OP - Peacemakers

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The German people are now starting to push back to the invaders let into their country by their own treacherous leaders. If Germany falls the rest of Europe will soon follow.

We shall move to Germany and help them take back their city's one by one. I can no longer stand idly by as a once great nation is genocide-ed. As many Europeans are legally allowed to enter the county we can not be stopped.
Once Germany is taken back we will move to the next country and restore peace.

It would be a honor to fight and die for a noble cause. We are already far behind in this war. Please spread the word and start organizing.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Attached: th.jpg (474x474, 16.44K)

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Wow I'd so do this if I wasn't hitched

Germany doesn't need us competing for their women. What we should do is hold down the jewish tentacles in our own countries, so they aren't free to attack Germany with greater force.

yeah well
the war is global
there is the advantage of flanking
and the advantage of concetrated effort
there is no central command so do what you want and enjoy yourself
It might very well be happening now

We are not competing for their women. We return to our own country when the mission is complete.
Our biggest problem is our own politicians. If they do not join with us the shall meet their maker.

You can return to her a hero afterwords. I have a number of men already willing to go. All prepared to die.

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

May the Lord keep you, sturmmann. From my duty station, even in the farthest reaches of the Earth, I shall sing the Florian Geyer lied as did my father's fathers. Honor and glory to all my brothers and sisters who sacrifice in the name of the Cause.

If you are american, please stay as far away as possible.

t. twice liberated people of Germany.

Show us the way.


I support what you're doing. But I simply don't have the financial security to go to a foreign nation where I'll have no contacts and no job opportunities.

Everything will be fine.

You won’t do a goddamn thing to fight back.

Same here

yeah we basically all dead already anyway maaaannnnn
might as well shove our

Nope. If he is married he needs to honour that commitment and father children. There are plenty of young men who are not married who can go and fight for the cause.
We need to show the world a white baby boom.

Not an argument. You won’t do a goddamn thing to fight back. Refute my statement or fuck off, spambot.

Hey kid, wanna blow up a federal building?

Be careful when discussing calls to action, anons.

Attached: hasbara Kikes.jpg (480x676, 107.29K)

same, this. as an american, we should be vigilant to the very real chance that WW2 would repeat itself. we need to hold the line in our countries. no more brotherly wars. we must kill, kill, kill people of non-euro decent

Reported for paid jewish shilling and disingenuous bullshit. Not an argument. You won’t do a goddamn thing to fight back. Refute my statement or fuck off, spambot.

Back to reddit with you.

Where do you get that impression, you stupid motherfucker? Not an argument. You won’t do a goddamn thing to fight back. Refute my statement or fuck off, spambot.

No one will share any information with you, Mr. Smith.

Too soon CIA at least wait until some notable politician dies like geert wilders

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Thank you for admitting that no one is going to do a single fucking thing to fight back.

You talk a lot about arguments yet you have yet to form a very good one. Essentially you're saying that no one will fight back.
Then you failed utterly to understand the joke I played on you.

Look kid, no one is going to post serious information on an anonymous image board pertaining to plans (real or in Minecraft) to "fight back"
If you expect anyone to do so, you are either very young or very stupid.

plans will manifest organically as threats develop. we do not need image boards to organize, just a shared desire to preserve European racial identity. this scares you because you are subhuman and you know it.

I think it's Asses and Elbows.

Not signing up for the military would be a start. Good news is america is stretched so thin its impossible to defend everything. Their back will be broken soon enough.

Absolutely. I'm so sick of seeing people join that pozzed shit. I go on a military base every now and then for reasons. It's half clueless white guys, often listening to nog beats, and half niggers, spics, and harlots. It's a completely depressing sight every time I go there. Sometimes I see the wives of these young strapping men, and it's always a fugly landwhale who was probably pretty cute a year prior. They smell the government money and come waddling. Being a military man makes you a target for the worst women. Just an appetizer for the main course of sacrificing yourself for Israel.

let's not forget that
blown out assholes
believes we are all just figments of his insanity, here to torture him in this life and the next
he should probably get checked for jewish genes poisoning his genetics

Reminder that anyone that tells you to LEAVE Europe is either a Cultural Marxist or too stupid to realize that he's one.

Screencaped for future use

Köppel does it again


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The presence of foreigners is a sure way to kill the popularity of a populist movement. Do not do this unless you're invited.

As an American, this time we fight together.


Who the fuck is "Asses and Elbows"

OP is unnecessary. Germans will rise by themselves. It's in our nature.

Lurk moar.


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I wish you were genocided

You'll never find out.