Difficulty understanding Julius Evolva

I recently discovered “Julius Evolva” from a book thread here a while ago and got his book “The Mystery Of the Grail” as that was the book that was recommended for beginners to his literature. I am having immense difficulty getting any knowledge out of it. My intuition is telling me something is there, something important but I just can’t seem to fully grasp it and form any solid thoughts. I think I am just having trouble because of my low literacy in regards to ancient mythology, the book seems to be for those who already seem to have advanced mythological knowledge. Any suggestions of previous reading before diving into Julius Evolva’s work. Perhaps something easier but of similar wisdom or recommended myths I should study.

On another note could it be that I may just be too low IQ for this book, in that case I would like suggestions to help increase my IQ.

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Other urls found in this thread:


guy sucks ass, wouldn't recommend OP

To increase IQ simply snort powdered cum then lower your entire head into boiling water for 1 minute. Guaranteed to work :^)

go to the website an user runs of his name .net

Have a look at "Might is Right" by Ragnar Redbeard. It's a bit easier to read and is similarly anti-pacifistic and pro-emancipation while critiquing the regressive influence of modern society.

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Gold symbolizes the sun. Silver, the moon.


dude if a book is that hard to read and understamd then its not written well

That book is really lame and reads like a teenager wrote it.
Evola is far more nuanced.

What gun is that?

Yes dipshit, we're all impressed by your big brain, now go back and read the OP. Remember to use your big brain to understand the words in it.

This book is communist gobbledygook

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Evola tl;dr:
Feudalism is literally magic.


you chose to read his worst book

Writers like Evola were tasked to undermine Christianity, because Bankers didn't want to share power, they wanted more and more trade. I'm not a Christian, but I see no point in wasting my time reading about myths from all over the world that were put together in a sexy way to undermine but not replace a religion that I don't care about either way. I don't read Christian books, why should I read books that have the sole purpose to undermine it?


Go read the SS file on him. Massive faggot. Everything the left wrongly accuses all fascists of being. Anglos love him, pretty much sums him up.
Wanted to turn Europe into one big designated shitting street.
did our mods come straight from cuckchan?

Get this message to the mods: More blogposts!

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Sometimes the case. Sometimes it's a matter of knowing the context of a person's writings, but that's a big commitment, and I wouldn't do it for Evola. Save that effort for understanding Hitler, or other people who actually accomplished amazing things.

I believe that this whole thread is a shill. Op ask's a lukewarm question about his least interesting book and that sets the stage for an office of Jews to attack him so that we don't read his great works. Also, his paintings would not have met the standards of Hitler, but neither would have Sam hydes. It's sad to see this many shills on here. Read revolt against the modern world and ride the tiger and make up your own minds rather than listening to these kikes. Evola''s main problem with the national socialists was that he did not believe that a political system could truly change society, he thought the changes needed to be inwardly spiritual and his books on magic were explanations of this process. Sorry for phone posting.

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I've tried reading Revolt Against the Modern World, but good god, that tome is practically impenetrable. From what I've heard, reading Evola requires a solid knowledge of Plato, Plotinus, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, the New Testament, St Augustine, Meister Eckhart, the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, Schuon, Guénon, among others. I've also been told Evola should only be read after one fully knows the canon, and once grasped, reading Evola should simply be considered commentary on the source material.

Even so, the little I understood of Revolt Against the Modern World read like a Marija Gimbutas fantasy land for right-wingers. I can't say my experience with Evola's work was a complete waste, as Ride the Tiger was certainly far more accessible than Revolt. In any case, I found Ernst Jünger's Eumeswil far more rewarding.

This baby
Kampf is way too fucking articulate for your average reader but if you do choose to work through it it’s a masterpiece

hes a fraud, read spengler instead

Try Metaphysics of Sex first to get a feel for how Evola writes.

that alone should be a take away from the book, that no one in school ever taught you the most basic symbolism. Almost like that was by (((design))) huh?

This shilling tactic has a name. I think it's called "consensus cracking", where a shill OP posts a bait thread and then shill replies come in trying to discredit whatever the OP was asking about.

Anyway I will post an Evola reading guide I got off here for anyone interested in reading him.


Alright, faggots
We can't keep giving away our first posts to the kikes. We're better than this!

those are all lies by someone who wants to "priest" over their interpretation of evola as the "correct" one. why anyone would give a shit about this guy is beyond me.

also check out rudolf steiner.

the only big names in philosophy you need to worry about are plato, aristotle, parmenides, descartes, and kant. if you just read plato and kant you'll be alright.

fellow big brain völkisch niBBa in here

Evola was mostly influenced by tantric vedas and buddhism. His book "yoga of power" probably gives the best impression of where the rest of his ideas come from. Most of the other books are attempts to repackage tantric ideas in Western language. Ultimately, his stuff comes off as relativistic (all traditions are the same maaaaan), same as guenon, because of their monist assumptions.

I have literally been laughing while reading this whole thread…E-vulva, you nailed it, top kek! Poor OP user and there is no way to edit!

You don't need any real philosophical background to get Evola. He's a soldier, and writes like one. With regards to the warriors spirit I don't think a single book comes close to his Metaphysics of War. It just hits every damn note there is. The problem is when people try to make him one thing or another like Nietzsche. Then people tend to shit up the larger picture and deeper thought of what they're saying.

As far as that magic esoteric shit it's difficult. It's deliberately written in codes and in a way where it means 2 or more truths at the same time. It's why so many reject Serrano despite the writing being very well done just because reading 200+ pages of that double speak writing and thought tends to drive most people mad. Even when you think you understand you then realize that was only one layer.


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Serrano is best enjoyed after several cold ones or two glasses of wine.

The information needs to flow into your subconscious without any conscious commentary before deciphering can even begin. Serrano was a huge part of my religious education and it only sticks if it can penetrate deep enough. That experience reading him has lead to me developing an initiatic ritual for soldiers where they are deprived of sleep for days before being lead into a forest in the middle of the night, in the middle of which is a clearing filled with unmarked graves. At the center is a stone engraved with the words "HERE LIE YOUR FATHERS", and a fire pit.

It should stick.

All I know is that gun is about 5 inches too high and her mouth is way too closed.

He was a bullshit artist, and he's got you captivated with it.

Wrong advice. Start from Revolt Against The Modern World, Man Among The Ruins and Ride The Tiger.

First post every time

Nigger couldn't even make it a week. QTDDTOT.

Browning HP

Situational awareness of a fish. This is why we've already won.

Evola was a cuckold who never really "got" it. Read Guenon. If you MUST read this meme man limit yourself to Ride the Tiger.

All those telling you Evola is a waste of time are completely wrong. Ditch whatever you’re reading and pick up The Bow and the Club.

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What film is that from?

Guenon was a fucking retard who never got it either.

What? user, im not sure i understand. Could you reword the point which is the example you draw as to why he is not an obscurantist waste of time?

Shills get out. Evola writes on topics like these and you attempt to dismiss one of the most influential right-wing thinkers to exist

See attached pictures.

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Why are your feelings hurt?

I have read Men among the ruins and it was ok. Btw it was the English version what is not even my original language.

I think the Traditionalist has some very good insights. What I like in their works is that they tried to find the truth behind different religions and basically rediscovered a lot of interesting ideas as well.

Wow, thats very promising. Thanks user! Two questions:

Can it be aquired as a PDF?
Could you elaborate on the "sexual freedom for the aristocracy" thing?

I haven’t been able to find a pdf :/ Was difficult enough getting a physical copy.

On the sexual freedom - it’s not directed towards the aristocracy or bourgeois, but toward those capable of a higher mentality. Think of it this way: there are those people who need religion to guide them and to live a moral life, and there are those who inherently understand why they should and must be moral. What Evola is elaborating in is that men who can handle sexual encounters as a tool to releasing energy and a natural product of being human, without fetishizing sex itself and their partner, are above the normal ruling of monogamy.

Just understand that Evola does not ascertain these freedoms to the bourgeois. The extraordinary man is actually one who is the opposite and rejects the bourgeois, and that kind of man is whom Evola writes towards.

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is it written in english? what sentences dont you udnerstand.

Some authors have a writing style that is not about clearly defining meaning but more about expression.

Nathaniel Hawthorne is an example.

So is it you just dont even understand the words? That the paragraphs are organized in a way that doesnt flow easily for you? Or maybe the author is an idiot that has nothing of value to say and you are trying to ring water out of sand?

Probably the latter. These egg heads that become famous always have snake oil to sell

Ride The Tiger, faggot

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While his point may be correct, i fail to see its usefulness. Towards what does that point go? Does he use it for something?

Furthermore, it does seem like a rationalisation. How would the "aristocraft of mentality" be identified? Its implementation, i would tend to think, would be of an individual selfidentifying as "above" and thus "better than" the morality of the plebs. i.e. it would be very easy to rationalise oneself as being above morality, if one wishes such, and if one is responsible for selfidentifying as such. Better to subject everyone to rigorous monogamy.


If the "sheep" are to ever follow the herdsman of people, he must share in their life on a basic level, go to the same church, live on the same street, and be able to be an active and intimately known and therefore trusted example.

i.e. the leader must not sit on a golden throne far behind the lines, but share in the digging of the trenches.

The easiest way to tell the aristocrat from the Olympian man is to note which one partakes in the obsession of contemporary and material objects. You’ll notice the Olympian shows disdain for degenerative behavior, displays characteristics of harmony with body, mind, and essence; he understands spirituality is an essential part to life.

It’s useful as a part and is not the whole of what Evola advocates for. Evola and many other philosophers agree the common man cannot reach or understand anything other than the material. You’ve got to be the one above the fray individually, and teach fhe masses to do the same.

I’m not exactly why you think any of this has to do with the aristocrats and bourgeois still.

Watch this

You cant really understand JE coming from a purely trad, racialist standpoint. Especially the Grail title. JE was an initiate, in a deep perenial tradition, hermetic spirituality which transcends 'reason' 'logic' and jewish tricks like IQ numbers.

Makes sense.

But what does that have to do with ignoreing common sexual restrictions? Im not sure what is meant by this either, does it mean that the "aristocrat" is allowed to engage in sodomy?

Pardon my inaccurate language, i used the term merely to denote those "above".

Unavailable in my country, apparently. (Im a scandi)

Ahh I see exactly what you mean. Sexual freedom for some doesn’t allow sodomy, as that is still degenerate. The freedom entails that a man keeps sexual frustration and energy from building up within himself. We must agree that a man who is sexually frustrates performs worse than one who is sexually satisfied.

The con side to this is that many are unable to keep the urge of fantasizing and fetishizing their sexual affairs. They idolize sexuality in a way that they can idolize the material world.

Amazing how the video is block in your country! It’s nothing but an advocation for White consciousness. Look up William Luther Pierce, and try to find a way to watch the video. Maybe embedding will work?

Evola is above 99% of everyone's reading level here, and his works were not meant for people in your caste.

RtT is not introductory material, and you're a faggot.

Not intro level.

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Resume Guénon's though as clearly as you can so I can laugh at you for the rest of the year when i get bored, please?

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Masturbation is always a vice, such should be lived out in marriage - if that is what you refer to.

Holy shit this is bringing out 4chan tier shills.

Julius Evola is a really out there guy- to the point where he was too right wing for anyone, even Burke would balk. I can only read a few sentences before I have to go and research a reference Evola alludes to. Aside from the esoteric knowledge the reader must have to grasp his writing, his loquaciousness and syntax is off putting to the modern reader. Keep it up and research the points you know nothing about. Eventually you will begin to think on Evola's wavelength and the books get easier to read.

Remember, he is focused on esotericism. and you must first attain knowledge to understand the knowledge he wants to give.

Another good guy to read in the esoteric vein is Jiddu Krishnamurti.

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use youtube-dl with –geo-bypass

Evola was a west-fetishist who never fully grasped the key things he wrote so much about nor the connotations of the places where he radically differs from Guenon in key areas. It's like comparing a Greenpeace activist to someone authentic like Kaczynski or Linkola. There is a reason that 'alt-right' cuckolds are so in love with him because Evola suggests that there is something in modernity that can be salvaged and that we can construct a new tradition atop the corpse of the old tradition which is why he, with some hesitation and reservations that he clearly outlined, supported fascism as a vehicle towards what could rightfully be called nu-tradition. Nu-traditionalists live within the alt-right which is a magical fantasy land where you masturbate to transsexual porn stars while crying about how leftists are ruining your video games while also claiming to be a traditionalist conservative who wants a white wife and family.

Guenon correctly understood that there is NOTHING within modernity that could be salvaged or built upon, that the western world of his day and the process that led to it was inherently cancerous and destructive to the human spirit, any intellectual edifice built atop it would crumble alongside its foundations and that the ONLY solution for the west was to look to the East, because tradition there was still functional in his time.

Now it is functional almost nowhere because those who might've been receptive to his ideas refused to actually listen to him and instead pranced about goose stepping like a bunch of froofy faggots while the spirit of materialism under both capitalism and socialism conquered the entire world leaving essentially no room for the spirit. Evola's other core difference with placing the martial spirit over the contemplative spirit in his hierarchy basically leads back into this folly of elevating the material over the spiritual which is at the heart of the fundamental problem with modernity, why it is an anti-human system which destroys both the lives and spirits of men and will also destroy our entire planet's ecological system.

so i unironically start with the greeks, go to the christians then towards evola at some point.

my education is fucking garbage concerning myths and all that.

pdf here

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Don’t try to run me off the road then monkey

I was meaning the first 1/3 of the thread sucked, man. I have yet to go into Guenon. I do miss the old talks anons had a few years ago on technofeudalism vs NRx vs fascism. I don't think a true past government is salvageable in the west and aside from a few points of commonality in Aryan traditions, I have no connection to eastern spirituality. I would simply be LARPing if I went to Zorastrianism or the Dharmic religions for a base. I think a new mass awakening of the soul will come forth from this waste land. Not in our time or in our children's children. We are witnessing the heat death of our souls. Just as with Poincare recurrence, out of the order of nothingness, chaos will emerge.

Dude thank you so much. Been suggesting this book so much, I always felt bad not having a pdf

nice palis
It's just a meme fam.

nigga you are dapping on these motherfuckers

I believe you will find the "christians" not to be too different from the Greeks.
they stole a lot of shit

Not your fault. That was by (((design))).


It's just a basic bitch 1911, the user who said it's a Hi-Power is confusing a long, straight pull trigger for a hinged trigger.

Yeah, you do that the same way you increase your height you fucking retard.

Nigga, greeks didnt started civilization and i cant ask more from a fedora, but please try not being so menorah.

Guenon was an advaita vedantist. Even though he practiced as a Sufi, he only did this because no real Hindu gurus would initiate him. Advaita Vedanta was his real "belief." The problems with this viewpoint come from its limited apophaticism. Rather than being radically apophatic, advaita still implicitly works within the limits of certain cognitive formulations. Contrast this with Orthodox Christian theology, which is truly apophatic (see for example "Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church" by Vladimir Lossky). Philip Sherrard has a good takedown of Guenon too. Reign of Quantity is pretty good, though.

You are not as funny as I expected but here I go anyway.
He also was a free-mason and born catholic and had excellent knowledge of symbolism and esoterism, all this because he believed there were traces left of the Primordial Tradition in the religions and oriental philosophies (for lack of words)

No idea, but I know he made an excellent book in his youth on hindu metaphysic that is considered a classic still today, and also that he said that hinduism was an extremly hard path for a stranger such as him.

Following his logic, the Advaita Vedanta is a great exemple of the metaphysical base of the Primordial tradition for us because it talks a lot about it unlike some other religions and traditional doctrins.

Apophatism is a good tool to explain the Principle of the creation. I still do not know what to think of how little Guénon talked of Orthodox christianism, if he judged it to be too mystical, mysticalism that he claimed was too sentimental and limited, or if he dumped it like the latin Catholic Church as unsalvageable (USSR was alive and doing Satan's work at the time).

I'm so busy, I wish I could go back to do some heavy readings like I once could..

What is so special about those pages? I don't need Evola to tell me that Whites are getting displaced. The other shit he wrote is just speculation about things that he read somewhere. It always was a mere power struggle between aristocrats (land), merchants (trade) and the church (tithe). In this struggle, all three sides bought and paid for various writers/written documents to undermine each other, like Theosophy, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, and all the other shit that writers like Evola take as some ancient knowledge.

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Fasting should work too tbh, but yes reading with my subconscious rather than analyzing everything was the way I read both Serrano and Evolva for the first time. Reading with my Blood Memory as the audience rather than the prefrontal cortex.

Shoot me a grid.

I think I’ll pick that one up next. I’ve only read Yoga, Doctrine, and Holy Grail. Amongst many other things, it repeats in all of them what Siddhartha(an Aryan not Dravidian) said that very few, only divine spirited Aryan men basically, are capable of enlightenment and worth teaching. So many of the people itt might as well not waste their time with Evola.

See above. Holy Grail is pretty simple; it just shows that the commonalities between Grail myths, Odinic legends, and the Christ story all take aspects from and point to a metaphysical self initiation. There are also commonalities with feathernigger shamanic and other magus initiations. If you didn’t grasp this Evola is not for you.

Because his books are a bunch or horseshit drivel. No one it seem can provide any summary of key points in his books particulalry because it is wish-washy crap. Bowden couldn't summarise him. 4chan can't summarise him and never can the rim-lickers on here summarise him. Just as batshit insane at Crowley and with no substance. Objective magic LOL. And yes, I have read his books and they gave me cancer.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Julius Evola.

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Kek, your pic is a good summary of Evola's stance on intellectuals.

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Ascended tier.

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His Holy Grail book is based off some fake text. Read "Revolt against the Modern World" instead

Evola is a Genius!!!!!!!!

Fuck off kike.

reported eat shit shill

fucking shills and astro turf the reason why they are posting evola is so people will save and repost them so they can track you
fucking landwhales

checked, nothing see above

MGTOW faggot? Is that you again?

I have read much of evola's work, at times I find his writings lucid and enlightening but much of the time I do not. I've read philosophical writers who speak of a new breed of people that came into existence in the late 1800's early 1900's with a different type of comprehending and learning style. I think evola himself touches on this topic. He writes like trying to prove a scientific theory to an autistic scientist type, I have a deeper grasp on truth and need no such formalities.

It seems like his writing style is ill suited for my learning style, he is obsessed with small details and connections throughout history and meticulously cross references these writings and situations that have no relevance to me as I have never heard of them for they are part of the german language ,culture and myth that isn't particularly accessible to me. The amount of these references are so numerous and his works of such length that it is a nearly impossible task to track them all down.

For these reasons I always leave his writings feeling aggravated either that I've missed the point all together or that I've had to work so hard for just a little bit of gold that I am aggravated. He lacks brevity and clarity.

I did something along these lines, and on the 7th day I fell off a cliff and broke my heal.

Remind me the myth of the wounded king.

Go fuck yourselves

it might be a spanish star idk i don't have my glasses and idc enough