Hello there Zig Forums.
I find myself at the end of my road, being so mad and sad that every waking moment is agony and rage.
Simply put, I am done.
And I was thinking, what would the best way to go out be?
I could build contraptions, or just go hand to hand.
I will not hurt innocent white people.
So how do I go out? Who do I take out?
Help me an hero
Other urls found in this thread:
go buy heroin, go buy needles. dissolve and inject intravenously all you have at once. bye-bye you're out of this world, you will pass out before you figure what the fuck is going on. certified guaranteed sudoku
You dont want to die, you want to stop yourself from suffering. This may sound irrelevant but its very important. I cant help you understand any better than that, sorry user. All the best.
No nigger, I don't want to stop it.
I'm used to it, I want to share it with as many people as I can as long as I draw breath.
What are the best poison bombs?
Announcing assassination and then asking for help just goes to show you're far from ready to go out.
There is no rush, user. Death is inevitable. Can you really say that you have changed everything in your life and exhausted all the options and potentials and possibilities so that you can make this statement about wishing for death? If you haven't then you need to change everything in your life first and then after you have exhausted EVERY possibility that is available to you, rethink death.
I get it user. But leave Zig Forums out of it, board of peace and all. Best of luck.
Bumplocked for QTDDTOT.
firebomb a fucking synagogue
use that agony and rage for something useful you faggot
Also don't be such a pussy.
Fucking mods, do your job.
Instead of death. Risk it for the biggest. Go all in knowing that death is whst you want and you may surprise yourself at what you can achieve in that state of mind. Smoke DMT if you haven't yet
This exact thread was posted to shillchan twenty minutes before posting here.
Its only a few years away, you can die in glory then, don't cuck out now we have the future of our race to save.
I said a prayer to St Michael - archangel. You'll be fine. I have feeling.
did you report this thread?
op can repost this shit on r9k where it belongs, not on Zig Forums
Best advice yet.
Literally gas yourselk you kike nigger jew thread slider.
Step one: Start your car in a closed space i.e. a garage
Step two: (optional) run a hose from your exsaust to your window inside of your car
Step three: Sit back and relax in your car, you won't even realize your consciousness slupping, you'll just fall asleep and die.
You don't desearve such an easy death though, if your going to kill yourself livestream it and take out as many corrupt individuals as posssible. Make yourself usefull faggot. Saging an anchored because fuck you kike.
Don't kill yourself you fucking faggot! You don't have the right to die until you've used yourself up in service to your race.
Kill mods
Find some pedo's and kill them?
God loves you and your people love you. Suicide is the coward's way out. How are you going to face your ancestors after death? Surely you'd rather tell them the story about how you almost gave up and then decided to be the best you that you could be?
You don't have to achieve the world, but you do have to do something. Best of luck to you. Never surrender.
Why an hero when you can be suicidal in another way like risking your neck to save people and be an actual hero
try it. go anhero.
Then discover the Bardo is real and the world ain't letting you off that easy. The fucking thing rebuilds itself around you, just that little bit worse.
You can't escape. Go searching for truth instead. If you feel like dying then nothing that you have means anything, so you have nothing to lose.
Ask God to guide your footsteps, Jesus to fill your heart. Go track down Odin, or Danu. Immerse yourself in the world, let go of the need t fit into human structures.
You will get cold, hungry, injured, scared. You may end up in jail, or drown, or die, forgotten in some obscure mountain pass.
Treat each moment as a step in your awakening from the lies, and glory in each breath.
Then your death means something, but more likely, you discover yourself and your connection to the divine, and you return, angry, to this world of human corruption, ready to smash it down.
We must smash this world of human corruption and build a new one on the sunbleached bones of it's ruin.
Just an anchor? wtf where's the 404 FFS
Trips of truth and beauty in an anchored thread.
Your personality?