White Privilege, from an Asian perspective

Chink drops pregnancy stats, affirmative action stats, tells niggers and liberals to stfu
He mentions affluence per person in households.. he seems to not know about kikes but this is good for breaking liberal conditioning

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If a white man were to ever say anything he did, BOOM, his job is gone.

I avoid aids by not fucking guys in the ass while also not visiting links posted without a embed or webm. Are you new or have aids? gotta be one or the other.

Nevermind I watched the full video and I take that back, he is somewhat brainwashed.

Its always strange to hear a non-American speak with an American accent.
They emulate the Americans in all aspects yet they have this natural hubris to them.

These 'redpills' are completely useless because every kike and their shitskin golems knows it doesn't exist, it's a way to extort, genocide and dispossess Whites. They also long moved away from discussing money and other things provable by statistics and moved to more unfallsifiable bullshit like 'micro-aggressions'.

Are you referring to SJWs or people like the Asian guy in the video?

Your average dumb turdskin parasite sucking the life out of White countries isn't going to care about statistics when its gibs are on the line. They have no empathy for our people and wish to see us eradicated. Whites are already aware it's complete bullshit from living our fucked up reality. Just saying don't get your hopes up because one non-White outlier decided to speak the truth. I haven't watched the vid yet, but he also probably doesn't live in our countries either.

That's fine by me.

You can flip a switch and turn a message of hatred into a message that g-g-gullible reactionaries of all stripes will give gloriously. You can talk about anything if you blame white people. White people are the only ones who do anything, and everyone knows it, especially the people who do things for other races. White supremacy isn't advanced by white supremacists, who are always trash; white supremacy is something done by the nations that suspect themselves inferior in truth.

Does ching-chong understand the jew will sick his nigger on asians after they're done with white genocide?

The people of every nation are so clever they'd rather have dark age scapegoats than golden age fixing their own shit. What, do you think golden ages are made of heroes? No way. Heroes barely exist. Collectivists laud the collective as embodied by a few individuals, thereby strengthening individuals at the expense of collectives; individualists laud the collective as embodied by many individuals, thereby strengthening the collective at the expense of individuals. If you want to have a strong collective, quit whining about how weak your collective is, and go do something whose practicality can be measured by the ton.

Whining about white people by switching words and whining about lesser races isn't hiding anything. The strong nations advanced by being stronger than "strength". Have the strength of ink and water, people. White racists are few and failures. You have to have a better sense of reality than "race" delusions, even if you're humble and clever enough to misattribute them.

Fuck off faggot. Nobody wants a "strong" country if it's filled with shitskins

Chinks are subhumans, Trump should have listened to McCain and firebombed on korea and China, return asia to the whites!

You don't belong here.

You seem misinformed. Whites are the only ones who have any ethics about treating people of other races with any sort of decency, even when it's not deserved. Blacks don't do this. Mexicans don't do this. Dot and feather Indians both don't do this. Neither do Muslims, the Chinese, or Pacific Islanders. Jews see the rest of the world as stupid goyim no matter what their persuasion. What you call "ray-ciss" is actually just normal for the rest of the world. None of these other people give a fuck about us, and they're not going to spare you if violence kicks up.

You still aren't being accepted here gook.

You realize the nature of anonymous imageboards by now, right? The individual doesn't matter as much as the collective and unless you self-dox there is no way for us to tell who is white. There is no acceptance based on racial group, just politics. If a gook says we should secure a future for white children then you really have no recourse. Posts like yours really make us seem like the brainlets the mainstream paints us as.

You realize that you’re a torpedo and that gooks don’t say that, right?

Do you spooks have a dictionary of "trigger" words or something? Do you really think it makes you look inconspicuous?

First of all, you are the "delusional" one if you insist on parroting the moronic kike-funded lie that "race is a social construct."
Race is biological and genetic FACT. Race affects EVERYTHING because genetics affects EVERYTHING. Race is FAR more than "skin color" and "physical appearance." Indeed, the genetic differences between racial groups that affect brain structure are FAR LARGER than the genetic differences that affect physical appearance.
Of course, your marxist professors wouldn't tell you that.

Also, a "golden age of fixing our own shit" is EXACTLY what we want.
"Fixing our own shit"
"Fixing our own"
"our own"
And that of no one else.

White countries for White people and only White people.

Asians and Europeans are natural allies. Same land mass, similar values.

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Fuck off nigger. Chinks aren't Gooks. And Tor works to separate IP from routing. The .onion services are broken though be careful.

It's not even that; they don't even care if they destroy the logistics system that will be feeding them and their children in the forseeable future. They're simply destructive impulsive idiots who accept no blame, have no sense of self criticism or even an ability to make realistic situational assessments necessary to their long term survival. They're hopeless retards.

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Which is why the outliers are doomed too. I mean good luck to them but trying to change their own people is going to be an uphill battle for them.

Imaginary. Japan is an exception, and doesn't represent the whole of Asia.

Yeah I don't need to watch some chink anguish over the fate of civilization. China is hopelessly corrupt, it's fundamental structure is based on an immense peasantry ruled over by a beaurocracy based on exams which as we all know are corrupted by massive relentless cheating. Chinks are frauds. Their scientific research may be so tainted by fraud that it's worse than useless. Their industrial output is a sham, their products are garbage. Wherever they go they bring their sly pseudo earnest corruption with them, even to the halls of MIT.

We need to flush the chinks out too.

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