofap in college but always fell back to jacking off every now and then. To be honest it's probably okay every now and then. People who don't have sex and don't masturbate usually end up having wet dreams.
The point is that it's good to put off immediate gratification in order to work towards a better gratification later on.
I legitimately think the shame from having masturbated in an overly conservative society to be far preferable to the "pride" people now experience when masturbating. I hate it, it's fucked up and degenerate. Literally nothing good comes from masturbating besides immediate pleasure, and there are many downsides like lack of energy
I think better than trying to avoid it, which will only make you want it more, you have to simply fill your day up with other activities. Instead of watching porn read a book or go for a walk or even just play videogames. Tbh porn is probably the most degenerate activity you can do aside from hard drugs. If you really want to flip the script start praying to Christ instead. Pray to God for forgiveness and strength. Watch youtube videos of special prayers and learn about exorcisms
Ian Adams
You're not going to do it until you actually want to. Maybe one day you'll realize that you aren't what you could be and that you've been disgracing yourself all along. Maybe one day when your shame is too unbearable you will kill yourself (kill your desire and that version of yourself), shift your polarity and be remade into something greater than you ever imagined.
Like I said, I don't have pornography in my life and masturbation is most often a necessity that I take care of in the shower. My mind is clean, my body is strong, my heart remains pure. I commend all efforts to better our people and since pornography and masturbation seemingly effect some of our lives, it's best we talk about this in the open. I commend OP and yourself for bringing attention to this. No Aryan man should seek pornography and if he has a problem, should abstain from masturbation. Much as I abstain from drinking because it's a problem even in moderation, which never lasts long. Sage comment. Sorry to derail the thread. Just don't want every user thinking masturbation is by itself harmful.
Fuck off, Varg. If the world won't give me a trad gf, this is all I got.
Carson Cruz
Imagine kikes and their porn whores laughing at you with fiendish delight if you masturbate and/or watch the pornographic Jew. You need to feel the aversion of humiliation that you are falling for their succubi psyop. Kikes and their porn whores hate you, they want you dead or at least docile and so weak that you have no fight or ambition left in you. Defy them user. Instead of being a wanker live to make your ancestors and posterity proud.
Ryder Cox
That and the satanic ritual known as abortion
Owen Phillips
You need to sublimate your sexual energy. Try some breathing exercises, it might help. Go for a walk outside, exercise, take up a hobby even if it's just reading, drawing or vidya. Drink lots of water.
Oliver Cruz
Your words are poison but do nothing to tarnish the light of this holy thread.
Eating healthy will do more for you than not fapping and I am not talking about going to whole foods and buying prepared boxed meals. .
Noah Myers
This. A healthy diet and exercise are far more important than someone projecting his own insecurities like OP. If you're hooked and addicted to porn that means you were fucked to begin with, your addiction to sex isn't magically going to disappear with a partner. Sage for bullshit thread.
William Cruz
Good thread, lads. I was exposed to pornography and molested for a number of years as a child. Pornography was normalized in my mind by the time I was 10. I'm 27 now and still struggling to kick this. I've successfully eliminated my other vices, but this is the big one. All these redpills on porn and masturbation has given me some new perspective that I hope will give me strength. To anyone else struggling, we can make it if we try.
Jackson Edwards
Gents, can any of you tell me if semen retention has benefited you? I don't watch porn, but remain unconvinced that semen retention has these magical benefits that Napolean Hill talks about.
It's sad that this is a battle we have to fight. I will tell what I think, there are many benefits to not masturbating. But how did we start? It is cyclical, no person is influenced instantly by porn or degenerate tv/movies. It is a process that follows a pattern; a pattern that anyone with introspection ability can figure out. Digging a hole isn't instant and climbing out isn't either. So my greatest advice is never give up, each failure means for a while you grasped the pattern/process of success. Examine yourself and figure out exactly why you do the things you do, not just masturbating. You can never succeed without a certain level of self mastery, which comes from self knowledge. I won't discuss the specific benefits, they don't matter. What matters is willpower to do what you set your mind to, for as long as you want. Anything less is not freedom. Do it because you can, it is good practice for the will. People who can quit masturbating on their first try were never that deep I suspect. Or they have a level of determination that requires time to build and many failures. There is only one path, the only alternative is never advancing on it.
Connor Ramirez
No benefit. Nappy wasn't able to get anyone else to jerk him off and his little hands were unable to reach around it.
Yes, but it's a bit hard to control the excess energy.
Matthew Powell
Kill yourself faggot. Boop boop beep.
Christian Collins
Bullshit, you're the conspiracy asshat. you want to prevent people from finding the prefect amount of masturbation. Sure too much is one thing, but none at all has just as bad if not worse effects. You want to prevent people from masturbation enlightenment.
Brody Evans
Jordan Jenkins
Your OP contains a source from 1844 and the rest of your pictures are seemingly randomly mined from redpill threads. Some of them even contradict each other.
It's not a jewish conspiracy, it's an american conspiracy. USA is hosting 60% of the world's pornography. To blame only the jews is wrong an inacurate. The ultimate goal is American globalism. A world where everything is american. All americans think as an hivemind.
I've had a porn addiction for a long time, since I was 15. Masturbating daily almost, pathetic really. I've seen benefits abstaining from a week. I'm guessing there's benefits past a week but have no idea. Sometimes when I get stressed out I wank one out, but I'm trying to stop. I suggest doing something physically or mentally when you have an urge. Take a cold shower, do 50 push ups etc. Or think of a Jew in your head laughing at you. People who are saying nofap is pseudo are kikes and shills. Your testosterone levels increase rapidly when you abstain.
We can do this anons, I know a lot of you faggots have the same addiction. I'm not going to go full turkey all at once. I'm going to do 2 weeks, then 3, then months. Godspeed anons.
No you faggot, just dont trust fucking cavemen tier "proof" that confuses regular sicknesses around that time period as some kind of godly punishment for masturbation.
Tell me how many people you have heard of that became blind or had their legs broken or teeth rotten from masturbation in the past 50 years.
How many times did you personally vomit blood before you got redpilled ? Has your body gone completely stiff ?
None, none and no? Then take that "source" and shove it up your ass. Nobody needs "information" that can be refuted with a very basic understanding of biology you retarded shizo.
Isaiah Morris
You took OP pic literally instead of figuratively. You are really triggered aren't you? You must be addicted to respond like that.
Not really, but it just makes it obvious that you dont check your souces which means someone handed them to you with the order "POST IT SCHLOMO"
Redpills are not the same as memes where you can just grab a folder and repost happily. Redpills need to be fact checked and you didnt do that because you dont care about the information they hold.
You shills are really became negligent after the election.
Aiden Russell
There are plenty of pics that support semen retention here, that you hapilly desmised because of your "muh shills".
Moreover, even with basic common sense, you can understand that semen retention is healthy and that frequent ejaculation is harmful, but for that, you have to actually think and not find excuses to justify your dopamine orgasm hit.
Similar situation, only 22 though and I feel like I'm close to kicking it. I still relapse but I've managed to keep it down to PMO once a week, which is bad but compared to how some people PMO 3 times a day, I'm not losing sperm at too high a rate, or watching anything non-vanilla and fucking up my brain more than it already is. I think I'm basically treading water with it; not improving, but not sinking either. I take zinc pills to replenish my body. Not ideal but I think this thread has helped me find the final solution.
Every time I try to go cold turkey, and fail. I beat myself up and say OK, now THIS time you HAVE to resist. I've learned it's impossible to simply whip your monkey brain into submission. I end up 'just looking' at some images, browsing places like 4chan /b/ with the excuse of looking for interesting stuff but really just there to 'accidentally' look at the porn images. I kid myself that I'm 'just looking' and looking is OK. Then because just looking is OK, I go and watch some videos. And while watching it it really isn't that good anymore. I feel bored, like I could quit now. But after a while, that day or the next, I'm in such a horny state that masturbation is the only option to reset my mind. The cycle starts again.
However, first image here
I think I just got the memetic key. I was trying to whip myself into not doing something which is a symptom of a deeper cause. Watching porn and wanking are symptoms of having an oversexualised mind. I never start off straight away watching porn, I always 'ease' into it by looking at and fantasising over seemingly harmless images, like girls in sexy clothes. My mind slowly 'revs up' into the lustful ape who can't control his actions, who has to get the satisfaction and can't reason with himself.
All over the internet is bait to lull us into the lustful state. Once in that state, masturbation is almost inevitable. So I think the key is to treat the cause, which is my oversexualised mind. I'm reasonable normally, and have enough willpower not to look at that first 'harmless' image. So from now on I will remember that ANY sexualised images are bait. Bait to lull me back to a degenerate state. I think I've found the cure; simply avoid EVERYTHING, every thought that increases lust or reminds me of sexual desires. And concentrate, actively concentrate, on good and productive thoughts.
I hope my epiphany helps other anons who are struggling. I've heard this all before, but I think actually understanding WHY I fail- the cycle of slowly allowing myself to become more lustful rather than cutting it off immediately- is the key. HATE will be my shield against these distractions, because I finally understand what they are: BAIT.
Elijah Walker
33, not just dubs but my favourite and lucky number.
I will add that this BAIT isn't just all over the internet, but all over society too, in adverts, TV and movies (for those who still watch them) and, most importantly, in the way girls dress.
They're encouraged by this culture to show how 'empowered' they are by flaunting their bodies openly to everyone from a very young age. I think this is actually another attack on men, to proliferate the lustful ape and have us always fantasizing about the 100 random women we saw in town with their arses hanging out instead of thinking of the important things.
So I would encourage every user to battle these demons by aggressively ignoring and hating these oversexualised walking adverts of lust. But only hate their appearance, for many of them, especially the young ones, are also victims of the sex culture and sadly will end up as roasties instead of contented wives.
Doesnt the fact that the mod doesnt like this discussion solely because it doesnt fit an authoritative based opinion regarding relevancy make it inherently politically incorrect?