No name was found guilty of treason. Executed.
No name was found guilty of treason. Executed
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you people are legitimately insane, or maybe you're just trying to convince people of a fairy tale to prevent civil unrest that you wont survive. Either way, you're bad people doing bad things for bad reasons.
I don't believe in QLarp either but I do think it's highly possible that he was the first to be executed for treason.
Holy fuck what is this infographic even supposed to be? Why do you expect people to know who "no name" is? Why did even a shill spend so much time making this clusterfuck when there are much simpler ways to shill? What's wrong with you?
So they executed McCaine but hid it to keep those he ratted out guessing? It sounds plausible.
go back boomer
It's US military (SOCOM) psych warfare ops, targeted at Trump cultists. They're trying to incite / provoke / groom another Timothy McVeigh. And they will probably succeed.
How do Qniggers get away with asking 100 questions and providing 0 concrete answer expecting me to fill in the blanks and then reach a consensus with every other idiot doing the same thing?
Why do people stand for this shit?
I had forgotten how autistic this Q shit was. Wow.
McCain's been cruising around for almost a year with a tumor in his head that kills most people in months, if not weeks. The real mystery isn't how he died because his death was entirely expected. The real mystery is how he managed to live so long.
Also this.
This Qshit is oddly similar to the numerology conspiracy theorist that you always used to see on image boards, I think that was an obvious cia program and Q is the next form of it. Weird how numerology pretty much fell off the map then this pops up.
a relative of mine had brain tumor and lived a whole year (previously was in the nose, then eye, finally brain), overall 3 years, but 1 year in the brain.
Another person I know has brain tumor and has been living with it for 1.5 years, they did an emergency operation a few months ago (had 3 months to live), and they said he'll go strong for another year or so.
So yea.
Wiki says 'The most common length of survival following diagnosis is 12 to 15 months, with fewer than 3% to 5% of people surviving longer than five years'
but if you guys really think he had a brain tumor I have a bridge in brooklyn to sell you
I'd like to believe, but this is just fairy tale nonsense until confirmed by someone in the position to do so.
10 is binary for 2
OP has sucked 2 miles of cocks.
what the fuck are you doing with those hex names
these Q niggers are fucking retarded. look at these brainlet boomers, women, spics and 30%s
McCain probably stopped treatment and took the Kevorkian route. The only way I see his death to be political is to try and get normalfags to feel for the man and vote less right-wing in the future.
tfw you're too low IQ to recognize Qshit as a military operation for disclosure of Trumps deracination of the parasitic element from within our government
tfw you're too low IQ to understand that this disclosure must appeal to the least common denominator for it to be palatable to everyone
tfw you can't kill a LARP
Much like the Holocaust, right?
NICE. Now explain why he said Mueller is on our side, why he said "trust in Sessions" 100x and another 1000 LARPS that were untrue
I'll give a hint, brainlet. His name is John Hubur and he's working out of Utah.
I think people get confused with the things Q says and the shitty misinterpretations his boomer fans come up with.
They are right on the Sessions thing though. Its kabuki theater. DOJ is too politically compromised to accomplish anything anyways. It makes complete sense that everything is being handled by MI.
The one thing that never made sense is that when McCain showed up with the cut above his eye and they claimed it was from having a tumor removed. His eyebrow was completely unshaven and the cut was underneath it. They would shave before cutting to perform surgery.
Well said!
Q claimed a couple officers went to talk to McCain, he struggled at the door, then was knocked back and hit his head on a table. Don't know if that is true but McCain definitely didn't have surgery.
Wow that graphic really convinced me. Can't wait to tell all my friends
The story I had heard was that they found the tumor when he was getting a blood clot removed above his eye. So many contradictory stories.
QAnon is a fancy man
So let's see if I got this right. Military + Trump secretly tried 81 year old McCain for treason, cuz of ISIS or Vietnam or something, but while he was awaiting execution, allowed him to return to Washington to cast deciding vote against Trump on ObamaCare. MMMKayyy
I heard the tumor gained sentience, realized it was part of NoName and committed sudoku in shame.
This would be done to preserve the dignity of the office.
KEK. Underrated post.
Then they killed Aretha Franklin at same time so her funeral would upstage McCain's. Whoa!
What is the point of the cryptic style of posting? Why not just say what you mean?
Trust the psyop bro, hes a super secret james bond agent and has to use cold reading methods to generate hits under the guise that he is A predicting the future vaguely B hiding what he is predicting from his super secret M handler so they dont stop the event in advance
It also just adds character to the psyop, makes it stand out, makes people pay attention. Its a game, alinsky said to make it fun for the useful idiots.
That actually makes sense. Everyone in the media was shocked that he voted to uphold Kang Niggermeds, and then I think he was "too sick" to make any more votes. Also the bullshit in pic related.
All this for a LARP?
nice guid bruh
Or just because it was convenient. How do you think the media would react to an execution of a political opponent?
thank god, an OP has finally become an hero
Q is "real" alright - really a member of the drumpf 2020 reelection committee. He gives out exactly as much information as it takes to keep the low IQ boomers swallowing him hook, line, and sinker. What I think is funniest about the whole Q narrative is how religious it's become, everything has to be some kind of arcane Q prediction. Bored white guy steals a plane? Q predicted this! Sick old man dies? Q predicted this! A multimillionaire gets in a car accident? MUH QUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. I expect it of boomers but Zig Forums is supposed to be able to tell this kind of op just by smell, most of us having been informed by long years of experience, at least before summer rolled in.
the larp continues.
ITT post redpills to redpill boomers. Maybe we can convert some of them while they gush over the larp.
Oh yes. Huber who didn't even contact Bruce Ohr. Yes that's the secret weapon. You're a faggot
The FBI and CIA need to be disintegrated.
Reported for Q-LARP.
No. It doesn’t.
q predicted this
Hi Joan.
The art of this Q user is that he presents an alternative hypothesis that is difficult to refute.
Hard indeed
Q predicted that you'd say that.
One does not LARP in a half-assed manner.
Hahaha boomerisms!
Vaguely antisemitic word, guys! He's in on the JQ~!
If Q isn't coincidences neither are the Jews, goyim!
Q is confirmation bias in action, buddies. Literally a Matlock-based ARG for boomers and /x/-tiers.
They are boomers which is worse than run of the mill nibiru conspiracy theorist. Boomers are unable to think critically, or emphatically. They don't understand how anyone else doesn't see the world (or q) like they see it. Since they cannot imagine how they could be wrong, they are unable to critically self asses. I hate boomers because of this painfully persistent trait.
I hope q is real though, but his followers are dumb as shit
I love it. I want to believe.
Helps explain why they where taking dumps on Trumps at the funeral for that man of questionable character.
Also this board is shit, but still way better since the purge.
Rothchilds seem pretty worried about a LARP.
I've yet to see any proof that he's one of the actual Rothschilds. Not everyone who has the last name is, but, for example, Yael Kushner's ex, Nat Rothschild, is a real Rothschild. And the firm that bailed out the G-d Emporer, Rothschild Investments, where the commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross worked, is run by real Rothschilds. The point being. Trump is another Rothschild puppet and Q is a LARP for braindead boomers.
what kind of radiation are you emitting user?
And here's Jonestein admitting that Trump is Rothschild-owned, but claiming the Rothschilds are BASED now and want to give wealth back to the people.
Lest we forget, the infowars interview with the LARPers behind Q is what catapulted the whole thing into the mainstream.
Alefantis isn't a Rothchild either. As for Ivanka and dating a Rothchild, the 'proof' that it ever happened is shakier than Qlarp.
Jones is a known disinfo agent.
Reported for paid jewish shilling.
Get out.
What about the evidence that Trump was bailed out by the Rothschilds, and his commerce secretary at Rothschild Investments? Is that shaky too?
Absolutely, as is boy Corsi, and they're who launched the Q LARP into the mainstream. What should that tell you?
Boomers were the last generation that were taught logic in public school. You were taught "diversity", aka "Listen to the Kike and His Negroes".
The whole Boomer meme was invented by a Jew to divide the Boomers from prior generations. The whole "divide the goy" meme the Jews use.
Just saying, you're not thinking critically, making an ad hom and not a sound argument, and repeating a Jew meme.
The Dunning Kruger out of the Tide Pod eating generation is worth a KEK.
Oh no. He called the Zig Forumsice.
LARP or no LARP international jewry has seen better days,
When the most popular kosher conspiracy theory is all about how we should blindly trust the president and support regime change in Iran for Israel? I don't think so.
Your straw man is a logical fallacy.
I said it was a alternative hypothesis, not that it was a predictive hypothesis. It works like the the old fortune teller's shtick: be vague, say nothing definite, and interpret the "predictions" after some coincidence is found, like a date and time stamp.
Here comes the muslim dicksucc.
All you're doing is proving my point, Moshe.
Q predicted this
I think it would be the smart way to do it. Promise to not make a scene out it & destroy his reputation in the process, tell McCain his son can stay in the military.
Remember that leg brace that kept switching feet? It's a leg tracker I think.
Is your point that Iran has served as controlled opposition for western influence in the ME on behalf of Israel for the last 40 years?
Death to Iran tbh.
Not a strawman; all strawmen are definitionally fallacies. You were still wrong.
That was already proven wrong.
The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest.
Please, keep posting. You're only making the jewishness of the Q LARP more obvious, as well as refuting the myth of jewish intelligence.
Obvious shill.
Please, keep posting. You're only making you phallic worship of the arab more obvious, as well as refuting the myth of based muslims.
These are good memes.
Remember, memes become reality.
Nah idk I think their objective would be to stop anyone from doing these types of things. If anything it’s meant to make boomers believe that everything is being done for them and to not lift a finger but sit back and ‘watch.’ They even have memes about popcorn. That being said it’s obvioisly not just a larp. I do in fact think that it has real people behind it. Still not sure who those people are though. Also I don’t think it’s a bad thing that they are getting boomers to disregard their television screens. Plus with them all grouped up there it’s a simple matter to hit them with redpills on jews. Use it. I can’t stand angry autists just bitching about it like it takes away from their own little internet club or something. Perhaps it’s government sponsored pol for retirees. That’s why it’s so cringey. But anons should spread race realism to these old people. They’re still quite brainwashed in that regard.