LONDON TRAIN TERROR: Vicious Migrants SLAUGHTER Young Teens For SANDWICH, Security Told to Stand Down! (BLOODY ATTACK)



It would seem the experiment has run its course.

I'm sure Churchell is proud

Noone died, stop clickbaiting. You should have just said attacked and beat.

Kill yourself OP

Whats with these fucking goofy hats (((FAGS)))

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why feel bad? we beat them in a war. Better they have that fate then us.

Attached: LONDON TRAIN TERROR - Vicious Migrants SLAUGHTER Young Teens For SANDWICH, Security Told Stand Down!-Xy-KjkpS4h0.webm (204x360, 7.28M)

these two faggots walk away while their countrymen are assaulted by niggers.
britain deserves the nuke

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Well, hopefully. It is what he fought for.


The eternal anglo should be called the eternal spectator.

Wait, what? They both walked away.

It's London, they're probably not English.

What a fucking disgrace.

Well done!

shitskins only understand violence and will never possess altruistic decency like whites EVER they are biologically incapable.

So the solution is show them what they understand,violence by whites beyond their wildest fucking dreams which we are more than capable of if we reserve our altruism for our own kind and us only and with that done it will be easy peezy getting rid of third world shitstains along with the jew that brought them to your doorstep.

look boys, I don't know about you, but I am prepared for war. I am waiting for this. I will not wait to be hit. Let's get it.

I'm upset

Proud? He got paid. The jews saved his miserable career from self destructing in utter failure and he drank himself into an early grave. I doubt pride was ever one of his concerns as he abandoned that in the 1930's when he took foreign money. Not being found out for the incompetent, cowardly, warmongering rat he was probably preoccupied him, not pride.
I wonder what the remnants of the WW2 generation who spent 5 years getting their shit pushed in for "freedom" have to say about it though.

Why all the lamentation in this thread?

These Anglos most likely applauded and demanded for the bringing of these people, this is wonderful. Here's to hoping more cunt automaton Anglos reap what they sow
t. Timon of England

No, Brit bong land was occupied by kikes and collaborators centuries before the war, it's true more shit skins got consigned subsequently after though.

You don't bargain with niggers. You charge.

There will be so much to celebrate this Rosh Hashana.

Nah. It's punishment for anti-Zionism. There's nothing to applaud about the loss a great country.

Should be a 7 day ban for that.

so… what about that sandwich? did the gay guy and the tall chav toss it at the nigs or not?

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part and parcel for living in a (((modern))) society. when will the anglosphere uncuck itself?

I don't know user, anecdotally I can attest to seeing and regrettably conversing with white students white 30 year old bourgeoise civil workers too and there was no such exhibit of anti Zionism.
In fact there was an over whelming aceptence of either full on capitalism, abhorrent free market worship or shitty vile psuedo intellectual Marxism. Look at the composite of those post Owens socialist marches for labour, allot of shit skins, old kike looking bags and gross old cunts; plus many uppity loud students.
I beg to differ, what ever hope bongland had as stable nation died the moment war was declared on Germany. John Tyndall didn't become pm nor did the great Mosley, at this stage more attacks accelerated by impetuous low control shit skins maybe the only way to raise public consciousness.
I for one am loving every minute as their pets bite back.

That soyboy urban faggot needs to man the fuck up. Christ, he was handled so easily by that flailing, skinny little monkey. I'm so fucking sick and tired of urban white guys. They're such fucking trash. They're all so fucking effeminate. I legitimately hate them. Let that little monkey try that on a rural laborer and see how fucking tough he is.

If it helps, think of the urban soyletariat as the worst possible training for the future nig militia. When they spread their disease into the outskirts, looking for more white patsies to rob and terrorize, they'll discover a different breed.

they didn't "toss" it at the nigs. the nigs were chimping for the mere fact that they possessed a sandwhich while being inside of the metro train.

you need a license for this in bongistan. possessing sandwiches on the metro is not allowed. you can hear in the vid in mixed brit/nigger accent something along the lines of "you wouldn't bring a sandwhich on a bus"

Classic dr pierce, as relevant as ever

london? fuck the UK.

Im an american , this is a good thing. Allah smiles with you young mudslimes … chimp out the government wants to watch black bulls man handle their wives.

Its revenge for feminism

go team , yay! Ur such a fag. People that wear tie dye overalls … seriously kick the shit out the that dude

just play video games or shit post … or have a sandwhich

just being upset wont really do anything

He was enriched by the urban youth.

OP, are these men gay?

No migrants, but british negroes, not really sure what went on there. (someone allegedly threw food at the negros?)

I don't think they have any idea what's going on there.

In enriched hellholes you mind your own business otherwise chances are you get enriched too.

I don't understand how people can still take public transport in these places tbh…

W8, is that a damn Dudley boyz fan/fag cossplaying?

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Im pretty sure this is some kind of data mining psyop youtube test.
Video is just a shit brawl.

Even without the fight, this whole scene seems dystopian to me, like something out of 1984. A bunch of scared white people are sitting in the train going home from their shitty jobs while a bunch of dumb niggers are screaming in the background, with a text above their head saying "you can report crimes to …".

What do you expect them to do? If they did anything, they would be imprisoned for hate speech afterwards. You can't expect people to fight back in a system that's against them.

lol dumbass churchill is an ultra zioshill, he was fine with millions of british men being killed for some shekels

The sign thing says 'Birmingham Snow Hill' so I don't think it's London. Birmingham is the least English place in England for those who do not know.

For all his crimes he tried to keep Britain white. He literally coined the phrase "Keep England white". They only managed to get shitskins into Britain after he died.

Working over time mr jew.

Yeah. A couple nogs chimping out on a couple of kids. Not particularly exciting, and something you could see in any city in Europe, and any town, village or city in the USA. Definitely not worth having a thread over, just put it in one of those weekly 'nigger hate threads' if you really want to advertise it.

If you're going to show it some people on kikebook or twatter sure, it might make some normalfags realise there is a difference and that they are under threat. But it's nothing new to us and there's nothing particularly extreme in it other than a shitty little fight where no one gets particularly hurt.

One for the compilation, but OP is most assuredly a homosexual.

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You dense? It literally is the seed for everything.

you seem confused. Are you the tie dyed faggot? Yes. Go team. You aren't on it.